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# Posted: 17 Oct 2007 19:16
The big question on outsourcing is about calls. Do you join a call center or do you call yourself. What a quandry. With the recent changes with some leaders more of those questions are going to come up. Here are my thoughts.
The first thing to think of is your time schedule. There are members that dont have the time to make their own calls so for them a call center is a great option. Outsourcing is all about what works for you. If you cant do something its good to find someone that can for you. Another reason to outsource call is to maximize your time. How about combining the two. For many of us that is an exciting option. It's actually something im looking into myself. Is it a duplicatible system ? For some it is for some its not. You decide.
Another thing to look at is your skill level. Say for you the phone is your worst enemy. It feels like it is 2000 lbs. and is growling at you. Then outsourcing your calls is a good option. Why have your business suffer if you can outsource? Do what is best for your business.
As we are talking about calls the next thing that fits with calls is having an email follow up series. Many of us have great a/r's ( auto- responders) with our websites. This is something that I say is mandantory to outsource. Think of sending emails to hundreds or maybe thousands of people everyday. Thats a big task. Something I wouldnt want to do personally. Our a/r's do just that for us. Now even if you dont use one of the a/r's from our incredible websites there are even companies like Royal Responder and Aweber that will do it for you. This is something to definitely outsource.
Something else I outsource all the time is product training. Stephanie from the CV BOD is amazing and does a better job that I ever could explaining this product. So I always outsource this training to her. I send teammates and client to her calls to get the info straight from the source. Thats a better use of my time than trying to answer everything myself.
As you see outsourcing can be a helpful tool. In the next days be sure to tune in again as I discuss a few more of the things I outsource. I look forward to seeing you all soon.
Adam Frederick Leader + Trainer Coastal Level III Director
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 18 Oct 2007 00:27
Just a note about outsourcing your calling. People buy from people they like...and they can't get to know you if you are not creating a relationship with them.
When I owned my restaurant franchise, I had a horrible challenge. I had to decide between attending a Tony Robbins Seminar or running my business. Friday is the busiest day for a restaurant, so it's GENERALLY NOT a question...your working on Friday.
Well...I learned something that has stayed with me for a very long time. "If you are committed, there is time".
This is how I feel about making calls. You know, I do keep regular hours 9AM - 9PM, but a very nice lady asked if she could call me after 9, no problem...I spoke with her and she appreciated that I'd taken time out to talk with her over and above my normal hours.
I take my Coastal business very serious. I work the schedule I choose to work and I'm successful because I'm flexible with my schedule. Giving your team members the attention they want is very important to your success...hiding behind a computer or a phone doesn't do it.....THAT'S why I attend seminars and go out of my way to visit with my team members.
Jay NaPier
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# Posted: 18 Oct 2007 17:00
What else can we outsource in our business. I know people talk about taxes. Well thats a no brainer. Most of us outsource our own personal taxes so it only makes sense to outsource those of your business. Ive talked about auto responders as well as making calls. What else can be outsourced. Today lets talk about advertising.
This is definitely be a hot topic. In Coastal Vacations there are so many schools of thoughts on advertising. Do you buy leads? Do you do PPC? Blogs, write articles, post in forums and put out classifieds free or otherwise. There are so many ways to do it. One of the waves ive seen on the internet is people paying others to post articles for them. I have an idea that many should do. Imagine having a team of say maybe 15. I use 15 as that has been a hot number in a few of the other threads in the Coastal Forum. How about going into a advertising coop with them all. There are programs out there that will circulate leads among a group. I heard of a company named pageswirl that does just that for like $10 a month.
You can truly begin to team up with others to offset advertising cost. How about having a team member post articles for a few members. They can spend a few hours making post for the entire team. This will maximize the time of everyone. You can also rotate the job. You can pick the all the sites to post at and maybe learn a bunch more in the process. Try this will alleviate alot of the daily task you do in your business. Have team members do research on new place to advertise and bring it to the team.
This is the new outsourcing im promoting. If you are a team leader then use the resources of the entire team to promote the team. This model is something I can speak from experience of. As a member of the CSG Leadership we had mastermind meeting every monday morning and the Co-Founders had various projects that we all either volunteered for or were assigned to . We did the work for the entire group and brought back the results. After tweaking everything we then shared it all with the entire CSG. Its a proven system.
