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Joined: 16 Jul 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 18 Jul 2007 10:30 · Edited by: zestoflife
nick_nv, Great catch on the typo! Thanks for that. I just fixed and uploaded a new index page. I have to leave the house right now but will go through the code tonight to see if I can figure out what's happening to code in the right-hand column.
Robkat -- I'll get back to you and answer your questions then.
Makingmoneyonline -- appreciate the compliment!
Joined: 7 Jul 2007
Posts: 12
# Posted: 18 Jul 2007 11:15
Looks really good, I'm still in the learning stage. Hopefully I will have something up soon. Thanks to all who post , the information is great!
Joined: 23 May 2007
Posts: 23
# Posted: 18 Jul 2007 16:14
Quoting: zestoflife nick_nv, Great catch on the typo!
No probs Zest. I think your clean uncluttered style will prove effective its very easy to read.
Joined: 16 Jul 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 00:17
Okay -- I think I found and fixed the problem. I downloaded Firefox. Apparently Firefox doesn't not recognize the cloaking scripts I was using. So I stripped those scripts and put direct links on the main page. I also added Adsense to my index page in the hopes and getting more click throughs. Nick, Robkat, and whomever else wants to look at it -- please click through my site and put it through the paces to see if that truly fixed everything. I welcome any and all questions or comments! The forum is invaluable for that. I would never have know I had an issue otherwise!
And please feel free to bookmark the site or link to it in any way -- I need to build up my link-backs and create some buzz out there!!
Joined: 16 Jul 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 00:24
Quoting: Robkat zestoflife - is that your website or your blog? is bluehost hosting it or is that an affiliate link. I'm impressed and want to work out how to get something similiar while completely different. What about costs etc. for your site.
Robkat -- that's my website that I designed and hosted on Blue Host. I paid the 12 month subscription price upfront -- something like $93. The first domain is included in that price. Plus you get 2500 email accounts, 300GB of storage plus a whole bunch of other things that make spending the money worthwhile. I wanted the freedom to do what what I wanted without the limitations of using a blog. I do, however, plan on using blogs to help promote my site and drive more people to it. And added bonus is that if I wanted to get another domain name I can park it on blue host for free and only pay another $10. I researched it and it was the best deal out there for me. But please, if you do decide to go with them, sign up through the link on my site!!
BTW, I edited the site with Alleycode; the free HTML editor that P Lance recommended
Joined: 23 May 2007
Posts: 23
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 11:42
Quoting: zestoflife Apparently Firefox doesn't not recognize the cloaking scripts I was using.
Hi Zestolife,
Glad to hear to you got sorted. You've picked up a useful piece of info about script comaptibility, for us.
Firefox used to be a very minority user base. But is now at 34%.
Check the stats at w3schools for the trend
If you dont know them, they are also a good site for html/css advice etc.
If you have had time to do so you should check out the Firfox addons, which are free obviously... there are some useful SEO, Blogging and developer tools.
Joined: 16 Jul 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 12:54
Nickv, I had no idea Firefox was so widely used!
BTW, does that mean everything's working for you now?
Joined: 23 May 2007
Posts: 23
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 12:56
Quoting: zestoflife please click through my site and put it through the paces to see if that truly fixed everything
Hi Zestoflife,
Everything seems OK, all your links open.
So you're looking pretty cool.
Re Allycode, it is a nice editor, easy to use etc. I cant remember if it is compatibility with Mac & Linux. If anyone needs a editor for those platforms they should check Nvu which is Open source (ie free).
ps its also compatibile with Windows so I might upgrade from my 4yr old version of Homesite... lol
Joined: 23 May 2007
Posts: 23
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 13:03
Quoting: zestoflife I had no idea Firefox was so widely used!
Hi Zestoflife,
It has technical advantages over IE, but its now also included as part of 'Google Pack', no doubt to undermine Microsoft, so it will probably become even more popular.
So there goes another niche !
Joined: 16 Jul 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 21 Jul 2007 19:45 · Edited by: zestoflife
Whooo hooo! I'm up to 96 cents pure profit from Google Adsense!
But I just reworked the site again to weave in some more affiliate marketing. Plus, I haven't even really begun to scratch the surface of all of the techniques covered in P. Lance about how to drive traffic to my site.
Slowly but surely!
