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Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 16 Jan 2008 21:59 � Edited by: CarolinaConsign
Coastal Business 2 Business Sales (B2B)
First let me start out by saying I am no expert at this. If I were, I would have written a couple of books by now. But I have researched and tested a lot of Business to Business information that pertains to Coastal Vacations and the travel industry incentive market. I also recommend listening to the B2B call on Tuesday's with Scott O.
First, and foremost I am my own business. "Me Inc." that's not my real business name, just a point I want to make. So when I enter a business I introduce, "Me Inc." using the coastal vacations packages to meet the client's needs.
Of course I lean on how long Coastal has been around and some of the partners and there longevity, like:
Carnival Cruise Lines, 27 years in business Quest International, 19 years in business Alamo Car Rental, 28 years in business Adventure Outdoor Resorts, 11 years in business Pro Travel Solutions, 33 years in business Access Development Corporation, 18 years in business
I also only show a sampling of the package. Right now I am focused on the Get Up and Go trips available in the Level 1 & 2 package. Why? Well they have a good product and they are part of your business and available to your clients. That's nothing with out this though, they have a website and on that website they have:
1. A list of 153 Clients Using Get Up & GO! Vacation Travel Certificates as Sales Incentives and all 153 names are there to be seen.
2. 18 Success Stories, sharing the challenge, solution, and results where their business has used the Get Up & GO! Vacation Travel Certificates for success!
Go check them out. What's great is this is a full fledge company you represent as part of your package. With 60+- vendors in our package, we can utilize the success of our vendors to show the integrity of the product to our clients.
What about using those two Level 1 Cruises that you received activated when you first got your package. Show them what there customers will get, put it in there hands and paint a picture for them.
Lastly, before I get off the soap box, when closing a sale use an alternate close. I borrowed this from Dani Johnson, "So, Mr/Mrs Client, where do you see yourself getting started. Do you see yourself starting with the let's test the waters Level 1 Resort Vacation Package or are you ready to offer your clients/employees/customers the more exotic stuff with the International Vacation Package or Universal Travel Package."
I know this isn't all inclusive selling, but just a quick overview. Research what you have, so you can share it with your clients.
Tell me what you think! 
To your success!
Brian Provost
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# Posted: 16 Jan 2008 22:24
I just want to add great post Brian. Ill be sure to chime in here often.
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 16 Jan 2008 23:43
Brian, What do we get from Pro Travel Solutions? This is the first I have heard of this company. Also, have you personally booked through Get up and Go and had success with your trip? I am looking for a vendor that I can trust to give out as incentives and I thought I had one that was posting here quite a lot but it seems it is not working out that way. Which trips can we get through Get up and go?
Thanks for the info. I really like your closing.
Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 17 Jan 2008 09:48
Hey Judy great questions! Check with your director, before you implement anything you get from me. They can provide you with the answers to most, if not all of your questions. That and as I stated before, I am not an expert at this, just a fellow business owner willing to share! 
Quoting: Judy What do we get from Pro Travel Solutions?
Pro Travel Solutions is one of the vendors utilized that provides resort, condo, and hotel stays. They were started in 1974 and I believe purchased by a larger corporation several years ago (not sure on the date). Like so many of the vendors in our package, many have subsidiary businesses under their umbrella; example being (Get Up and Go is associated with Wyndham Vacation Resorts, Inc.). We only utilize a small portion of what they offer and like several of our vacations more than 1 vendor may provide the same trip, location, etc.
Quoting: Judy Also, have you personally booked through Get up and Go and had success with your trip?
Quoting: Judy Which trips can we get through Get up and go?
OK, Get UP and GO. Yes I have used them, recently and before they were part of our package. I also have a client that purchased several Get Up and Go stays, using document 6 from our fax on demand. He loves them, why? Simple, he gives away a certificate and his business has grown. Also, that one vacation certificate has 18 or 20 different trips someone can take. Everything I have stated about Get up and Go is available in the following locations:
1. The Detailed Product Overview, on the officialcoastaltraining dot com/training.aspx site. 2. Get UP and Go website.
Quoting: Judy I am looking for a vendor that I can trust to give out as incentives and I thought I had one that was posting here quite a lot but it seems it is not working out that way.
You understand if any of the companies in our package were to fail in their performance our Board of Directors would replace them. If you have a problem with any of them you need to contact the BOD. Of course make sure you follow all the terms required by the vendor to the T and 99% of the time you will not have an issue. A quick thing to ponder on, would you rather have 1 vendor or 60+ vendors? I'm for 60, why? If I don't like one , I have 59 more to use. 
