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Mike at Profit Lance

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Joined: 5 Apr 2008
Posts: 14

# Posted: 14 Apr 2008 14:59

I joined the profitlance newsletter and he sent something out saying that he was taking 50.00 dollars off the price so I click on the order page and it says make a reservation I type my name and email adress and it comes back with a message saying contact the website administrator . Mike emailed me back and said that it was probably a temporary problem but how do I get past it is the question? The reason I am concerned is that people have said they had problems contacting him or logining in to their account once they become members . What do you all think ?

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Joined: 3 Sep 2006
Posts: 749

# Posted: 14 Apr 2008 17:12

Did you buy it yet? If he said it was a temporary problem, you should try it again. If it doesn't work, just email him and tell him your situation.


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 494

# Posted: 15 Apr 2008 04:40

If Mike was able to email you now he shouldn't have a problem when you are a member. The information provided by the profit lance course is worth the price tag alone and i haven't had any problems since i have been a member.


Joined: 18 Apr 2008
Posts: 32

# Posted: 18 Apr 2008 21:43

Same here. Profit Lance has been an absolute Godsend for me.
Plenty of material and if you learn to market by using Profit Lance's
system, you can market anything on the internet.

The number one affiliate program on the planet - Profit Lance
I am holding YOUR KEY to an unlimited income potential

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