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I'm just as bad as my kid...

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Joined: 2 Apr 2008
Posts: 6

# Posted: 23 Apr 2008 10:44

So I'm working at home, but it's spring now in Michigan, and it's a beautiful 70 degrees outsite! My 2 year old is begging to go outside. Sad thing is, I'd rather be outside, too! But I just can't work and let him be outside at the same time. I need a laptop to go with my wireless internet that would reach into the back yard! I'd sit myself down on a blanket so I could watch him while I work. Ahhhhhhhhh, I can dream.

For now, we're trapped indoors until I get my hours in. I'm gonna go pout now.

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Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 23 Apr 2008 11:38

Hi Amy,

I feel for you and I know where you're coming from.

I did get a bit burnt out a few months ago. Since then, I've made it a point to balance work and play a bit better.

Luckily I live near several lakes and parks, many of which have blacktop paths around them. The city (suburb) spends a lot of money maintaining these. They even plow the paths every day during the winter so I am able to take walks outside year around.

I take a few short breaks each day though I love my work. When I walk, the break lasts for a good hour or more. I feel much better on the days that I make it a point to take breaks. Burn-out is a real concern.

Hopefully, you'll decide to go out and enjoy the nice weather today :)

I'm sure you've earned it.

~Newbie Shield~

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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 606

# Posted: 23 Apr 2008 11:49

I'd sit myself down on a blanket so I could watch him while I work

I know the feeling. Here in MT it is SNOWING again today. So far we always have gotten spring or summer eventually so will be patient.

But, really, take time off with your child. Go outside for a few minutes and then he will play happily while you work again. I have discovered sometimes it's worth the few minutes to go play with them rather than fight the whining for several hours!

(I have five kids - lol)


Joined: 6 Jun 2008
Posts: 51

# Posted: 7 Jun 2008 06:07

Its always nice to see your kids playing in front of you. And thanks to technology with help of which we can see it. Even my kids are to their grandmother house I used webcam so that we can chat in front of each other.


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