If you want to do B2B, you need to know what you have to offer. A great idea is to order some trips to use or give away, while you have them research the provider, see what else they offer, expand your knowledge about it.
Knowledge is KEY! Laurence Sterne - "The desire of knowledge, like the thirst of riches, increases ever with the acquisition of it." What do you think?
Brian Provost Take a tour of the CWB!
Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 17 Jan 2008 11:51 � Edited by: CarolinaConsign
Today is a snow day, well it snowed last night and I live in the south where a light dusting will shut down everything! So, I have time to share!: )
Getting past the Price in a B-B Environment
Even the most sales savvy sales people have to fight back the nerves that appear from no where's when a customer asks about the price. If not approached correctly an easy conversation can turn sour. When discussing the price in a business-to-business environment, it is important to remember that your prospects have probably had to do the same thing with their own customers. A company exists only as long as it earns a profit and it can only do that if it delivers a quality product or service at the right price. This means that the questions about price are natural, and open a window to discuss our products quality.
So what are the meat and potatoes (features and benefits) that bring potential customers to the table and they decide to dine with you?
The meat (features) is your Coastal Vacations package.
The potatoes (benefits) are the areas that your Coastal vacations package can address for your prospect/client/friend, like:
1. Show them why it gives their prospects another reason to buy from them.
2. Explain how using sales incentives have one of the highest perceived values.
3. Show them how they can get a high return on their marketing investment.
4. Show them the leaders in the industry available through their new Coastal vacations Package.
5. Tell them who you work with (Coastal Vacations) let them see that they will be in good hands with a respected, industry leading company.
6. Show them how their sales can grow. (Example) I generated a spread sheet that I can use with my prospects, either on my own laptop or their CPU with my thumb stick. I have the months broken up into columns and the number of new sales associated in rows. I have formatted this spread sheet so when I put in there avg. sale price it equates through out the whole document. This is so powerful if you get to this point in a presentation, it's almost not fair! (Extended example) January February March 1 sale 29.99 29.99 29.99 5 sales 149.95 10 sales 299.90
Using a base price of 29.99, and only indicating a sale through using a travel incentive, my customer after 3 months will generate 3 new clients and $89.97 5 sales 149.95 a month or $449.85 after 3 months and 15 new clients 10 sales 299.90 a month or $899.70 after 3 months and 30 new clients What about extending this out to a year? What if they get 25 new sales a month? Do you see how this can help?
By the way, the above potatoes are derived from several Coastal Vacation vendors. They are in it to win, shouldn't you be also? The spreadsheet is part of "Me Inc."
Like I have stated before, I am no expert at this. I am just willing to share! 
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# Posted: 17 Jan 2008 14:10
Hi, Brian. We got about 3 inches up here in Statesville and, yes, everything is shut down. I took a half day off but am now at work.
Business to business is a just another GREAT option for us as Coastal members. A former member of mine totally focused on retail and B2B with Coastal before he decided to go 100% into another personal business he had started earlier. He was making a good living doing it, too. You have to think a little bit differently but it definately works.
Joined: 31 Jan 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 17 Jan 2008 19:19
The opening of a thread on B2B, was long overdue...very good Brian!, and I congratulate you on your modesty in saying that you are not an expert in this matter...hear, hear!
I posted in the thread "Coastal" asking for help, maybe and hopefully this B2B thread will draw the attention needed by me and I'm sure by others in the B2B area. I think that this area has a lot of potential.
Ok!...folks, I need references badly to show the companies I am visiting that other Co's have and/are using Coastal as a way to save money as well as incentives for their employees, their clients, and therefore to better their image, etc.
One of this executives I visited, after a good interview, where he showed his enthusiasm for the benefits I had described for his Co.,didn't even blink and on the contrary, he was pleased (he didn't say so, but I saw it in his face) when I mention that all this for only $11,000.00...
So Joseph, he said, how do we go about paying for this?...I explained what Coastal in its inspiring wisdom has taught all know: is a group of entrepreneurs...and it has been around for 16 yrs.(some say more, some less), and it represents Caribbean Cruises, Hertz, etc., etc...
So, grabbing his Mount Blanc, he asked me, "where is this Co.?, is it a Corp.? after the standard spiel, he said, "well, who is behind this?...Oh, I said, actually this being my own business, I am, etc.,... and, he said, well then who do we pay, in whose name do we cut the check?...just make it out to my name ...
