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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 267
# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 12:04
Quoting: hsimpsonjr We hate to see him g . Are you saying Jeff is leaving Coastal?Quoting: luvtravel Guess he got quite a payoff to join with another group . That is a grand assumption - Hard to fathom in CV - but if he did - GREAT for hi!!
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 12:28 · Edited by: jnapier
It does appear that Jeff has moved on from the call center that he helped put together. I listened to his recorded call and WOW...what a humbling call. I'm really surprised to hear that he was leaving.
I do know that ALOT of people with Coastal train or have trained with Dani Johnson. I've not been to any of her live seminars, but it appears that at the seminar something clicked for Jeff. I understand that several directors with Coastal swear by Dani Johnson and her training.
I've looked at the system (DFI) which Jeff is moving to. It's got alot of great benefits to it. It was one of the options I considered when I moved from CSG. Overall, I wish Rene and those folks much success....FOR ME, I just was not interested in promoting most of my training to 1 trainer....and I wanted to stay congrewent with what has worked with me for 19+ years....which is to work with the Official System and refer folks to top trainers like Jeffery Combs, Jerry Clark, Susan Sly, and Ellie Drake.
You can take the Dani Johnson training without the DFI system and learn about what Dani shares with the network marketing industry.
Jay NaPier Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
P.S. - If you get the opportunity to listen to the call, do so. Jeff is a very nice guy and I've enjoyed knowing him. He's upfront and honest on the call and tells you that what he was doing didn't work as well as he wanted. I've been there and done that as well...I know it's tough, but it's best for everyone
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 13:09
Jeff is a great director and, yes, he is still my director. This is another example of how versatile (sp?) Coastal Vacations is. As Jay and Terri and many others have demonstrated, if a system isn't working out the way you wanted to then you can change systems. Jeff has chosen to go the DFI and Dani Johnson route and I wish him success and I KNOW he will have it because he already does.
Myself, being a direct member of Jeff's, decided that the Call center is best for me simply because of my schedule and the fact that we can also do Coastal the traditional way ourselves even if we are with the call center. I will still be bugging Jeff as I always have so that part will never change.
Changes happen and we all have to be able to adjust to them if we are going to be successful and thank GOD that we have a company that will change with us.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 13:59
I think it's important to add that every business changes. Looking back at say...the pizza business. Years ago, it was dine in or carry out. Now, you call up and people expect it to be delivered.
The Coastal Vacations Board of Directors and Leadership Council are constantly working to bring us the best training, systems and tools available. A few weeks ago I posted about what's coming our way with the newest upgrades to the Official Coastal System through COA Network.
For those who don't know the story...I'll share a bit. When I got into Coastal Vacations we had the official system and there were a few pioneers who were working on their own team systems. Now, being an internet based network marketing pioneer I saw what was taking place and I watched until I saw what I wanted to see. Systems run $40,000 and up. I watched as directors came together and as they split....Politics can be an interesting thing in ANY company.
I've always taken a wait n see approach to Coastal Vacations and when things were now working or I saw too much that was not congrewent with my success formula...I had to make some decistions.
Personally, I believe that the Coastal Vacations Official Systems, training and support offers more than anything else out there...and I know others feel the same about what they do, but it's important to realize that there's only 1 Offical System and Support for Coastal Vacations and then there are others who are doing their own thing ( some have hidden agendas). As for me and my team...We train with the BEST and We use the Official System.
Jay NaPier Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
Bill D
Joined: 27 Aug 2007
Posts: 62
# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 14:28
Quoting: luvtravel I was surprised to hear that Jeff Mills had quit the WCYS we close your sales call center. (I too had quit them recently.) Guess he got quite a payoff to join with another group, I am not saying thats true just a guess on my part but generally speaking when a major guru goes with another company they are usually paid handsomely ! Terrie Terri it is comments like this that make people wonder just what your adgenda is? Your statement that you quit them recently, is that just the Coastal Sales Center (WCYS/call center) or have you quit Coastal Vacations all together?
That would make sense knowing that you are marketing/promoting GRN at the same time in another thread. That is something you should probably let future prospects know if you are not able to give them that 100% commitment to Coastal Vacations that they need and expect. If you are not 100% into Coastal vacations how can you in good conscience ask a prospect to join under you? There are entire threads devoted to those Coastal members who joined under a director who is not giving them 100% commitment. Take the money and run is what they think if their director is not focused on them and their Coastal business. Not very confidence inspiring to a prospective new member. That is what other directors on this forum are willing to do give those new members 100%.
This forum is to assist people in researching Coastal as well as members keep up on what other successful Coastal directors are doing. There is nothing constructive about your making an ASSUMPTION about why any director left one group for another.
Bill Decker 443-244-2118 ,
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 14:46
Well I just listened to Jeff's reasons for leaving and I am glad there were no hard feelings and that he is still saying the WCYS system is great. I believe that as a religious person he found a group and a trainer that he aligned with and the fact that he is easily found on the net and his name is often associated with Coastal (unlike some of us newer directors) would make it easier for him to close sales himself -take all the commission and even perhaps be able to choose who he wants to work with better.
I like Dani Johnson and joined her free website to listen to some of her calls -what I don't like is getting 4-6 e-mails a day from her company -feels like information overload.
I still need the WCYS program to help me close sales as for some reason I have a stumbling block when it comes to phoning prospects (it could also be that I work a full-time job). I am hoping to get over this but I personally do not believe that GOD is going to make me a success although I respect people that do.
