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Affiliate Marketing and Profit Lance

Profit Lance Work at Home Forum / Profit Lance / Affiliate Marketing and Profit Lance
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Joined: 18 Jan 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 3 Feb 2008 09:33
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ok i been thinking about getting Profit Lance and everything i read is good about it.
but of course it would all be good when ppl make money from someone reading there review and taking there link to Profit Lance order
don't get me wrong I'm not trying to knock PL and know for a fact that you can make money with Affiliate Marketing because i did a little home work.

and this would really be what i need,me being out of work.
what i was wondering is how does someone know PL is for real or any good when no one would bad talk it if there hoping to make money as a affiliate selling it?
oh well I'll get it i guess i just hope i can make something even $50 a day would be nice.
but more would always be better its worth the chance i guess.

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# Posted: 4 Feb 2008 00:08
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I can understand your skepticism about people talking highly about profit lance, when they are affiliates for it. The best thing you can do is to just search google and a lot will come up about it. The only bad thing I've ever heard about it was that there was too much information in the course and it was hard to tell where to start.


Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 180

# Posted: 4 Feb 2008 06:03
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I'm looking at creating a Affiliate marketing website I was just wanting too know if anyone has made a site totally dedicated too this & if so what dose it look like?.


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 478

# Posted: 4 Feb 2008 11:14
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I was skeptical like you before i bought pl and like you the reviews i read were talking highly, however with the case of the pl course there are a couple of bad points like, beginners often get confused at where to start and certain areas lack a little detail (adwords) but in the case of the profit lance it is a good course with videos and step by step guides.

When doing your homework you have to make sure the reviews you read are genuine reviews that do reveal the potential if the product as there are a few people who over promote products that just don't deserve the flattery.


Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 246

# Posted: 5 Feb 2008 02:40
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Profit Lance course isn't a perfect course.

But so is every other course...

Some not so great feedbacks that I've seen are:

- there too much information, overwhelming
- there's no plan of action
- haven't made any money with it

Some great feedbacks seen are:

- there a lot of information, lot of value
- step-by-step videos
- made money from the course

As you can see, one can have a good experience or a bad one.
Same information, two different point of view. It also depends on
the type of person you are.

Regardless, you will have a hard time finding a single course that
covers everything in detail.

You could buy a course for every single area of internet business
and marketing (PPC, list-building, HTML, article-writing/marketing,
copywriting, testing/tracking, press release, etc.), but you'll be
paying many many times over the cost of Profit Lance.

If you have some knowledge, experience, or have money on the
Internet, you're probably better off buying something else that
covers a particular method that you're interested in improving.

If you have very little knowledge, experience, or haven't made
money on the Internet, Profit Lance would be a good course to get
you started.

More focused courses would probably be over your head and would
be leaving out other areas of Internet marketing that you may want
to know about.

If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)

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