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Joined: 21 Apr 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 21 Jun 2007 15:17
Hey everyone,
I got a great price on a condo in Palm Springs and my wife and I are heading out tomorrow! We plan on traveling all over southern california a bit into mexico. I LOVE coastal vacations!! 
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 21 Jun 2007 15:38
Have a great time!
Don't forget to brag about your savings on our testimonials thread!
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 21 Jun 2007 16:44
Yes Brandon have a great time!!!
I agree with Noreen about putting your testimonies out for the public to see, this is such great third party validation for Coastal. Maria Porter has a web site for testimonies and I'm sure she would be happy to add yours. This is a site everyone can use. Take lots of pictures and be sure to take pics of your receipts. Cindy
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# Posted: 21 Jun 2007 18:54
I'm right there with ya, Brandon. I am going to Myrtle Beach on Sat for a 7 night condo stay. Coastal saved me about $600. I'll take pics!
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 22 Jun 2007 09:25
Hi Brandon,
If your going to share a testimonial...give some prices.
I have done a TON of traveling with my Coastal Membership. I spent a week in LA in February and paid only $89 a night for a Suite at a Weston Hotel. Spent Christmas in Gatlinburg at only $125 for 5 nights in a 2 bedroom Condo.
I just gave up 5 nights at the Riveria Hotel on the strip in Vegas for just $259 for the whole stay.
There's alot of value in the Coastal Membership.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 265
# Posted: 22 Jun 2007 09:33
I am anxiously awaiting my package and looking to take a trip in August possibly to Myrtle Beach so hsimpson I want to know how your trip was when you get back. Have blast!!!!!
Joined: 21 Apr 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 22 Jun 2007 11:32
Hey everyone 
I will share a full testimonial when I get back! I paid $294.00 for my condo in Palm Springs, and by checking around I found that the same unit rents out for an upwards of $1600! Now THAT is a savings!! That right there covers the cost of the Level 1 Package!!
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 22 Jun 2007 14:35
To the people who have used condo stays how can I be sure I won't be pressured into a time share presentation? That was one of the main travel reasons I joined was because it said no timeshare presentations. Also, could you PM me or let us know which card or process you used to get those condo stays? I am planning to go to Orlando in August and have tried the A and the Q card and the condo card website doesn't work and the FT website has some listed but not the special price. I can't find anything cheaper than 1495 for a week.
I received the certificate for 3/5/7 nights from FT and they can't tell me anything until I have sent them the money but the hotels they listed they would put me in are barely 2 star hotels. Then I asked about upgrades and she said some of them involve timeshare presentations which I thought was against Coastals policies.
Just trying to get all the facts. I need to get some good testimonials for myself so that I can sell it more confidently. Feel free to PM me with more information.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 22 Jun 2007 15:55
Quoting: griffiths I paid $294.00 for my condo in Palm Springs, and by checking around I found that the same unit rents out for an upwards of $1600!
I don't care what group or team your on....that's something we can all get excited about.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 241
# Posted: 22 Jun 2007 16:33
Hiya everyone
if you would like to add your testimonials to coastaltestimonials dot com just email me
vacation details, a picture or 2, receipt if you have one.
I will add your name but no contact details so anyone can use the site without feeling that they will lose a prospect to someone else.
thanks for the plug Cindy
cheers maria
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 23 Jun 2007 00:29
What procedure did you use to book your condos and get deals?
Mail in voucher?
Quest Card?
Do tell
Joined: 31 Jan 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 23 Jun 2007 19:04
Hi Brandon,
Yes, please, Do Tell!
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 23 Jun 2007 21:41
Judy, I just check with our Access card, this is what I found mini - suite sleeps up to 4 $945.00 for the full 7 nights stay.A one bedroom suite for $1295.00 7 nights A two bedroom for $1715.00 7 nights This resort is minutes from Disney and looks to be absolutely gorgeous Check in dates 8/15 - 8/22
You can PM me if you want hope I have helped  Cindy
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 23 Jun 2007 21:42
Judy, You don't have to stay the full 7 nights this is just the rates I checked Cindy
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 241
# Posted: 23 Jun 2007 22:29
Hiya Judy
I haven't tried them yet, but with the WCYS the condos there will never cost more than $650/wk sleeps 2-8 people and they have no black out dates...
