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StormPay Chargeback

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Joined: 4 Mar 2006
Posts: 2

# Posted: 4 Mar 2006 19:57

Has anyone experience chargeback from StormPay? It goes something like this:

"Dear ...............,

This is to inform you that the transaction below has resulted in a
Charge Back.

Please log in to StormPay to get more details.

Original Transaction Details
Type: Payment
From: ...................................
Date: July 17, 2005
ID: 3580461
Amount: $9.99
Product/Service: - Qty: - Unit Price:

Thank you for using StormPay!

The StormPay Team"

I did log-in to my StromPay account and tried to check, but StormPay never explain to you what happened and why there was a chargeback. Has anyone experience something similar?

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# Posted: 5 Mar 2006 00:20

Is that charge back to 12dailypro? then its happened to most of them (me too) and their explanation is no more satisfying their potential customers...

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Joined: 4 Mar 2006
Posts: 2

# Posted: 5 Mar 2006 00:40

Hi netjobs,

No, not for 12dailypro. It was for one of my auctions at StormPay, and its not the first time (several times in fact). I guess one can never know where the funds finally ended up.

If any StormPay reps are reading this, they could do better by explaining to their customers what actually happened to the transactions so as to maintain customer confidence in their online payment system.

At any rate, I still prefer PayPal. At least they bother to let you know whats happening, with satisfactory followup.

In regards to auctions, eBay is a lot better than StormPay especially when dealing with non-paying bidder. At least eBay could return to you the Final Value Fee. StormPay Auctions does nothing to non-paying bidders (i.e. they can get away with murder!)...

There was an incident where I put up a dutch auction listing on StormPay Auctions for multiple items. Some trigger-happy non-paying bidder placed bids for all my items which led to premature closure of the listing. I wrote to StormPay, but no action taken (not even a single e-mail response).

So far no problems yet with StormPay and PayPal for my instant pay program: [Link removed - Admin]

Keeping my fingers crossed.....


Joined: 9 Mar 2006
Posts: 1

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 10:26 · Edited by: machesked

I had a similar chargeback, that was supposedly by 12dailypro on Feburary 7th. Just like you all I never receieved any reply from Stormpay. Since I got no reply, I decided to close my account with Stormpay. I can't trust a company, if they don't even reply to a members request. Before I close my account I decided to take a picture of the chargeback and post it on my web site. I also discoved that my NetIBA commission seems to be disappearing. You can find that information by adding the word /scams.htm to my signature. Thansk

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