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The Profit Lance Scam Review - Make Money Online

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Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Posts: 24

# Posted: 28 Mar 2007 13:27 · Edited by: htmlview

The Profit Lance Scam Review

Before you start reading my review of the Profit Lance System, please turn off the TV and any other distractions. The information that I am providing here will allow you to judge for yourself if Profit Lance is a scam or not. Read on ...

A little over 5 weeks ago I was surfing the net looking for reviews on earning an income from home. I came across yet another making money opportunity by the name of the ProfitLance System. I read through the website and it sounded pretty good, but I did NOT purchase it right away. You ask yourself why ? Well, in the past I bought 12 Making Money products and none of them delivered the goods. In my opinion they were all scams, because all you received was the author telling you how rich they were and how you can also make a lot of money online ... they were painting a picture in my head of what my goal was, but there was no clear path way on how to get there.

I spent over $350 in 5 months on 12 systems and all I got were ebooks. Overall I made around $19 using the methods in the ebooks. They were all just scams probably written by the same person, just marketing them under different names. The mistake I made was not to read any reviews or user comments before I bought them. I wasn't going to make the same mistake this time. I looked at other reviews of the Profit Lance system, because $67 is a lot of money to spend on one shot. Reading the reviews I noticed that most of the reviewers were happy with the Profit Lance system and that it is not a scam (at least according to them). One review stated that you can make $18,000 a month with the Profit Lance System and most people said that they make between $3,000 to $8,000 a month, since it was scam free. To me all of this sounded unreal. How is it possible to make $18,000 or even $3,000 a month without any inventory ? I tried it in the past, but without any success. These reviews were to good to be true.

I still decided to purchase the Profit Lance System with my credit card, because what I read was very enticing to my eyes (I already spent over $350, another $67 would not kill me ... I put in some extra hours at my job the previous week After purchasing the Profit Lance System, I immediately got an email with my User Name and Password. Profit Lance is not an ebook like most other scams out there. You actually get access to their website and you can even contact them via email for tips and suggestions. This is very important because there is a lot of information given in the Profit Lance System; it took me 3 hours to read through everything. The information provided is not unlike what I have read before, but the difference is that you are shown the proper ways to implement the techniques to make money online. After reading through everything one more time (I did this at night, after work) I started to follow the steps that were provided to me in the Profit Lance System. Trust me when I tell you that this system is unlike the other making money scams that I have tried before. I did not have to purchase anything else and I was able to start right away without spending any more money than the $67 for the actual Profit Lance System. Below you will see my review on a day to day basis showing how much money I made in 1 month:

Sunday: $0.18 | Monday: $0.24 | Tuesday: $0.17 | Wednesday: $0.76 | Thursday: $1.83 | Friday: $0.92 | Saturday: $0.84 (Week 1 Total: $4.94)

Sunday: $0.97 | Monday: $2.24 | Tuesday: $5.17 | Wednesday: $1.98 | Thursday: $3.59 | Friday: $12.40 | Saturday: $32.89 (Week 2 Total: $59.24)

Sunday: $22.56 | Monday: $46.98 | Tuesday: $124.76 | Wednesday: $72.31 | Thursday: $92.70 | Friday: $43.28 | Saturday: $84.12 (Week 3 Total: $486.71)

Sunday: $65.24 | Monday: $92.14 | Tuesday: $32.73 | Wednesday: $81.50 | Thursday: $105.89 | Friday: $68.88 | Saturday: $84.87 (Week 4 Total: $531.25)

Overall, within the 4 weeks I made a total of $1082.14 I do understand that there might be some people that do make $8,000 to $10,000 a month with the Profit Lance System. My experience proved to me that this is not a scam, but making that kind of money is not possible. I think the max you can reach with the Profit Lance system is around $4,000 to $5,000 a month by putting in 1 to 2 hours a day. Overall I would rate Profit Lance a 9 out of 10, since this is the only system that actually made me money online. I hope that my review of Profit Lance helps you in your decision on whether you want to purchase it or not. Hope you enjoyed my review. Thanks and all the Best.

