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Hello I'm New

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Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 3

# Posted: 9 Aug 2007 11:31


My name is Jena. I'm new here. I've been on other Msg Brds and they are completely RUDE (to say the least).

I'm here to make frds, with my fellow Work From Home ppl.

Nice to meet you.


Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 14 Sep 2007 22:27

Hi, nice to meet you! This is the first time I have visited this part of the forum. I was wandering where the introductions were! LOL

I hope things go well for you. What kind of wfh do you do?

To your success!

Jennifer Vetter

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Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1500

# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 02:30

Welcome Jena ! You will find a lot of information on home biz opportunities here


Joined: 21 Aug 2007
Posts: 90

# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 09:45

Hi Jena! This is a great place to get advice for working from home. Welcome.


Joined: 30 Apr 2007
Posts: 64

# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 16:30

Hi cwbdis07 (aka JenaV) Not that new ... ummmm?

People were probably rude as you espouse scammy rip-offs like Coastal!


Joined: 30 Apr 2007
Posts: 64

# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 16:40

cwbdls07 = typo


Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108

# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 20:48 � Edited by: JenaV

You obviously missed it in the start. JenaV wasn't available back at the start of August, but I got it fixed and ANNOUNCED to everyone here on that cwbdls07 was me JenaV. Since you are so smart. You would see that cwbdls07 is a couple of days older than JenaV!
Look at the dates Aug 9th 2007 & Aug 11th.
Go to "Coastal is a winner" Aug 11th you will see my announcment. To ignore cwbdls07....

net, I'm not here playing games or hiding anything.

If you were burned by Coastal. I'm sorry you had that experience but, it wasn't me.

I'm here to educate everyone that Coastal is Real, BUT who you're involved with will determine your success. It's very important to ask pointed questions & Listen to the answers. ASK FOR references always!

Never ever think about one dime of investment until you are Fully educated about the product, the business and the ppl/ group.

Hi I'm Jena from NM. A friend once said "I lay out All of my Cards, even if it's not to my Advantage!"
Read More, click on the 3 Easy Steps to gather information

Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108

# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 21:46

fixing typos - netresult/ Graham

Hi I'm Jena from NM. A friend once said "I lay out All of my Cards, even if it's not to my Advantage!"
Read More, click on the 3 Easy Steps to gather information

Joined: 30 Apr 2007
Posts: 64

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 02:57

So you are NOT new here then, what ever your name is today?

Why did you say you were?

No, I haven't been burnt by Coastal - I would not be so daft to consider it.

Smoke and Mirrors = MLM terminological inexactitudes, as usual!


Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 07:22

Quoting: netresult
No, I haven't been burnt by Coastal - I would not be so daft to consider it.

Smoke and Mirrors = MLM terminological inexactitudes, as usual!

Graham....Wouldn't it be great if you could cash in on your uneducated

You have never owned a coastal biz, but its all smoke and mirrors to you. This must be based off your successful business knowledge, please share this with us.

JenaV don't worry about him......he must be sipping spiked tea or something, makes him irritable.


Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 10:44 � Edited by: JenaV

My name is JenaV, I Was NEW back on August 9th. Graham you are repling to a Month old post.

Coastal is not MLM

There's the answers to those questions.

Quoting: netresult
So you are NOT new here then, what ever your name is today?

Why did you say you were?

No, I haven't been burnt by Coastal - I would not be so daft to consider it.

Smoke and Mirrors = MLM terminological inexactitudes, as usual!

Hi I'm Jena from NM. A friend once said "I lay out All of my Cards, even if it's not to my Advantage!"
Read More, click on the 3 Easy Steps to gather information

Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 10:58


I'm so happy to meet you! Are you on any of the Open Forum meetings? If so, which ones?

I'm going to take your advice! -- Because I was very courteous to point out where (coastal is a winner thread), when(Aug 9th & 11th), and why (I got an error msg the first time I used jenav) I made the user name change announcement.
I did say I was New... Back on August 9th, because I was new on Aug 9th. Geez, even now I only have 27 posts. And he still yelled at me

Quoting: CarolinaConsign
JenaV don't worry about him......he must be sipping spiked tea or something, makes him irritable.

Hi I'm Jena from NM. A friend once said "I lay out All of my Cards, even if it's not to my Advantage!"
Read More, click on the 3 Easy Steps to gather information

Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 16:34

Hi Jena!

Nice to meet you also! This is a great forum and you can get tons of info from some great Coastal Business Owners here.

I'm usually not on the open forum calls. If I do get a chance, I try to make it to the Tuesday or Thursday 11am calls.


Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 17:48

Hi there,

I'll try to make it to that forum this week. It's 9am here, I'm dropping off the kids at school right about then. But I'll pop in.

Have an Awesome week!

Hi I'm Jena from NM. A friend once said "I lay out All of my Cards, even if it's not to my Advantage!"
Read More, click on the 3 Easy Steps to gather information

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