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Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 801
# Posted: 19 Sep 2007 19:15
Anyone know why Scot Chatron is not conducting the live lead calls? I absolutely enjoyed listening to him do those calls! I am hoping he will return and do them once again.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 19 Sep 2007 20:56
HI Terri,
If your a regular on this training, you should have heard about what we were doing on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
These calls were to leads that were associated with the Nashville event. It was a special training to assist in allowing everyone to see how we do our own lead calls. This has been one of the most successful training calls I've heard in a while.
It was announced at the beginning of the calls the Scot was traveling and would continue with our normal schedule next week.
Jay NaPier Platinum Director/ Advisory Council Coastal Vacations
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 187
# Posted: 19 Sep 2007 23:10
Hi Terri, I listen when I can also, I missed this announcement too. Scot is awesome on this training and I'm glad he'll be back!
Quoting: jnapier If your a regular on this training, you should have heard about what we were doing on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Jay, your quote above was unnecessary some of us have other obligations that may not allow us to be present on every training call. Since you CAN make every call, why not record the calls for those in the forum that can't always be there?
Cindy J
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 263
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 00:20
yes that was just for this week.... as already mentioned
All will be back to normal next week. Yes Scott is wonderful, laid back and simply a wonderful trainer.
cheers Maria
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 272
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 06:36
I really enjoyed the calls this week. It gave you a chance to see how others did their calls.
Scot is great and I can't wait to hear him next week.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 801
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 06:51
Thanks everyone!
The calls were interesting hearing how others make their calls as well. Great how other Directors step up to the plate for the rest of us. But glad to hear Scot will be back.
Bill D
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 08:32 · Edited by: Bill D
There is an audio tutorial in the Official Coastal Product Training that Scot did not too long ago and that can give you 40 minutes of his live dials. That should hold us over until he returns.
Cindy, you are correct in your comment yesterday. One would expect more from an Advisory Council Member. It is advice like that we can do without.
What the Advisory Council should do is recommend that the Monday Tues And Wed Live Dials with Scot are taped and put on the Official Site for those who can not make each and every training call. Then removing and replacing as the weeks go on.
Maybe the Advisory Council would take that into consideration.
That is the type of response that a member of the Advisory Board should have offered.
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 272
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 09:04
Quoting: Bill D What the Advisory Council should do is recommend that the Monday Tues And Wed Live Dials with Scot are taped and put on the Official Site for those who can not make each and every training call. Then removing and replacing as the weeks go on.
Excellent suggestion.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 09:07 · Edited by: jnapier
Quoting: wapahm your quote above was unnecessary some of us have other obligations that may not allow us to be present on every training call. Since you CAN make every call, why not record the calls for those in the forum that can't always be there?
Yes, Cindy - That's exactly why I said what I said. If you were on the call you should know what was taking place. It was announced on Monday, Tuesday and Crystal mentioned it as well on Wednesday.
I don't attend all the calls, but I do attend most. This week has been a long one. I had 5 hours of training we did on Monday, Tuesday was another 2 and Wednesday was another 2.5 hours. I enjoy helping others and being a part of these calls has help many.
Some weeks are shorter for Scot and this week gave everyone a new perspective. I've used several scripts, but today I don't use a script at all. It's a process everyone goes through. I like hearing Scot each week and it helps me put on my game face for the day.
The statement was not meant to be personal....but just to inform those who didn't have a clue what you were talking about. Those who took it personal should REALLY get to know me before they begin to pass judgement.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 09:19 · Edited by: jnapier
Quoting: Bill D What the Advisory Council should do is recommend that the Monday Tues And Wed Live Dials with Scot are taped and put on the Official Site for those who can not make each and every training call. Then removing and replacing as the weeks go on.
Bill, this is being done. We have the official Coastal System and we are working on something that I can't discuss right now. It will be for those who subscribe to the official Coastal system.
You have trainings that are done for members of the call center ....yet, are not made available for anyone but those who subscribe to the call center...which is fine if it's working for you.
Before these calls were opened up for all of Coastal, they were Scot team calls and only his team members could attend. CEM began to make them available to Coastal Members who had bought CEM leads. Today, they are open to all of Coastal.
