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Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 167

# Posted: 19 Sep 2007 18:44 · Edited by: duckbird

Most say with the PL course, it will take a few months if you're lucky to make any type of profit. They don't tell you that when their trying to sell you on the product. You get a testimonial like this...

In my first week I made a measly $100 using The Profit Lance System and I thought that was brilliant!

After applying more methods within The Profit Lance System I made $400 in my secind week and $667 in my thrid! I have now been using The Profit Lance System for a month and am making well over $10,000 a month


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547

# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 17:36 · Edited by: Hemjoe

I would agree with you, that testimonials like that are so exaggerated and can give people the wrong image, it does take time, effort and a big learning curve to make money online. you certainly won't make it over one night and if you do make that sort of money from your first month with the profit lance course or any course at that matter then you are one quick learner. i wish i could learn that

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Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 17:33

So, we shouldn't believe the testimonials on the owner's page - Mike's page? What does that say about the owner? What does that say about the program? What does that say about people that are promoting the PL program?

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# Posted: 27 Sep 2007 21:16

Quoting: Newbie Shield
So, we shouldn't believe the testimonials on the owner's page - Mike's page? What does that say about the owner? What does that say about the program? What does that say about people that are promoting the PL program?

Check out this thread here:

I had some suspicions about Profit Lance and reported them in the thread above.

The main problems I STILL have with Profit Lance is that:

1. Mike said he would change the website in the PL members area which was "borrowed" from Wealthy Affiliate without permission, but he still has not done anything, at least not that I can see from the website.

2. I'd like to see the author and title of several ebooks in the Profit Lance members area - this information is hidden. Mike says he has resell rights to these ebooks, but if that is the case, I don't understand why he feels the need to hide this information from Profit Lance members.

3. It is interesting that the testimonials appear to have been faked. You really can't prove this, but it just ads to the list of disturbing things about Profit Lance.

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