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Manual Directory Submission Service -- RESULTS

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Joined: 19 Sep 2007
Posts: 63

# Posted: 12 Nov 2007 07:44 � Edited by: birdgirl

Hi Folks,

Earlier on you will recall I was asking opinions on paying for manual directory submission as opposed to doing it myself - only because of time.

Well the results are as follows: I was accepted into 20% of the directories. As much as I could determine at least. What I do not know is if this is a decent result or not? The other part of the equation is that even though I've endeavoured to optimize the site, to the best of my knowledge, and follow Mike's recommendations, my site is still small (9 pages), so don't know if this has any bearing?

The good news is I have made some more sales and having reinserted my adsense links am starting to make some change there again. Don't get me wrong its all modest, but my traffic is steadily increasing and it seems that it is heading in the right direction. That said -- quite a long way to go.

Thanks for all the support everyone. I work from home and sometimes it can feel isolating, so it is good to know there are others out there like me to relate to. Best.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1500

# Posted: 12 Nov 2007 09:51 � Edited by: pcwork

How much did you pay for the directory submission?.


Joined: 19 Sep 2007
Posts: 63

# Posted: 12 Nov 2007 15:54

It was �25 for 500 submissions done over some weeks. No more than 50 a day. I have since found cheaper ones, though I cannot vouch for them. The company who did it for me also were very good in corresponding.

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 12 Nov 2007 18:52 � Edited by: Newbie Shield

Hi Birdgirl,

I'd say that getting into 100 directories for $25 is a great deal. This is especially true regarding the amount of time it would have taken you to do it manually.

It sounds like the traffic and income are increasing perhaps due to these submissions. I'd say that you have done very well for yourself. I'm glad to hear that you are tracking your results. Many folks don't bother to do that. At least you know how successful the submission service was.

What service did you use and did your page rank increase as a result?

Good job

Newbie Shield

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Joined: 19 Sep 2007
Posts: 63

# Posted: 13 Nov 2007 07:19

Thanks Newbie Sheild. The service provider I used was submitcomfortdotcom. But note I paid 25 pounds not dollars. As for my search engine rank, that is one area I have not figured out properly and only went and did a search after you suggested it. I checked it through a couple of sites that were offering search engine ranking searches/ results for domain names. I don't even think I am listed on google yet because the result I got was -1/10 -- oh dear. Does that make sense? On Yahoo I have about 50 backlinks, although I know I really have more than this through directories, articles, blogs and forums. I've only had it up since May and it is still small but growing, it is only recently that I've optimised it (I think). Its all new to me, but I am just plodding along, trusting in persistence and time.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1500

# Posted: 13 Nov 2007 19:29

Quoting: birdgirl
I don't even think I am listed on google yet because the result I got was -1/10

How do you get this result?


Joined: 19 Sep 2007
Posts: 63

# Posted: 14 Nov 2007 14:50

I don't know the exact site to that I went for that now. I basically did a search for Search Engine Rank and clicked on some of the links offering ranking info.


Joined: 8 Oct 2007
Posts: 80

# Posted: 14 Nov 2007 17:27


Easy way to check your progress in the site rankings is to go to
and put in your own url, it will then tell you your ranking and brak it down by country. my GRN site has reached 25,000 in Singapore

Not sure what that says about some of my traffic providers, I suppose it is better than being number 5 in Bhutan (apologies to any Bhutanese)

Alexa is pretty responsive to change so you should see movement one way or the other on a weekly basis.



Joined: 19 Sep 2007
Posts: 63

# Posted: 14 Nov 2007 17:49

Thanks Maricel. 25,000 in Singapore? What do you mean exactly.


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