These trainings are to benefit all members of Coastal, but you've got to make it a priority to attend the trainings. It always surprises me how few from this forum who actually attend these trainings - They are there for you, but so few who choose to be vocal here are even attending these trainings.
In business, you've got to set your priorities - If you've got something that has a higher priority, that's fine, but don't blame others because you could not attend.
I'm always surprised by people who always want more, but are not going to the line to get what is available. I'm sure there are some who could not make it to the Nashville event who blame the event date.
Everyone should accept responsability for their business. As a director we are responsible to our teams, but not for our team. It works the same for any training that's available.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 14:45
Hi, I am planning on switching to the official system (as well as the WCYS) I had tried vacation power for a few months but I was not gettting many opt-ins and took it to mean that people want more info before they opt in. I would love to be on more calls as well but for me as well as many it is not convenient with my other JOB so having them recorded (even for a week like Dani Johnson does) would be really helpful. That way I could listen from 11 p.m. until bed which would gear me up for the next day.
I am glad this is in the works. I hope the product calls get the same recording if they are not already.
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 600
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 15:11
Jay, you have a way of being very condescending to anyone who doesn't do something like you. You have a lot of GREAT information to add to this forum but when you post it in such a condescending fashion it tends to make people dislike you. For instance, the way you responded to me in the people researching coastal thread or the way you responded to Adam in the thread he started about a game plan. I really enjoyed reading about the way your day is scheduled and I think you offer some REALLY useful tips on marketing but when you make statements like you did in this thread it looks bad on you.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 801
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 16:45
HAROLD! God Bless!! Thank you for always being a gentleman.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 681
# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 20:01
I look forward to the calls being recorded if that is the plan. I love my time freedom and anything that automates my business more and gives me more freedom is a good thing. I look forward to Jay giving us all the info he can about upcoming ideas. I know some things he won't be able to mention as they are still being developed but anything he shares will be appreciated. I have known Jay for a few years now and have from the beginning been trying to pick his brain. Im glad as that now he is in an official position he has really begun to share. Thanks for the input Jay.
I will say something about training though. Its great but nothing beats doing the work yourself. Go listen to great trainers like Scott Chatron (who I absolutely admire his posture) but get in the game yourself. Apply, apply, and apply what they are saying. I always understood I couldn't hit a home run if I was on the bench. I had to take a swing. So come out swinging. It's not hard. Ask someone if they like vacations (which most will say yes to) and send them to your website. Then send them to a live call or get with your director to 3way them. It's that simple.
Let's continue to share here and respect each other in whatever manner we all choose to run our business. I love my part timers as well as my full timers as all have a desire and the tools to change their lives with the Coastal vehicle.
Adam Frederick 302 476 2753
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 09:17
Quoting: hsimpsonjr the way you responded to me in the people researching coastal thread
Harold, let's just call a spade a spade. That post was more about the call center than about Coastal and the two are NOT the same. Case in point. The call center has it's own introductory product. The call center is not endorsed by the Coastal Board of Directors.
There are several ways to market Coastal but when it comes to doing it honestly and ethincally....that's another story. When I see something that I feel strongly about....I'm going to speak out about it. That's just me. Your SPAM to the forum was not called for!
Because I use the official coastal systems and tools - I'm offering information about Coastal that ANYONE in coastal can plug into.
To be forward with you Howard, it makes you look bad to use the call center. It's not an official tool and the way you spam the forum about the call center like you did makes you look like your desperate for a sale.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 600
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 10:21
Jay, The post was about how I do my Coastal business and, yes, it is with the call center for the most part. But you know what, I opened the door for every other team on the forum to jump and talk about their way of marketing also. The really great thing about Coastal is that we can have teams and we can advertise and recruit however we want to.
Again, Al Romine, chairman of the BOD is good friends with Hoyt, the owner of the call center. Al Romine, the CHAIRMAN OF THE BOD, had Hoyt, THE OWNER OF THE CALL CENTER, stand up at the big Coastal conference at Orlando back in 2006 and give a testimony to how GREAT things are going for his team. If Al Romine, THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOD, asks Hoyt, THE OWNER OF THE CALL CENTER, to come up in front of the entire conference and tell about how great we are doing, I would say he probably doesn't have much of a problem with us. Wouldn't you agree? You can actually see a video of what Hoyt said if you go to coastalsalescenter dot com.