This forum is actually outsourcing. I outsource the gathering of information here. As proven leaders and new people share their post and ideas I learn each and everyday. Not only do I frequent the Coastal threads I also go to the other threads and learn and network. Its been said that you cant make money on forums by networking and I have to totally disagree. Here are the facts. Each and everyone of us on here are entrepreneurs. We are always looking for that magic program. Well guess what all the people in the other threads are as well. This is an amazing way to meet others. Its an excellent source of referrals. I refer others to their opportunities as they refer people to mine. Plus you never know the person you network with might be the Scot Chatron of their industry. They network with you and get involved and bring you a huge downline. Never underestimate the power of networking. By outsourcing in terms of a referral base you save tons and gain even more.
As you see outsourcing is a good word. Major corporations outsource all the time. My wife's job was outsourced to another country and that had a huge effect on us getting started in this industry. I learn and model myself after the big boys and adapt their policies to work for me. Its alway good to follow a proven model. Do just that and watch your business soar.
Hope my post today gave you some ideas. I appreciate the support and look forward to the continued emails and call I get from you all that express the gratitude for what im doing. I will continue to share my own thoughts and tips and strategies that have served me well in Coastal Vacations as well as all life.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director ( Thanks Jay I like the ring of that so dont mind me for borrowing it) 302 476 2753
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# Posted: 19 Oct 2007 18:05
This has been a great thread. I am so happy I was able to share over the last weeks my thoughts, experiences and opinions. This has been an experience that I would never trade for anything. Many of you havent agreed with everything id said but by me starting to share it has mushroomed into a place where many ideas have come from. I end this first part of my ideas but stay tuned as I share more and more of my thoughts in the coming weeks.
To keep things going I have a few topics myself but to really make this thread work id love for you guys to come up with some topics you would love me to discuss. This will make this thread as interactive as it could be.
Again thanks for all of the views and I hope to keep the thread going hot in the future. Sharing and giving away info for free is something ive become accustomed to doing. As this business has really done so much for us I look forward to giving back twice as much.
Adam Frederick 302 476 2753
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# Posted: 19 Oct 2007 19:19
Quoting: ateamfuntimer What else can we outsource in our business. ................. Is there anyplace that will call the leads and sell them for us - I do not believe the call center does any outbound calling?
If so - what do they charge?
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# Posted: 22 Oct 2007 13:33
The biggest question that comes up in Coastal after the money issue is about leads. Where do we get them? How do we call them? Which are the best ones to buy? Its enough to make a person crazy.
A question has come up of having people call our leads. I have seen in my travels on the internet companies that will call your leads for you. Their is even a system called Jaguar Marketing System that does something along those lines. I think its a matter of choice. You can find a company to do so but I like being a bit more hands on. Now the question comes up what if I dont want to call on the phone. Then the answer is obvious. Outsource it. Hire someone to do it for you or do an internet search and find a company doing it.
I think before you hire someone you have to do your research so you dont get taken. Be sure to check out there track record and see if they have a trial period. I never get into a deal with anyone that doesnt have an out in the beginning. Ive signed long term contracts in the past and gotten burned.
Id love to see if anyone else has thoughts on the matter. Stay tuned as I begin another series of training in the next few weeks. I will concentrate on some B2B tips as well as some of the things ive learned being on the phone.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
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# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 08:41
Today is an early day for me. I woke up inspired and ready to share the good word with all of our Coastal Family. Yesterday I was speaking with a teammate of mine about personal development. They have an extensive library of all the great teachers. They can quote to me every word from each of the leaders. Unfortunately they dont apply that knowledge all of the time.
It is very important to get good training. I have to admit that the reason im a good leader is because of my teachers. Many have questioned why do I speak as an authority in the home based business arena and its because ive been in this industry for 20+ years now. Through all those years ive sat in the front row and listened intently. But more importantly I began to apply all I learned. Every good teacher ive learned from has pretty much said the thing. They have taught me that this business is about relationships. Its learning how to relate with people.
So many of us get caught up in what script and how exactly to say this or say that and we forget that it is really about reaching the prospect. The greatest teacher of all time Jesus Christ talked in terms of parables or stories. Have you ever wondered why? I believe its because everyone can relate to stories. One of my teachers in this industry ( you all might have heard of her Nitsa Nakos ) is a master of telling stories. When you hear her talk its like you get mesmorized. Its funny because her product knowledge isnt the greatest but she makes a ton of sales. Its because she tell a story that the prospect can relate to.
