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Ive seen a few of you on YouTube

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# Posted: 29 Jun 2007 10:36

As the market changes we all need new tools to grow our businesses. I am all about sharing ideas as I believe there is no reason to ever be greedy. There is enough fortune in the universe for us all. One of my new projects im starting is YouTube and not really to my surprise I saw a ton of videos from a few that post in here. I saw what seemed to be dozens of movies from Jeff as well as I found some stuff from Jay. I would love if you both shared with the group how you are doing your videos and the results its bringing. I know everyone would love to see how the two of you market yourself and we could all learn a bunch from your experience. I called Jay and Jeff out as I came across them specifically but I bet others of you are doing the same so share as well. Thanks in advance to Jay and Jeff and the rest of you for sharing and making all of us superstars in Coastal.



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Posts: 647

# Posted: 29 Jun 2007 14:31

Hi Adam,

I've invested alot in learning over the last few years. I'm not tech expert, but I recognize an opportunity when I see on. If you goto my myspace page you'll see that I've connected with a group who specifically keeps upto date on tech stuff...which allows me to work on other areas of my business and education.

I am learning Camtasia, it's been around for a long time. It runs about $300 and allows you to do alot with it.

I bought a Dell M2010 notebook so I have ALOT of computer power to assist with using several of these type of programs all at ounce.

There's alot to video training...and I've invested in website video secrets program, but didn't have the time to use it.

At the moment, I'm focused on Contactmate as I feel it's one of the most valuable tools we have.

Jay NaPier
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Coastal Vacations

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# Posted: 6 Jul 2007 19:08

It's just another medium Adam.

Youtube to me is like a search engine.

Since people go to youtube and type in search phrases, I want my videos to be the results, just like in a search engine.

So, if you are going to get into the video market, you need to understand Youtube and how it works with Google too.

Google is now showing Youtube videos in it's search results on the search engine organic listings. That is huge free traffic.

Since I have been making videos, I have over 6000 views, it helps with branding too.

Now, remember youtube is not the ONLY video service, there are like 50 more, where you want put videos too.

filming, editing, uploading and marketing your videos is very costly in terms of my time, so I try to make as many as I can at once to get er done.

I made 17 videos, the ones with the orange shirt in Hawaii, in Jan. and it took me 45 minutes. THen when I was done, I went to see how they came out.... I left my audio on mute! DOH! So.....

I sat there and did 17 more videos again. I one timed every single video, no notes in front of me and I remembered to turn on the mic that time.

Those videos have given me much mileage on my blogs and in searches.

The goal: Be where your prospects are.

If Millions of people hang out in Youtube, be there.
If millions of people hang out in MySpace... Be there
if millions of people hang out and do google and yahoo searches... be there.


Jeff Mills
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# Posted: 7 Jul 2007 20:57

Quoting: goldmills
The goal: Be where your prospects are.

If Millions of people hang out in Youtube, be there.
If millions of people hang out in MySpace... Be there
if millions of people hang out and do google and yahoo searches... be there.

I like that. Good food for thought.

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