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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 24 Jan 2008 12:29
Hello there.
Most experts say that if we want to achieve life without stress, we do not need to avoid it but "response" to the situation you're facing.
Any idea what this mean?
What do you think about this?
Best Regards,
Izrul Fizal
Scott Powers
Joined: 30 Jan 2008
Posts: 8
# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 17:16
Yes, because when you respond to the situation and deal with it, you will not be haunted by avoiding it. It's actually MORE stressful trying to constantly avoid stress. Just face your problem like a man and quit being a wussy. Once you overcome the problem, you will feel as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. But running and hiding is hopeless and futile 'cause there aint no such thing as a "stress-free life". Stress will find you no matter where you hide. Stress can be managed, but you'll never be truly free from it until you die.
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 1787
# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 17:58
Hi Izrul,
It just means that instead of worrying about what is going on with it or what will happen, just do what you can about it and be happy with your effort. Don't worry about the outcome when you have done your best to manage the problem.
90% of our fears never manifest so why give them any power?

~Newbie Shield~
Joined: 21 Jan 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 1 Feb 2008 21:05
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I also managed to do some study regarding this topic with my friends. Most of them response saying that they are willing to handle their stress heads on, but they fear of the outcome that people will criticize them if they fail.
This just show that most of them still worry what will happen "if I do that or if I do this" dilemma.
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1015
# Posted: 2 Feb 2008 00:56
Quoting: Izrul Most experts say that if we want to achieve life without stress, we do not need to avoid it but "response" to the situation you're facing.
There is a still better way - accept it. Responding may either bring you to situation you wanted or not. If it's what you wanted, then you are happy. And if it's not what you wanted, you are unhappy.
Accepting the situation as it is and surrendering to the divine brings enormous peace and is the truest way to bliss. It's very difficult but practicing it will change you are life. Seriously, there is nothing in this life you have absolute control over. You may die the very next moment. It may flood in your area. And so on... Start by accepting smaller shortcomings in your life. Say your neighbor's attitude. Creaking noise of your bathroom door. A particular dress of your spouse. And so on... Once you make it a habit of accepting things as it is, you can accept life as it is.
Joined: 21 Jan 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 2 Feb 2008 11:03
As always Vishal, your input into this really is aspiring. I somewhat agree and disagree with your point though.
Yeah, if it is a small things that cause us stress like you've mentioned, we maybe can accept it. However, if it is a big or heavy things like for example, a naughty neighbor who for no reason kick our trash can outside our house until all the smelly rubbish come out every single day, we simply could not accept or ignore it.
Even if we accept the smallest thing around us that cause us a bit of stress will become big sooner or later.
I will go for the "response" to the stress rather than accepting it. However, I really appreciate your thought into this.
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1015
# Posted: 3 Feb 2008 06:36
I agree with you on the neighbor part. I don't say you shouldn't act on anything. Act, but don't keep fighting. That's my point. One must learn to surrender too. But you can surrender only when you see the futility in expecting things to go your way all the time. And it's a very difficult act I must say. Much much difficult because your ego is at stake. Only when you drop your ego, can you surrender totally and it cannot be advised. It has to be experienced.
Quoting: Izrul Even if we accept the smallest thing around us that cause us a bit of stress will become big sooner or later.
It grows only if there's some resistance. You might have surrendered superficially. If you have fully accepted it, there is no point of it growing.
Thanks for differing
Joined: 4 May 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 4 May 2008 22:09
there is no sense getting riled up when anything small happens, also whenever you get stressed just think, why is this stressful and why is this such a big deal. if it is a big deal then talk to someone about it and take a nice warm bath.
