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Web Address - How Do You Get?

Profit Lance Work at Home Forum / Profit Lance / Web Address - How Do You Get?
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Joined: 15 Aug 2008
Posts: 11

# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 15:15

I have been in the PL course for two weeks now. I was trying to use one of the products the PL course has set up for us to use to practice Affiliate marketing skills. In Google Adwords, you have to supply a Display URL (such as and a Destination URL. The PL course has provided the web address on the 12 products that the program has set up for us to use, but where do we get the Display URL? Do we have to create one?

Another question - Have any of you tried using the 12 products that the PL course provides for learning Affiliate Marketing? If so, how did you do?


Joined: 6 Jun 2008
Posts: 113

# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 17:29 � Edited by: fatman

I'm not a member of PL so I can't comment on that. And I'm not that experienced with PPC, but I have tried it out a little. There are two URLs for your ad, the display URL and the destination URL.

The destination URL is where the ad will actually link to. You want to use that to link to your landing page or directly to your affiliate link. The display URL is what actually shows up on your ad when other people see it. You don't want that big ugly hoplink showing, so you use a short catchy display URL. Also, with Adwords, your display url has to have the same root as the destination url.

For example....
Destination url-
Display URL-

I hope this helps.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
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# Posted: 21 Aug 2008 23:18

Get a domain name and build a one page website with all the products.

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# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 05:03

fatman pretty much summed it up. Personally, I haven't used those websites, but I did use them as an example to see how to set up my own!


Joined: 15 Aug 2008
Posts: 11

# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 15:11

I hate to keep asking all of you these questions, but I am new at this and I cannot say that I am a computer wizard, but-

1. So, pcwork, have you done this before? Are you saying I should secure a URL Domain, create a web page, and add all 12 of the products that the PL course gives us to that URL Domain?
2. Question for fatman - The destination URL's that the PL course gives us for the 12 products that they want us to practice our marketing skills are as follows: All 12 of the products have this destination URL. I am not sure what "" stands for, but all of these addresses will take me to the landing page. If what you are saying is correct, all 12 of the products will have a destination URL of Are you sure this is correct?
3. To all, my understanding is that to get a URL Domain name, you have to buy one from a registrar. Is this correct? No way to get a free URL Domain name? That means, that every product that an Affiliate marketer wants to sell, if he wants a unique display URL name, he has to pay for it. Correct?


Joined: 6 Jun 2008
Posts: 113

# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 15:29

Don't feel bad about asking questions, we're all here to help! I'm no computer whiz either, but I'm learning new little things every day.

Again, I don't know too much about Profit Lance, so I can't offer specific advice. Are you trying to link to a single landing page with 12 products on it, or are you trying to link to 12 different landing pages? I'm a little confused. The link you posted didn't work for me.

If there are 12 different landing pages and all of them start with in the actual URL, then yes I think they will all have the same display URL too...somebody can correct me if I'm wrong though.

And yes, unfortunately you have to buy domain names. If there actually was a way to get free domain names, I'm not sure I'd trust the service since you don't know how reliable it could be. Domain names aren't that expensive though....1&1 sells .com domains for only $7, and other extensions are even cheaper. Feel free to ask any other questions, I hope this helped some. Good luck!


Joined: 17 Aug 2008
Posts: 13

# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 16:30

You should register a domain name for each group of related products you intend to promote. Do not promote cars and horses on the same domain name. This domain name page is the hub for all your product pages and display url for google adwords. For Example if you are selling 3 different pet toys your display url might be:

Next you want to make a landing page for each product each containing a review or your thoughts on that specific product. If you don't know HTML use a program that makes it easy. These pages link to your main page and contain links leading your visitors to the products you are promoting, along with your affiliate code. So If you are selling dog toys, cat toys and bird food, your landing pages, or google destination urls for each ad might be:

Tip: use your keywords in your page names

When you tell people about your pet toy web site in general use

When using google search people are looking for highly relevant results, which is why you use your specific landing pages and adwords destination URLs. You get them where they need to go, but your ad still looks pretty because you used a different display URL.

People on the web have very short attention spans. If they don't immediately see what they are looking for, they will go somewhere else. Experts say you have less than 5 seconds to make a person feel they are in the right place when they arrive at your landing page.

In reality there are two types of shoppers using google search. Browsers and buyers.

Browsers are going to type a very general word into google like "pet toys", browse around your site and buy nothing. Yes they found your site, but you paid for the clicks.

Buyers use very specific keywords like "chew toys for large dogs". When you set up your google adwords campaigns you want to avoid using too many general keywords and blowing your budget. Instead, think of more specific keywords and you will get more sales. Another Example: "home based typing jobs" is a better keyword than "home jobs".

Hope this helps you get started!



Joined: 15 Aug 2008
Posts: 11

# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 20:09

To fatman, since I wrote the above question, I have done some further research and found out that there are free sites URL names, but as you said, they are not reliable. So, I learned I will need to buy one. What is the web address for the one you talked about - 1&1? Are any of these registrar's for domain names better than others - or, is there only a price difference?
In answer to your quetion, fatman, right now I am only trying to link to one landing page. The PL course gives us 12 landing pages - each one is a review of a different product. I am trying to link to only one of these. The problem I will have if I have more and if you are correct about the display URL must have the same beginning root as the destination URL, is that I will have 12 products that will all have the same display URL - that is And that makes no sense. Also, myPLcoursename is not very catchy for the product I am trying to promote - no relevence!
To Steve, you gave some great advice. Thanks! But as you can read above, I still have a problem with creating my display URL. Do you know if the display URL has to have the same root as the beginning root of the destination URL? If so, I believe that is a problem in promoting these particular products.
Thanks to all and I will look for some further advice - hopefully from all of you and others.