Quoting: jnapier There are several ways to market Coastal but when it comes to doing it honestly and ethincally....that's another story. When I see something that I feel strongly about....I'm going to speak out about it. That's just me. Your SPAM to the forum was not called for!
First of all, this forum is for us to use to help eachother with the exchange of ideas and also to use as a marketing tool. I have made over 10 sales just from people reading my posts on this forum. This all started about a year ago and that's when this section of this forum really started to grow. I'm not saying it started to grow because of me but I am saying that I started getting sales from me answering questions on this forum and I started telling prospects and team members about it and then this section EXPLODED and is now the larges section of this entire forum. That's about the time you started coming back in here and dropping bombs on all of us just like you are doing now.j Before that time, I didn't even know you were a member of this forum and I had been here for several months. You chilled out for a while but now you getting personal again. You sound like the one desperate for a sale.
Now, you are saying that myself and my teammates are un-ethical and dishonest because we use the call center. THAT is ABSOLUTEY UNCALLED FOR! We are giving prospects the option to use the call center if they feel it will benefit them and apparently many of them do since we have over 3000 members on the call center team. We are totally ethical and honest. Again, NO TEAM IS AN OFFICIAL ENDORSED TOOL OF THE BOD. This includes you and your personal website. It's great that you use the COA websites. They are really good sites but it doesn't mean that the call center, CSG, CWB, CFW and many other teams represented on this forum are not ethical and honest. I think you owe all of us an apology for that statement.
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 10:49
Now wait a minute Jay! What on earth is with you?? DO NOT question the ethics and honesty of Harold Simpson. You are WAY out of line. I cannot understand how you can possibly attract people to your team with the venom you spit at everyone here on these boards. The call center is a TOOL to help us sell Coastal. As Harold said, Hoyt Farmer, the owner of the Call Center, has been invited to speak at an OFFICIAL Coastal function. That is about as close as you can get to an official endorsement. I am sure you saw him because you go to every official function don't you?? And if not, you can watch the video.
Honestly Jim, you are always on the attack. We all know how you feel here. Move on already! Your opinion is welcome, but it is just that � an opinion. This is an open forum for us to exchange ideas and for people looking in to this business to get direct and HONEST answers about Coastal and the ways we do business. Nobody is claiming that the call center is endorsed by the Board of Directors. But to say we are not above board is just plain wrong.
I feel everyone has something valuable to contribute. But you are doing yourself no favors with the condescending attitude and the cheap shots directed at many members of this forum. My mother always said you get more with honey than you do with vinegar. Maybe that is something you should take in to consideration.
Let's keep the personal attacks at bay, shall we?
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 11:03
Harold I was at that seminar and heard Hoyt speak, were you there??
First off you've taken my post wrong. Your post was about the Call Center..and I think it's great that you've chosen to work your business that way. I might add that since Hoyt spoke there have been changes to the call center that have nothing to do with I can't say that the call center is looked at the same way that it was.
I would also like to add that people seeking information on the call call center can goto your website to learn more. They can also do that to learn more about me as well.
If the call center was such a great idea, don't you think it would become an endorsed marketing tool?
I ONLY use the official Coastal Vacations systems and trainings. These are the Official Endorsed systems, tools, and trainings done by board of directors and advisory council members.
When I said honest and ethical, I was not refering to a group, but to the post itself. Your not the only one either....there's another person here who I've just asked to eliminate the sales pitch.
One of the reasons there's a non-compete agreement at Official Coastal Events is to create a SAFE ZONE for our membership. A place where they can go to learn, without a sales pitch. I'm sure you understand why I'm working to make this forum a Safe Zone.
Each of us get the opportunity to share our information with the link and phone numbers. Let's keep it professional and not make this a sale pitch zone!
Jay NaPier
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 187
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 11:09
Well hello again everyone
I wanted to add a little something.
There are people in this world that feel it is necessary to bash, step on, put down, try to find something wrong with everyone other than themselves.
Usually they do this because they don't feel good about themselves, but in the case of business it usually stems from the feeling of being threatened or scared of competition. It's childish and petty.
