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Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 143

# Posted: 6 May 2009 16:23

Just been speaking with my sister and she wants to get another tattoo done. She has three already and I don't have any. Her husband turned 40 before he had his first tattoo (he'd never contemplated having one before, midlife crisis methinks )

Anyway, it got me thinking, how many of you have tattoos, where are they (if you don't mind me asking), what made you decide to get one in the first place and where did you find your design? Did you think up your design or was it something you saw and thought it would make a great tat?

Just ponderin' cos I haven't got any and I'm mystyfied as to why people would go through the pain!

R. xx

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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1966

# Posted: 6 May 2009 17:26

I don't plan to ever get any either! I am too much of a tight wad and a wussy when it comes to pain..

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 6 May 2009 17:29

Hi RS,

I don't have any and have zero interest in getting one for myself.

On the other hand, I don't necessarily think less of someone who gets one. Obviously it depends upon where on their bod they put it, what it is, the degree of quality, and why I think they got it.

For the most part, I think it's cool if you're into it, but usually, it represents a phase in a person's life. The problems with that are probably evident so I won't explain them.

Actually, getting one later in life makes more sense. You've got more wisdom under your belt and you'll probably get one that has been and will be symbolic of something important in your life. It's quite a bit less likely that the tat would represent a phase in your life.

That said, some people are really into the hobby and I can't really knock 'em for it.

Like you, I wouldn't want to go through the pain. I also wouldn't want a phase of my life tattooed on my body. Sure, you could put a new one over it or have it surgically removed but who the hell wants to go through that?

It's a personal call.

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 143

# Posted: 6 May 2009 17:48

Lol! Two people on my wave length!

I agree with the phases in life too, I think that's why my brother-in-law got one - well he actually has three now - I think he's trying to out-do my sister, lol!

Now piercings I do have (and removed apart from my ears) I didn't mind going through that because it's such a quick process (and cheaper than a tat ) I told you before MM that I'm sure we had the same parents, lol!

So, anyone who HAS got tats and why?

c'mon, us non-tatted won't bite, just curious

R. xx

Gold Member

Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1966

# Posted: 8 May 2009 10:49

I have to add this yet

as I get older and my skin has this dreadful way of growing saggy... when you can grab whole handfuls of skin on your body, I would hate to think what a tat would look like on there - probably like a lizzard or maybe a giraffe..


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