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Does anyone here protect themselves against radiation from computer?

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Joined: 27 May 2007
Posts: 50

# Posted: 30 Jun 2007 22:22

From the ones who work on computers all day, do you do anything about the so called harmful effects of the radiation from the computer? Do you use some device to protect yourselves or not worry about it? If you use a device, what is it?
I have been on this computer for 2 weeks about 8 hours a day, first time on such an extended length of time, and I have headaches and fatigue.
Some research showed my why.

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1036

# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 01:22

Here are some tips to minimize the harmful effects of computers:

1) Invest in a laptop or TFT scree. Laptop and TFT screens emit far less radiation than traditional CRT monitors.

2) Take regular breaks. After each half an hour you sitein front of the PC, take a ten minute break and look at the nature (mostly greens). This can work greatly in reducing the general headaches and eye fatugue commonly associated with working on computers. However, you need teremendous discipline to do this. Even though I'm writing this to you, I fail miserably to practice it on regular basis.

3) Take more breaks in the mornings when there is abundance of natural light. Natural light is vital for optimum functioning of our system. Less exposure to it can further complicate things.

4) Spend as much time with nature as possible. Nature is a great rejuvenator. The more time you spend with it, the more it'll undo the harmful effects of computers and electro magnetic radiations.


Joined: 5 Oct 2007
Posts: 6

# Posted: 5 Oct 2007 07:54

Try wearing a foil hat, it does wonders for me

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