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Joined: 6 Jun 2007
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# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 20:30
Hello to all, I wanted to start this thread for Coastal members and for the people looking to gather knowledge on starting a Home Business w/Coastal. I feel it is important in any business to understand your product.
Thanks in advance for all who are willing to share their product knowledge.
I am asking for all Coastal directors to please use this thread to only answer questions about our Coastal product (Not Marketing) and how it can be used for a lifetime of Travel Savings.
I'll ask the first question...................................
What makes the Level 2 package worth more than the Level 1?
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
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# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 20:39
OK good question - and I'll ask the 2nd question. I printed the product info from the Coastal site. L 3 - is confusing a bit. Either it is not in full disclosure - or it is just way to good to be true.
Anyone care to detail out L3?
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# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 21:14
The biggest assets to level II and the best way to promote it to prospects are the unlimited cruises as well as the unlimited vacations that are limited to one time use in level I. Now there are a bunch more additions but those are the major differences. For a new person trying to remember all the differences is hard and it makes more sense to print out Coastal Profile and use that as a guide.
For level III the biggest difference are all inclusive trips.
Again the best way to teach a new member or a prospect is by using the profile. As we are constantly adding more and more value to our package and while it seems to good to be true it isnt.
The reason Coastal works is simple. Hotels, motels, condo's and vacation homes are never at 100% capacity. Giving the rooms , etc away a a discount makes them money where they woudnt have made any with an empty room. Plus the money you saved will most likely be spent on tourism when you get there. In addition its great FREE advertsing. You have a great time and tell all your friends. Everyone wins.
I love our package as we have saved enough in travel expenses to pay for our level III package. Looking forward to more great questions but I make it my business to learn as I go using the resources we have. I never want my new teammates to think they have to memorize everything.
Adam 302 476 2753
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# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 21:51
Thank you Adam great responce Now for the next question.........................
Is there a list of vendors for each FREE vacation certificate?
Which vendor honors which cert.?
If so how can I obtain one?
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 23:19
Excellent answer Adam!
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# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 09:11
Stephanie a board of director member conducts training calls on each and every package L1,L2,L3, monday thru thursday.
She answers questions as well. Since she is in the product development portion of the package she is the most knowledgable about details of each level.
We gain general knowledge when we join Coastal from the Director we join with. Than we educate ourselves by listening to the product calls , usig the package ourselves, reading all the materials explaining details.
Here is a detailed overview, for example, that is on the official Coastal training site:
Product Training
Detailed Product Overview
Understanding Coastal's Structure
Activating Your Package
Listen to the Product Training Call live every Thursday at 9pm EST by calling 620-294-3000 pin 1103#. Or you can listen to a pre-recorded version on the Audio Training page by clicking here.
Activating Your Bonus Vacations
Using Your Package
Client Testimonials
Can be found here:
Unless you are a Platinum member and have used all 3 packages which would take a lifetime to use it would be difficult (as I said in another thread) to know absolute details of each and every condo that is offered with the condo card for example, members that have used the package and the certificates give testimonials about a particular property.
BTW, I know you meant well but saying 'no bickering" in the title was rather uncalled for, we are all adults here and yes at times tempers flare and so it goes, this has happened in another thread concerning another travel business so it IS NOT JUST Coastal people!!!!
I hope this helped!
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 185
# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 09:59
Thank you Terri for your knowledge 
I am wondering if anyone in this forum can answer my question below? I am not asking about our cards or specific condos.
Quoting: wapahm Is there a list of vendors for each FREE vacation certificate? Which vendor honors which cert.? If so how can I obtain one?
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# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 12:09
Here's an example of what makes Coastal so valuable. I bought one of those sleep number beds you see on TV about a week ago. I bought the 5000 edition and the adjustable foundation as well...makes it great for reading in bed.
Anyway, One of the guys was telling me how the company does not treat their employees well. It was 5:30 and he and his partner still had 2 deliveries left.
I gave him my card and he told me he was going to Orlando on the 29th of this month. I said...let me show you something. I'd just been doing some searching and had found a Kissimee, FL 3 Bed. Room condo for $294 for a week. When I showed him...he told me he was staying at a Disney hotel for $1600 for the week...and the biggest advantage he had was that Sponge Bob was the theme of the hotel.
I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to pay $1300 for Sponge Bob....but when you look at this....One Trip pays for the L1 Coastal Membership.