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JaY o

Joined: 20 Mar 2007
Posts: 27

# Posted: 28 Mar 2007 16:26

Hey thx 4 all that info! I am wondering What do you Sell? Do you need to sell stuff as a affiliate? Also if that is true In which manner to you need to advertise? And i seen in the 1st week you did it you was only makin like .80 a day, was that makin money using Adsense? Then after that your products started selling?

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# Posted: 28 Mar 2007 20:04

Thanks for the review html view. I was the exact same way. I had purchased dozens of scams, and was very reluctant to buy profit lance, but I eventually did. It is very different because its not a crappy ebook, its an actual course, which I think is great. I'm glad to see there are other people having success with profit lance!!

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

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Posts: 537

# Posted: 29 Mar 2007 12:01

Great review and it is pleasing to see many people finding the profit lance beneficial. Unlike Htmlview some people don't grasp the fact that reading all the content given is a key fact in the first steps of making money online. A lot of people have the urge to make money over night but this just doesn't happen without the knowledge and effort. Htmlviews review is a key example of this as even though he had found scams in the past he didn't give up and before diving into anything he made sure he read ALL the content. Once again great review and i wish all the luck in the future.


Black Belt Affiliate is My Free Online Course Teaching You How to Make Money Online

Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Posts: 24

# Posted: 29 Mar 2007 15:38

Quoting: JaY o
And i seen in the 1st week you did it you was only makin like .80 a day, was that makin money using Adsense? Then after that your products started selling?

JaY o, makemoneyonline & Hemjoe - Thanks for the kind words.

I make money with Pay Per Click. Profit Lance helped me to set up my site and I also got 14 free sites from them as well. The good thing is that you don't have to spend any money after the $67 for the Profit Lance System. Hope my Profit Lance Review was helpful. I am not saying that you can quit your job, but this is a great source of secondary income for me.


Joined: 5 Apr 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 5 Apr 2007 15:32

Hey htmlview, thanks for the insight. Just recently signed up with Profit Lance, but i feel very lost right now. Can you give me a little tip or direction?


Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Posts: 24

# Posted: 6 Apr 2007 23:56 · Edited by: htmlview

Quoting: halfkey
Just recently signed up with Profit Lance, but i feel very lost right now. Can you give me a little tip or direction?

I was also lost after buying the Profit Lance System. What I did was read everything twice to make sure what to do. I know it's difficult in the beginning, but read everything thoroughly and it will make sense. If not, contact the Customer service at Profit Lance and they will help within 12 hours. Thanks.

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# Posted: 11 Apr 2007 23:31

I suggest start with the project section and then move onto the video tutorials and ebooks!

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Posts: 24

# Posted: 13 Apr 2007 23:13

Quoting: netjunkie

Been getting lots of feedbacks from people who are making money
with Profit Lance. This is probably the better course on making
money on the Internet out there.

It's good, but will not turn you into a millionaire. It will help you to pay off your debts and loans and help you live a less stressful life.


Joined: 3 Jun 2006
Posts: 121

# Posted: 15 Apr 2007 17:30

Its not a get rich quick scam. It definitely works.


Joined: 26 Jan 2007
Posts: 85

# Posted: 29 Apr 2007 20:57

It is a great course! Mike is one on one with you and is a REAL GUY! A Family guy actually!

Great review htmlview, My experience also!

The course is now $77 so anyone thinking about it, do it.

Updated several times a week!
Nothing stops the man who desires to achieve. Every obstacle is simply a course to develop his achievement muscle. It's a strengthening of his powers of accomplishment. -- Eric Butterworth


Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 313

# Posted: 30 Apr 2007 15:48

That's great that it is updated several times a week cuz information can really be obsolete fast these days with the internet.

It is a great course! Mike is one on one with you and is a REAL GUY! A Family guy actually!

What do you mean "one on one"?

Does he give personal support?

If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
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# Posted: 3 May 2007 16:45

One on one just means that he answers your emails personally and tries to help you with anything you are having problems with.

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

Joined: 3 May 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 3 May 2007 21:48

Is this program more beneficial than the average joe program I've been reading about? I am a true newbie and don't want to become overwhelmed, but do want something with good material.


