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Not able to logon to Profit Lance

Profit Lance Work at Home Forum / Profit Lance / Not able to logon to Profit Lance
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Joined: 28 Jan 2008
Posts: 3

# Posted: 28 Jan 2008 13:21


Can anyone help? I just tried to logon to Profit Lance as a member and it is rejecting me with the same password/login info I have been using since I joined.

Then I tried to email Mike and it was undeliverable.

Can't contact him thru the member page because I can't logon.

Please help, if anyone can.

By the way, have been reading posts regarding Profit Lance. It is great to know that others have the same problems I have. Since I work another job, have kids who are very involved in school and sports, learning and applying all that is there has been time consuming. But, I feel more confident daily and my understanding of the projects and applications towards internet advertising grow each day. I have tried several times at different aspects and failed. But, I understand what I did incorrectly and am trying again. I will not give up! Mike's Profit Lance is the greatest program I stumbled upon. I don't know what I would do without it. So, you can understand when I tell you that when I couldn't log on....I started to go thru withdrawals. I need my daily hit of learning on Profit Lance!

Thanks so much


Joined: 25 Jan 2008
Posts: 17

# Posted: 2 Feb 2008 10:48 � Edited by: Flyboy

did you try using the email in the Contact US tab on the PL homepage? It should lead you to this page:


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