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Should I Start an Adwords Campaing or Adsense?

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# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 20:06


For 7 weeks I've followed the PL program instructions carefully. I finished the Essential Steps, Affiliate Marketing and Projects Sections. Also read the first 2 blueprints. I've been promoting my "Net Salaries" site on USFreeads, Craigslist and written 3 articles and submitted them to article sites. I've also written blogs, press releases and used social bookmarkings. So far I've had about 35 clicks on this site but no buyers yet. So I have a few questions:

1. Should I start an Adwords campaign or proceed with "Blueprint #1" and get Adsense and some affiliate marketing programs until I get more experience?. I know it's possible to make money faster with Adwords but it requires more knowledge to avoid loosing money. What options do you recommend?

2. When you choose your keywords in Adwords it's best to have as many as possible, but monitor them and delete those with a low CTR right?

3. What's the most practical way to select affiliate programs. Under the Affiliate Marketing section there are guidelines to select quality products and companies, but should I just go to clickbank and look for companies offering the products in the chosen niche market, or is there a better step process?


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1623

# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 20:28

Get some Adsense and affiliate marketing expense, Adwords can be expensive if you do not do it right.

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 23:09

Hi griser,

It looks like you are going about it in a very good way. I'd stay the course and keep adding things over time.

I'd start with adsense and affiliate marketing. When you have some income from that, you might put a little into PPC. When you reach that point, be sure to find low cost PPC series and set limits. Keep the PPC costs very low.

I think that you are off to a good start. It takes time. Keep working on it.

Newbie Shield


Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 14

# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 18:03

Quoting: griser
What's the most practical way to select affiliate programs. Under the Affiliate Marketing section there are guidelines to select quality products and companies, but should I just go to clickbank and look for companies offering the products in the chosen niche market, or is there a better step process?

For an indepth step by step of how to master in affiliate marketing, go to,they have a downloadable PDF instructions for free,its called the Affiliate Course and i think when combined with this program, will yield better results.
I'm just reading and going through it.Quiet cool stuff



# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 19:56

Thank you all for your feedback




# Posted: 24 Oct 2007 01:17

Hello Baykes75

I went to but couldn't find the Affiliate Course you mention. Could you please send me more specific information on how to get it?



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