While its important that we study and learn tips and strategies from all of the teachers that we run across its more important that we keep the perspective that its really about the prospect. We must learn to relate to their needs first. We must make it about them. When we learn to do that I assure you that your sales will increase.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
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# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 09:32
Quoting: ateamfuntimer A question has come up of having people call our leads. I have seen in my travels on the internet companies that will call your leads for you. Their is even a system called Jaguar Marketing System that does something along those lines. I think its a matter of choice. You can find a company to do so but I like being a bit more hands on. Now the question comes up what if I dont want to call on the phone. Then the answer is obvious. Outsource it. Hire someone to do it for you or do an internet search and find a company doing it. I think before you hire someone you have to do your research so you dont get taken. Be sure to check out there track record and see if they have a trial period. I never get into a deal with anyone that doesnt have an out in the beginning. Ive signed long term contracts in the past and gotten burned.
Hey Adam,
I agree...In fact, how can you know if someone is doing it right if you have not been trained??
You know - People buy from people they like, and if your going to be business partners, you should be doing some or all of this part yourself.
Thanks why I answer my own phone!
Jay NaPier Platunum Director Coastal Vacations
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 09:37
Quoting: ateamfuntimer The greatest teacher of all time Jesus Christ talked in terms of parables or stories. Have you ever wondered why? I believe its because everyone can relate to stories. One of my teachers in this industry ( you all might have heard of her Nitsa Nakos ) is a master of telling stories. When you hear her talk its like you get mesmorized. Its funny because her product knowledge isnt the greatest but she makes a ton of sales. Its because she tell a story that the prospect can relate to.
Hmmm..... I don't know that I'd use these 2 as an example here. It's what you don't know that CAN make a difference. I've been to several conferences where Nitsa spoke and I can tell you that she does use Neuro Linguistic Programing in her, you were dead on when you said Mesmorized. NLP was not created until way after Jesus walked the Earth.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 269
# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 18:38 � Edited by: rhondap
Facts Tell but Stories Sell! 
If nothing else become a master story teller...if you don't yet have any of your own use someone elses.
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
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# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 19:13
If you can't dazzle em brilliance - baffle them with BS?
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# Posted: 23 Oct 2007 23:15
In this forum we have some amazing directors. You have a leader such as Jeff Mills, you have Matt and Catherine ( btw great site guys), you have Maria Porter ( great newsletter Maria) and of course you have myself ( im modest but I do like to let everyone know who I am). The great thing about it is you will have different opinions on so many subjects. That makes for great discussions. You see the Coastal Business has no right or wrong way. There are many groups and numerous ways of running your business. As we are all independent we all have the right to run our business as we please.
In the past I have made the mistake of making judgements on other groups and directors too quickly. I guess ive grown up some since I started. When I was part of one of the groups I thought the call centers were the worst thing ever. Now I understand them better and see how they can be useful to many. Someone like Harold comes to mind. He has obligations in the day so a call center works good for him. I was lucky and blessed enough to be able to leave my job a few weeks into our business. So I never saw a need for a call center. I was closed minded. Ive grown since then.
I used to make it my point to answer other leaders post with my own opinions. Now ive come to accept their ideas and grow in my knowledge. We all make up Coastal. Its like for better use of a term a "Rainbow Coalition".
I challenge ( hey thats my nature) every leader and new person to take in all the knowledge that is shared here. So many times we compete too much in here. Yes im the first to admit ive been guilty of it. But you know what I have no need to compete. No one and I repeat no one can be me and share what I share the way I share it. Thats not a way of saying im better its just a way of saying im unique. We are all unique. In this time of so many groups we too many times get into who's group is better. What sense does that make? Arent we all Coastal? Its just like racism. One group saying they are better than another group. There are amazing leaders in all groups. Who am I to judge a Nitsa Nakos, a Lynn McCallister, a Renee Heikila or a Jeff Mills? Judge not lest ye be judged my good book says.
My goal from this day forward is to continue to share the good news of Coastal. To give back to this industry that has given me so much. If we all believe in abundance then why do we compete so much? There is enough for us all.
For you new people looking at Coastal I encourage you to learn in this forum from all the great leaders here. We may not always agree on methods but if it works then why not learn from each other.
What makes me successful is that im me. You should do the same be yourself. Share you knowledge. Share being the operative word. As ive heard used so many times "Cant we all just get along"?. We have an amazing opportunity to take Coastal Vacations to incredible levels so lets all live up to the challenge.
