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Joined: 22 May 2007
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# Posted: 29 Jul 2007 15:31
For the past months there has been tons of controversy in the different groups in Coastal. Yes there are many groups in Coastal for those that were not aware of it. I was a major leader in the CSG for a nice period and learned first hand how the group ran. As you read further in the post you will see many great leaders from all of the groups represented here. Thats a good thing. Competition is always good for the consumer. I would let anyone looking at Coastal know that is is an incredible business. I have personally vouch that it works. It has allowed me to retire from full time employment and ive been able to vacation like a king. I have also personally trained dozen of others to become financially prosperous as well. You can take a look at my story in the May 2006 HBC magizine by clicking on the link listed next on page 26 for more details. As you are looking at Coastal Vacations do your due diligence. But if you are looking for a winner in Coastal Vacations with a proven track record contact myself or one of the other posters that you see in this forum for all the facts.
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 7 Aug 2007 17:38
Adam, I have tried e-mailing you a few times after you have contacted me but am not hearing back. I'm sure some of us on the forum would like to know more about your new marketing company and I was hoping you would post the website here. Otherwise could you please PM me with the details. Just want to learn more about what's available. Thanks, Judy
Joined: 30 Mar 2007
Posts: 147
# Posted: 8 Aug 2007 09:52
Hi All!!
I would like to say that Coastal Vacations really is a winner. I left my job in pharmaceutical sales so I could be a full-time mom and wife and Coastal helped make that possible. In my first nine days of being home full-time, I qualified at level two (that is $6400 in nine days)! It isn't slowing down either.
I am with Coastal Families Worldwide. We are a Christian Based team of Coastal Vacations. This a great opportunity for people looking for a way to make a real income from home; not for people who think that once you sign up, money is going to fall out of the sky! Make sure you find a team and a director that you feel comfortable with and good about with a great training and marketing system in place because this will make all the difference.
I just had to add that! I wish everyone much success!
Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 358
# Posted: 8 Aug 2007 19:17
I am with Coastal Families Worldwide also. It is a great team. I have only been in for a month though and I have not yet qualified. That is great that you have been successful so fast. How long have you been with Coastal Families Worldwide? Do you have any tips to speed things up for me?
Thanks, Becky
PNL Travel
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# Posted: 8 Aug 2007 20:20
Coastal does Rock! It truly is a great business and if you love to travel than it's a win-win!
There are different groups out there. I think as long as you stay plugged into the Board of Directors than that is a good thing. Not every groups way of doing things is going to work for everyone.
The only to not succeed with this business is to quit!
PNL Travel
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# Posted: 8 Aug 2007 20:21
Nikki - your son is adorable Congratulations on your success!
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 9 Aug 2007 11:34
Coastal is Awesome! There are several Groups out there.
As long as you stay Plugged into the BOD you are set for the Latest Updates.
Did you guys get the Announcement about the Travel Svcs Card? The old Cards have out-dated information. Just mail it in with SelfAddressed/stamped envelope and they will send you the new card.
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 3
# Posted: 9 Aug 2007 11:37
Adam are you Adam & April?
How are you? You don't know me. But I remember you from the Live Calls. I'm with CWB
If so, what are you doing these days
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Posts: 646
# Posted: 9 Aug 2007 13:01
Hello Fellow Coastal Winners,
Many of you have seen my post in these forums. My name is Adam and im a Level III director. My wife April and I have been leaders in organizations and have built an very successful business. I love that so many of you come here and share your success stories. Lets take this to the next level. One of my business ventures is web design and marketing. Im looking to put together a website featuring testimonies in a few different formats. We were thinking of having the site feature video testimonies , audio testimonies as well as written ones. There will be some guidelines but im right now just seeing if any of you are interested. You can contact me via my signature line. But in the meantime please continue to post your great success stories here. They are an inspiration to the many of us that see Coastal Vacations as a way to achieve the dreams we now know are ours to claim. See you on the post.
