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Google on Halloween

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Newbie Shield
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Joined: 22 Sep 2007
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# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 08:51 � Edited by: Newbie Shield

Lol, have you seen Google today - 10/31? Cool pic, each letter is a ghost.

Happy Halloween all

Tonight I want some PPC cash in my treat bag!

What are you doing tonight? Anyone taking the kids out trick or treating?

Newbie Shield

HTML Squidoo Tricks

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# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 11:00

I am going trick or treating with my boys and we are having our annual Halloween party with lots of fun and scares(freindly scares,I have rugrats!)
Just dug out all my spooky theme music
What are you up to Newbie Shield?

Newbie Shield
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Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 958

# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 19:48

When the kids come to the door, I like to piss on 'em from the second story window. When I can't piss, I dump pig poop mixed with sour mop water on 'em. I video tape it. The little girls scream. Then I make a ton of money after I upload the videos to my site.

Just kidding!

Seriously, just handing out candy. Otherwise, surfing the net. Kids are grown up and done with college.

Newbie Shield

HTML Squidoo Tricks

Squidoo-specific HTML how to tutorials, tips and tricks to make your lens stand out from the crowd. Code samples and step-by-step all the way through. 100% free. Made by yours truly ;)

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# Posted: 1 Nov 2007 10:26

Is Halloween always on 10/31 every year?


Joined: 9 Oct 2007
Posts: 82

# Posted: 1 Nov 2007 10:51

We had our annual Fall Festival at church with boucne houses, etc... It was perfect weather for it. It was fun and the kids had a good time, but I have to say that I miss traditional Halloween stuff (I hope there is noone from my church on this forum!). The schools don't let kids dress up or bring anything scary, it kinds ruins it. I'm only 33, but I can remember how much fun trick-or-treating was. It's too bad all those freaks ruined it by poisoning kids.

cybermommy, my son has been wanting a Halloween party for years!!! He loves Halloween decor more than Christmas, I think. I promised him next year in the new house we'd finally do it. So, can you email me some good ideas from your years of experience. I'm not creative at all, so I need help coming up with games, food, decorations, and anything else you can think of. Do you have an eBook on "how to throw a Halloween Party"? I'm kidding - I just read that "Buy my stupid eBook" website and I'm still laughing about it

Newbie Shield
Preferred Member

Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 958

# Posted: 1 Nov 2007 16:48

Quoting: pcwork
Is Halloween always on 10/31 every year?

Yes, in the USA it is. What country do you live in?

Newbie Shield

HTML Squidoo Tricks

Squidoo-specific HTML how to tutorials, tips and tricks to make your lens stand out from the crowd. Code samples and step-by-step all the way through. 100% free. Made by yours truly ;)

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