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My 6 Month Challenge

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Joined: 27 Oct 2007
Posts: 56

# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 20:37 � Edited by: jadimon
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I've been involved with Profit Lance for 6 1/2 months and made under $50.00. Anyone can ask me any direct question about what I've done in the course and I will gladly answer your question to see that I've been no slouch in my due diligence.
I challenge ANYONE reading this to see which one of us is making more in our respective programs; You with Profit Lance or me with the program linked to my signature in the next 6 months.
You must have joined Profit Lance no earlier than April 2008 to qualify (You must be 'new') and this must be done "Naturally" (No Google adwords or paid advertising allowed)

Also: If you wish to join me in MY program I will make every effort to sign up others under you and I will give personal training using Yugma, Skype and my cell phone to the first 30 people. (I need to be realistic)

There are 8 people registered with Visal proving to make over $1,000.00 per month on the internet. Profit Lance has been around for give or take 2 years people. Where are all the success stories?

You decide,

James Dimon

The New Plan
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Posts: 770

# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 21:46 � Edited by: mountainmom5
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I've been involved with Profit Lance for 6 1/2 months and made under $50.00

So is the New Plan marketing a similar product? Any business takes time to build but it sure didn't take me six months to make $50 with mine - lol

Viola - 406-889-5681
Mom of 5 - Loving Life =)
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Posts: 56

# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 21:52 � Edited by: jadimon
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You don't qualify mountainmom5.....Your actually what we call an anomaly around here. and by the way. Your success WASN'T associated with Profit Lance......Seniors? Sheesh!

The New Plan
Why aren't more people earning a living on the Internet?
Meet James Dimon

Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 770

# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 22:21
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Your actually what we call an anomaly here

LOL - whatever that is! You are right - I don't have profitlance. Hey , much success to you!

Viola - 406-889-5681
Mom of 5 - Loving Life =)
Home Biz Tips for Moms Dads, you are welcome,too :)
Non MLM Biz

Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 494

# Posted: 29 Apr 2008 17:15
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Jadimon i know you havent had success with the profit lance system and i can vouch that you have tried so i wish you the best of luck with this new system and please let us know how you get on


Joined: 27 Oct 2007
Posts: 56

# Posted: 29 Apr 2008 20:51
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Tahtimbo Has agree to take my challenge!

Who's next?

The New Plan
Why aren't more people earning a living on the Internet?
Meet James Dimon

Joined: 31 Dec 2007
Posts: 44

# Posted: 29 Apr 2008 23:20
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Did you really mean $50? Seriously, you can make that in adsense a month. So what is your challenge? To make over $50 in 6 months? Unless I'm miss understanding something that's not a challenge, that's a joke. So what's the real deal, the real challenged would be how many others that you or your team introduce to your biz opp will be able to succeed.


Joined: 27 Oct 2007
Posts: 56

# Posted: 29 Apr 2008 23:58 � Edited by: jadimon
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Did you really mean $50? Seriously, you can make that in adsense a month. So what is your challenge? To make over $50 in 6 months? Unless I'm miss understanding something that's not a challenge, that's a joke. So what's the real deal, the real challenged would be how many others that you or your team introduce to your biz opp will be able to succeed.

Read my post stud. Hooked on phonics.

The New Plan
Why aren't more people earning a living on the Internet?
Meet James Dimon

Joined: 20 Mar 2008
Posts: 15

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 02:53
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i agree with freecashman that $50 within 6mths is no challange. I join profitlance less than a month and made that already. I am very sure Profitlance is worth every cent and making $50 within weeks is no problem.


Joined: 27 Oct 2007
Posts: 56

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 03:21
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i agree with freecashman that $50 within 6mths is no challange. I join profitlance less than a month and made that already. I am very sure Profitlance is worth every cent and making $50 within weeks is no problem.

Read my challenge word for word and get back to me.
(Why does this seem so difficult?)

The New Plan
Why aren't more people earning a living on the Internet?
Meet James Dimon

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