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Joined: 16 Oct 2007
Posts: 8
# Posted: 12 Nov 2007 13:56
I have seen conflicting stories on this but does anyone know if the shipping center will honor director's releases that have been bought? What about if the person has a package and then bought the release from another director?
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 12 Nov 2007 14:54 · Edited by: hsimpsonjr
It depends on who you ask. If you ask a person who is wanting to sell you a release then they will say yes, they will honor it. If you ask anyone of this forum they will say no, they won't. I would be in the "No" camp. Someone wanting to buy a release is getting first hand evidence that the person selling it to them is NOT going to give them the training they want to be successful. That is SO important. Without having someone to go to and ask questions or learn how to use the package you will NEVER be successful. Look at it like this, you are supposed to put down your first 2 sales on that form. My guess is that who ever sells these things is just sending you a pdf file in email and it probably has the same to names on everyone he sells. He probably justifies this because he knows that without training, it is unlikely that anyone will use it anyway. They will try to make money for a few weeks but NO TRAINING = NO MONEY. To anyone thinking about buying a release of any level without passing up sales, DON'T DO IT!! You will be throwing your money away. Also, for all of the places that are offering discounts on packages every day to the general public, you are doing the same thing. Offering a permanent discount is bad for the business as a whole and devalues the product.
Jay, as a member of the advisory group it would be really good if you could get one of the BOD members to come here on this forum to address this issue. I'm sure they could do something and we should put the pressure on them to do it.
Joined: 16 Oct 2007
Posts: 8
# Posted: 12 Nov 2007 15:07
Thanks for the info, Harold. I appreciate what you think it is but I am really looking for THE answer. Can it be done or not?
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 12 Nov 2007 15:39
I'll second what Harold said and also add that the Coastal Board of Directors and the shipping center know who the people are who are doing these things. Orders with releases from the people that are doing things like this are returned.
Last week Scot was talking about a guy who'd fallen for this tactic and the funny thing is that the person who bought didn't get what he was expecting and also got recordings of the BOD calls.
Jay NaPier
Bill D
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 15 Nov 2007 12:53
While we are on the subject of the BOD, what is their position on those members who are offering Level 3 packages with ALL directors releases for 50% off suggested Coastal prices. I don't want to point any fingers but simply do a google search for Coastal Vacations and you will find those directors. If this information is so blatantly available one would think that the BOD would make a point of shutting these people down and publically making a statement to the effect that this type of marketing will not be tolerated.
Again this information is being publically marketed, directors releases come with the cost of the packages is a clear violation of Coastal Principles and needs to be addressed. You point out that Scot has already come across just such a person and it would appear that this practice needs to be addressed sooner than later. They are giving Coastal a bad name and one would think that the BOD would do something about a problem that they are already aware of.
I look forward to your thoughts.
Bill Decker 443-244-2118
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 15 Nov 2007 14:35
Hi Bill,
This issue is being addressed at present. Most of the people that do things like this don't last long as they are showing their lack of success with practices like this.
While I can't speak for any other board member of leadership council member. I can say that my vote is to make their releases null and void.
Again...this is being address and the shipping center has been advised to return the orders from those releases.
Jay NaPier
Bill D
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 16 Nov 2007 12:09 · Edited by: Bill D
Thanks Jay for the update. Understanding that this has a direct effect on other Coastal members conducting their business in an ethical manner. Is there a specific person that the members should contact regarding this blatant practice. I am sure we, the membership, would be glad to assist in bringing these folks to task. Perhaps we could give the BOD the actual websites, get that members name and ID in the hopes that these members be banned from Coastal. IF it can be done for SPAM, one would think that they could come down on this practice severely and in short order.
The problem with the wait and see attitude is that each day another victim buys one of these BS Directors release's and it gives Coastal a bad name. Perhaps these "Directors" names could be posted as a warning to prospective members to avoid these predators.
I can only hope that this is delt with in a timely process.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
Bill Decker 443-244-2118
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 16 Nov 2007 12:18
Hi Bill,
There's not a system in place for this, but I do know that these challenges are being taken care of. New systems are being put in place and being beta look for changes in this area soon.
Bill D
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 16 Nov 2007 12:21
Thanks Jay I appreciate the follow up.
Enjoy your weekend.
Bill D
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 26 Nov 2007 22:13 · Edited by: Bill D
I was reviewing some posts from a while ago, specifically 9/6/07 where the issue of bogus directors releases was brought up by a guy who bought one. Here we are over 2 1/2 months have gone by and we are still discussing it. Unfortnately I just missed the Monday night members call otherwise I would have brought it up again and asked what the delay in cleaning up our business is.
Lets not mince words, we know who is doing it yet the powers that be appear to allow the practice without doing anything about it. Words only go so far, action is what is required now. Why doesn't the BOD make a statement by taking out a notable Level 3 Director who has been practicing this on the internet. SImply go to Google and search Coastal Vacations and there it is.
Then it would be helpful if the BOD brought up this issue on one of their next calls to let their membership know that they indeed are in the process of dealing with these type of people. The legal term is FRAUD. If these folks are using the Coastal Vacations name to sell a (bogus) release the shipping center will not honor. I do not see how that can be considered to be good business practice.
If September this was brought up to the BOD and we are almost in December one must ask what is taking them so long to put an end to this practice?
I would as well as a few others would appreciate any insight you may have to the progress being made to date on this subject. These victims continue to pile up and give Coastal a bad name.
Bill Decker 443-244-2118
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 27 Nov 2007 00:10
I would suggest your send a note to the shipping center. Be specific about the challenge you have mentioned and perhaps you see more action against the person.
I'm a Platinum Director and I'm on the Leadership council, while this is something that I've ALSO voiced my opinion on, I don't make the final decision on this, so I've done all I can do at this point.
Jay NaPier
P.S. - If you require further assistance with this matter, drop me a pm and I'll get you the best info I've got.