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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 15 Dec 2007 11:18
Thanks Mahfooyee! And thanks to Happywife for her sage advice. I'm going to resist the temptation to start more than one project/website at a time.
a to z
Joined: 23 Nov 2007
Posts: 9
# Posted: 16 Dec 2007 19:41
Hi , I'm new here. I was wondering if any of you has had the chance to ask for a Refund on the Honest Riches e book.? I was requesting them for a refund since I cant " handle" it . or, more bluntly said, it's more than I can handle ? and since their site says "... a no questions asked money-back guarantee. Can anyone help me please?
Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 12:11
i haven't got a refund for the honest riches but i have for other other products. What i have done in the past is email them and let them know, and the will explain what they want you to do from there.
Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 12:14
Hi Joel, thanks for your email.
My other email address got spammed to death, hundreds of emails in a daypromoting drugs and pills!
So I had no choice but to change it. I think this occurred because someoneposted my email on a forum.
It has now changed from **** to ****. So far, so good.
Best regards,
try contacting him through the contact us section on the profit lance homepage.
Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 167
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 13:02
Quoting: a to z Hi , I'm new here. I was wondering if any of you has had the chance to ask for a Refund on the Honest Riches e book.? I was requesting them for a refund since I cant " handle" it . or, more bluntly said, it's more than I can handle ? and since their site says "... a no questions asked money-back guarantee. Can anyone help me please?
If you ordered via Clickbank, go here
Joined: 3 Sep 2006
Posts: 859
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 17:18
thanks for letting us know!
Joined: 25 Nov 2007
Posts: 11
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 17:47 · Edited by: mahfooyee
Quoting: Hemjoe Hi Joel, thanks for your email. My other email address got spammed to death, hundreds of emails in a daypromoting drugs and pills! So I had no choice but to change it. I think this occurred because someoneposted my email on a forum. It has now changed from **** to ****. So far, so good. Best regards, Mike
Hi Hemjoe,
Thanks! However, his response doesn't answer the question about why some members still aren't getting any replies, whether through the contact us page or his new email. I had already learned through this forum why he changed his email.
Based, on his answer it doesn't seem that question was posed about what's going on with his customer support? Also, how come Mike didn't make it aware to all his members of what was going on and that he'd be changing his email? I've been trying to contact Mike through the contact us page, old email, and new email (just received about two weeks ago) for over three months and still no word.
a to z
Joined: 23 Nov 2007
Posts: 9
# Posted: 17 Dec 2007 18:20
Thanks Duckbird, already did what you said. Thanks too, Hemjoe. I'll let you know what happens....
Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547
# Posted: 19 Dec 2007 11:45
Update on email situation
Joel, quick update on this question of yours. I've discovered that my emails are being blocked by certain providers such as and, and possibly others. I know I got my email back up and running with the new address and was getting replies out, but people it appears are still not getting replies.
So it looks like my emails are not being delivered, but I am not entirely certain whether its the domain that is blocked or the SMTP address. I'll have to look into it.
hope this answers some of your questions, Mike is now on the case
Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 351
# Posted: 21 Dec 2007 06:30
Doesn't seem like these spam emails can be stopped. Since they use fake headers and IP's, there's no way to report the source.
If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
Joined: 18 Oct 2007
Posts: 59
# Posted: 21 Dec 2007 12:29 · Edited by: moneyforgreene
Regarding emails and spam... it's so frustrating! Because some email providers have taken it upon themselves to block what they think is spam, we don't get emails we want to get. Yet we STILL get tons of spam! I have a situation that yahoo doesn't accept any of my emails from my autoresponders, from different AR services. I was testing it out and nothing comes through, yet they do with other accounts. Just frustrating!
I do agree though, that Mike should have maybe kept us posted on the changes himself.
Joined: 25 Nov 2007
Posts: 11
# Posted: 21 Dec 2007 18:39 · Edited by: mahfooyee
Thanks Hemjoe and everyone regarding the email situation. May look like I'll need to change my email account not sure if that will help. I'm also getting spammed like wildfire.
BTW, if you get any further updates on Mike's investigation please keep us posted. Otherwise, I hope everyone has a blessed and safe enjoyable Christmas and Happy New Year!
Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547
# Posted: 21 Dec 2007 20:12
and merry christmas to you mahfooyee to you to and a happy new year
Joined: 22 Dec 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 22 Dec 2007 10:49
Hi...I just found this forum...I am on the verge of signing up for profit lance...I like many have bought a zillion ebooks...almost signed up at wealthy affiliate dot com this week...has anybody here tried them?
I live on an island off the coast of venezuela and it's crucial that my wife and I figure out how to make our income online... One thing kind of unnerves me...I see in many places stories about seeing your first financial return after four months and then a second return 6 months later...whoa! What do you have to go on during that time that reassures you that you SHOULD keep going? Is the process really this slow? Hey...I am not looking for overnight but... other question...does profit lance have a decent process that helps you really get clear on a niche and then on the potential profitability of that niche? Thanks...I look forward to some dialogue here...Thanks.
I just kept swinging at them more than anyone else in the world... measure me by what I learned each time I struck out, which was worth ten times more than the lesson of every home run I ever was blessed to receive. - Babe Ruth
Joined: 25 Nov 2007
Posts: 11
# Posted: 23 Dec 2007 11:54
Hi Mday,
I'm going to answer your question the best way I know how. The first thing is continued due diligence in researching which online system fits you the best and stick with it. I personally believe Profit Lance is that system and one of the best, the only shortcomings I've experienced are their customer service and the info is a bit overwhelming but manageable for newbies.
Also, I've come to learn on this forum from helpful members like Hemjoe and others that some of the internet service providers aren't delivering or sending important emails but blasting folks with spam. Mike (pLance) is currently looking into the email problem and hopefully it gets rectified and we hear something.
Everyone's learning is curve is different it could take you months to a year or longer to profit...that's just how it is. You do get updates on Profit Lance it's just not as regular as Mike states on his site but that could change. There are other free tips and info you can learn from online via forums that pLance doesn't cover because internet techniques are always changing.
Remember->>The key is to act, have a positive attitude, the determination to win, and that you will fail before you succeed Forget the mistake but not the lesson<<- Just continue participating on forums like this one, stick with pLance, contact pLance customer support, and continue asking questions related to your challenges members will be more than glad to help. Hope this helps and have a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!
Peace, mahfooyee
Joined: 22 Dec 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 23 Dec 2007 16:26
Hi...Two more questions... Why? I mean really... Why? Why is this process taking so many people a year or so to get successful with? And...can you share addresses of any other forums you have found to be helpful? Thanks again. michael
I just kept swinging at them more than anyone else in the world... measure me by what I learned each time I struck out, which was worth ten times more than the lesson of every home run I ever was blessed to receive. - Babe Ruth
Joined: 3 Sep 2006
Posts: 859
# Posted: 23 Dec 2007 20:36
it takes so long because people have busy lives and not enough time to commit to the course.
Free Willie
Joined: 25 Dec 2007
Posts: 10
# Posted: 25 Dec 2007 11:38
Hi makemoneyonline I joined PL last July. It's a great course for a newbie. My problem is: I have sent Mike 2 emails ea week for the past 8 to 10 weeks and have NEVER had a RESPONSE. I still review the course but it would be nice to have a mentor who would answer your questions. Free Willie
a to z
Joined: 23 Nov 2007
Posts: 9
# Posted: 26 Dec 2007 04:03
Hi this is regarding the Refund which I requested from Clickbank for the Honest Riches. Ms. Mann personally emailed me that she herself initiated the refund; Clickbank even gave me the Transaction Details etc. Problem is, the amount is not appearing in my Paypal Account balance. Ive been e mailing them but I havent had any response.
Has anyone had the same problem with Paypal? Pls. Help !!
Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535
# Posted: 26 Dec 2007 12:58
Quoting: moneyforgreene I get sidelined daily just by clearning out junk emails. I'm also making penies to do Hits4pay which maybe I should quit b/c it'll take a million years to reach $25 to get my payout, and all it does is introduce me to other opportunities. As I am relativly successful with this I will defend it but encourage you to drop out till you are more focused.
I am up to making 3-5 dollars a day with hits for pay now, I also use htmail which i'm at about 3-4 a day.