Jay NaPier
Bill D
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# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 13:19
The short and sweet, Level 1: Vacations are in the US and cruises are 1 time use and your commission is $1,000
Level 2 offers unlimited cruises, unlimited vacations, it is an international package and the commission is $3,000
Hope this helps
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 14:01
There are approximately 60 vendors that honor Coastal certificates. That list does change. What happens is when someone sends in a cert, the shipping center will rotate vendors. If you have worked with a particular vendor before and would like to again, the shipping center will honor your request. I kinda like that because if you develop a good relationship with a travel agent, it is nice to work with them again.
If you do not care for a particular vendor or have a problem, you are not forced to book the trip and you can request a new cert, with no extra activation fee. If there are complaints about a particular vendor, then they will be dropped from the list.
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# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 16:48
If level 1 is $1,000.00 to buy in, how much is level 2? How much is level 3?
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# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 22:13
Group - below is what I copied from the coastal site on one L3 offer - I have basic questions below:
Complimentary all-inclusive resort vacations - 6 destinations to choose from (Bahamas, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic) 3 days / 2 nights lodging , all meals, drinks, taxes, gratuities, and activities on the beach and at the resort included. Retail value - $600.
The above copied from -
Once people buy a L3 - what would the above package actually cost them?
and "Lifetime Level 3 Universal Membership Card - purchase more of ANY of the vacations below in unlimited quantities to give away!"
I don't get this statement at the beginning of L3. It seems you have unlimited access to these vacation packages for free? Surely not? - what am I missing?
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Posts: 270
# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 22:30
Hi Bob,
I am not a L3 Diretcor but what I understand what we have access to is "complimentary and/or discount vacations" With the complimentary vacations we or the person you give it to will pay any applicable fees and taxes.
Just like when Oprah gave her audience new cars the audience members were responsible for paying any fees and/or taxes associated with that "gift" Oprah could not pay those items.
A L3 rep will correct me if I am wrong.
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Posts: 264
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 00:07
Rhonda - thanks -
So if someone asks - what to tell them on the bottom line out of pocket?
I did look hard trying to find this answer priot to posting -
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# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 07:20
If level 1 is $1,000.00 to buy in, how much is level 2? How much is level 3?
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# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 09:17 � Edited by: rhondap
Quoting: asebf Rhonda - thanks - So if someone asks - what to tell them on the bottom line out of pocket? I did look hard trying to find this answer priot to posting - __________________ Bob
It is hard to say what their bottom line out of pocket will be ...the fees and taxes will vary, regardless they are still saving a GREAT deal of money.
Would you take a car you "won" and only have to pay fees and taxes or would you say "well that wasn't really "free" because I have to pay some fees and taxes so I don't want the car" ?
If you run into someone who has a problem with that concept then that person is not a potential customer nor prospect.
I am pretty sure those who travel ALOT can understand the concept of a deal and our packages are truly a deal even with having to pay processing fees and taxes.
Joined: 4 Jan 2007
Posts: 167
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 09:33
Newbie are the costs to join Coastal:
Level 1: $1295 Level 2: $3995 Level 3: $11,000
WITH THE "We Close Your Sales" CALL CENTER: Level 1: $1995 Level 2: $4995 Level 3: $11,000
Hope this helps! PM me if you would like more info.
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Posts: 264
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 11:01
Quoting: rhondap I am pretty sure those who travel ALOT can understand the concept of a deal and our packages are truly a deal even with having to pay processing fees and taxes. ................. Rhonda - I have no doubt it is a great deal - But if I am going to ask someone for $11,000 - and they ask what would a normal trip would cost them out of pocket - I'd like to be able to answer at least in general terms.
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# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 11:27
Quoting: asebf Rhonda - I have no doubt it is a great deal - But if I am going to ask someone for $11,000 - and they ask what would a normal trip would cost them out of pocket - I'd like to be able to answer at least in general terms. __________________ Bob
Bob that's just it we have no way of knowing what a "normal" trip will cost them unless of course you took the same trip yourself but then again the cost may vary...alot of things could change the scenario, they could choose to upgrade, stay an extra day, add children etc I learned from Dani Johnson when asked questions such as those "I don't know about that all I know is blah, blah, blah....."
Answering in general terms is just this - you would be responsible for any processing fees and taxes.
