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I'm a new here...n really sad

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Joined: 16 Nov 2008
Posts: 77

# Posted: 7 Oct 2009 23:49

Don't feel bad. I think everyone here has been scammed at least once. At first I jumped into all kinds of affiliate programs, but I recommend waiting on that.

First, you've got a couple of options. You can sell things on eBay which is guaranteed to make you money if you sell something people are most likely to buy. That can be income by itself.

Second, you might want to consider writing for Associated Content, Flixyia, Helium, eHow, Article Income (this one has a huge network), Bukisa, Examiner, Yuwie. Yuwi has advertisements all over it and looks spammy, but if you do a lot of activity, add friends, etc. that ads to your income.

These usually involve making money from advertising revenue and viewership. Key to these is write more, write more, write more and bookmark, bookmark, bookmark.

Third, You can also join a few get-paid-to click sites (PTC) if you don't like writing.

PTC sites are the easiest ways to make money because you get paid to click on advertisements. It will be just pennies a click, but each site allows you the ability earn referrals that can help you make more money because you earn commissions on them, too. Some sites allow you to buy referrals that sign up through their homepage.

PTC sites are typically free to join, but they also offer premium memberships which you have to pay for, but it gives better benefits and way more ads to click on. To me it's worth it. It's better to spend $70 one-time fee for a life time membership of priveleges than to pay for ebook after ebook after ebook to learn how to do affiliate marketing and find out where that missing piece. Oh! You have to buy another eBook. It's better to get coaching, really. I've done every single type of coaching that there is.

60% of affiliate marketing is SEO which in plain English means using content to draw audiences which in a nutshell means writing articles or posting videos. So why not write in places that pay you to provide content?

That's basically it. Most get paid to write sites like Bukisa offer you the ability to add a link to your articles. Yeah, some programs want you to have a website, but save those for later until you start building up your own income first with ad revenue and then you can start worrying about building websites and webhosting, etc.

Make the money first from sites where you're sure to get paid for an activity, multiply the efforts, and earn. Then go do something that takes a little longer to set up like affiliate marketing.

Save yourself and your pocket 1.5 years headache and $30K trying to figure it out. Start off small and then build up. Costs you practically nothing.

Good luck.


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