I am definitely more of a "Secret" girl. I wish Jeff the best of luck in his new group and who knows maybe with him leaving the call centre there will be more time for the closers to spend on all of us others.
I'm with you Bill and Noreen in the way I like the WCYS system but I also plan to use the Official System as well. Do I have to register 5 new domain names for all the websites I will get?
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 281
# Posted: 15 Oct 2007 18:34
I love Dani Johnson and her training. I wish Jeff the best.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 20 Mar 2008 22:07 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
The Coastal Closing Center is a viable option to many trying to have success in Coastal Vacations. With my 3 years experience in Coastal I can honestly say the biggest challenge I have seen with many is trying to become salespeople. Many have never been in that capacity before and struggle with it. So having someone close your deals is a viable option. Now is this the magic bullet? Of course not. I encourage everyone to continue to learn the skills it takes to be successful. I teach my team this as well as do private coaching on those methods. But hedging you bet never hurts. Why not have a back-up plan in the interim.
Plus its always better to have more outlets working your business. I have many divisions of my opportunity and am always adding more. If you are looking to do the same then lets have a conversation on this forum about what you are looking for. If you need the real deal from someone that has been in the trenches im the man to talk to.
Adam Frederick Internet Coach + Entrepreneur 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 184
# Posted: 7 Apr 2008 00:14
A Big Announcement:
Jeff Mills is BACK with We Close Your Sales AND still marketing with them, and still also Marketing with DFI.
Why go back?
Cause I personally had MORE success doing it my way, than with the DFI way.
And if people want a do it all by yourself system, I can give that to them with DFI.
And if they want a "we do it all, once you get a person in the door system with WCYS," then I can offer that.
Let the good times roll people.
[Post edited. Please watch your language - Admin]
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 267
# Posted: 7 Apr 2008 09:20
goldmills: I am back. And I don't give a shit what anyone thinks either.
Nor should you!!!!
Options? - Always a good idea. Good move Jeff.
Joined: 19 May 2006
Posts: 120
# Posted: 8 Apr 2008 09:51
Welcome back Jeff!
Http:// Book your travel with the best rates:
Joined: 22 May 2007
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# Posted: 9 Apr 2008 09:52
Pastor Jeff,
While I dont agree with the use of the "four letter word" I do agree with having options in your business. As you market to prospects you need to have something that fits into their lifestyle and needs. My business runs the gamut. I have a free option where the prospect becomes an apprentice and does their own marketing ( with my guidance if needed) and makes a commission on sales made. I even give them credit for sales made ( it goes towards their directors releases). The next option is with the tradition Coastal model. Many like this option as traditional Coastal has all tools needed to help you run your business. Recently I added the call center option as they allow you to get started as a marketing associate for as little as $69.95 to start then $49.95 a month. After one sale is made that $49.95 is waived. So they have no monthly fees other than buying leads. As they get started at the higher levels they still have no monthly website fees and work with a 1up system as opposed to a 2up system.
Like Jeff I beleive in multiple streams. For so long many have pitted the groups against each other. Im all for bridging the gap. Why not be part of your own group but add the Coastal Closing Center option. For as little as a one time fee of $720 you get the use of a call center as a "profit center" for you. We all talk of time freedom. This is the ultimate in time freedom. As you are on vacation you still have a team making calls on your behalf. Does this mean you should stop doing what you are doing already? Of course not. If I run across someone looking to buy the package and have nothing to do with the business opportunity I will sell them a package retail through my traditional Coastal option. Choices. Thats what its about. Give the customer what they need and having different methods to deliver the product is key.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 62
# Posted: 27 May 2008 11:04
Hello Jeff,
I'm glad to see you clarify the "once you get them in the door" part of the WCYS system, as there has been some confusion between them and The Coastal Closers, where you do NOT have to "get them in the door" first.
I've seen a couple of site promoting WCYS as "the only coastal call center" ... which we all know isn't the case, but the confusion of HOW sales are made, is cleared up by understanding the difference between OUTBOUND and INBOUND call centers.
We actually take the raw lead or form fill ... coming from the site our Members receive as part of their membership which is included with no monthly fees (I understand it's $50 a month or so with WCYS) and we make the first call to that prospect.
We of course also will take the incoming calls ... but always felt the chance of someone not remembering the ID CODE or getting it wrong when they call in, was high enough to encourage a form fill response where the ID is literally stamped to the prospect was better.
By removing the "pass up sales without pay" feature as well, we now have members earning money on their first sale, rather than drawing a blank on the first two sales made and ending up empty handed.
Of course, anyone who is already in coastal now at any level gets preferred treatment and we do have special terms for them.
Our mission is to make it as easy as possible for someone to join, get their feet wet and make the money they are after ... and it is working with these recent improvements to the system.
For those who want to remain with the "Original Version" of Coastal I have added a Fee For Service Coaching Program that includes all three Directors Releases and 20 live one on one sessions.
This comes from over 30 years of face to face selling and running businesses of our own, with yes, over a million dollars in income from Coastal alone, and 22 years as a Financial Planner.
Anyone interested ... just holler off our site in my signature file or send a private message through this forum system.
More than anything, I was glad to see you back Jeff, clarifying the issue of "once someone is in the door."
Have a great week everyone ... Success is the journey, with the destinations giving us a brief pause until we miss the journey again.
Joined: 14 Sep 2009
Posts: 2
# Posted: 14 Sep 2009 13:48
I joined Coastal in 2006 the traditional way and did not have any success. I definitely have not given up on it and would like to join the sales center. Can this be done?
Thanks, Liz