I believe people researching the Coastal Opportunity in this forum can get a good idea of the type of director they will be working with by reading what members post.
My mama always taught me if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. This can be difficult sometimes, but I'm going to start practicing right now......................
Have a great day!  Cindy
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 11:17
I've already posted where I stand on this. If someone feels the call center is for them...that's great.
This is the "Coastal Vacations" forum and not the Coastal Sales Center forum.
I think it's great that there are groups within Coastal, but I also know from ALOT of research and ALOT of investing - I've owned all but the new DFI system and each has something for everyone.
What your calling vinagar is really being neutral. The coastal sales center is not found on official coastal tools dot com . Now we can debate about it all day - but, there are some great people using it and I know some of them and I have no issue with them using it as long as they are getting what they want from it.
Now, if I came on here and said "I" was the best director and "I" was the best route to go and "Call Me" for official coastal information and "I have the best way to make it with coastal".....I'd expect to be called out about that.
I've been posting in formum for years. I've been a pioneer in internet based network marketing and I'm simply asking Harold and others to keep it a Safe Zone.
We're all Coastal Vacations Members.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 266
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 11:31
To Whom It May Concern:
I am new � not joined Coastal as yet. I am taking my time and reviewing and learning everything I can see and listen to. A quick background on me. 30+ years in sales � direct marketing � and recruiting and training. I have lived in some very nice places � some with sand as the front yard just before the Pacific starts � one even had maids' quarters. I have rubbed shoulders and broken bread with the leaders of industry. Enough of all that, because success is only measured by the size of your deposit next month.
If I join Coastal it will be full time from day one. I am trying to get up to speed on the various "groups". Everyone refers to them as initials WCYS � BOD � CSG � etc. etc..
It is somewhat confusing. It is confusing as I cannot for the life of me see where it states that after joining that I MUST use the call center � or that I MUST do emails � or that I MUST do anything. It appears to me that I can promote my coastal business any way I see fit � so long as it is ethical and legal. Am I misguided here?
What am I missing? Why are people taking shots on how others decide to run their own business? Mostly I have just been observing and watching all the various sites people have and all the videos they have put on those sites. However, on the few times I have asked specific questions � all I get is extremely general and vague answers � when someone responds at all. (I mean MOST of the time � as there have been a select few who have been very blunt and honest)
Now people are saying that some of these groups are almost scamming people? IF they are unethical and Coastal allows it � what does that say about Coastal? I am just getting out of an industry (mortgage) that is filled with liars and crooks from the LO to the heads of a lot of the lenders. Of course there are some good people � but MANY will tell you anything � lie about other lenders practices � etc. just to get your business. 12 years of liars is enough!
If I am jumping out of the pot and into the fire � I need to know before I start spending time on a new vocation. From a new person looking in � this does not look good for someone (Jay) who I guess is on some sort of official board with Coastal to be spewing that "some" people/groups are not being honest and ethical. If that is true � who the hell are they so I can steer clear? And as mentioned, if Coastal allows that type of activity � maybe I should steer clear of Coastal?
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 11:35
Quoting: wapahm I believe people researching the Coastal Opportunity in this forum can get a good idea of the type of director they will be working with by reading what members post.
I agree! And you can also make this place just another pitch zone.
If it's something that helps everyone...I'm game. But, if it's a sales pitch - let's raise the bar here and make it a safe zone.
If people don't like that I point out sales pitches, or share my experience with things. be it. I love making friends, but some debate between friends is health for a relationship. I'm not a "It's my way or the highway" kind of guy....but a sales pitch is a sales pitch.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 266
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 11:47
but a sales pitch is a sales pitch ............... Yep - just like preachers on Sunday AM - the president at a press conference - every teacher in the world - all pressmen
And in here I assume we are all adults and do not need protection form sales pitches. Hell everyone with a site go to deal under their name is advertising.
Sorry - I just do not like people that take cheap shots - and I don't know anyone here - nor am I even a member of Coastal - I should not even be spending this negative time writing this.
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 600
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 11:57
Jay, This is NOT an "Official Coastal Forum." This is a place that Vishal has provided for us and we have been using it for a nice long time just fine. If this was a forum that was administrated by the COA system then I would say, Fine, nobody mentions teams. This is a VERY SAFE ZONE for people wanting to know more about Coastal. People want to know more about our different teams and how we market. THAT IS WHY THEY COME HERE!