To activate the cert, it costs $29.95...if you are interested PM me 
cheers maria
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 23 Jun 2007 22:54
Hi Maria, Do you have to be a member of WCYS in order to use the condo's stays your speaking of above? Even though you haven't used any, do you know of anyone that has? I like the idea of no blackout dates! Thanks, Cindy
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 241
# Posted: 24 Jun 2007 00:52
hello Cindy
you have to be a member of WCYS to purchase them (they are in the entry package) but they are transferable.
I have read many on the forum who have ordered the certs but don't know if anyone has had a chance to use them yet. I know Terri ordered some...
If you are interested Cindy...just say
cheers maria
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# Posted: 24 Jun 2007 23:57
Id love to hear more about those certs as well. In another of my travel businesses ( the one we talk about alot) I get the advantage of giving away certs that are inhouse so I dont have black out dates. Thats the one thing that scares me with my Coastal package. If you do a fundraiser and then the people who won has issues getting the trip booked properly. That can make a damper on anything. No black out dates works well. Another note to remember is that it is peak vacation season so the rates you see on the access website will probably be a bit pricey right now. But now is when we all should have had all of our unlimited taxes only already booked.
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 241
# Posted: 25 Jun 2007 00:46
Hello Adam
if you go to my website and scroll down to the call center, you will find the details under the entry level details. These condo stays with no blackouts are offered thru the WCYS entry level.
They also have other neat vacations in the entry level package as well (non coastal)
hope this helps maria
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 25 Jun 2007 09:54
When you activate a condo cert, within 3 days you get a unique PIN number fed exed to you. You go to a website and after authentication, you start looking. There are international destinations included as well, so it is not just US. Just input your desired time to travel and location, and your choices come up. No blackout dates. But don't forget, the condos are based on availability. I got my voucher in May and looked for a condo on the east coast for July. Nothing was available. However you go a few months out and everything shows up. So if you are looking to book during peak season, plan ahead.
I don't think black out dates are a big deal. Whenever you give something away, you should clearly spell out the terms and conditions of the offer. For example, if you were going to offer a vacation for a slient auction, I would include a flyer or poster explaining potential black out dates and that they would be responsible for all taxes and port charges (if it were a cruise). You can get an estimate of these charges from the official descriptions of the vacations. That way, there are no surprises. I think people understand and expect this from travel give aways.
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# Posted: 25 Jun 2007 10:25
Hey Noreen,
What town do you live in? I want to do my fundraisers and customer appreciation days there. I make it my business to spell everything out but in most cases people really dont read. We all know this for a fact as I want you to think of all the people you prospect and how many of them say they read the Coastal info but then ask how much does it cost to get started. Most people skim rather than read so please let me do some customer appreciation and fundraisers in your town. LOL
I appreciate all of the feedback on various vacations as it helps all of us. My biggest use of the package comes from the access card. I love it as you can book right then with no wait. We actually saved $3300 on a week in Williamsburg using the card. That more than paid for our initial investment of $1320 for our package.
I appreciate the info Maria on the WCYS condo stuff. You guys know im open to using as many programs as possible to enhance my travel business. One of the products we do really well with is a Condo card from FTV. It wholesales for $15 and ive been able to sell them for up to $400 each. Its just like the access card. With the FTV Condo card, my Coastal memberships cards, my IATA card and now the other product you all have mentioned I think I can fill any travelers need.
Joined: 21 Apr 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 1 Jul 2007 18:10
Hey Everyone,
I just got back!! I just have to brag about the price and the quality of my condo stay! When I first ordered it, my price was $294.00. For those of you who dont like to do math, that is a mere $42.00 per day! By the time I paid all of my "additional" taxes and processing fees my TOTAL came out to be $220.50! ($31.50/day)!
Now this was no cheap resort either!! It had 3 very nice swimming pools, 10 spas, tons of gas barbecues all over the place, tennis courts, volleyball court, and the list goes on and on!
I ordered it through Access. I will not disclose the particular Access vendor on this open thread, but just email me for the details.
