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Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 21
# Posted: 19 Nov 2007 09:19
Quoting: linkmetro You invested $11k and you don't have a website?? You have your own domain which is forwarded to , well how ironic- "all the calls are done for you." But you don't have your own website??
The first thing to put on the Site is a bio, right. I did that and told a great story about how "Coastal" changed my life. It was so convincing that my Director was ready to sign up again. Well just how deceptive is that.
Any newbe coming in has to hide that fact that they are. Those that want sucess want to surround themselves with those that are. So create an illusion of grandor . bacically tell a lie.
and I agree Adam , many posts on the forum about Director jumpers wanting to have there hand held to sucess. I do not want to waist anyone's time.
Just the truth. So far its squeeking out.
Rhonda , Adam, Jay, Harold, Coast Guard, Bob thanks for you candor.
The past is the past reguarding Platnum vs Level 3. My CWB Director is a wonderful person. She purchased $1000 of leads from : Cutting Edge Media , Networker Central for me and off I went using a script and putting my head down. Mabie it is about the leads, quality etc. because I used the Natural Sales aproach, and never got a 3 way. So its who do ya believe. an ebook about the exact same problem I was having in prospecting. or GET the right leads.
I do not have a phobia about calling. Just do not agree to use pressure ,diversive tactics to make a sale. To first Guide and help others does require that same thing for me.
So on the net who do you believe? Trust is everything.
I went to there convention in WV and met the folks there. All very proud of there busniesses. My contention was the prayer vigals during the live calls. Adam Wrote "First lets get some of the facts out for new people. There are many directors from different groups here. The goal of each and everyone of them is to increase their business. So the underlieing fact is selfserving?
If any thing here is an open forum and one to extend respect . I for one am not giving up on this business.
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 281
# Posted: 19 Nov 2007 10:14
I'm not sure what type of training was gievn to you from CWB or any where about calling leads, if you have been trained then ignore my post.....but before anyone sits down with a lead list they should be trained and I recommend Dani Johnson - her training helped me out a great deal.
You can take 2 people with the same lead list one with the proper training and one without, the person with the proper training will do much better with the exact same list.
Again much success too you.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 19 Nov 2007 10:21
Quoting: DCollier The first thing to put on the Site is a bio, right. I did that and told a great story about how "Coastal" changed my life. It was so convincing that my Director was ready to sign up again. Well just how deceptive is that. Any newbe coming in has to hide that fact that they are. Those that want sucess want to surround themselves with those that are. So create an illusion of grandor . bacically tell a lie.
You should NEVER, EVER tell a lie about where you are in the business or where you've been. There ARE some groups who teach the old fake it til you make it and I don't believe in that one bit. It's like a skunk - You can smell it a mile away!
I'm getting a better picture things now. Congrats on going to the event. It tells me alot about how serious you are about your business. Too many talk a good talk, but when it comes to their committment - they don't goto events and they are just fooling themselves.
There's alot that can be shared about how you did things. I will tell you that I'm not a big fan of the group you were a part of, but I also know alot of folks who've left overthere are well.
Here's what I'd recommend. Get on some of Dani Johnson's trainings. See what she has to offer and go from there.
Also, know that If I can help with a 3 way or you want to so.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1701
# Posted: 19 Nov 2007 11:16
Quoting: rhondap I'm not sure what type of training was gievn to you from CWB or any where about calling leads, if you have been trained then ignore my post.....but before anyone sits down with a lead list they should be trained and I recommend Dani Johnson - her training helped me out a great deal.
Great advice!!Dani helped me tremendously as well , and I totally agree with getting trained to call leads.However, NOTHING takes the place of actually picking up the phone and talking to people to get you through your learning curve!
