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Link Cloaking

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Joined: 30 Jul 2007
Posts: 11

# Posted: 24 Dec 2007 17:42

Hello My Friends.
I consider myself an educated professional, however the tech stuff can just bafflle me for days sometimes. Can someone explain Link Cloaking to me like I am a two year old?

Have a wondrous holiday. javascript:paste_strinL('',3,'','','')


Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 166

# Posted: 25 Dec 2007 13:22

Simply, Link Cloaker coverts a url and makes it clickable.
You can also convert the url into a clickable pharse.

Examples: Click Here....Get More Information....

Go to the link below and look in the upper-right hand corner. Click on the graphic that is flashing and says bonus to download a free copy of a link cloaker


Joined: 16 Dec 2007
Posts: 74

# Posted: 25 Dec 2007 23:07

The other "white hat" purpose of link cloaking is to protect your affiliate ID.

Take clickbank: if you send someone to duckbird-dot-com via your affiliate hoplink, if they have a clickbank account, all they need to do is go back to the site using their own hoplink, and get a discount by cutting you out of your commision. This isn't right because you were the one who introduced them to the product, therefore you EARNED that commision through your advertising efforts.

When the link is cloaked, all they ever see is the duckbird-dot-com.
This protects you.

Thom - if you were asking for someone to post some code for linking like I'm talking about, I can't help. I bought a program that does it.


Joined: 30 Jul 2007
Posts: 11

# Posted: 26 Dec 2007 00:10

Thank you both for your help. I read back through what Mike says about link cloaking , and I understood it this time. I knew it was something simple. It just takes me awhile to see it sometime.



Joined: 30 Jul 2007
Posts: 11

# Posted: 27 Dec 2007 18:36

MyOwnBoss thank you for explaining how I could get burned. I hadn't understood why I needed to cloak my links. I have also learned that there seem to be many different varietys of cloaking. Some are "Black Hat" and we need to be careful. Thom

Benazir Bhutto 1953 - Dec 27, 2007 what a loss.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1496

# Posted: 27 Dec 2007 19:18

Thanks for the info. Is there any link cloaker you recommend?


Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 166

# Posted: 27 Dec 2007 20:06

Quoting: pcwork
Is there any link cloaker you recommend?

Go to the link below and look in the upper-right hand corner. Click on the graphic that is flashing and says bonus to download a free copy of a link cloaker


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