Joined: 3 Sep 2006
Posts: 836
# Posted: 22 Jul 2007 02:31
Thats good! You have to start somewhere!
Joined: 8 Jul 2007
Posts: 35
# Posted: 22 Jul 2007 16:07
That's great! You can make even more money once you get the hang of it!
Joined: 16 Jul 2007
Posts: 14
# Posted: 22 Jul 2007 16:36
Quoting: zestoflife Apparently Firefox doesn't not recognize the cloaking scripts I was using.
Opps! I was wrong. Firefox, being the sticklers for code grammer that they are, just wasn't recognizing my cloaking pages because I didn't include the word "html" in the cloaking scripts. I renamed the scripts, cloaked everything again and it all appears to be working...
I didn't catch it at first because it worked fine in IE. Anyway, those cloaking scripts appear to work fine in Firefox now.
Joined: 31 Jul 2007
Posts: 37
# Posted: 1 Aug 2007 22:00
Hi! Can someone help me? I have tried to purchase PL a month ago but there had been a problem, clickbank can't seem to process my payment so I tried to purchase a different product only a few minutes after that and it accepted my payment. (so I end up using an ebook)
Yesterday, after reading more reviews about the program for the past few days, I tried to purchase it again (tried it 3X with 3 different visa cards) and STILL clickbank was unable to process it. 
I really want to undergo training under this program. "amount of work you put on it=the amount of profits+prayers+ luck"
I sent Mike an email about, he replied today asking if I was able to purchase the other product. Maybe he'll ask clickbank re: this problem.
Another thing, I live in the Philippines and Mike told me before that PL is applicable worldwide but there may have limitations to me in accessing membership with some of the sites. So I did some surfing and: 1. I learned that the Philippines in not listed in Clickbank so I cannot affiliate with them. (can I use my sister's account & address as the payee? and she'll be the one to just send me the "profits" (hopefully) 
2. I can see that paypal is the primary and preferred mode of payment in this business. Unfortunately, the Philippines is just under the category of just "send money". (How can I get commissions from the products that I promote if my paypal account is limited to just "sending"?
I am sorry for the long query, I am just a little bit disappointed with my current situation...
I would gladly appreciate any advice you can give me. More power to all of you!
Joined: 3 Sep 2006
Posts: 836
# Posted: 2 Aug 2007 03:18
hmmm that is a tough situation! Well, like you said, you could use your sisters account. You'll just have to purchase PL with her credit card or paypal and then type in her address when you sign up for clickbank.
Also, profit lance isn't limited to just clickbank. You can use ANY affiliate company. You don't have to use clickbank. You can use Pay dot com which Phillipines IS listed in 
Hope that helps!
Joined: 22 Jul 2007
Posts: 51
# Posted: 4 Aug 2007 08:21
I'd gotten a refund for my UWP and bought PL  Awesome Members section and the fact that Mike is constantly adding new updates. No mistake here, PL is the real McCoy and the rest are almost all scams.
In the Blueprints section I couldn't download the Adsense website. Does anyone else have this problem?
Joined: 3 Sep 2006
Posts: 836
# Posted: 4 Aug 2007 11:11
which adsense website?
Joined: 22 Jul 2007
Posts: 51
# Posted: 5 Aug 2007 09:14
The Adsense template:
Under Adsense Package--> Adsense Sites : Download Your Sites
Quoting: makemoneyonline which adsense website?
Joined: 31 Jul 2007
Posts: 37
# Posted: 6 Aug 2007 03:13
makemoneyonline, thank you for the advice but I am just little bit hesitant to do that coz is there a law againts that in your country? what if they know my IP address but then see that I am using a US account? if I do just that and use my sister's account with paypal for all of my transactions and also use her as payee? Won't that get us both into trouble? You have seen all PL's programs and I think you are already an authority with it. Do you think my location will not be problem for me to earn from this business? Thank you again in advance....
Joined: 22 Jun 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 7 Aug 2007 15:44
One of my web site has been up and running for about three months. It was indexed by Yahoo in about a week and was in the first page of Yahoo search results for about 10 keywords. It was indexed by Google in about 20 days. The traffic provided from Google has been increasing slowly but steadily since then. Now the main keyword Black Panther Animal is in the second position of Google and most of traffic from search engines comes from Google.
I have just added Adsense ads to this site about two weeks ago. I noticed that my Yahoo search ranking for the main keyword dropped from 4th to 11th position after that.
