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Joined: 17 Jun 2007
Posts: 19
# Posted: 6 Jul 2007 13:29 � Edited by: Cathy
Hi, I know that I've asked this before, but I wanted to see if any other Canadians have given away the vacations for fundraisers and which ones they used and what sort of success they have had with it. I want to give a way a vacation to my son's curling club, but I would like to know what one to select. I am Level 3 so I have all kinds, just a little worried that I might select one that will cause problems for the person who wins it. I am from Canada, so giving these away seems to me to be a harder task as the good vacations originate in the US, so I have to be careful. I haven't had a chance to use the vacatons yet, so I have no personal experience. It seems that I spent the money on reaching Level 3, and have to re-coup that cost before I can actually go on vacation. After looking at all of the vouchers, there is realy nothing that I can give away that would be really "free" is there? They would still have to pay for the other related fees. Just wondering what other's experiences are. I am using this forum as my upline I guess as I am looking to re-join another group as I've lost my upline support.  Thanks for any suggestions. Cathy
Joined: 2 Apr 2007
Posts: 150
# Posted: 6 Jul 2007 16:19
While it is true that all of the vacations require taxes and processing fees, they still provide an amazing value. One thing you might consider (and I haven't done this myself, but it is worth a try) is to give away a condo week.
You can offer it as a flexi-stay - make up a coupon or certificate for the winner that gives them the stay and then they work out the particulars AFTER they win, though be sure to mention they will be responsible for transportation, fees, etc.
So, they get a week in a condo at a place of their choosing that can be used when they want it. It offers a bit more freedom that way. And though I'm not from Canada, I do see on the Condo Vacation order form that there are many available locations in Alberta, B.C, Quebec, Ontario and one in Manitoba...
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 6 Jul 2007 17:11
Hi Cathy,
I'm not from Canada, but I've been giving Coastal Bonus Certificates away for over 5 years now. In Canada I'd recommend the Canada Vacation as it's close and there'll be several options.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
Joined: 17 Jun 2007
Posts: 19
# Posted: 6 Jul 2007 22:44
Tonya and Jay thanks for the sugestions. I had never thought about doing a condo give away that way, but I like that idea. Jay, what is the Canada vacation?
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 134
# Posted: 7 Jul 2007 13:20
Jay is referring to the Canadian Getaway Cathy. Gives the person a choice of a few destinations here in our beautiful Country. I know for Aviva and I, we have been giving away the Vegas stay alot and it goes over very well. For us here in BC the expense is minimal for the trip to and from LV it comes with a voucher for chips and show tickets. You may also see one in there for a Niagra Falls destination. Aviva has put together alot of documentation on fundraising also Cathy. We can forward that to you if you like.
Joined: 17 Jun 2007
Posts: 19
# Posted: 7 Jul 2007 14:09
Thanks for the info Sean. I would appreciate the fundraising documentation. I guess you could pm it to me? I don't have a voucher that says Canadian Vacation. Possibly that is something new? Cathy
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 134
# Posted: 7 Jul 2007 14:44
I am going to forward you some word documents and some pdfs. but they dont go into the PM box very well. If you could PM me your actual Email address I can send it out to you. The word doc is in the form of a flyer that will explain to your customers what you are offering. I want you to get the full document. PM me the Email and Ill send it back out to you via my aol account
Joined: 17 Jun 2007
Posts: 19
# Posted: 7 Jul 2007 19:39
Sean, I just realized that I don't know how to pm you. lol So, I went to your website and got your email address , so I'll do it that way. Thanks Cathy
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 134
# Posted: 8 Jul 2007 22:31
Ok Cathy Your are on my messnger now. You will be able to access the shared folder when you sign on next. Enjoy..There is a ton of stuff in there
Joined: 22 Jun 2007
Posts: 20
# Posted: 9 Jul 2007 12:15
I have to ask again...where is the Canadian vacation? I got a Level One package in Feb. and I never saw a flyer for it, yet I have heard others talking about it.
Have I missed something??
Joined: 17 Jun 2007
Posts: 19
# Posted: 9 Jul 2007 12:40
I haven't seen a Canadian Voucher in any of my packages either Lindy. Does anyone know anything about it? Thanks Cathy
Joined: 17 Jun 2007
Posts: 19
# Posted: 9 Jul 2007 17:35
If you go to the officialcoastaltrainingdotcom site, then to Business & Product Training, and then under Product Training click on Detailed Product Overview, which is a PDF, you will find the most current package details as of June 07. In Level 1 is where I found the Canadian Getaway. I would imagine you would request the updated vocuhers from the Shipping Center. Hope this helps. Cathy
Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 29 Aug 2007 12:04
How much is cost to shipping in to Canada?? Can't find info on it. How much you usually charge for S&H??? Thanks,
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 29 Aug 2007 23:23
I was charged $180 for shipping and handling through the WCYS for the Level 1 and 2 packages (which were shipped at different times through different locations). I am in Ontario but not sure what the shipping centre charges. If you say the wrong thing on your package the recipient could end up paying hundreds in duty and taxes so the sales centre makes sure that doesn't happen which is great.
Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 29 Aug 2007 23:44
Thanks Judy.
Kind of expensive...
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 30 Aug 2007 08:49
Hey Link,
Your release will tell you that international shpping is $30. Now, I've heard that with the increases in shipping that have taken place, the international shipping may go up, but I can't see it going up more than $5.
I've sent memberships overnight FedEx and it's about $75 to do that.
I'm just curious were the membership sent to you?? $180 seems like know, this is the reason you want to stay connected to the official system.
It's clear on my release - $30 x 2 memberships ( assuming Premier Membership) is $60.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 265
# Posted: 30 Aug 2007 09:09
I've heard talk of the Canadian trip in the Level 1 package and saw it on the pdf but it did not come in my kit, actually several were not included. I joined around June 1st...there was a delay in getting my level 1 package of several weeks.
I'll wait until after the Nashville seminar to request any updates. Will that include all updates or do I need to specify a time like since June 1st or something like that?
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 265
# Posted: 30 Aug 2007 09:12
Another suggestion,
On last nights call Al suggested and stated they he uses the "Your Personal Vacation" voucher for his give aways. Over 80 destinations to choose from.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 30 Aug 2007 13:35
Hi Rhonda,
Have you sent in for your membership cards. I was going through my membership cards last night and found "Your Personal Vacation" in that information.
It does say "Canada" on the
You can also send it a request, scratch out the wording at the top and put Canada Trip and they'll send it out to you.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 265
# Posted: 30 Aug 2007 13:42
Yes Jay I got my membership cards last week and had a good time going through them all. I did recieve extra vacation vouchers sent with the cards.
There is a bonus vacation listed on the level 1 pdf called Canadian Holiday... I did not receive that but it's no biggee.
Thanks bunches Jay.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 31 Aug 2007 17:32
Just a quick note.
Document 6 also has a "Welcome To Canada" vacation.
Jay NaPier Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 241
# Posted: 31 Aug 2007 21:41
Hello Rhonda
I have scanned many of the vacation certs
If you would like me to email the welcome to canada cert jpg so you can look at it, just email me.
Also, when writing to the shipping center regarding items that need to be updated or missing, you will need to be I am missing XYZ card, or cert etc.
hope this helps Maria
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 3 Sep 2007 10:11
Hey Jay, My packages were shipped through Canada Post and I'm pretty sure I had to sign for them. I can't remember which one but one was sent from Arizona (WCYS) and the other from Florida and arrived about a week apart. Took about 3 weeks to get it all but there was no extra charges. The WCYS told me that I would have to call in with address for shipping charges outside the U.S. as the costs differ all over. The one thing I don't understand is why you can't get your membership cards at the same time and just add that into the cost as I found it annoying and confusing that I had to send away for them separately and then wait for them for another week. Just one more money order I had to purchase when I could have done it all at once if I had that option. Perhaps you can mention that to the BOD so that all the payment is done at one time. Thanks. Judy
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 3 Sep 2007 17:36
Quoting: Judy The one thing I don't understand is why you can't get your membership cards at the same time and just add that into the cost as I found it annoying and confusing that I had to send away for them separately and then wait for them for another week.
Here's the thing Judy. There are directors like myself who purchase large quantities of the L1 membership. We don't know who's going to be purchasing them until they are sold - So, this is just not possible.
On the other end of the coin, we also know that MANY are looking for just 1 set of membership cards, but alot of folks also want to have a double set - Which is also ordered.
Plus, this would keep your membership from getting to your door within an acceptable amount of time. The membership cards must also be activated and it does take about 7-10 business days for this to happen.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 5 Sep 2007 13:24
Thanks for the info. I plan to use the honesty approach when selling these packages and really help people to understand exactly what is involved and the costs associated to it. I want my team members to trust me and if I am not upfront with them then that would only hurt me in the long run.
Is there any way to move to another director who can help me with my release without paying an additional cost? I don't feel comfortable sending my first 2 people to a director who I don't believe deserves the commission (although I would be there for them to help them out even if they are not under me). I probably should have started another topic but if anyone knows the answer I would appreciate it.
Thanks, Judy