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I May Have Made A Costly Mistake

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Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 166

# Posted: 1 Oct 2007 19:24

So far, I've only been submitting my site to English only SE's



Joined: 25 Sep 2007
Posts: 60

# Posted: 2 Oct 2007 05:41 � Edited by: LuckyRon

What.........of course not. There is a huge world out there.

Remember your Grammar School Teacher?

There are 2 million grammar school teachers in the US.

Every one of them has 30 students in class.

Each student has 2 parents and 4 grandparents.

If one out of one hundred of these people shown above gives me 10 cents that's $440,000 (roughly the cost of a house.)


Joined: 25 Sep 2007
Posts: 60

# Posted: 2 Oct 2007 05:57

You just need to think outside the box. Notice some of those sites have a fake box with their business logo on it. They want you to think you are getting something. On the internet there is no box, no CD Rom, no instruction book and barely any return policy.

I find a much better response when i'm selling something people already want, use and throw away.

I had great success with Online Lottery Tickets until my government decided it was going to ban internet gambling. "Remember only gamble at native indian casino's because our politicians need the money."


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