Joseph, he smiled, I have never seen you before, you and I have had an interesting 45 minutes, but, you in my place, wouldn't it occur to you, to ask: Who is this company that not only it is not a Corp., and not even a Co., with no offices, no employees, no telephones, that it is not registered anywhere...that actually doesn't exist!?... and you tell me now to give you $11,000.00 and to your name?, who are you Joseph? at that point I showed my drivers license to show him that the same address written on the business card I had given him , was on my license. I said: "You don't have to worry about that, as you can see, you know where I live now, I am legit., etc., I showed my license to operate from the government, I showed a document of a special office that over sees scams and has the power to penalize scammers, etc. that certifies that there are no complains to my name or to Costal, etc...Oh, I see he said, well are you worth $5MM dollars to back you up? or are you bonded? (all this said in good faith, as a businessman that has to justify his decisions not based on the blah, blah of a fast talker, but in sound business practices...I really appreciated this feed back!)... We talked some more and he asked me if I could show him names of companies that bought this, or some documentation that the certificates were bona fide. I said I'll see what I can do. We parted friends. I lost another 10 grand...
So, I need names of known companies that actually have bougth Coastal!...
I think that amongst you guys that post here and amongst all those lurkers as well, and in the 16, 20, 26 or whatever amount of years has Coastal been in business, there must be some companies that have bought from us! !
So, let's share as we all promised that we would and therefore make Coastal a little bit more believable...We need it.
The way I look at my present efforts: one Platinum: I make 9 grand ($108,000.00/yr.)
I need, 10.8 level ones and therefore, 10.8 times the effort, to accomplish that! and so would you!...doesn't it make sense?... Let's share! we only have to gain!.
Having testimonials (verifiable) from known Cos. is one of the three (3) ways that guaranty to actually succeed selling Platinums to companies across the USA...guys, this is not a third or fourth world country...this is where the big money is!..all we need is go and get them How? by giving them THEIR sound reasons to buy!
To our success,
Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 17 Jan 2008 20:16
You have a possible dilemma here, but also an excellent opportunity.
Let me start at the dilemma.
Quoting: jsf Ok!...folks, I need references badly to show the companies I am visiting that other Co's have and/are using Coastal as a way to save money as well as incentives for their employees, their clients, and therefore to better their image, etc.
I understand what you are saying here and I would not brush this away. The problem is, this forum maybe has 20 or so Coastal Vacations Owners that utilize this area. At best that is maybe .1/4% of what is represented in Coastal Vacations. So you most likely will not find many B2B references here.
Saying that, you have 20 or so business owners here. I am my own business, "Me Inc." and I gave away 3 vacation certs a couple of hours ago. Why, to set up appointments to present "Me Inc." helping business grow through the use of travel incentives provided by Coastal Vacations. I know another poster on this forum that has done the same thing often. The way I see it, with Coastal Vacations, most folks that have business referrals use them for their business. They have a commitment to their customer to protect privacy and I imagine they would. I know the CV incentive page has some referrals on it and I have seen other CV sites that have client testimonies there also. You can search engine those, contact them and see what they say about contacting their customers. (Probably not the answer you were looking for) sorry.
Now the excellent opportunity.
Quoting: SF One of this executives I visited, after a good interview, where he showed his enthusiasm for the benefits I had described for his Co.,didn't even blink and on the contrary, he was pleased (he didn't say so, but I saw it in his face) when I mention that all this for only $11,000.00... Why not step back and offer a lower priced package. The lures of:Quoting: SF one Platinum: I make 9 grand ($108,000.00/yr.) I would rather strike a small pot of gold by giving an alternate choice than walking away with that 9 grand still unrealized.
Quoting: SF he said, well then who do we pay, in whose name do we cut the check?...just make it out to my name I have a business checking account. I pay taxes quarterly on this account. I also can generate a PO for them if needed. "Me Inc.", man I wish I got that website 1st- kind of like the sound of that.
Hope that helps...someone!
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 262
# Posted: 17 Jan 2008 21:08
JSF, in all caps because you earned it. You are going to make it!!!!!!
If you can ask for 11 grand under these conditions - I'm telling ya - you are going to be BIG. I am not going to take the time right now to advise you - and I am sure someone will. I just had to say bravo my man.
If this company is in some kind of sales - I am surprised he did not try and hire you on the spot!!
If you were selling stock in you - I'd buy!!
I am betting someone on here is willing to call your client up and close the deal for you - just for the thrill of helping to get you going. If nobody offers - IM me back - Hell, I'll do it for you. No charge.
I do not speak Spanish well enough - so they gotta speak English.
Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 07:05
Quoting: jsf We talked some more and he asked me if I could show him names of companies that bought this, or some documentation that the certificates were bona fide.
One more thing to add to JSFs post..........send your potential client on vacation! That should cover the certificates being bona fide. Let him experience what his client/employees will get with purchasing a CV package for his business needs.
Just a thought.