Joined: 26 Jan 2007
Posts: 85

# Posted: 4 May 2007 13:22

I am not familuar with the average Joe, I had bought the UWP first, and was soooo dissapointed! I was going to get a refund, but, I decided to see where Mark Warren was gonna go with the information, after all of the BAD responds he has been getting.
He has done some changes, but honestly, not anything comparison with what Mike Andrews is doing with the Profit LAnce Course!

The Profit Lance is Worth the $77 he recently up'd the price $10 and also made the commission 60% The course is so good. He has put his heart and soul into it. He has done his homework, and the material is QUALITY! Blue Prints to making money.

Mike has totally been up front and say's "I have spent the last 14 months compiling, testing, refining and perfecting this course. I am always updating this course, adding new features, new tools and downloads. And the great thing is that you will never ever have to pay anything again to get a first class education on how to make money online"

"This course is all about giving you a thorough working knowledge of how to make money from the Internet. A lot of focus is given to practical implementation. Most people fail to get anywhere, despite having the correct knowledge and many great ideas because they fail to take action. My aim with this course is not to have you follow instructions like a robot - this is what many other products want you to do. Things always change, trends emerge and disappear and if you haven't acquired long term skills, your ability to make money will be close to zero. So the focus is on making you"

Is It Possible To Make Money Online Quickly - Like Within 30 Minutes!
A lot of people selling their products claim, "Make money 30 minutes from now". I want to give you some thoughts on this because there are some important lessons you can take from it:
Yes, it is possible


You haven't developed any real skills - you just got a short term benefit
OK, all fine and good, now what would be the short term benefit of that? You may make some quick money. BUT - what you have done is just followed instructions - blindly. Have you developed any re-usable skills? Have you understand and recognised what skills were required in order to get to this level where I could tell you all this information? No you haven't. So what long term skill have you developed or what long term benefit will you derive? None.

What would you rather have?
To acquire, develop and perfect the knowledge, perception and skills that allow you to reproduce this ability over and over again for almost any online market whilst being able to use a variety of methods to monetize your visitors? Or to just go for some short-term gain? know you want to develop the skills - the long term skills - which are the real assets. These are the skills and know-how that can lead you to be making at least a six figure income instead of just making a few thousand a month like most people who are trying to make money online (if that).

Now here comes my point:

To get to this level you have to educate yourself across a number of disciplines. Once you start building your knowledge, start practicing and implementing the techniques, and seeing how all these disciplines come together, you will start seeing how opportunities are identified and exploited using your skill sets. These skill sets are what Profit Lance System is about. I want you have to long term benefits. I want you to be at least a Marketer, not a "Wanna-be" or "Newbie".

That is MIKE talking at the beginning of his course.....

So, you decide..... Good Luck!

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# Posted: 4 May 2007 16:18

I'd say its more beneficial. There is a lot more information in profit lance, so I think its better off for newbies.

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

Joined: 21 Feb 2007
Posts: 24

# Posted: 19 May 2007 00:11

I have been using Profit Lance for almost 3 months now and all I can say is that it's NOT possible to make $2000 a day with this system. I am now up to $400-$475 a day. The max I have reached for one day is $643.67 I am not complaining, because I was able to quit my job and am living within my means ... Never try to live richer than you are, even though you make $12000 a month with 1-2 hours of work a day.


Joined: 10 May 2007
Posts: 4

# Posted: 19 May 2007 01:20

hello everyone, I'm up late and just came across this thread. I've been considering delving into affiliate marketing, and starting a GPT (get paid to) site, but this Profit Lance sounds like an interesting opportunity.

Can someone direct to where I can learn more about the program, etc..?


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 537

# Posted: 19 May 2007 05:07

I would say the best place to learn about the program would be on the homepage of the site itself, however you could also read a couple of reviews on the site or scan through threads in this forum it is up to you.

I must say you are doing really well and just out of curiosity is most of your income from being an affiliate or are you implementing other streams. It's good see people being successful with this program and motivates others.


Black Belt Affiliate is My Free Online Course Teaching You How to Make Money Online
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# Posted: 19 May 2007 13:35

Quoting: htmlview
I am now up to $400-$475 a day. The max I have reached for one day is $643.67

Congratulations! I haven't reached that point yet, but I am now somewhere between $150-300/day, and this is also my full time job. Everything I'm doing, I have learned from profit lance. It does take work, but in the end it is really worth it!