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 9 Aug 2007 19:50
Awesome to see you here Adam, I remember you from when I was with CSG.
I'm with CWB now and Steph J. Are you running your own Coastal Group?
Joined: 30 Mar 2007
Posts: 147
# Posted: 11 Aug 2007 00:30
Thank you, Lora!
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 11 Aug 2007 12:32
Hi everyone, this is Jena again. Please ignore cwbdls07. At first when I picked JenaV, it gave me an Error Msg. So I figured it was my Username.
After I got cwbdls07 to work, I realize it was "me" not the system. So I jumped back on with JenaV posted again.
In any case, I just wanted to clear that up from the start 
Adam, awesome to hear. I've Been with Steph for 10 months now, I got to meet her at the BOD Seminar in June out in Vegas.
Everyone the Next seminar is a one day event in TN early Sept.
BTW - DID YOU GUYS SEND IN THE OLD TRAVEL SERVICES CARD??? THE INFO ON THE CARD IS OUT-DATED!!! Just write in and send in the Old card w/ ID # and the Ctr will send you an updated card. (not yelling - just want this to stand out)
Joined: 12 Jun 2007
Posts: 24
# Posted: 11 Aug 2007 14:30
hi everyone, i want to go to pennsylvania this fri-mon(allentown) does anyone know how i can use my package for this and save the most money w/o registering my package? i havent gotten around to do it yet. just seeing if there is any loop holes in the system. its a last minute trip and i know i will not receive this discount cards before i go. thanks to all who can help gary d
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 11 Aug 2007 15:09
Hi Gary,
I can help you with this question.
The discount are for Last minute trips. The Mini-Vacations and Cruises, (if you are III pkg owner) all-inclusive stays require 30+ days in advance.
This is why the combo of the Cards makes the Packages user friendly.
When are you planning on going? Membership Reg. approx(7-10days) May I suggest you Priority (Del.Confrim) or Overnight your Registration & Money Order to speed the process. Include a letter stating that you need they Cards quickly as possible.
I was able to save a $100 on a wkd stay at a Marriott Suites trip. Wanna talk about Last Minute?
I called and booked Friday at 2 or 3pm & we checked in about 8pm that same night! My son had a KB tournment and they called last minute for his weight class. We jumped in the truck and took a 3.5 hour drive to Las Cruces, NM.
OR: Is your Director willing to let you borrow their Cards? Most you do not need to have the Card present. I've done this for family members. Best Wishes.
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 11 Aug 2007 15:19
Opps! I meant the cards are for Last Minute trips
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 12:55 � Edited by: JenaV
Hi Guys,
I celebrated my 1 yr bday with the CWB yesterday. Happy Bday!!!
Who knows details about the Grocery Savings card?
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 13:35 � Edited by: rhondap
From the new Product Overview found on our Official Coastal training website:
Grocery Travel Card�For busy shoppers who realize the value of time saved, we offer the world's largest coupon clipping & delivery service. This online coupon service allows you to save thousands with manufacturer's name-brand grocery coupons you can print right off from your computer... even when you travel. Use this card to help you stock up on food when staying in condos and resorts, or just to help your family save money everyday ... so you can afford all the vacations you want to take even faster.
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 14:07 � Edited by: JenaV
Great info! How do we get the card?
Have you ever heard of
Joined: 30 Apr 2007
Posts: 64
# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 16:49
Jenav = straight as a corkscrew = COASTAL
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 17:29
Netresult, we were discussing our new grocery coupon card not anything about JenaV's character. Please use the forum to further discussions.
I would have really liked that card when we were down in Florida last month and had a full kitchen in our condo.
Jena, I haven't introduced myself but it is very nice to hear about your success after the events of your life. I hope to see you on the board more and to get more representatives from CWB. I am with WCYS and live up in Ontario.