My Adsense income from this site is pretty low in last two weeks. It is no where close to $10-$40 per day like Mike said. Is there something wrong with my site? Profit Lancers, please give me some suggestions, critique if you are experienced in Adsense.
Thank you for any help.
Joined: 22 Jul 2007
Posts: 51
# Posted: 7 Aug 2007 16:40
Hi Onlinemarketer
I believe Mike did say you have to play around with the positioning, shapes, and borders of your adsense to find what is most suitable for your site, and most appealing for your readers to actually click on those ads. Howabout trying coloured borders for 1 week?
Joined: 21 Aug 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 21 Aug 2007 01:50
Well these money making scams oops schemes really have us all biting at the bit. I have looked at the blog listing on Profit Lance and have come to the conclusion I need to go to the 'contact us' section of PL site and get their response. Then I'll go on gut feel.
My initial concern I have is that the only way to get sales is to have traffic stop at your website and they need to be sticky (people look around and click here and there) - that's what makes website schemes pay you back! My website [Link removed - Admin] is like a tin shed on a dirt track in the outback, no-one even goes past it! So I'm focused on learning how to get traffic to my site and how to keep them there - does PL teach you this?
Is there anyone who can show me that Profit Lance has provided them with the tricks and clues to get traffic to their site - consistently. If so let's have the web address so we all can go there and see how effective it is - one would expect that we'd purchase something other than a free newsletter or supposed insight to solving world hunger.
What do you say - show us the goods! Cheer Grd
Joined: 24 Sep 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 24 Sep 2008 04:14
I think practically all online money making methods reveal the mechanics or just the framework of the whole setup, just disclosing some of the leads and in some cases they only give you the skin not the flesh.
Why does anyone really care to spend some much time setting up a successful formula that can be readily copied by thousands or millions just for pittance? In many cases they're just selling you thin air.
As for Profit Lance? Yes there much relevant information good for equipping purposes, they are valuable ideas there which I felt if implemented successfully should bring some results. By how much? That's another question.
Francis B K
Joined: 9 Aug 2008
Posts: 6
# Posted: 30 Sep 2008 15:09
Actually, to answer your question, no it's not a mirage. Making money from home can happen. The catch is, that it takes effort and work. Like most all endeavors, the amount of effort and work will be greater in the beginning. But do not be fooled into believing you might become nasty filthy rich. What will most likely happen with a steady and consistent effort is that you will have a very nice additional income to the one you are making. Use this extra income flow to raise your living standard (vacations/clothes/cars/whatever).
Phil Stones
Joined: 1 Oct 2008
Posts: 122
# Posted: 8 Oct 2008 07:26
Yes some is more than welcome to rub off on me - just reading through profit lance but there isn't enough hours in the day !
Joined: 23 May 2008
Posts: 128
# Posted: 8 Oct 2008 09:21
francistbk: As for Profit Lance? Yes there much relevant information good for equipping purposes, they are valuable ideas there which I felt if implemented successfully should bring some results. By how much? That's another question.
That really depends on how much effort you put into. Hard work pays off in a lot of things, with Internet marketing being one of them.
My Writing Services - Quality, Unique Content for your Article Marketing, Websites, and Blog! CopyNProfit - Copy super affiliate campaigns and make $5,000 a week
Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 333
# Posted: 8 Oct 2008 10:21
Profit Lance is great place to start but you should not end there.
As with anything else, continuing to learn and apply is the key to improving and growing. This is especially true when it comes to Internet marketing. The Internet is a constantly changing medium, so to keep up you will always need to invest additional time or money to learn new material.
If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
# Posted: 15 Oct 2008 13:12
Do you want to tell me where the "private members' area" is that Carl Haynes speaks about in his glowing review of ProfitLance? By the way, his review was written in 2007 . Again and again, I ask myself, if the program is so great, where are some of the details members say are available and wherever on Michael's site? Another example would be the pLnrc tool or feature. Where the **** is it? Nowhere that I can see. Even the directions didn't seem to work for me when I thought I saw the tool one time by clicking on the appropriate tab at the top.
As far as Michael's email support, all I can see is his private blog that isn't even open to members to communicate with him! So, where is his email support link and on what page? Don't see that feature either. I know have a few screws loose, but I'm not blind or completely crazy! Anybody have any clear and accurate answers?