Answering in specifics would be "The 4 day 3 night trip to blah blah will cost you blah blah out of pocket and the 7 day cruise to the Bahamas will cost you blah, blah etc etc."
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# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 11:29 � Edited by: ateamfuntimer
I have been reading the post and see that everyone is trying to get all the prices on individual trips so they can see how to market to potential clients. I have a suggestion. Think of the Coastal package as a MEMBERSHIP. Sort of like joining Sam's Club, or BJ's or Costco. You pay a membership fee, then get everything for a discount. Coastal is the same way. You buy and now have access to all the deals just like you would at the above listed stores.
Most people are paying retail for trips and lining the pockets of travel agents for their service. I like being a travel agent myself to make those profits but I also understand that people these days are always looking for the buying power of a membership. This membership cuts the middle out and you now have access to the better deals. This is how I explain it to a client. If you explain that from now on you will be traveling at a discount that helps. Yes up front they have a bigger cost as they are buying the membership but thats the case at Costco, BJ's and Sam's Club when they buy those memberships as well.
I hope that helps a bit.
Adam Frederick Level III Director Former CSG Leader and Trainer 302 476 2753
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Posts: 264
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 17:27
Another try:
Rhonda - Adam - thanks - but I guess I am not asking the question correctly. Let's assume say - my sister -- is looking at spending 11K for a L3. She finds under:
this example.
Complimentary all-inclusive resort vacations - 6 destinations to choose from (Bahamas, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic) 3 days / 2 nights lodging , all meals, drinks, taxes, gratuities, and activities on the beach and at the resort included. Retail value - $600
And she asks me - After I have spent the 11K - what will a trip like the one explained in your marketing materials above - approximately cost me?
What would my answer be? I can't help but think if I am asking someone to fork over 11K - that I'd have to be more specific than what you all are suggesting?
Thanks -
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 17:41
I'm not a L3 Director so perhaps there is an answer other than what I have given....... the next best thing I can suggest is to get on our detailed product call with Stephanie which is held every Wednesday at 3pm EST and ask her that question....she is here to help us all with product questions. I can tell you I have learned alot about our products since attending her calls.
Perhaps since it is an "all inclusive" there are no additonal processing fees and taxes to be paid unless you do upgrades or add people.
The processing fees are charged by the providing vendor and since we partner with so many it would be difficult to list their fees as they could change, the vendor could change and the fees can vary.
Oh well I treid again.
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# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 17:41
The best way to get specific product answers is to get right to the horses mouth.
Stephanie does an in depth product training on Wednesday @ 3pm est. Thats the best resource.
Hope that helps. I love that anyone can use the available tools and get all the info. Makes me not have to be so smart lol.
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 264
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 18:04
hehehehe - I KNOW you guys are trying to help - but let me try and give you an idea of what this sounds like from someone ignorant of most everything at this point.
I go to buy a new car - Salesman says the price is 11K - fine - I ask what the gas mileage is? Can't tell me - what is the length of the warranty and what does it cover? Can't tell me. How many people can it carry - what is the load capacity for trailers? Can't tell me. Are there special things I need to know about service? Can't tell me.
Gosh guys and girls - I just do not get it. How can I sell a package if I cannot explain what the benefits are?
I am listening to audio help - reading as much as I can before coming here and asking questions so as not to be a bother. And also - once I get more involved I can see this as a good place to send new people that may have questions as this not a formal Coastal site - so there should be no "weighted" answers.
I have asked so many questions about ad budgets - income - etc. - have been very nosey in general - but it seems all I get is vague answers on most (pretty much all) topics I understand someone not wanting to tell me their income - heck I could be an IRS agent - but how about how many hours/month and what does that hourly commitment return to you?
Sorry - not getting an answer specifically to this question - the possible saving on this exact trip outlined in the training -- has sent me into a rant on the other issues.
I am confident you are trying to help - I think I just need to be better in how I phrase my questions.
But, I am having problems getting most any question answered in a specific detailed way.
Sorry for ranting - I feel like my favorite prayer: God please give me the wisdom of patience - and I want it right NOW!
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 18:18 � Edited by: rhondap
Hey Bob,
I am sorry you feel that way.
I am quite sure no one is intentionally NOT answering your questions.
I guess when it comes to ad budgets, hourly committment etc etc it all pretty much can vary depending on the individual.