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 15 Sep 2007 19:55 � Edited by: JenaV
Judy Thank you so much, I appreciate your post. My family has been through a great deal. God loves me enough to have returned me to 100%. Anyone meeting and Talking with me; would never believe my story, unless they actually met me in person and can see with their own Eyes all of my scars. Including the one on the top of my head. (the drilling of my skull to relieve the pressure of my swelling brain) It's nice to meet you. I really like the CWB, I've been with BOD, CSG & DFI - But I came back to CWB, I love Lynn, Donna, Kim, Wayne, Bill, Charlotte and so many more.
Tell me a little about your group. I've heard lots of positive things.
netresult, wait a minute who are you? I've never met you. Why are you attacking me???
How dare you? I'm a God fearing woman, mother of 3 beautiful children, and the kindest biggest Hearted person you would ever know.
Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 19:54
Hello Jena!
What a story you got! Same here, my husband was infected by west-nile virus a year ago. Well, he had a worst case, he was in coma for 10 days and over a month in hospital. I know what your husband had to go trough for you. Pretty much as I had to go trough, day in and night at the hospital, fighting w/nurses and doctors...The rehab, then insurance, then insurance expired...then while he was in come he's company fired him, not showing up to work.... So you can name it to...But God is good, God was looking after you and him and we're thankfull for that. Then I started with Coastal back in March and my only regret is I don't started much earlier... Good luck to all of us,
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 23:09
Hello linkmetro,
Wow, West-Nile? Where do you live? I don't think we had any report deaths this summer. I live in Albuquerque, NM.
I love my husband, he is my Best Friend. I found out it takes a Strong person to deal with a situation like the ones our Families have gone through.
Do you have any children? How is he doing, now? Did the Doctors say if he is bite again, will he be immuned (like chicken pocks?) or will it be a worse reaction than the first time? I know West-Nile is awful.
OMgoodness, could you file a law suit against the company???? I sure hope everything has been worked out. You know "we" (Blue collar workers) Break our backs for a company and look what we have to look forward to in return Makes me Mad!!! I worked in Payroll, the company I worked for called about 500 employees into a conference room for a "meeting" (statewide) and had Severance Pkg waiting for them! All of the employees had over 23 yrs of svc!!! The company cut them off before their 25 yrs of svc -- Just to save money on retirement payouts! Can you believe that JUNK.
LM, what group are you working with?
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# Posted: 17 Sep 2007 11:17
I want to congratulate you all for everything you have overcome. It shows your character and I have a new found respect for you all and your Faith in GOD. God bless you all and keep you.
Adam Frederick 302 476 2753
Coastal rocks!!!!
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Posts: 646
# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 13:16
Coastal is a winner. It is the best business that I have ever been involved with. The commissions are the best , the travel is unbeatable and it can be run with a computer and a phone making it one of the most mobile businesses on the planet. 2 1/2 years ago my wife came across this business and we got started in 2 days. We didnt have the money to get started but knew we had to find it. Im glad we did as 7 weeks later we had made 10k. What an ROI.
If you want to have control of your life and live it on your terms then be sure to get started in Coastal vacations.
Get back to the person that showed you this opportunity and get your questions answered. If you dont have anyone showing it to you and need to have some questions answered then contact me and I will do my best to GUIDE you through all the details.
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 13:52
Forgive me, but I must shout it from the Rooftops! I AM a Released Level III director!!!!!
Love & Respect to All, Jena Vasquez 505-205-1451
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 14:36
Quoting: JenaV Forgive me, but I must shout it from the Rooftops! I AM a Released Level III director!!!!!
Congratulations Jena
Jay NaPier
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 17:04
Thank you. You're the best, I sent in for the new materials for the L1,2, & 3. I'm excited.
It's going to be like xmas, when my stuff arrives!
Jay take care and God bless, Jena
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 17:27
Congratulations Jena!
Joined: 9 Aug 2007
Posts: 108
# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 17:31
You are an Angel, you are always so supportive. I'm honored to know you.
God bless you.
With Love & Respect, Jena