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Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 166
# Posted: 12 Oct 2007 21:04 · Edited by: duckbird
Ok, I've been online for two months now and things aren't going real well. Since Aug I have been promoting over 30 Clickbank products and I am embarrased to say I haven't made a single sale. And it's not for a lack of trying. Every single product has been submitting to close to if not over a hundred SE's.
For the last two months I have been spending most of my spare and not so spare time on this project. I feel like a snowflake in a blizzard. With millions and millions of other folks out there trying to do the same thing I'm doing, how can I be successful?
You've got advertisers out there who say "Buy My Wonder Service." And your site will be the number one listing on Google and the other 12 million SE's on the internet. And we can do it with in seconds after you order.
There does seem to be some legit services out there such as Pay Per Click and Google Adwords both of which I don't understand. I may be wrong about this, but let take PPC. You have to pay for clicks to your website? and Adwords...You have to pay for keywords that will help promote your website?
Somebody out there is getting filthy rich off of online business people. I've also noticed this on the internet...In most cases, it's not really "Free" until after you register and pay $$$ for the service.
I guess a few people are viewing and clicking on a few of my sites because I've made 26 cents and about 45 days later, 57 cent via Google Adsense. Hey I promise I won't spend it all in one place.
Give a quack......Save a Duck
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# Posted: 12 Oct 2007 21:12
I definately understand your frustration. When I started out, I quit internet marketing twice, and didn't have my first sale until about 9 months into the game.
I agree that most people who "get rich" are those selling the "get rich products", although there are some exceptions - my friend Thad is earning about $500 a day it can be done.
Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 12 Oct 2007 21:53
Duckbird, i know its very disappointing when other people say they make money and you dont. I've been in this box a million times but just begun this program so cant say much. I'm yet to find out.
I strongly recommend you listen what these guys are saying to you.may be get someone to help you one-on-one and then may be a miracle will happen.
Wish you all the <a href="">success</a> a million times.
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# Posted: 13 Oct 2007 12:43
Duckbird, why don't you just pick one clickbank product and stick with that. 30 is way too many to start out with.
Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 269
# Posted: 13 Oct 2007 13:39
Holy crap! 30 Products? 
That is too much for someone who've only "been online" for two months. I don't think I've ever read in any ebook that suggested spreading yourself so thin when you're starting out...especially when you're staring out.
Try spending time doing a little research on supply/demand and keyword/searching engine results for the products and search terms related to the products.
Like most people starting out, looks like you need to learn ways to drive traffic to your offers. PPC/Adwords is just one way. You could also try article marketing.
If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 523
# Posted: 13 Oct 2007 14:18
internet marketing can be a slow progress and i feel it is better to take it slow and build up your portfolio of websites than to spread out so quickly. Overtime you will reach the 30 you have but with much more experience and a higher chance of success. Duckbird i see you as an ambtious person and if you channel this into a couple of products to start off with you may have more success
Joined: 1 Oct 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 13 Oct 2007 15:05
hi duckbird
You have my sympathies.. I know exactly what you are saying..but .. I have faith that perseverance and gaining knowledge is the key.. as they say in yorkshire..'you get out for nout'
Good luck
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 13 Oct 2007 21:15
If I went to a site and saw 30 ebooks I'd close the window and go somewhere else. Try not to "force" the income. Try putting up 3 sites with one of your top three CLickBank choices on each site instead.
Alternately, if you have actually bought and appreciate a few of the ebooks, you might create one ebook review site which reviews three to five good ebooks. You could write a review on each one and give it ratings.
Just my 2
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 13 Oct 2007 22:38
Some affiliate programs don't work, try a few at a time and check which work well.
Joined: 19 Sep 2007
Posts: 63
# Posted: 14 Oct 2007 11:35
I would agree with the other commments on this post that doing thirty affliliate products is spreading yourself too thin. Like you I am new to all this. I have made a couple of sales and slowly increasing increasing returns through adsense. But this is just with one site/one product. Right now, I am not making anything cause I am back tracking to refine things, do them as best as I can, as sugested by Mike and hopefully get listed on directories.
Glad you didn't pack it in.
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# Posted: 14 Oct 2007 12:29
Also, you said you submitted your site to over 100 search engines. That doesn't really do much. Why don't you focus on one product, focus on writing a really good article, submit it to ezinearticles, try to get some quality backlinks, and try to get your site ranked in google.
Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 14 Oct 2007 13:58 · Edited by: Newbie Shield
Quoting: makemoneyonline Why don't you focus on one product, focus on writing a really good article, submit it to ezinearticles, try to get some quality backlinks, and try to get your site ranked in google.
Beautiful, take it one small bite at a time and do it right, slowly.
Slow and steady wins the race 
Newbie Shield
HTML Squidoo TricksSquidoo-specific HTML how to tutorials, tips and tricks to make your lens stand out from the crowd. Code samples and step-by-step all the way through. 100% free. Made by yours truly ;)