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Joined: 3 Sep 2007
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# Posted: 20 Oct 2007 03:18 · Edited by: duckbird

On Friday I made 92 cents with Adsense. It's not much, but it's something! On the other hand after two months of promoting Clickbank products, I have made zero sales. My question is, Does it take several months to start getting any sales with CB?

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# Posted: 20 Oct 2007 03:42 · Edited by: getagrip

Clickbank is VERY tricky, to say the least. What you could do is promote Clickbank products on the same pages you are using for Adsense and see if you can get any results that way.


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Posts: 167

# Posted: 20 Oct 2007 06:00

Quoting: getagrip
What you could do is promote Clickbank products on the same pages you are using for Adsense and see if you can get any results that way.

Good Point


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# Posted: 20 Oct 2007 10:38

Clickbank sales depend a lot on the quality of your traffic

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# Posted: 21 Oct 2007 19:47

It depends on the product you are promoting. If it isn't very popular, it might take longer to make a sale rather than if you are promoting a really popular one. Also depends how much traffic you are getting every day.

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# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 04:36 · Edited by: Hemjoe

when choosing a product to promote clickbank puts some statistics below the product can be useful to find what you are looking for. F or example some will be more popular and more successful for affiliates and others may have more commission. If unsure what they mean there is an explanation of what they are on the clickbank site.

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# Posted: 13 Nov 2007 12:37

It depends on how you are marketing the clickbank products and what products you have chosen.

When choosing your product make sure you have done your market there a market for it just because someone has created a product does not mean ther is a market
Does the site have good copy - would you buy from it?
do not just market it in one way use two or three methods ie article marketing, ezine marketing, PPC (there are lots of books available about ppc but start by rwading and watching the google video's)

Hope this helps

Understanding How To Niche Market,

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# Posted: 13 Nov 2007 23:05

I have been in Clickbank for a while and made two sales that totaled abot $85. The problem I see is that you have to have sales from 5 different credit cards including at leat one Visa and one Mastercard. Clickbamk ate up my sales in fees before I had sales from 5 different cards.


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Posts: 167

# Posted: 13 Nov 2007 23:38

Promoting Clickbank products is a complete waste of time.

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# Posted: 14 Nov 2007 00:02

Quoting: duckbird
Promoting Clickbank products is a complete waste of time.

No its not. It just takes patience.

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

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Posts: 167

# Posted: 14 Nov 2007 05:30

Quoting: makemoneyonline
No its not. It just takes patience.

Ok, I'll look at it like this, the clickbank customers are on a 6 months delay. Now I started promoting CB in Aug 07. So something should start to happen around Feb 08.

May I ask, how long did it take you to get your first CB sale?


Joined: 13 Nov 2007
Posts: 4

# Posted: 18 Nov 2007 02:35

It depends on how you are marketing the clickbank products and what products you have chosen.

When choosing your product make sure you have done your market there a market for it just because someone has created a product does not mean ther is a market
Does the site have good copy - would you buy from it?
do not just market it in one way use two or three methods ie article marketing, ezine marketing, PPC (there are lots of books available about ppc but start by rwading and watching the google video's)

Hope this helps

Understanding How To Niche Market,

Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547

# Posted: 18 Nov 2007 11:56

One advantage i find when marketing a product is to buy it first to get a real feel to whether it is good or bad. From here you then have good foundations and first hand experience with the product so you review can be much more informative and useful.

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# Posted: 19 Nov 2007 08:07

Quoting: Hemjoe
One advantage i find when marketing a product is to buy it first to get a real feel to whether it is good or bad. From here you then have good foundations and first hand experience with the product so you review can be much more informative and useful.


Good point and that is also the ethical way to do things.

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