Quoting: Judy To the people who have used condo stays how can I be sure I won't be pressured into a time share presentation? That was one of the main travel reasons I joined was because it said no timeshare presentations.
I not once was pressured or even asked to go to a timeshare presentation. What I did get was an envelope on my door with their sales literature wanting me to purchase a fourth share for a low $1600 a week. ($20,000 a year)
So I can either purchase my timeshare for $20,000 or I can pay $220.50 through Coastal and go on my own terms and conditions. This is a prime example of what Coastal Vacations is all about. Traveling Wholesale, not resale!
I will post my testimonial to maria's thread in the next few days. If you have any questions or want more details just email me, I will more than happy to help.
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# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 09:41
Hi, Folks. I, too, just got back from the Myrtle Beach Resort. The overall trip was good but I learned a lot that I will share right now.
First of all, NONE of the following things is a reflection of the Coastal package so if you are looking into joining Coastal, please feel confident that you are making the right choice if you decide to join.
I used the condo order form received in our packages and ordered a 7 day condo stay for Pawley's Island just south of Myrtle Beach, SC. We have been there several times before and was excited that it was on the list of choices. I received my glossy from World Wide Travel for their "Your Dream Vacation" offer. It was supposed to be $19 per person, per night. I sent in my registration fee in March and started the process.
Keep in mind that World Wide Travel has now been dropped from the Coastal Package if I have heard correctly but they were very helpful and when I talked to the lady handling my request, she quickly told me that Pawley's Island wouldn't be available. I really wasn't surprised because there is only one resort on the island and it is VERY nice and VERY popular. We usually stay in the hotel there and not in the condos so we would have been really happy to get into the condo side but none were available so our second choices were Surfside Beach and Garden City. Both of these are just a couple of miles south of Myrtle so we were still close to the fun stuff for the kids.
Myrtle Beach Resort is actually in Surfside but it is just across the city limit and you are literally just a mile or two from the "Grand Strand" of Myrtle Beach. We were told that the only condo available at the resort was a one bedroom unit that sleeps six. LESSON NUMBER ONE- ALWAYS ASK TO HAVE ABSOLUTE PROOF THAT THERE ARE BEDS FOR SIX IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT. There were sleeping accomadations for six people but there wasn't room on six beds. World Wide Travel was told that there was a bedroom with 2 double beds and a pullout couch bed. That would have been fine but when we got there, there was one queen size bed in the bedroom, a pullout couch and two metal cots in the living room/kitchen area. This was disappointing but not the fault of WWT. So, always be sure to confirm the sleeping situations so you aren't surprised when you get there.
LESSON NUMBER 2- Find out if the units at the resort you are going to are privately owned by individuals or if they are the typical time share type system. The units at Myrtle Beach Resort are ALL privately owned by individuals who purchase the condo and are completely responsible for it's upkeep and appearance. We got the last available condo and it was owned by an older couple who must be pretty tight with their money. I wasn't ugly or dirty but it the unit hadn't been updated for years and the owners probably have the mindset that they don't need to make it that nice for the people who will be staying there while they are gone because they are older and it's good enough for them so it must be good enough for everyone else. I went next door when it was check out day to look at that unit and it was IMMACULATE! It had been recently updated and was WAY nicer than our condo simply because the owner had done as the resort suggested and updated their condo. When you deal with the time share type resort, the resort is responsible for the upkeep of all the rooms and units so they will be more consistant but you never know what unit you will stay in. You get what you get when you get there but it will likely be closer to what everybody else has where as the place we stayed was totally subject to the individual owners taste. This is not always a bad thing but in our case, we got the cheapskate's room but ,honestly, the room was OK. It just wasn't as nice as we had hoped. There again, NOBODY'S FAULT, just find these things out FIRST.
LESSON 3- When you order a big travel bag that goes on top of your car to carry luggage, understand that it probably IS NOT WATER PROOF, no matter what the package says!! We got rained on most of the way home and our luggage got soaked.
Positive things about the trip-
1- The resort had 6 pools that were VERY nice. One had a lazy river and a big play area for kids with cool sprinklers and stuff.
