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Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 27 Aug 2007 21:59
Three Millionaires were interviewed on the Official Coastal Monday Night Call Last Night...We're you there??
If so, what are your thoughts?
Jay NaPier
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 812
# Posted: 28 Aug 2007 08:13 · Edited by: luvtravel
No I wasn't there but I had a prospect tell me he really enjoyed it, was it recorded?
Who conducted the call?
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 272
# Posted: 28 Aug 2007 23:40
Hello Jay
In my opinion I think the term "millionaire" is being used loosely in the coastal vacations world.
When I hear that people have earned a million over 3 years, that to me is a good 6 figure income earner but not a millionaire.
dictionary dot com states A person whose wealth amounts to at least a million dollars, pounds, or the equivalent in other currency.
One of the "millionaires" interviewed said she earned a million in 2.5 or 3 years, can't remember now. I suppose if she saved it all and had low taxes, then she can be called a millionaire 
Honesty in reporting.... I wish everyone well and indeed there is a lot of money to be made in Coastal.
If I am wrong, and the 3 interviewed have amassed a $1M.... I apologize.
cheers maria
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 757
# Posted: 29 Aug 2007 02:20
I think that more should be focused on the the lifestyle changes and not the monetary amounts that Coastal brings. Its like success. Its very relative. I know personally of a CSG leader that earned about 90k last year and was told by other CSG leaders that if they wanted to continue to be a leader in that orgaization they needed to get coaching from some of the CSG Lifestyle Coaches so they could reach the 6 figure mark. Now this 90k earner is a stay at home mom that is truly happy with her 90k and what they have achieved but they are being judged as they didnt make 100k.
I missed the call as I was working on calls to achieve getting myself to millionaire status but heard about one of the people being interviewed. Lynn from the CWB is that person and I have to say whether she made a million or not last year she is a millioniare in my book. She has the biggest heart , is the nicest lady and has a huge team of leaders that she has grown in her organization. I think we should measure a person by the people they have inspired and motivated. I know of many people in Coastal that have made hundreds of thousands of dollars but dont have leaders and people in their fold that have gotten to the same status. In my opinion that is great for the top earners but I measure a person by how many they bring up to the top with them.
It's nice to achieve personal accolades but it is so much more fulfilling to see others achieve their goals. Those goals shouldnt always be measured in terms of money but in all aspects of life. Think of the single mom that started Coastal and now is home with her kids. The dad that stopped working two jobs or how about the person that didnt lose their house because of this business. That is the real pleasure in Coastal.
I applaud the BOD for acknowledging those that have made so much in terms of money but I also applaud those that stick with this business and get all of the smaller rewards that lead up to making that million dollars.
I look forward to the top earners being shining stars that inspire the common guy to continue to work their business as they know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Adam Frederick Motivator, Entrepreneur, Coach + Trainer Coastal Vacations Level III Director
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 812
# Posted: 29 Aug 2007 08:07
Quoting: ateamfuntimer I know of many people in Coastal that have made hundreds of thousands of dollars but dont have leaders and people in their fold that have gotten to the same status. In my opinion that is great for the top earners but I measure a person by how many they bring up to the top with them.
Good posts Maria and Adam!
Probably would be more impressive to hear.." over many years I earned in excess of about one million dollars, AND I helped my 300 or more (in the case of Lynn) to earn close to that amount and will be proud to say how many millionaires I have helped produce along the way"
There are many many 6 figure earners in our very midst who share the wealth by sharing their secrets to success, and to them I say thank you.
I hope that in 3 years I can be honored as a Million dollar earner and can say I helped others who helped me to achieve that status.
On most of Scott's calls I noticed one particular woman bragging about how many people she has on the call and is highly acknowledged by Scott, come on folks lets all start telling and selling on those calls don't let her be the only one saying......I have so and so and so and so on the call tonight, lets all step up to the plate and say how many we too have on those calls!! 
Self promotion guys!!
Hey we are all millionaires when it comes to good health, good friends, good business partners....
Congrats to all of us!!
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 29 Aug 2007 09:40
Quoting: ibizniz When I hear that people have earned a million over 3 years, that to me is a good 6 figure income earner but not a millionaire.
I guess we'll have to disagree. If you've ever seen a McDonalds one of the things on the sign is "Billions and Billions Sold" This is not a number that was last year, but over the life of the chain. It works the same with top dollar stores for McDonalds.
Coastal Directors are no different. Top leaders are recognized, not by "votes" but by actual accomplishments, creative ideas, and the ability to make Coastal their full time income.
Jay NaPier Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 29 Aug 2007 09:58
Quoting: ateamfuntimer I think that more should be focused on the the lifestyle changes and not the monetary amounts that Coastal brings. Its like success. Its very relative. I know personally of a CSG leader that earned about 90k last year and was told by other CSG leaders that if they wanted to continue to be a leader in that orgaization they needed to get coaching from some of the CSG Lifestyle Coaches so they could reach the 6 figure mark. Now this 90k earner is a stay at home mom that is truly happy with her 90k and what they have achieved but they are being judged as they didnt make 100k.
This is part of the challenge I had with the CSG.
There are BIG wins and there are smaller wins. I remember the first time I hit $5000 in a month, I did it in my first 30 day. I HAD to replace my previous was not a "Well I'd like to"...I made it a MUST...and it was.
While we can all focus on the small stuff, it's important to remember that the BIG stuff is what really motivates you. What about that beach front property you've been wanting all your life, or that college education you want to pay CASH for??
Wow, when I was much younger, I didn't have anything - but I had my dreams. I'd buy Network Marketing Lifestyles Magazine and read about top producers in the mlm industry. I'd see the cars, homes and vacations these top producers were taking AND IT MOTIVATED ME TO BE MORE.
I'm a student of Tony Robbins and one of the BIG things he talk about is how so many have settled for where they are instead of striving to move to the next level. We live this each day.
When you get on the phone with a prospect who wants out of that Hot Factory, but yet....won't review the information you've provided about Coastal - They are settling for where they are, instead of taking a step to the next opportunity.
I'm a big giver and if for no other reason - Each of you should look at how you can give as a result of the Money.
I had the opportunity last year to work with 32 Six and seven figure income earners as a team. We had a team goal to reach $100,000 of giving, which worked out to about $3000 per person. Now, I was not one of the top incomer earners at this event, but gave more than the $3000. I was so surprised how many of these, Doctors, Lawers, Real Estate Investors, Venture Capitolists had paid $5000 plus to be a part of this event - yet, didn't give to achieve the goal.
No matter what you goal is, you're going to reach a point where you'll transition your objective beyond the money - but the money does make it possible to do alot of what we want to do.
Jay NaPier Platinum Director/ Advisory Council Coastal Vacations