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looking for someone to work with

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Joined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 13 Sep 2008 05:32

Hello everyone,

I purchased the Profitlance course about a year and a half ago and since then have been on and off working it. Right now I feel like getting back into it, since I have some time on my hands. I'm looking for someone to work with and help each other out to set up some web sites/blogs and to build up skills in affliate marketing and adsense, etc.

I want to build a decent part-time income from internet marketing, so looking forward to hear from some motivated and enthusiastic people

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# Posted: 14 Sep 2008 17:35

Although it is nice to have some encouragement from others (you can get that here in the forums), it really just takes some focused effort on your part to build up that part time income you are aiming for.

I found that when I was starting out, I just had to shut out everything else that was bombarding me and trying to get my attention online. I put my head down for about 6 months and just steadily worked on my chocolate site every day as I was able to give time to it. When I came up for air and looked around I had a really nice site on my hands.

After spending some time out and about (in various forums) taking a breather, I was ready to start site number two. It was much quicker getting the foundation built because I understood how to go about it and could do it faster.

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't rely on someone else to help you get where you want to be. With the right tools and information, you can get there if YOU put yourself to work.



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# Posted: 14 Sep 2008 18:23

Welcome back, worksmart07!
I have to agree with Angie... you will find a lot of tips on the forums but the main thing is to buckle down and just plain get started!

I would concentrate on one area and then when you are comfortable with that, add something else to that. If you are not careful , it is easy to get into a lot of stuff and never pursue any one thing enough for it to produce results for you.

Have fun.


Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 67

# Posted: 14 Sep 2008 19:34

hey worksmart. there are a ton of resources online that can help u. im new too and finding that i need a strict routine to follow in order to do well.

heres some great tools:

'think and grow rich' in ur PL course is absolutely amazing, read it and see what its saying.

[][/url] - this is free and is absolutely fantastic, its an online 30 day course for u to follow and learn tactics to make money online. please do urself a great favour n check it out its awesome!

hope this helps, feel free to message me for any help.


Be good be good

Joined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 14 Sep 2008 22:41

Wow thanks for all the responses and encouragement! I think Angie and Viola, you guys really hit the nail on the head when you talk about being 100% focused.

I tend to lose focus easily, something I have to really work on.

And Ajay, Ive read Think and Grow Rich, its a good book, to get the right mind set. Thanks for the thirtydaychallenge link. It looks very interesting and Ive just signed up for it.

Btw I have received 2 checks from clickbank for around $200 from the previous year and half, so I know this works. The problem is I have no idea how I actually got the sales. The other problem I have is getting traffic and SEO etc, there seems to be so much info on SEO tactics and also directory submission.

So if anyone can shed some light on this, would be great.


My experiment site

Joined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 14 Sep 2008 22:42

Wow thanks for all the responses and encouragement! I think Angie and Viola, you guys really hit the nail on the head when you talk about being 100% focused.

I tend to lose focus easily, something I have to really work on.

And Ajay, Ive read Think and Grow Rich, its a good book, to get the right mind set. Thanks for the thirtydaychallenge link. It looks very interesting and Ive just signed up for it.

Btw I have received 2 checks from clickbank for around $200 from the previous year and half, so I know this works. The problem is I have no idea how I actually got the sales. The other problem I have is getting traffic and SEO etc, there seems to be so much info on SEO tactics and also directory submission.

So if anyone can shed some light on this, would be great.


My experiment site

Joined: 9 Sep 2008
Posts: 67

# Posted: 15 Sep 2008 07:46

worksmart have u read through the SEO tactics section under the learning centre for the PL course? There is a lot of information there but it is all very, very crucial in determining how to do well in SEO!

What kind of things do u need help with? SEO is very broad! Sma ewith getting traffic, what precisely do u want help with?

There a a few ways of getting traffic, whether it be paid or free! To be honest you CAN generate traffic using the free methods with patience and some hard work, but after all its free and natural traffic which is always a plus.

Fe ways can be article submissions which you have mentioned. You basically can write 300-600 word articles on your subject area and submit them to several different article directories. Now what this will do is generally and slowly give you an online presence, because in your articles you leave a link to your website. Now people interesting in your niche will check your article out and follow through to your link if they like what they read!
However there is a lot more to article writing than that, in the PL course there are eBooks covering article writing and how to submit them too!

With getting traffic you do need patience and it can be frustrating. The key is to just keep at it, make sure u read all the learning centre info on getting traffic in PL! If your looking to get free traffic, miss out Pay per click, otherwise check it out

Hope that helps.


Be good be good

Joined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 15 Sep 2008 10:43

Ajay I think I will message you with the SEO question. Its hard to type out your question in words sometimes...

I have submitted a few articles and I think thats how I got some of my affiliate sales.

Thanks again.


My experiment site

Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 263

# Posted: 16 Sep 2008 08:09


I have submitted a few articles and I think thats how I got some of my affiliate sales.

Congrats on your initial accomplishments!

You may want to find out exactly how you got your sales so you can
duplicate your success.

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# Posted: 17 Sep 2008 13:09

Thanks 040107. Im working through what Ive done to find out.

I have started working on the thrity day challenge that Ajay posted, and its answered a lot of my questions regarding SEO, keyword phrases, page rankings etc.