Joined: 31 Jan 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 08:13
Brian, I thank you for your well intentioned cooperation, that's the spirit... Quoting: CarolinaConsign ...The problem is, this forum maybe has 20 or so Coastal Vacations Owners that utilize this area. At best that is maybe .1/4% of what is represented in Coastal Vacations. So you most likely will not find many B2B references here ...
Well, I'm positive, there are several capable lurkers out there and besides, we've all seen some posters exalting their years of experience, expertise in marketing, making lots of money, etc. I hope some will chime in to help me and therefore all of us...
Quoting: CarolinaConsign ...I gave away 3 vacation certs a couple of hours ago. Why, to set up appointments ...
Great! that's productive. I'll start doing that!
Quoting: jsf ...Why not step back and offer a lower priced package....
That is an option, but in my opinion, not for the market I'm targeting. I tell them: All this for only $11,000.00...or less than 2 pages in the newspapers where you advertise...or 2-60 sec. TV spots, or your back-cover on the phonebook that runs you about that much a month!...etc., So, it's not the money! this aren't mom 'n pop businesses, rather Billion with a "B", dollar cos. So, lurkers, posters, show your stuff please. Names of "Well known" companies,
Joined: 31 Jan 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 08:26
To asbdf: Wow!...thanks Bob!...any advise you may have, let's hear it, I would like to share any good idea with all the "compa�eros" in Coastal!
Thank you for your prognosis. You are a man of vision...
BTW, lots if my interviewees are 'gringos' or locals completely bilingual, you know, senior VP's, Ivy league school background maybe, etc.
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 258
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 09:36 � Edited by: rhondap
Hey guys, awesome information!!!
I think the Coastal product is a deal my only problem from a cutsomer standpoint is knowing about updates, additions and deletions to the won't find many true customers of the product attending training calls or calls for that matter to get that information so how can they get that information so that their package will stay current? The fact that this is a lifetime package that regardless of any additions there is no more out of pocket to the customer is an excellent sales point but there needs to be an easier way for the "customer" to get the information regularly. KWIM?
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 262
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 14:51
Quoting: rhondap but there needs to be an easier way for the "customer" to get the information regularly. KWIM? ......... Good / happy customers should be a source for new business / referrals. Why not start an Email "group" and keep all of them updated as a service?
Where is Matt Willis? What does the master do?
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 261
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 19:19
I love that idea. That is a great solution.
Becky West
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 258
# Posted: 18 Jan 2008 20:40
Quoting: asebf Good / happy customers should be a source for new business / referrals. Why not start an Email "group" and keep all of them updated as a service? Where is Matt Willis? What does the master do?
come on give us some tips!
Joined: 31 Jan 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 19 Jan 2008 08:24
Quoting: asebf Good / happy customers should be a source for new business / referrals
That's what I'm talking about!!
Tangibles and [i]especially intangibles like Coastal are best accepted by the buyers when the product has a good image.
The best way to better an image is through word-of -mouth advertising.! References, references...
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 606
# Posted: 21 Jan 2008 11:23
Quoting: asebf Good / happy customers should be a source for new business / referrals. Why not start an Email "group" and keep all of them updated as a service?
I like that - when you generate leads at a booth event, tradeshow or something like that, send them an email every so often with updates or just simply more product info...
Thanks for starting this thread, Brian!

PNL Travel
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# Posted: 21 Jan 2008 23:25
I haven't been here is a while...
I agree with Viola, awesome thread!
Joined: 25 Dec 2006
Posts: 73
# Posted: 25 Jan 2008 11:17 � Edited by: CarolinaConsign
B2B � Who to sell to.
B2B is all about selling. A completely different beast than the traditional Coastal Vacations model, which has brought success to so many directors. B2B is about knowledge also! Not just knowing your product, but your potential clients' needs and decision making process as well. I have been asked lately about whom to approach.
Below is a list of just a few types of companies who successfully use Incentives in their businesses:
Auto dealerships Non-profit organizations (fundraising, etc.) Catalog companies Office supply companies Churches Public speakers Credit card companies Radio stations Distributors Real Estate Brokers Furniture retailers Retailers Insurance companies Service providers Jewelry stores Sports organizations Manufacturers Telemarketers Mortgage lenders Wholesalers Travel Agencies Independent Businesses
So make a list of the places you want to go and be prepared.
Remember I'm not an expert at this, just willing to share. 
PNL Travel
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Joined: 28 May 2006
Posts: 222
# Posted: 25 Jan 2008 19:57
I heard once that any company that has customers and/or employees is a potential client of ours.
I thought about that statement for a while, because I wanted to argue it, and I really couldn't...
I'm no expert either; I just wanted to share that!