As far as details and out of pocket expenses for each trip there are 25 in the L1 package alone the detailed product overview does provide rough estimates for most the one you are asking about has no out of pocket expenses noted and possibly there are I said Stephanie would be the best one to answer that question and any other product questions for you.
Perhaps no one here has taken that trip and has no amount for you. Since there are so many to choose from some take some of the same ones over and over again because they like those vacations.
You forget the benefit of the packages is the DISCOUNTED travel for a lifetime that is what we are selling which includes those listed trips over time some trips have been taken away and some trips have been added.
ETA: What would I say if someone asked me a question I did not know the answer to - "You know so and so that is a very good question I have not personally taken that trip so I don't have an answer for you let me ask our product specialist and get back with you o.k.?"
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
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# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 18:57 � Edited by: jnapier
Bob, You really need to be more specific.
If you don't tell us when and where you want to's tough to give you a specific.
So, if I were buying a New Mustang and asked about the gas milage...I might have to be more specific than just a 2007 Mustang...there are so many options for there are with Coastal.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 264
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 19:12
Quoting: rhondap You forget the benefit of the packages is the DISCOUNTED travel for a lifetime that is what we are selling which includes those listed trips over time some trips have been taken away and some trips have been added. ............. Ok - believe me I do understand the concept. And thanks all for being so patient with my ignorance.
I consider myself one of the best salesmen I have ever met and trained. But I also think you guys have me beat big time. Let me ask a more basic question - how do you sell a L3 - when what you are selling has no specific benefits or examples?
The above listed vacation offer states a 600 dollar retail value. OK - then what might a potential L3 purchaser expect to pay for it?
How can you guys - and girls - sell something so vague? I do not need - nor am asking for exact dollars and cents - jees - just a ballpark would be nice.
I am not asking for a full training seminar - but just a simple answer to why would someone buy - how do you sell a L3?
At the beginning of L3 in the product training it begins with:
"Lifetime Level 3 Universal Membership Card - purchase more of ANY of the vacations below in unlimited quantities to give away!"
Great - so what does it typically cost me to purchase something I may give away? Do your clients just not ask this question?
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 19:31 � Edited by: jnapier
Bob, Perhaps the Coastal Vacations Membership are not for you.
We sell an intangible product....much like insurance. You can't see your auto insurance, but you know it's there when you pay the premium. Like insurance, there are spectific details needed to give you a quote.
I've just researched Orlando for the Week of October 6. I found Several properties to choose from with Efficiency, 1 bed room and 2 bed room condo units at just $575 for the week.
We work with over 60 different companies, so the options for travel are's not something you can just say...How much is, because the prices change as well. That's how travel works.
Call Southwest and ask them how much it is to fly from Nashville to Las Vegas and you'll get the same answer....For What Dates?
If you'd like to be more specific...I'm sure someone here will do the research to find the answer.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 19:39
Bob it's me again 
I'm not L3 or L2 nor am I a product guru. I think the main difference between L3 and L1 and L2 is the fact it includes All Inclusive vacations.
L3 is NOT for everyone I would think it is for your serious traveler who can see that spending $11,000 for that package is quite a deal. This would mean that they probably spend that much or more on a yearly vacation or vacations.
I would not approach a prospect with the intention of "selling" them a L3 initial approach would be L1 or L2 depending on THEM now once we talk and I see that L3 is a better fit for them based on what they currently do I would show them the L3 package again letting them know I am not a product guru but this is what comes with the L3 package and the bottom line is there is a savings to them with each vacation in the package.
The L3 as does the L1 and L2 does have specific benefits...perhaps we are not understanding what you mean by benefit.
The benefit is discount travel ---- never pay full price again. What we sell is discount travel.
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 264
# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 19:53
[email protected]
I feel I am dominating this thread and wasting peoples time. If someone wants to take the time and explain to me why I or anyone would want to spend 11K - on .................???
I am tryng to put myself in the consumers shoes - I understand the membership concept - But why is it impossible to get an answer on why I should upgrade to an L3 - what are the benefits and savings I could expect?
Basically what do I get for 11K? Jay - I have had two "jobs" in my life. Life Insurance and Mortgage. You just cannot get more intangible eh?
When I ask people to spend money - there has GOT to be a reason why I would think. Am I really this stupid? I'll quit wasting everyone's time here - if someone can explain via Email - thanks.