If you are looking at Coastal as a new person make a decision. Get then info and then work with the person that invited you here. If you havent picked a director or are what we call "an orphan" then sit back , learn and then make your choice of a director and get started asap. If you need a director that is all about making bridges I encourage you to work with me or the other leaders here. I assure you that it will be the best decision you can ever make.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
Joined: 30 Mar 2007
Posts: 147
# Posted: 24 Oct 2007 00:04
This was a great post Adam!! I think we all here believe in abundance and there is absolutely no need for competition in the forum!
I have learned things from so many different directors here, and best of all, I don't think any of them were in the same group or "team!" There is so much knowledge to be gained and shared here and so many amazing people! As I said in another thread, the people of Coastal are some of the finest I have met.
I wish everyone here much success and thank you all for sharing!
God Bless, Nikki Carter
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 24 Oct 2007 22:07
Quoting: cgmom the people of Coastal are some of the finest I have met.
I agree Nikki!
Adam, you know there's alot of people who have chosen to keep information from others, some are in the business to sell Coastal members's a shame. I agree with you...there's alot of competition here...and as I do share my opinion, I do so because I've seen SO MANY burned by Directors who are looking to profit off of other programs, group websites, training materials and the like.
The objective of the new training that is now available to ALL Coastal Members is to eliminate alot of what doesn't work and make the tools that work available to everyone.
Today, I put ContactTalk to work for me. It made over 200 calls for me and it's still calling now. It's a fantastic too that everyone should plug into.
It's a shame that some groups are choosing to keep official Coastal Training, tools, websites and events from others...BUT it is their business and if they want to sell vacuum cleaners to their subscribers....Let them!
Anyway, my focus is to continue to help those who request help. Continue to market in ways that have been successful for me. Continue to use wholesale leads. Continue to explore new methods of marketing...and even from time to time share what doesn't work and what does.
God Bless
Jay NaPier
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# Posted: 25 Oct 2007 08:22 � Edited by: ateamfuntimer
When I first began my career in sales I didnt believe I had all it took to do well. One of my first mentors taught me an important lesson. He told me everything is about sales. Let me lead you all through some things ive learned about selling and how if you use these techniques in everyday they will enhance all that you do.
Why is everything about sales? Well first off to make money something has to be bought. And for something to be bought it has to be sold. Whether its toilet tissues and napkins to Coastal Vacations travel packages to houses everything is bought and sold. Well how do we pick what we buy and more importantly how do we pick who is selling it to us?
We pick what we buy because of two major factors. Pain or pleasure. Ive talked about that various times and ive seen other top income earners use the same thoughts in numerous post in this forum. Its something top trainers in the training industry refer to all the time. Better yet it makes sense. You buy a new dishwasher when your old one breaks down. You do so to get over the pain the inconvenience of it not working gives us.
We also buy for pleasure. The best example and something we all here can relate to are vacations. People buy vacations for the pleasure it gives them. The memories that will replay over and over again. They will even go through big pains to get this pleasure. They go into credit card debt, work overtime or even get a second job to make enough money just for that week or 2 week pleasure trip.
Now how do we choose which "seller" to buy from. Its a very basic question with an even more basic answer. We buy from those we like. This rings true in just about everything. Now I know as I write this there are those that will quickly try and rebutt my statement. They will come with an answer to the contrary. Thats great but in reality what im saying is something you have witnessed all through your life. Its not theoretical training in place but actual pratical applications. Let me run off a few examples for you all to see.
All of you men out there had to "sell" yourself to the woman in your life. By sell I replace that phrase with "had to get them to like you". You put on the charm ,probably groomed real nice and even probably expanded your knowledge of something the woman of your affections liked. I got lucky on my end. My wife and I are like two peas in a pod and like alot of the same stuff. But even when you do all that you still have to sell the point you are the best choice as there are many sellers in the market.
Lets relate this to Coastal Vacations and this forum. I for one admit wholeheartedly I have products and training to sell. I do websites for clients, I make lead capture pages as well as do one on one and group training. I get paid handsomely for my services and rightfully so. There are many that do exactly the same. Isnt that the American Dream to own your own business and have multiple streams of income? The best part is you dont have to buy from everyone but only the ones you "LIKE". Now how does this relate to the Coastal Package? Thats easy to point out. I again will tell you all that this forum is a great place to sell or better yet get people to like you. Every top income earner does that here. That is the truth. You have those that tell how many sales they make. Why? To get you to like them as they sell alot of packages. You have those that tell you about all the training and support you are going to get. Why? Again to sell their good points. You have other that talk about all the leads they will give you. If that isnt a selling point then please inform me what is.
