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Joined: 21 Feb 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 21 Feb 2008 13:23
does anyone knows a legitimate job to work at home? Im disabled and I desperately want to work from home but still havent found a real job I can trust!! any recomendations? thank you for your help.
nancy rodriguez
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1105
# Posted: 22 Feb 2008 00:08
Welcome Nancy, Are you looking for a job or a business online?
Joined: 21 Feb 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 22 Feb 2008 11:43
hi mountainmom5, honestly I would love to have a business online, my little one gets out of school early on wednesday and is easier for me to have a flexible schedule , that way I can pick him up at school on time, but I been looking for ideas and there is a lot of fraud and Im afraid to get involved with the wrong business...I also try ebay sometime but not good results...any ideas? and thank you so much for responding.
nancy rodriguez
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1105
# Posted: 22 Feb 2008 11:49 · Edited by: mountainmom5
did you get my 'pm' - I tried to send you a note thru there...
I know , it's such a blessing to be here for my kids... I still have 4 at home and homeschool 3 of them.
I have my home business link in my signature and so do a lot of others on the forum , which will give you a lot of stuff to look at. Just don't let it all overwhelm you.
If you want to talk to any of us personally, you can send a personal message thru the pm link under our name on the left...
Joined: 21 Feb 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 22 Feb 2008 12:01
where should I click to see your note?
nancy rodriguez
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1105
# Posted: 22 Feb 2008 12:12
When you log into your account it should say that you have a private message...
I'll send it again and see if it goes thru for you
Joined: 21 Feb 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 22 Feb 2008 12:56
oh ok I will check the mailbox, thank you very much.
nancy rodriguez
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 424
# Posted: 22 Feb 2008 14:43
There are a lot of on-line businesses that are legitimate. Alot of them only require a phone and a computer.
Check different people's signature lines in the forum and you will probably find something that is right for you. Also you may pm me if you have any further questions.
Becky West
Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1627
# Posted: 22 Feb 2008 17:32
Welcome Neisa! Have you checked out JLodge, they prefer to hire disabled people
Joined: 4 Jan 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 26 Feb 2008 16:01
Hi Nancy
I see more and more people daily turning to the internet to make a living. I know this is especially true for disabled people (my Mom is disabled so I know how difficult it can be). I think the internet is wonderful in this way providing opportunities where there may not have been many before.
However there are scams out there (I've fallen for some myself ) I highly recommend googling any opportunity you come across online BEFORE you put down any money. If it is a scam you will probably find some comments by people who got "scammed". And do look through peoples signatures on this forum (as was suggested to you by someone already) there are lots of really good opportunities out there.
Feel free to PM me if you like.
Good Luck! Nicole Barkai
Serious Money For Serious People! Are You Ready? Find Out More Here
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# Posted: 26 Feb 2008 17:50
Hello Nancy,
I hope you are finding something that you will feel suits you and your circumstances. All the best in your search.
liz perez
Joined: 27 Feb 2008
Posts: 3
# Posted: 27 Feb 2008 01:38
Hi they got this thing on the internet called ripoff report search, and I love it, it has helped me not get scammed, Just type in name of business you are considering joining and you should get the feedback you need. I just started looking a couple days ago for a home job opportunity, I did make money with tupperware, and got great stuff, I believe in it but it's time consuming you have to go do parties at peoples houses.I want strictly at home internet business. Single mom of 2 please let me know if you know what to trust!!!
Liz Perez
Joined: 21 Feb 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 28 Feb 2008 13:27
Thank you to all of you t who try to help me, I been so depressed becasue Im tired of living on ssi ans ssa and want to change my life but cant even count on my car to drive to a job out of the home, that is why Im looking for something I can do from home but at the same time Im afraid to loose my disability benefits if I choose the wrong job at home.
I hope I can find something I can trust so I can be out of the benfits and at the same time be with my kids more time. thank you so much and if you know of any company that is not a scam please let me know. thank you all and god bless you.
nancy rodriguez
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1105
# Posted: 28 Feb 2008 14:08
Hi Nancy and Liz, What you need to remember when you do your research and and go to ripoff reports is that it is a place for anyone to give vent to their frustrations - When I was doing my research on home based business, I found that you can find almost every business under rippoff! - even companies like Tupperware, Amway, and those that have been around for years...