Much as everyone has said it is best to focus on 1...maybe 2 things at once. I will say that you should never have anysite email you with offers. On hits4 pay as well as other earn per click they usually let you use your inbox to where you don't have to have emails sent to you directly.
They key to sites like these is building a downline. You'll never make money at $.06 per day. Yes then it would take exactly 416.67 days to make $25.
Here's what I do. I right click on hte newmail link and click open in new tab(firefox). Then i go to the next email, then click open new tab, and again and again.
So I have all 5-7 emails a day being "read" and credited at once. I go through all my hits4pay and my htmail ads in a matter of 5 minutes. Tops.
Duck and others who did you sign up under? If it was me let me know your email address and I will start helping you build your downline. I've used craigslist to build a rather large downline in just a matter of days.
Joined: 27 Sep 2007
Posts: 16
# Posted: 19 Jan 2008 00:55
Well, I can tell you guys from experience and why I think mike is not replying to as many messages as he should.
With the first and old email address he had. He dropped it because many of his members were posting it in forums and everywhere else (which they shouldn't have been doing) because if someone truly wanted to get a hold of him they could of gone through the necessary steps for doing it.
Now every one knows exactly what it's like to get an email box full of complete garbage (spam). So imagine what it would of been like for him trying to dig through all the junk looking for our questions day after day. "It was probably getting tire some) because (spam never stops it always gets worse) and remember this, there is over 5,000 members last time I asked so he has to either hire some kind of support team to answer messages (would that work because no one knows Profitlance as well as mike?) So my only thoughts are be patient, don't get discouraged and if you ever need help with anything you are more then welcome to visit my site and send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
I just a released a new video showing proof of how much I'm earning, you can watch it at youtube, just type in "Profitlance" in the search bar and it will bring it up.
Learn how to dominate any niche with all the Bull tactics you need. Make $300 - $700 comfortably at home using the Profit Lance course
Joined: 22 Jun 2007
Posts: 15
# Posted: 11 Feb 2008 14:03
Hi How are things going for you? Been reading the forums and saw your frustration. You seem to be getting frustrated as much as me and I have been doing this now since July 2007...I am now getting a ton of emails about this passport to wealth program...Ever heard of this?
Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 351
# Posted: 12 Feb 2008 15:58
Quoting: gazdank How are things going for you? Been reading the forums and saw your frustration. You seem to be getting frustrated as much as me and I have been doing this now since July 2007...I am now getting a ton of emails about this passport to wealth program...Ever heard of this?
If you're making money like your signature says, why are you frustrated?
Don't go jumping from one opportunity to the next too quickly...
If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
Joined: 22 Jun 2007
Posts: 15
# Posted: 12 Feb 2008 16:05
Well, I made money that day...Then it seemed to have stopped..Up and down like a rollercoaster. Had to change my signature again..Has anyone heard of this Passport to Wealth??
Joined: 18 Feb 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 18 Feb 2008 08:15
I purchased the course last year, studied it for a while, then got sidetracked and then pushed it to the back of my mind. For nearly a year!! That's too typical of me though.
I stumbled on it again the other day, whilst pottering around my hard drive. I started reading and now I've got that buzz back. I am determined to succeed at this. I'm reading the content of the site and it's brilliantly structured. The information is really sinking in this time. My only concern is the information in the PLNRC is still showing January 07. Am I missing something there?
Newbie Shield
Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 2196
# Posted: 18 Feb 2008 16:34
Where's DUCK!!??
~Newbie Shield~
Joined: 27 Oct 2007
Posts: 81
# Posted: 18 Feb 2008 21:59
Newbie Shield, you really ARE Yoda. I'm over here just learning about Squidoo are your already perfecting it. Sheesh!
Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 167
# Posted: 19 Feb 2008 07:28
Quoting: Newbie Shield Where's DUCK!!??
Do Not Fear...Duck is here!!!!
Joined: 8 Dec 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 19 Feb 2008 18:33
May I suggest buying your own site and then what you want to do is set up reviews of different products. That is how I got started.
Joined: 3 Sep 2006
Posts: 859
# Posted: 20 Feb 2008 19:49
Quoting: ibah13 Hi, May I suggest buying your own site and then what you want to do is set up reviews of different products. That is how I got started. I think its a good idea to start out.