Now im not pointing fingers or directling any comments at anyone one at all. So before you other top income earners come to rebutt my statements understand that. Im just trying to point out how everything is about sales. We all participate in this activity whether you believe it or not. Im saying dont hate the players of the game but if you want to hate something hate the game. We are all part of this system and to be honest its a great one.
As leaders have products to sell you have the power here to make a choice of whether you want to buy. I know of top income earners that have told me personally and have written publicly that they have spend thousands of dollars on training material other industry leaders have sold. I know personally of some of these leaders teammates that have followed those top income earners and bought thousands of dollars of stuff. Even when they couldnt afford it. I saw Jerry Clark an industry leader make well over 250k at an event I attended right after he told everyone he would make that much. And do you know why he was able to? Because many top income earners did so and everyone followed. I love Jerry Clark's stuff but I didnt buy at the time because I made a decision not to. Buyers Choice I call it. Use that same discernment in your business but dont hate the fact that products are sold. Remember you dont have to buy them just because everyone else is. Be a leader not a follower. Id love you all to buy my stuff but only do so if its something you will apply.
My business is fully automated. If you are looking to get into Coastal Vacations and would love to see how you can do the same with yours and not have to be tied to your phone all day then give me a call or email me. My contact info is listed below as well as on my profile. I look forward to helping you succeed in Coastal Vacations.
Adam Frederick Travel Entrepreneur Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
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Posts: 647
# Posted: 25 Oct 2007 08:43 � Edited by: jnapier
Great post Adam!!
Ya know. So many are scared of the word SALES. But, with Coastal - you don't have to sell. We have systems in place to assist you in providing information to people who want what we have. It's that simple. We're not used car salesman, there's no hard selling...I'm the FIRST to let someone go when they are not interested, why? Because, my time is very valuable and I want to spend it with someone who has an interest.
Again, great post!
Jay NaPier
P.S. - lol, thanks for reminding me about that Jerry Clark speaking event. I remember how big that line was....and lol, I did buy. In fact I recommend Jerry Clarks Magic of Colors. I'm also still a member of his Club Rhino.
Joined: 30 Apr 2007
Posts: 27
# Posted: 25 Oct 2007 19:14
I have to say as well great post Adam. I enoy coming here and hearing from others and one thread I do check out is this one.
Thank-you for taking the time to share your experiences.
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# Posted: 28 Oct 2007 15:18
One question has come to me in all my time in Coastal. Who do you prospect to and how do you go about it? This is the $1000 question. As for who to prospect to my answer is that you find people that love to travel. When I prospect I always lead with the product. Travel is a 7 trillion dollar industry and everyone loves travel. Now on the flipside many people are looking to make extra money but in my opinion its a bigger pool marketing towards vacationers.
Many times ive tried to make people that really didnt want a business into business owners. The upside is incredible to making business owners. You create more sales for your business through training sales that way. The thought of making $1000 every time is attractive to just about everyone. But the downside is that not everyone is cut out to be a business owner. Think of it this way. We all know that the key to wealth is being in business for yourself. You make the lions share of profits that way. But why is it that most people have jobs? It's because most people like the security. You put in "x" hours and make a certain amount of money. It's secure.
Now as a business owner you have to see where you bread is buttered and act accordingly. People love to travel. When I get on the phone I always push the product. If the prospects sees the value in the product they will see it as a viable business opportunity as they can see others buying it as well. It's nice to push $1000 every time but most people cant wrap their minds around that figure. $1000 is more than most people make a week so they really cant see that as obtainable on one transaction. But talk to them aboout going on vacation for a week for $300 and that rings a bell. They can relate to it.
I suggest to always push the value of the product. The entrepreneurs will rise to the top. Remember travel is a 7 trillion dollar industry and everyone loves to travel.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
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# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 20:09
I know that many of you have been wondering where ive been for the last week. Usually im posting everywhere but in the last week its been a bit slower. Well its because ive been putting the finishing touches on a new program. Be on the lookout for video's as well as press releases coming out soon.
The best thing about Coastal Vacations is that we are in the helping business. This forum allows so many incredible leaders to help the Coastal Family by imparting their knowledge on everyone. That has always been my goal. Here is my part for the day.