2- They had activities for kids like a guy dressed up like a pirate who would take a group of kids on a "scavenger" hunt for pirate stuff. You just paid $10 and they got to get a piece of "treasure" from the hunt plus they had craft type stuff the kids could make while at the pool if you wanted.
3- They also had a beach side bar and restaurant and they had a DJ or band each night. There were also people shooting off fireworks each night on the beach which was nice.
4- My wife's sister came down and stayed about 6 miles away from us and the resort will allow any visitor you want to have a pass for the week for $5.00 to come into the resort. This was AMAZING! My sister-in-law could pay a one-time $5 fee and get a parking pass that was good for the whole week! She could come in and out as she pleased and use the resort facilities with us. I was really surprised at this.
OVERALL I would go back if I could have a more updated condo unit and I would go back at a different time when it wasn't so crowded at Myrtle Beach. I would hate to be down there this week. The traffic coming into town as we were leaving was UNBELIEVEABLE. We went to the Walmart on Sat. night when we arrived and waited one hour in the checkout line and EVERY REGISTER WAS OPEN. I had never seen anything like it in my life.
It was definately a learning experience. My cost for the room was about $830.00 for the week and most probably paid about $1,500.00 so I was happy with that.
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 265
# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 10:01
Thanks for sharing!
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 241
# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 13:03
Hello Brandon and Howard
great testimonials. Howard we had the same issue a few yrs ago with a condo in Myrtle Beach. The location was the best and so were the ammenities but it appeared that many of the units were in need of updating ...ours was fine, but also in my opinion needed updating.
I think we were spoiled vacationing in Mexico for so many years, if it doesn't have marble everywhere it just isn't a 5* for me.
cheers maria
Joined: 21 Apr 2007
Posts: 65
# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 14:49
Quoting: hsimpsonjr Keep in mind that World Wide Travel has now been dropped from the Coastal Package if I have heard correctly
That is good to know. My first attempt to get a condo was through WWT and I am still in the process of getting my refund back.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 21:56
Quoting: hsimpsonjr World Wide Travel was told that there was a bedroom with 2 double beds and a pullout couch bed. That would have been fine but when we got there, there was one queen size bed in the bedroom, a pullout couch and two metal cots in the living room/kitchen area.
I have had a similar issue, but here's who I corrected it. When I went to the condo and it wasn't what I required - I told the guy who showed us to our condo and we were given another condo unit. This is another way to handle this situation as sometimes front desk staff do what they want - most are paid only minimum wage.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 3 Jul 2007 08:23
I wish I could have done that but this was the last available condo in the resort that was big enough for our family. Also, it was a self check in unit meaning that the keys are in a lock box on the door and you just enter the code supplied to you by the owner of the room and get the keys out so we didn't have a way to actually change rooms.
# Posted: 3 Jul 2007 09:56
Hi All!
Is anybody used vac cert to Atlantic City?? I have a very angry client here, She said: "On that flier you sent me it was for Atlantic City. On the flier they sent me they list Atlantic City. On the website they refer you to it does not list Atlantic City. They not called back yet either to straigtened out problem...Over a week. Supp;ier is Gateway to Paradise..Any suggestion how can I help here? I left message also yesterday---no call back yet.
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 10 Jul 2007 15:49
So you all probably know I am booking to go to Orlando in August. At first I used the WWT certificate to book the 2 nights 3 days and they sent confirmation on that today -however then can not give me any more nights and I have to go to a Welcome Centre when I arrive and then find out where we will be staying. Has anyone done this or known someone who did this without problems? I paid a $50 refundable deposit and $20 for my kids so now I have to change the dates because I got a condo!
I booked using my free weeks condo certificate in my Level 2 package -the cost is $189 pp and $49 for each additional person so my total is $486 for a week at Celebrity Resorts. It looks really nice on their website -all updated and 5 pools, kids activities, central location so I am hoping this will be a great testimonial.
I will definitely post when I get home on how it went.
If anyone has stayed there I'd love to know more and also can we order more of those "Free Coastal Weeks" (even though it will cost 486 plus taxes? Perhaps this is the website you use when you send in your $20 for condos in Document 7?