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Getting new cards and vacations

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Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 772

# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 17:19

Could someone Please tell me how to get the new cards that are added to our packages along with the new vacations.

Do we ,
1. call the center and request them,
2. send a fax requesting the cards and vacations,
3. do we need to know the names etc of the new cards and vacations,
4. or do we have to send a M.O. along with a request for them,

BUT if we have to send a M.O. along with the request how do we know how much to send.

We only been in since March and we missed the new ones that happened at the March seminar. Is there a website to see what new ones were added in March?

Thank you!



Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 185

# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 19:58

as I am to new to Coastal also, my answer here may not be exact but I believe all you have to do is write the shipping center and request the new vouchers and new cards
(I think since our renewal time isn't due the cards and vouchers become a part of our package automatically)
if I'm wrong someone please post your knowledge on this matter here
thanks Cindy


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