It's never about the money. Money should never be your issue in getting started with Coastal. I know that the start-up fee can look like a big obstacle to hurdle but its not. That is the mindset you should always have. Look at the upside... we make $1000 - $9705 on every transaction. Any director worth anything can show you how to come up with your start up fee. What you should be focusing in on is what are you going to do once you get started.
If you focus on the money you lose sight of whats most important here. Whats important is changing peoples lives. I plan on changing the lives of 1000 people in the next 10 months. Thats right 100 new people each month for the next ten months is my goal. My focus is on helping as many as I can. Of course ill make money but thats not whats its about. Lets all change our focus and help as many as we can.
If you are looking at Coastal and need a guide then you are in the right place. Give me a call and lets talk. Money isnt an issue. Just call and lets get the ride started.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 264
# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 22:45
Quoting: ateamfuntimer 1000 people in the next 10 months. ............ 100 / month- 25 per week - 5 per day given a 5 day work week.
Man that is great!!! That is bodacious!!! Fantastic goals!!!
We get paid in direct proportion to the amount of service we provide ............ you are kicking ass in the service provided arena if (when) you meet these goals.
Anything the mind can conceive and believe and enthusiastically act upon, can be achieved.
Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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# Posted: 1 Nov 2007 19:33
What are you goals? As you all see my goals are lofty. I see the big picture and dream big. My goal includes helping as many people as possible. What does you goal include? Is it all about you or does it include helping as many people succeed as possible? I understand business. Id rather make 20 cents on the dollar with 1000 people than make a dollar just myself. My goals mean that I help others.
Be sure to write your goals down. Is important to have a clear picture of what you want. Writing them down helps materialize them in your mind. I also suggest saying them out loud. I have my mantra I speak everyday. I know im not saying anything that you havent heard before but its being said again as its important.
I suggest setting team goals and talking about them constantly. Team goals are great. You get to work together towards a common goal. It creates a great atmosphere. I love team games and contests.
If you havent set your goals recently then get to it. Call your director. If you are already a director then call your teammates. Have them put it on paper. Let them email it to you. Hold them accountable. If they are serious they will get it done in a timely fashion.
Dream big and you will achieve big. You can have anything that you desire if you make a good plan and stick to it. So start by thinking up what you want then put it on paper and implement the plan. I assure you you will have your hearts desire.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 1 Nov 2007 20:52
I do a workshop each year around the 1st of the year. It's an extensive workshow where I work directly with my team helping them develop their goals for the year.
What was your new years resolution for 2007? Did you make it? Ya know 2008 will be here before you know it. I don't like new years resolutions....I prefer to work with Goals and put time lines on them too.
I send each of my team members a partnership agreement where I lay out what I'm going to do for them...and also, they are laying out what they are going to do for themselves.
I'm a BIG THINKER! Many of the things that you see today online are things that I initially did and WOW....Look how many are following my lead. I'm honored by this, but I also know that many are just sheep out to pasture. Many don't have a goal and many don't even know what they are doing. They are bumping into many challenges. Some have gone broke trying to do what I do daily.
One thing I'd suggest for your Goals List is to remember to put God First, Family Second, and then fill in the rest. Some of the businesses I owned in the past were very needy. They needed me all the time and at times, I had to decide between the business (which supported my family) and my family. Today...Coastal allows me to balance both and my team members respect me for treating them like family.
Happy Goal Setting...the SKY is the limit!
Jay NaPier Platinum Director Coastal Mastery Trainer Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 4 Nov 2007 10:54
This forum is one that has so many incredible leaders on it. Each and everyday ive learned more and more about myself, about people and about the Coastal Vacations business. You know how I accomplished this? By being open.
I will be the first to say that im not in agreement with everyone in this forum. Many times I post something then another leader post their own thing after me. Most times what they have to say is not in agreement with what ive written and most times I am totally opposed to their way of thinking. Now its would be easy to go back and forth with others opinions but thats counterproductive. What I do is I look at what is said and see if I can implement it into my business and grow as a person.
For the longest I was against Call Centers. I guess it was a by-product of being in the group I was in. But as I opened my mind I see it as a viable option. In fact im trying to find a group of people to create my own call center. I have opened my mind to other possibilities and see the merits of it.