Quoting: jnapier Harold I was at that seminar and heard Hoyt speak, were you there??
Ahh, the same ol condescending Jay. No, I wasn't there. Wish I could have been, though.
Quoting: jnapier I might add that since Hoyt spoke there have been changes to the call center that have nothing to do with I can't say that the call center is looked at the same way that it was. Actually, the call center just keeps getting more and more respect from Al and others in Coastal leadership. This was mentioned after the last seminar in Nashville. The "Changes" you are talking about is simply an entry level program that allows people who might not have level 1 start up money available the chance to get into the call center family for $795. They get the website and learn how to market COASTAL until they get enough money to move up to level 1. They make $300 commissions on any sale they make no matter what it is and they are promoting COASTAL. I imagine the BOD probably likes that idea.
Quoting: jnapier If the call center was such a great idea, don't you think it would become an endorsed marketing tool?
If someone on the BOD thought it up it probably would be, but they didn't. Plus, it's obvious that the BOD doesn't want to spend money on having an office that is used to take phone calls for any reason because they want us to handle customer service so I'm sure that's why they will never start up a call center. Things are going just fine for them the way they are.
Quoting: jnapier When I said honest and ethical, I was not refering to a group, but to the post itself. Your not the only one either....there's another person here who I've just asked to eliminate the sales pitch.
The implication was obvious, Jay. As far as self promotion, you are the king of that on this forum. You have mentioned more time than I can count about how ALL new prospects should ONLY join with a level 3 member who has years of experience and then you point out that you fit that description. You are here to make sales, plain and simple. We all want to make sales but you feel you have to degrade everyone else to get them. I just don't get it.
Quoting: jnapier One of the reasons there's a non-compete agreement at Official Coastal Events is to create a SAFE ZONE for our membership. A place where they can go to learn, without a sales pitch. I'm sure you understand why I'm working to make this forum a Safe Zone.
What you are doing is trying to make this a safe zone for your chosen system and noone elses. I want this to be a place for all of us. All of our teams are worth talking about and we have been doing it for over a year now without any problems until you and a couple of others ,who aren't here at the moment , decided to come in and start trashing everybody's elses team. NOONE else who uses the COA system has come in here and started criticizing all other teams like you did. It's obvious to everyone what you are doing.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 11:58
Quoting: asebf I am new � not joined Coastal as yet. I am taking my time and reviewing and learning everything I can see and listen to. A quick background on me. 30+ years in sales � direct marketing � and recruiting and training. I have lived in some very nice places � some with sand as the front yard just before the Pacific starts � one even had maids' quarters. I have rubbed shoulders and broken bread with the leaders of industry. Enough of all that, because success is only measured by the size of your deposit next month.
Bob, Wecome to the Forum. There is a wealth of information here and I hope you can learn from it.
If I join Coastal it will be full time from day one. I am trying to get up to speed on the various "groups". Everyone refers to them as initials WCYS � BOD � CSG � etc. etc..
WCYS = We Close Your Sales, also know as the Coastal Sales Center
BOD = Board of Director. Coastal is run by a Board of Directors and this refers to them or/ or the official systems and tools endorsed by the Coastal Vacations Board of Directors
CSG = Coastal Synergy Group
It is somewhat confusing. It is confusing as I cannot for the life of me see where it states that after joining that I MUST use the call center � or that I MUST do emails � or that I MUST do anything. It appears to me that I can promote my coastal business any way I see fit � so long as it is ethical and legal. Am I misguided here?
Bob, it is your own business. You can market any way you want. There are official tools and trainings to assist you in that area. Where it can get confusing is when other groups and trainings have come about that are a part of the non-BOD systems and trainings. Yes, there's something to learn from everywhere, but some have gone as far as to say you can do nothing...and do well and others have almost made it a spiritual event to be in Coastal....Either way. Coastal is a great business and you should look for a group that will work well for you.