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

Joined: 19 May 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 19 May 2007 14:08

I have done some (small) research on the PL system, and would like to sign up. However, as I live in Saudi Arabia, ClickBank wont accept any card details from me, as it appears they don't deal with this area.

Does anyone have any number I could call to get in touch with PL to perhaps arrange another payment method? I have my Enrollment Invitation Code already, which is valid for 48 hours. Would like to know if anyone else has experienced this problem?



Joined: 19 May 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 19 May 2007 15:08

Just a question. I'm 19, a full time college student, just got home about a week ago for summer break. I have profit lance, and i'm working through the projects right now actually. I NEED $3000 this summer, though (before end of August). Is this likely to work? I am going to put the effort in, but I need to know if I need to get another job or try something else as well.

Also, can you make money without having to put money into this later on? I mean like with Adwords. It sounds awful, but i really can't afford to pay for clicks at the moment at all. Is it possible with free trafficking techniques and not buying domains and all that stuff?


Joined: 20 May 2007
Posts: 2

# Posted: 20 May 2007 10:43

I bought the system two months ago and I am still in the process of getting my picture. However, I am definitely glad that I bought the course! There is so much to learn and it just takes time if you want to do it thoroughly. I am convinced that it is worth its price. You have unlimited access to the sites, which are constantly updated, thus giving you time to follow your own speed and giving you freedom to decide. The content and support are very professional. Definitely worth a try!

[Link removed - Admin]


Joined: 20 May 2007
Posts: 13

# Posted: 20 May 2007 11:58

Hi All,

I'm new to affiliate marketing. In fact, today is my first 'official' day. I've thought about it before, but never really delved in to it.

I reviewed a site that compared Average Joe, UWP, and Profit Lance. So far, your comments on Profit Lance have me tilting to it. But, what would be the drawbacks..other than HTMLView not making 2000 a day (still impressive at 400 - 475)?

Thanks in advance and I look forward to learning more from the community.



Joined: 20 May 2007
Posts: 24

# Posted: 20 May 2007 15:24

But even with what you guys have made doesnt that make it worth the start up. I mean if I was making $400 a day I would be extremly happy figuring now I make $620 a month to pay my bills with and support my family on. Its not easy but I get by.


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# Posted: 21 May 2007 01:29 · Edited by: makemoneyonline

Quoting: rawralphadawg
I am going to put the effort in, but I need to know if I need to get another job or try something else as well.

Yeah, if you put in the effort, you could do it, but then again, no one can guarantee how much money you will make. I would say get another job at the same time just incase.

Yes, you can make money in the long term without paying for clicks. You could try using the keyword research methods and set up some google adsense websites. Those are passive income, and you don't need to spend any money!

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day
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# Posted: 21 May 2007 01:34

Quoting: AAbleHome
I reviewed a site that compared Average Joe, UWP, and Profit Lance. So far, your comments on Profit Lance have me tilting to it. But, what would be the drawbacks.

The only drawbacks I can think of would be timing. You really need to have time management with profit lance. With average Joe, you can make money a little faster.

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

Joined: 20 May 2007
Posts: 13

# Posted: 21 May 2007 16:54

Quoting: makemoneyonline
The only drawbacks I can think of would be timing. You really need to have time management with profit lance. With average Joe, you can make money a little faster.


Do you mean that there are strategies that require a timing element, like oversaturation, or do you mean that I need time to study everything instead of just jumping in?

Average Joe would then be a turn-key solution?



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# Posted: 21 May 2007 18:15

You have to learn and practice skills and that usually takes more time. Avg joe has some good money making strategies that people have made money with pretty quickly. I'm not saying you will get rich quick, but from what i've noticed and what others have said, with avg joe package there are a few methods you can set up pretty quickly to see results sooner.

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

Joined: 21 May 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 21 May 2007 19:37

I'm totally new to all of this and am really wondering for a complete newbie which is the better system to get going if you only honestly have around 70 dollars to invest? I don't have enough for both Profit Lance and Average what is the consensus? For a complete newbie which one would those of you in the forum suggest? I'd prefer to hear from people making money in either system...not just regurtitated reviews. Thanks!

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