For years I wasnt focused on internet marketing as I used the lead providers the group I was part of promoted. Now of course using them has worked for many people. But I never thought to do the same thing they did for myself. For years ive seen many successful directors make their own lead capture page. So you know what ive started my own business do that as well. In fact ive made lead capture pages not just for Coastal people but for many industries including other travel companies. All this because I opened my mind and was receptive to learning.
In this forum I go on all the different sub-forums. I learn so much from all that share. The education here is priceless. Ive learned so much about marketing just from reading the many post. In addition ive learned how to network.
My question to you is are you open to learning new things? Or are you apt to just give what you think is right to put yourself in the best light. The hallmark of an insecure person is someone that always has to put themselves in the best light by putting others ideas down. Are you that person? If you are its okay as now you know it. As Dr Phil says you cant change what you dont acknowledge.
You all know me. In the beginning of my time in this forum I was arrogant. I thought my way was the only way. Ive learned to be more tolerant. Or course many dont agree with all I say. Thats life. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. The trick is to be open to all those opinions and to learn something from each of them.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
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Joined: 30 Aug 2005
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# Posted: 4 Nov 2007 18:31
Quoting: ateamfuntimer For the longest I was against Call Centers. I guess it was a by-product of being in the group I was in. But as I opened my mind I see it as a viable option. In fact im trying to find a group of people to create my own call center. I have opened my mind to other possibilities and see the merits of it.
Great post today Adam! One of the things that makes the world go around is variety. I get calls each day from people who are looking to make their Coastal Vacations business successful. They are not on my team, but I try to assist them as best I can. I see alot of things that I already know don't work, and things that I question the long term effect. I remember the 40,000 leads program that you helped launch with Fun Time.
Did it work?? I've still not gotten a final thumbs up or thumbs down on this. I know that you quit Fun Time, so I'm assuming that you've moved onto bigger and better things as many do.
I started out calling geneaology leads. What a pain that was. Think of getting 500 leads and only 5 are interested. Now, it's not a big deal because you only paid $400, but the time investment was WAY more that it was worth.
Anytime you see the old Add 20-40 people to your business each month...odds are it's one of those training things. Val Smith has a program call Mentors In Motion and I invested in the training. Has it impacted my Coastal Business - no. There are now about 3 different varieties of this same the end. You are simply using a teleconference room to share your opportunity and your team does the work to get folks there.
There's so much that experience can do for you, but everyone's experience is different and we're all on the road in a different place. We started at different time and if your not where you want to be. Stay consistent in your activity and you'll get there.
Jay NaPier
P.S. - No matter if you agree or disagree with what I've posted. I'm always going to share my opinion and I'm always going to be forward and honest with everyone. No hidden agenda here!
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# Posted: 6 Nov 2007 01:49
For many years ive been afraid of change. It's the fear of the unknown. As you become successful doing a certain thing you become tied to that one thing and at times will not embrace change.
Ive taken a new approach to things. Gone are my days when I followed the lead of everyone else. Ive learn to march to the beat of my own drum and it's the best decision ever.
I always thought being part of a group was the best way to go. I had an incredible run with the CSG but in all honestly my time with them held me back. I also had a great run with Fun Time but again that was a roadblock. It's been stated that I launched the program with FTV but to set the record straight I was only part of someone elses dream and am no longer part of that opportunity ( for some reason though they wont take down my website).
See in all those opportunities I was living out others dreams. So many of us do that when we get into Coastal. We become enamored with what I call the glitz and the glamour. Ive been guilty. But now I see the light. Its really about my dream.
Someone I used to work with in Coastal talked about how they have reinvented themselves and their business recently. That should be true for us all. I am always growing. Its the beauty of this opportunity. The way I do business has changed dramatically. Ive done away with my old leads sources. Ive changed the way I train team members. It's all about the rebirth.
The season has changed. Ive been getting ready like the squirrels I watch each day outside my patio door. The game has been reset and its time we all start anew. Now this is not to say that you need to drop all that works im just saying that you need to always improve upon it.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753 P.S. - My new attitude becomes me as I shine each and everyday now. Come and ride the wave.
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# Posted: 9 Nov 2007 01:18
So much has been given to online marketing. With good reason. Online marketing is cost effective and gives you a huge audience. I make it my business to do as much online marketing as possible. Whether its classified ads, forums, lead capture, email marketing, link exchanges, traffic exchanges or even social networking. And thats not even all the avenues im involved in. Online marketing is amazing. But lets never forget how effective offline marketing can be.