Bottom line is simply that there are successful people in almost every home business out there - AND there are the ones that spend more effort in venting their frustrations on places like rippoff than actually working their business - lol!
Don't give up looking, gals... your kids are worth the effort it takes to research and then once you do find the right business, to put in the effort it takes to make it successful...
Joined: 27 Feb 2008
Posts: 5
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 12:32
Hello all moms!!! I'm Theresa....and expecting my first baby anytime now. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and will have some time to be at home after the baby is born. I'm looking to make money from home..hopefully, I won't have to go back to my daytime job...and be able take care of my new baby. I'd hate to leave him with strangers......and probably won't be able to afford it anyway. Money is very tight right now....with hospital bills and all. If anyone can suggest a good work at home job or business, I'd really appreciate it. Please share what exactly it is that you do, how long it takes before seeing income, and what it takes to be successful.
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1105
# Posted: 29 Feb 2008 12:35 · Edited by: mountainmom5
Congrats to you Theresa! What fun 
I do Coastal Vacations and my website is in my sig line - it takes committment and motivation to be successful in ANY home business 
Joined: 28 Nov 2007
Posts: 17
# Posted: 5 Mar 2008 14:00
Nancy, There are so many businesses today online. They all look good and have very professional looking presentations. But do your homework. Be sure not only to check out the company but the team you sign up under. Support and training is everything!!! It will make or break your success.
When you check into opportunities � look for people who want to know more about YOU and what YOU are looking for. Stay away from people that promise you this and that � find someone who take the time to listen and can point you to the program and tools to help you achieve your goals!!!
Blessings and I pray you find exactly what you are looking for!
Joined: 5 Mar 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 6 Mar 2008 19:55
It is very true that you need a business opportunity that provides support. I got scammed a lot of times, and then I started what I do know. I looked for a good mentor, and he is always there for me when I have any questions or concerns. The CEO has answered some of my questions too!! The great thing about the business that I am in is that it can make a lot of money in very little time, and I get to help other people realize thier dreams........what more could one want out of a job!
Joined: 5 Mar 2008
Posts: 142
# Posted: 6 Mar 2008 23:56
I think the most important thing to keep in mind when starting an online business is that it does actually require some WORK especially in the beginning. Some businesses try to convince you that all you have to do is signup for their program then sit back and watch the money come in. This just plain ain't true. You have to treat whatever business you decide to join as a business and not some hobby you picked up in your spare time. With commitment and persistence you can succeed in any number of online businesses out there.
Joined: 11 Mar 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 11 Mar 2008 18:17
being a work at home mom with 2 kids myself leaves me only a cpl hours a day to work with, but i legitimately make 40-200/day with my work at home job
Joined: 22 Mar 2008
Posts: 32
# Posted: 22 Mar 2008 23:08
That's wonderful you are wanting to make a change!!
We are blessed that I can be home with our children! I would definitely say do your reasearch, there are legitimate home businessess out there!! I do mine with my children here. I use my computer and phone. I talk to alot of moms, so sometimes it makes it more comfortable for them, because you can hear my rugrats running around. LOL
I wish you the best!
Joined: 23 Mar 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 23 Mar 2008 08:43
Wow, well, working at home is difficult. U may find a good job or not, it depends, but you can earn money online by researching a bit. It will take time, but i'm sure with persistence u will find it. Best of luck to you
Joined: 13 Dec 2007
Posts: 16
# Posted: 31 Mar 2008 17:16
Well there's a lot of people chipping in with suggestions. I would also suggest you may be interested in working from home for a virtual call or contact center. It's a legitimate work from home JOB opportunity. Positions include everything from customer service to sales. Hope this helps!
Joined: 26 Mar 2008
Posts: 2
# Posted: 7 Apr 2008 23:16 · Edited by: lynnsbiz
There's a lot of great info here! Just remember, it all depends on what interests you! You need to enjoy what you're doing to be successful at it. There are many different work from home options.