Aidan Moretti
Joined: 7 Jun 2008
Posts: 50
# Posted: 7 Jun 2008 11:31
it is daft to get your blood boiling over little things, dont put them off, do it there and then. that way its out the way and you dont have to worry about it anymore good luck in getting rid of your stress  simon
Joined: 15 May 2008
Posts: 195
# Posted: 15 Jun 2008 23:05
I know exactly what this means. To avoid it, means you're not dealing with it. With me, when I have stress in my life, I talk about it. There is a good way to do that and it's with a positive mind. That is sometimes very hard to do. But, if you look at the stressful situation and don't react until you really looked at it, you'll respond to it better than if you just reacted right off the bat. With today beinf Father's Day, I was not stressed. I was sad. The saddness that I felt, was from my fathers death. I don't have him with me. So, what I did, was I talked to my husband. I know that my father's with me in spirit. I miss my father very much, but my father's still very much with me. So, that sad feeling that I had also gave me a smile because he's still with me. Life's too short to be stressed out all the time. Life will be so much better once you look at stress in a different way. I hope this sheds some light.
To your massive success, Michelle
Joined: 24 Jun 2005
Posts: 490
# Posted: 16 Jun 2008 16:04
The stressful situations that occur in our lives probably cannot be avoided, for two reasons:
1. Some situations we create ourselves, either through own own doing or due to negligence. 2. Other situations are simply thrust upon us by Providence.
Our role is to navigate these life challenges as best we can. The approach is very similar to climbing a staircase. Each challenge/step requires us to lift up and reach forward in order to make progress. That means taking action and responding with deliberate intent to conquer whatever situation we are faced with.
And when we do get beyond the challenge and reach the next plateau, we should replay the scenario in our minds to understand the lessons we were meant to learn. The wisdon we gain is added to our arsenal for future situations.
Joined: 12 Mar 2008
Posts: 423
# Posted: 16 Jun 2008 16:20
Hello Izrul,
When you have a little time, you might consider this: Go to YouTube, and type in Abraham-Hicks. There are many free videos which are fantastic. Many, many of my life questions have been answered via their DVD's and Books.
Joined: 28 Feb 2009
Posts: 12
# Posted: 28 Feb 2009 09:49
Hi!! stress as we all know, is a part of our daily lives, if we deliberately avoid it, then stress will come in any way in ur life, so better face it, deal with it but not too much.. and mostly pray is a best weapon and evrything will come orderly..godbless
Joined: 3 Apr 2009
Posts: 10
# Posted: 10 Apr 2009 23:19
Hi people,
I like to write and let it out in words. Let people Know out in the open how you feel.It helps relieve the stress.At least for me.Check this out.Mabey someone has felt like this before.
-Remembered when I die-
I got butterflies in my stomache,knats eatting at my brain, now Iv'e done lost my mind,you know Iv'e gone insane. Now I'm runnin for cover,but there is nowhere to hide. Feels like there's worms in my guts gouging out my insides. Could it be just me,or is it plain insanity, playing with my head,mess with me and you'll soon be dead. Looking now at the future,as the present day goes by, No time to stop and ask,what the hell and why. Allways searching for the answers,never having a freaking clue. Wondering what this life's about,makes me wanna spew. The darkness is so black inside,my heart is filled with rage. This is no social book,you can't just turn the page. My coldness is the another thing,I know about myself, That I can't put aside or place upon a shelf. Hatefull thoughts and emptiness,dancing through my soul. It all builds up within my mind,perhaps the heads will roll. Suicidal violent acts,of wich I don't claim to fame. Rule part of a demented life,and I hang my head in shame. Thrashing and contorting,a disturbing wicked sight, That is what comes with the ones who walk without the light. Malicious mean and hurtfull,some think that I can be. All I have to say to them is quit thinking it's just me. These are some things that I recall,as I exhale a sigh. This isn't how I want to be, remembered when I die.
Joined: 9 May 2009
Posts: 9
# Posted: 15 May 2009 07:17
Like I have said before we can avoid stress by simply choosing a endeavor which we truly love. Your rewards will follow. If I find myself a little out of sorts I practice some deep breathing. I have actually gotten good at it. Try it!