What am I missing? Why are people taking shots on how others decide to run their own business? Mostly I have just been observing and watching all the various sites people have and all the videos they have put on those sites. However, on the few times I have asked specific questions � all I get is extremely general and vague answers � when someone responds at all. (I mean MOST of the time � as there have been a select few who have been very blunt and honest)
Since you've mentioned you were in the mortgage business I'm sure you can share a story or two about different companies that stretch the truth and only focus on the positve. I had a mortgage issue a few years ago myself. I bought this house about 2 years ago and we told the broker what we were looking for - fixed mortgage. We were surprised at closing that we had an adjustable mortgage. I'm sure you've heard about this and some are now just learning what this means to their house payment.
Coastal also has a few like this, but I'm not naming names.
Now people are saying that some of these groups are almost scamming people? IF they are unethical and Coastal allows it � what does that say about Coastal? I am just getting out of an industry (mortgage) that is filled with liars and crooks from the LO to the heads of a lot of the lenders. Of course there are some good people � but MANY will tell you anything � lie about other lenders practices � etc. just to get your business. 12 years of liars is enough!
Bob...I'm going to be forward with you. Yes, some are almost scamming people. You've got to realize that these groups are for profit and are selling you a service. Some have made it a BIG opportunity to sell, others have the heart of a teach and are ALSO selling Coastal Membership like you are.
I can honestly say that everyone here seems to be good people, so I think no matter which way you go, you can't go wrong with someone from the forum. Know that the debate is not about a system or group, but about a Safe Zone where someone like yourself can learn WITHOUT the sales pitch.
If I am jumping out of the pot and into the fire � I need to know before I start spending time on a new vocation. From a new person looking in � this does not look good for someone (Jay) who I guess is on some sort of official board with Coastal to be spewing that "some" people/groups are not being honest and ethical. If that is true � who the hell are they so I can steer clear? And as mentioned, if Coastal allows that type of activity � maybe I should steer clear of Coastal?
Bob, Coastal is a great opportunity. It allows me to sit at home...all day long and enjoy LIFE! You can't go wrong with Coastal. I've tried to point out the steer clear from groups here as have others, but if you asked me how I feel about Harold...he's not a steer clear guy. I've simply pointed out something about his post that some find offensive....which is ok, but let's face it. If all you see is the same old stuff....your not going to learn anything.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 681
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 12:05
Wow what is going on here? I first have to say I agree with Bob. Many that imply things about different groups are constantly hurting this business. Coastal was set up to be YOUR OWN BUSINESS. With that everyone will have their own way of operating it. In the past I was part of the CSG and they did their best to not promote the other groups. Well that makes sense. They are in business and in competition for clients with the other groups. But this is America and last I checked competition is good.
It also has been brought up on a few post about sales pitches. I have no problem with them at all. I have been pitched by numerous people in this forum about their opportunities. Thats life. If you dont want to buy something then just pass it by. l will say this, anyone pitching an idea then contact me and lets make a plan to see if we can both make money with it. Im an entrepreneur and always looking for a good idea.
Competition is good. My wife and I are successful because we believe in ourselves. There is no one out there that can offer their service the way we do (even if we are in the same opportunity) because they arent us. Many of you have seen THE SECRET. It talks about there being abundance for us all. Well I learned that secret in the practice of my faith. Why dont we either all follow our faith or the teachings of THE SECRET and act accordingly. That also means not feeding into the negative. But that doesnt mean you are exempt from standing up for the truth, just do it in a positive manner. You do get more bees with honey than vinegar.