First of all, you need to decide: Do you want a JOB (working for someone else within their guidelines, their hours, etc.) or do you want to start your own BUSINESS (will require some money and perserverance)? You can do either type whether you are a WAHM, a WAHD, disabled, etc.!!!
If you want a JOB, you should NOT have to pay for it!!! There are a lot of scams offering great wages and hours for a job that never pay out (surverys, craft assembly, etc.) They make their money in the sign-up fees.
If you want to start an affiliate business, check it out thoroughly also! Does it offer a real product? If you don't do well, will you still be okay with the money you spent? (Maybe you love the product so much that even if you don't sell anything, you're still okay with taking the risk - i.e. travel site - you still get discounted travel for life.)
So how do you know if your job or business opportunity is a SCAM?? I would still check out but be weary of the comments. If there are multiple comments by different people, take it more serious than by just 1 person. is the same type of site. I would also check out forums like this one!!! Scammers will still promote their stuff in forums so check for multiple entries by different users to get a good feel for your job or business opportunity. Also, check out the BBB and the internet version of BBB (sorry - can't recall it right now!). Above all, use your gut instincts!! The biggest scam that I fell for left me with sleepless nights, etc. Now, I try to help others not fall for those same scams or other scams!
Also, if they push you and state that the offer is only available on THAT phone call, then HANG UP!!!! If it's that great of an offer and a legitimate company, the same offer (or very close) will be available tomorrow, or a week from now, or a month from now. Take your time in researching it first! This also applies to the web sites that state "you will only see this page one time ever." If you clear your cookies, you may see the page again. If not, you can always go to the library or use someone else's computer to get the same offer. They use that as a gimic to rope you in.
Now, if you are a risk taker and love to take chances, you may want to check out more options without as much research. Just remember that you need to be comfortable with losing any money you invest if it ends up to be a scam!
All these tips (including by others in these posts) apply to marketing strategies as well!!! There are scammers that will get your hard-earned money by selling you great-sounding marketing packages to get your site at the top of the search engines or to get guaranteed clicks, etc. Most of these are scams. Do your research on marketing as well!
Another option is to create your own web site! You can create an e commerce store with drop shipping, or sell your own product, or just provide info regarding something that interests you! Maybe you want to move or expand your existing business online!
The web is always expanding and your options are endless! There are so many options out there I wish you all luck in finding something that fits you AND isn't a scam!
Joined: 25 May 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 25 May 2008 18:32
I just started my own business about a month ago, we have weekly meetings with real people and they are a lot of help, if you are interested let me know ,and I can let you know where the meetings are in your area.
Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 10 Jun 2008 12:51
Neisa, will tell you a thing that i am a single mom. I have been in service for a small firm in my area as an operator. The earning wasnt enough for me and my 5 year old son (a year ago). Then i started looking for small online business, where by investing little time, I can have a stable income. I have tried my hand at everything, from content developing to affiliate marketing.
Recently, I came across and will tell you that it has been giving me substantial income for spending very little time. Probably, it might work for your needs too....Have a look at it....
Or else try your hand at content developing, as it is another chance of earning good for a mother, who has very little time to offer..
Joined: 11 Jun 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 11 Jun 2008 16:58
Hey! Where you able to find what you was looking for? As far as working from home....
Joined: 30 Dec 2006
Posts: 273
# Posted: 12 Jun 2008 00:58
You've been given alot of great information here. Hope you find something that will suit your needs and circumstances. My home based business requires only an internet connection, computer and the ability to follow step by step videos and then apply it and you can be on your way to making money very quickly. Hope that helps and I wish you the best in your search!
Lots of Debt? Behind on Your Mortgage? We Can Help, Call Us 717-754-0745
Joined: 28 Jun 2005
Posts: 46
# Posted: 20 Jun 2008 19:51
How is the research going, have you found something to fit your schedule. My name is Michelle, I am a indepdendent distributor with scentsations, I invite you to learn more about this opportunity by visiting the link below. That site offer a wealth of information before starting plus you can request a free sample of our wonderful gourmet scents. thanks
Joined: 21 Jun 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 21 Jun 2008 18:58
You can try to make your own tuition agency. In my country we can do it without (often) leaving our house because basically you only need to make calls to arrange the students & the tutors, a bit of interviews and advertise on the internet.