Joined: 6 Jun 2008
Posts: 113

# Posted: 22 Aug 2008 21:28

Sounds like you are doing a good job with your research. I think the price for domain names is about the same everywhere, but the service might vary. I have heard a lot of complaints about using Godaddy. I have used 1&1 multiple times at and the service is fast and nice. I have also heard good things about if you want to try that. No matter where you buy from, .com names are the most popular and they are about $7.

Also, I don't currently do PPC, but the last time I experimented with it, Google required you to have the same root for your display and destination urls. And the extension has to match too. For example, I made a site for free with Weebly and it had the subdomain When I made the ad on Adwords I put the display url as and the display url as just since it looked shorter and more professional. They quickly took down my ads though and said that the names had to match exactly.

That is just for Adwords though. If you use Yahoo Search Marketing, then you can pick whatever display url you want. For example, you would have myprofitlancecourse.landingpage/whatever/numbersandjunk/html as the destination URL. You can pick anything as the display though, such as and it would get approved. Yahoo is much more easy to do what you want with, but Google gets the majority of the visitors, so the choice is yours. Hope this helps.


Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 247

# Posted: 23 Aug 2008 02:01 � Edited by: 040107


It's great to share knowledge but you have to be careful about
spreading misinformed knowledge.

First, misunderstanding about domain names...


For example, I made a site for free with Weebly and it had the subdomain When I made the ad on Adwords I put the display url as and the display url as just IS NOT the subdomain! IS the domain!
mysite is actually the subdomain of


When I made the ad on Adwords I put the display url as and the display url as just since it looked shorter and more professional. They quickly took down my ads though and said that the names had to match exactly.

Secondly, the display URL and the destination URL DO NOT have to
match exactly in Google Adwords! In fact, they do not have to
match at all!

The main reason why people lose money in adwords is because
they don't understand it and don't know what they're doing. But
that's good for people who knows what they're doing because
eventually, those that don't know quit.

Listen very carefully...

The display URL has to be the same domain as the domain of your
landing page.

Read the above statement again.

Notice I did not say the display URL has to match the destination URL.

In the case of Profit Lance...

The destination URL would be:

The display URL could be any of the following:

...and it could be many many more.

In this case, is the domain. It is also the domain in
which the user lands on after clicking your adwords. That
page which the user lands on after clicking your ad would be the
landing page.

Here, myPLcoursename is actually the subdomain of the domain

fatman, now you understand why Google rejected your ad?

The display domain has to be a VALID domain name and has to be
the domain in which the user is taken to after clicking the ad.

So what happens if you put as the display URL?

Of course your ad would be rejected. But here's why...

The user doesn't land on after clicking your
the ad. They're taken to

If isn't a registered domain, it would be an
invalid domain.

So it seems you haven't quite understand the difference between a
domain and a subdomain. And it's obvious you don't understand
adwords enough.

Now, why did I say the display URL and the destination URL don't
have to match at all?

Because the destination URL can be a redirect, a hoplink, or a
tracking URL.

Here's the sequence...

user clicks ad -> destination URL redirects to landing page -> user lands on landing page.

So here the destination URL can be on a different domain from the
landing page. But the display URL has to be the same domain as
the landing page, not the destination URL.

Again, this is why forum isn't always the best place to learn for
FREE. What's FREE could be totally wrong and could cost you more
than you think.

But what you just got from me is a valuable freebie!

If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)

Joined: 6 Jun 2008
Posts: 113

# Posted: 23 Aug 2008 12:07

Nice post, thanks for the information! I already stated that I am not an expert with fact, I have only lost money with PPC. All I did was describe my experiences in hopes of clarifying some things for him. I'm glad you jumped in to correct me. I don't think all of my advice was bad, but yes, regarding PPC I am definitely not an expert.

All I know is that when I put up my ad as it was rejected. Then when I changed it to it was approved. So the "weebly" part is the most important part you are saying? If I just put as the display url it would have worked? Or maybe I could have used as the display?

Thanks again for the advice. As long as people with experience do share their info, then I forums are a nice place to learn. Good luck to us all!


Joined: 1 Aug 2008
Posts: 13

# Posted: 23 Aug 2008 12:55

display URL is what you want people to see as the url and the destination URL what the actual url is RIGHT? so if I put my url say as the display but the actual url is
Adwords will say thats okay?
Just want to get it straight I'm alittle confuse with adwords.


Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 247

# Posted: 23 Aug 2008 21:20

fatman, mcarroll...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! <- To the question above.

If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)

Joined: 15 Aug 2008
Posts: 11

# Posted: 25 Aug 2008 14:28 � Edited by: jhoecannon

Thanks to all - some important info. I have read this six times, and might have to soak it in another six times.
So, in my PL case. If my destination URL is, would the following be acceptable as a display URL:

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