My experiment site

Joined: 10 Nov 2007
Posts: 11

# Posted: 17 Sep 2008 15:25

Hello Everyone! I'm in the same boat as worksmart07. I signed up to Profit Lance a year ago, and have been working on it on and off due to my day job. I'm stuck on one thing, and that is the cloaking for Bloggs. Can a person cloak on I have been reading all the horror stories and am scared to death to work this hard on my project only to have someone steal my earnings (if I make any). I am doing Bloggs as I can not afford my own website yet. So I am looking for a cloaking device that is free. I found one at URL Zoom, but when you click on my link on my blogg(which it does cloak) and you now are at the sellers page, my affiliate ID still shows up in the address bar and also when you click on the purchase button and get to the purchase page, it shows down at the bottom of the page. Oh Lord, can someone Please help me with this or am I just being Paranoid.

Thank you,

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# Posted: 17 Sep 2008 21:45

Hi Sophie,

That's a valid concern and it is a concern of many. It's too bad we even have to worry about nasty stuff like that.

The most common ways that affiliate commissions are hijacked are:

1. Cookie Stuffing
2. A Trojan placed in freeware that you install on your computer
3. By hacking your .htaccess file located on your web server.

There may be other ways but I can't think of any right now.

The best way to prevent it is to be careful about downloading and installing free programs. Make sure you trust the creator of the programs. Make sure you lock down your server well and install the latest security patches. Nothing you can do about cookie stuffing and it doesn't involve you directly anyhow.

You don't need to cloak your affiliate links unless you are in the habit of visiting and hanging out on iffy or off-the-beaten-path sites.

However, if it would make you feel better, a lot of cloakers tend to favor

~Newbie Shield~

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# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 10:39

Thank you so much Newbie Shield!!! For all your advise. It is a terrible concern, glad to know that I'm not over Paranoid. But I have been burned before and am terrifed to go through it again. I went to the site you advised, and it worked great! The only thing that still concerns me is that once you click on the links in my blogg, and it takes you to the sellers page, it is still showing my clickbank ID in the address bar. Is there anyway to change this.

Thank you again so much,


Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 263

# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 15:57


The only thing that still concerns me is that once you click on the links in my blogg, and it takes you to the sellers page, it is still showing my clickbank ID in the address bar. Is there anyway to change this

Unless you want to write your own sales page and have customers
go directly to the order page, there isn't much you can do about it.
You could register a domain name and have it masked but that could
prove costly unless you know which product is a proven seller.

The only thing that can be done has to be done on the seller's web

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# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 16:08

Thank you all for all of your advise! You've really filled me in on alot.

Well It's time to take a deep breath and go for it. I feel alot better after talking to you folks.

Thanks again,


Joined: 13 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 18 Sep 2008 21:23

Sophiegirl, I think you should have a look at if you havent already.

It really ties in everything you learn in PL!


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Joined: 12 Sep 2008
Posts: 10

# Posted: 19 Sep 2008 06:52 � Edited by: Elinca

The only thing that still concerns me is that once you click on the links in my blogg, and it takes you to the sellers page, it is still showing my clickbank ID in the address bar

if you go to the purchase page you will find the clickbank id at the bottom of the page anyway, so there is no way of completely hiding it.
I bought the profit lance stealth cloaker and I am very glad I did and I am using it a lot.
Another option is this cloaker (free!) :


Joined: 10 Nov 2007
Posts: 11

# Posted: 19 Sep 2008 08:08

Elinca... that is what I wanted to know. "Is it possible to hide it" You have answered my Question, Thank you.

Ok Folks. Here's what I've done so far today, I've been at this since 6 am. I went to, signed up for that and am studying their site. Went to tinyurl and started working with that. Checked out, that's a great one too. Thank you all of you, this has made me feel much better.

I am following the Profit Lance Projects and Blueprints step by step and praying my head off, but I am really excited to get started.

I'm sorry to take up so much of your time, but please know how much I appreciate it, and I am hoping that this might help someone else.
Thank you each and everyone of you. This formum rocks!



Joined: 2 Sep 2008
Posts: 15

# Posted: 19 Sep 2008 09:31

Wow thanks for all the responses and encouragement! I think Angie and Viola, you guys really hit the nail on the head when you talk about being 100% focused.

I tend to lose focus easily, something I have to really work on.

Hey Worksmart,

Welcome back, and wishing you all the best with your business ventures.

We all tend to lose focus now and then ... lol. The important thing is getting back on track (like it seems you've done). Staying in close proximity to those who will support & encourage us is also key.

Take care

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# Posted: 25 Sep 2008 06:55

Thanks for the good wishes Sparquel. Btw I have a question which I should probably start a new thread for.

Anyway, how important is page rank for your site in terms of affiliate sales? Should I continually build back links to get higher in Goggle rankings?

Is there a way to measure the page rank for your site in relation to affiliate conversions? I know it depends on your niche, but there must be some kind of general rule of thumb.


My experiment site

Joined: 26 Sep 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 26 Sep 2008 04:19


I am also looking for someone to work with, but I have only just subscribed and hence only a newcomer!

Does anybody know how I could contact the plance team as they dont reply to my messages ( I subscribed and paid for two courses, but only received one set of login details).???

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