The simple use of a flyer can change your business around. One of the people I respect greatly in Coastal Vacations ( Harold Simpson) recently posted about a flyer targeting moms. Now im on the process of creating a flyer that im going to circulate in the states in my area so I asked Harold to see the flyer. He sent it right out to me. Now what I like is that he understands the power of offline marketing. Just getting a flyer in front of the right people can mean tens of thousands of dollars to you.
How about giving out your business cards. I see business card bowls in just about every restaurant and store I go in. I even put them at the gas pump. Why not? You never know who will see you them. So why not take the chance.
How about asking for referrals? I do it all the time. I even pay out referral fees for deals I make from referrals. Its good business.
How about giving out vacations to promote yourself? I came across the coolest website on one of my traffic exchanges. Some one is giving away vacations to build Coastal. Al talks about doing that all the time.
I see it being just as important to market offline as it is to market online. Your business needs to be well balanced. A past business partner of mine always talked about having a well rounded business. Its a smart idea. It helps you create income from various sources. Not to mention it keeps things fun. You always have something going on.
Now if you arent the type to diversify your business then become that type. Just making phone calls or sending emails just wont cut it. Every successful leader ive met in Coastal does more than one type of marketing. Follow their lead. You wont go wrong.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 13
# Posted: 9 Nov 2007 08:43
Quoting: asebf If you can't dazzle em brilliance - baffle them with BS? Please Bob , this is difficult enough to wade through the BS and the Self promotion to have to read this. espically when the "The Rich Guy" is lurching above with the Ad . We are here for help and want to seperate the bull from the facts. Cut the BS , PLEASE
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 264
# Posted: 9 Nov 2007 10:02
Quoting: DCollier Cut the BS , PLEASE
D - Believe me - I am all for that!!!
In my view there is so much smoke and mirrors going on that it is next to impossible to sort out the BS from the facts.
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 264
# Posted: 9 Nov 2007 15:01
Adam - sorry - this is your post you started - I was not wpeaking of you.
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# Posted: 11 Nov 2007 11:52
Do you have balance in your life? Do you balance your Coastal Business wth your family life? It is so easy to get caught up in posting in the threads, advertising , making calls, training teammates and all the personal development that we lose sight of what is important.
I balance my business very easily. Ive learned that there are enough tools for anyone to really automate their business and to have a balanced life. What are those tools you ask? Let me give you what I feel are those tools. First its important to use all of your websites. I have 4 sites from my provider COA Networks. Ive got a movie site I send potential business partners to. I have a retail site for potential customers. I have an incentive site for business owners to look at. I also have a site that explains the business opportunity as well. I use these tools to do all the explaining and telling. After that I send each person a personal email with a few attachments. The first is the Coastal Profile. This is the fine print as I like to call it. Then I send them my article in the HBC magazine. Now each of you dont have your own article but how about setting up your own vacation portfolio or sending them a PDF file of the coastal proof site.
These first set of tools primes the pump. It gives them the background info. The next step depends on the client. If they are a business then follow up and answer their questions. It might mean making a personal appearance at their establishment and providing more info. If they are a possible opportunity partner get them to a live call or on a 3way call. If they are a retail prospect follow up with their questions and get them a package. You have every tool you ever need right in front of you. I also use the two official coastal sites to my advantage. They have a wealth of info.
You see im different that alot of directors. Many are looking for as many members as possible. Ive been down that route. These days im looking for quality. You see I can make sales any time by doing retail. I can do them at my leisure as well. Training people can be a full time job so I pick wisely who I chose to work with. Im looking for true business builders that can see this opportunity and work with the tools provided. Doing so keeps my life balanced. I dont spend hours on the phones answering questions that are readily available on our websites. I teach my teammates to be self sufficient.
Now many will not like this approach but thats the beauty of Coastal. I can run my business the way I like. Does that mean I lose sales? Id have to say yes. But to be honest in the long run I save so much time. Ive had many people that have done nothing with their Coastal business. They have come in not at level one but at the higher levels and have done nothing but really used up my precious time. For that reason I began to automate so much of the way I do things. Its made my life a less cluttered thing and I have the control I desire. Thats why I got started in Coastal. To control my life.
I challenge you all to balance your life and your business. Being well rounded is a theme im very fond of. Do you have that balance? If you dont then you need to reevaluate things. Im always open to a conversation on balance. I will tell you that having a balance will enlighten our life.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753