Adam Frederick THE SALES PITCH GURU 302 476 2753
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 272
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 12:08
Quoting: asebf To Whom It May Concern: I am new � not joined Coastal as yet. I am taking my time and reviewing and learning everything I can see and listen to. A quick background on me. 30+ years in sales � direct marketing � and recruiting and training. I have lived in some very nice places � some with sand as the front yard just before the Pacific starts � one even had maids' quarters. I have rubbed shoulders and broken bread with the leaders of industry. Enough of all that, because success is only measured by the size of your deposit next month. If I join Coastal it will be full time from day one. I am trying to get up to speed on the various "groups". Everyone refers to them as initials WCYS � BOD � CSG � etc. etc.. It is somewhat confusing. It is confusing as I cannot for the life of me see where it states that after joining that I MUST use the call center � or that I MUST do emails � or that I MUST do anything. It appears to me that I can promote my coastal business any way I see fit � so long as it is ethical and legal. Am I misguided here? What am I missing? Why are people taking shots on how others decide to run their own business? Mostly I have just been observing and watching all the various sites people have and all the videos they have put on those sites. However, on the few times I have asked specific questions � all I get is extremely general and vague answers � when someone responds at all. (I mean MOST of the time � as there have been a select few who have been very blunt and honest) Now people are saying that some of these groups are almost scamming people? IF they are unethical and Coastal allows it � what does that say about Coastal? I am just getting out of an industry (mortgage) that is filled with liars and crooks from the LO to the heads of a lot of the lenders. Of course there are some good people � but MANY will tell you anything � lie about other lenders practices � etc. just to get your business. 12 years of liars is enough! If I am jumping out of the pot and into the fire � I need to know before I start spending time on a new vocation. From a new person looking in � this does not look good for someone (Jay) who I guess is on some sort of official board with Coastal to be spewing that "some" people/groups are not being honest and ethical. If that is true � who the hell are they so I can steer clear? And as mentioned, if Coastal allows that type of activity � maybe I should steer clear of Coastal? __________________ Bob
Hi Bob and Welcome.
It is great that you are doing your research.
There are many "groups" within the Coastal Vacations organization such as We Close Your Sales (WCYS which is a call center), CSG (Coastal Synergy Group), DFI (Decide Freedom International), etc etc..... The BOD (Board of Directors) has the only "approved/official" system and training this does not say the others are right or wrong.
I feel that even if you choose one of the other systems/groups you should still stay plugged into the Official system and training. You will get the latest updates and training as soon as it becomes available. You will also be taught and trained as the BOD has set forth.
You can still market and run your business as you see fit.
I switched to the Official system and training for several reasons and I can tell you I have more product knowledge since doing so. I also like the fact that they offer 4 websites and all 4 are not [i][/i]focused on recruiting. I wanted a website I could use to market to businesses for business incentives as well as the general public for retail sales. With your sales background that may be a plus for you.
HTH and again Welcome,
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 12:31
You know Harold, I asked you if you were at the event Hoyt spoke at because I was wondering if I'd met you. But you chose to see it as condescending.
I meet alot of Coastal Directors both by phone and at live events. I ALWAYS enjoy meeting Coastal people.
You know, I think the $795 price point is great for the call center as the call center only had a $1995 price point product before. The Coastal Vacations Level 1 Membership does sell for $1295.
The only reference to the call center at the Nashville event was a reference to any group that people are a part of and went something like this: If your a part of a group and it's working for you, continue doing what your doing.
The Board of Directors is open to any tool that can be proven. When proven, it's rolled out. But, I think the issue is with the $700 premium to be a part of the call center. I think if that didn't exist - it might have been considered.
I believe there are ways to differenciate the successful from the not so successful. People want to work with people who are successful and can show them how to live their matter what they are.
I've learned this business by being a constant learner and by investing heavily in my education.
Harold, we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 600
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 14:11
Yes, Jay, we definately disagree. The call center wouldn't exist without the $700 added to the $1,295. You have to pay the people making the sales and pay for the phones and offices and everything else. It's just part of doing business and, since I can offer someone a choice of having or not having the call center and still have the ability to use all of the official Coastal stuff then I think I have a great combination.
Quoting: jnapier If your a part of a group and it's working for you, continue doing what your doing.
Al Romine, Chairman of the BOD, said this on the video I spoke about. I think those are good words to live by.
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 266
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 14:14
Jay typed: People want to work with people who are successful and can show them how to live their matter what they are.
I've learned this business by being a constant learner and by investing heavily in my education. ......................... I do not have a dog in this fight, as is said round here - but Jay - you seem to be slamming people for promoting themselves - I don't get it - Is not your words above pretty much the same thing?
Probably better to let this subject just die - because, like farmers, all the people here are pretty stubborn it seems.
Then again - this is a place for all opinions eh? This is not an official Coastal site I understand - so maybe letting everyone blast away is good for new people to read and it will help them decide who is real and who is memorex.
I had to learn long ago that you do not have to like someone to do business with them - but it sure is nice when it happens.