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Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 62
# Posted: 15 Mar 2008 16:30
Hello Forum Readers and Web20Mentor and JSF specifically,
GRN as well as a couple other "we really sell travel like it should be and we're hot because of it" companies have had major major (did I say Major?) issues with their marketing approach .. meaning they have had trouble staying in business because of the legal issues they face.
The issue appears to be in that they are putting out that they book travel and have lots of "you" (think prospects who are wanna be travel agents) joining and ACTING like travel agents.
Here is the issue. You AREN'T a travel agent unless you qualify through the long and expensive process, pay the fees (the real ones, not the fee to join Company X) and pass the exams (yes, real exams by a real agency that licenses travel agents).
And while there are "gray areas" that could be exploited, they (these companies) aren't even doing that correctly.
The result? Many of the travel spots and booking engines are pulling the tickets to market or use their resources. Meaning ... they have run afoul of the rules that manage the travel industry and are close to having their doors closed.
How to compete with that? Simple. Just tell the prospect if they want to make MONEY ... first look at the overall pay that you can earn with Coastal ... it is in the THOUSANDS per sale, not hundreds or tens of dollars.
Second, Coastal has never been in a gray area, because it is clear we sell a TRAVEL MEMBERSHIP .. not TRAVEL itself. Thus, you aren't acting like a travel agent and you don't cross the lines in that area.
Finally ... if the idea of SELLING and being a sales person, or the realization of how much time that takes, or if you're good (or even GREAT at it!) but you see your Team Members aren't as good ... consider The Coastal Closers.
We have attracted (and continue to do so) some of the best talent in Coastal there is ... to CLOSE YOUR SALES.
What makes more sense? Being the "lone ranger" and going it alone, or DELEGATING AND SPECIALIZING in the sales process where you do the marketing (easy part) and someone else does the selling (the not so easy part).
Even if they were equal in "hard or easy" ... since we don't split commissions with our Members and you pay a one time fee to have closers working .. how many people can YOU close at once? Last time I checked ... one at a time usually. Unless you have other people closing for you all at the same time.
We are worth investigating.....
Now, to the "Magic of Attraction" ... yes, the truly skilled marketer uses Attraction and a "Pull Through" (rather than pushing or worse "cramming" something down people's throat), mentioned by Danny.
However ... let me WARN READERS. It seems everyone lately has something ELSE they are marketing, under the guise of selling a primary product or service.
Meaning ... we sell Coastal through The Coastal CLosing Center. No mystery. If I started telling you about the "Magic System For Free To Sell Coastal Faster Than Hot Cakes ... even if you don't join me in my Closing Center ... and it's FREE to get the first 12 special courses ...." ... if it is free and I NEVER ask you for a nickel because it really is free. Good deal!
But, I haven't seen it that way and several of my own "Guru Buddies" who really are awesome at marketing, are getting tired of being hit nearly every week with the latest twist on secrets, magic, mindset, etc. ... under the guise that that isn't what they are selling.
Branding yourself is a MUST. Promoting is a MUST. Selling is a MUST.
But it doesn't have to be YOU that does the selling. The rest we can show you as far as YOUR JOB goes. Including a mindset that says, "Let's just tell it like it is ... we've done it, so you can you."
Thanks for the opportunity to share .. have an awesome weekend.
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 267
# Posted: 15 Mar 2008 22:21 · Edited by: asebf
Quoting: closerjim Branding yourself is a MUST. Promoting is a MUST. Selling is a MUST. .... Jim, you are absolutely spot on with the above. However, I want to add something to some who may think that just because you supply the selling side of the 3 "MUSTS" that they may have a problem doing the other 2 "MUSTS".
Branding. Jim, when someone joins a team, be it WCYS, CSG, or whatever group it is, the group is responsible for "branding". Branding is only a necessity if the person wants to have a web presence for the purpose of marketing. Ideally, like many have pointed out such as Jeff Mills, Adam Frederick, et al, this is a really good way of creating leads at a cost of "only" your time and expertise of learning how. Not many coming in to Coastal have this ability. As long as the "group" is well branded and has a history (branded) � the new person has every opportunity to do just as well financially as the top Coastal people. It then is just a matter of the other "MUST" � Promotion.
Promotion. Ads in newspapers, TV ads, pay per click, word of mouth, web presence through a variety of means, parties, job fairs, state fairs, booths at events, calling on businesses to show them how to give away trips for their promotion. This could go on almost forever. In ANY business there must be a means of getting "leads" and people to look at what you do � what you have to sell.
The other option? Hire someone to do this for you, if you are not good at the above, do not know how to do the above, or cannot afford the above. What that translates to is just keeping it simple and buying good quality leads. KISS. "Keep It Simple Stupid".
So now Jim, the 3 "MUSTS" are taken care of. Jim � you do the "Branding". The new CV person does "Promotion" by hiring a lead company. And Jim � your people do the "Selling" to the leads they buy.
I posted a topic a while back about "Coastal � where's the beef?" I believe your proven concept of Coastal Closers is about as much beef as there is. For new people, this should be your only option. Actually, that is not true. If you are currently with CV � and you have people that owe you pass up sales, and are stagnant, or you have fizzled out for one reason or another (no time � you are not a salesperson � your marketing budget � or a combination of these) � Coastal Closers is something you really need to explore.
When I first looked into Coastal I saw flaws in the basic marketing plan. The vast majority of our population has neither the training, ability, or desire to get into "sales". Yet I was � and still am � seeing people marketing Coastal and telling people things like " automated system � no selling needed" � "All you have to do is run ads and Email blast programs and have them call us � we'll take it from there" � etc. etc.
I also see people being somewhat honest and saying that over 90% of people never make it.
Why? Why do people fail in CV? As I see it � it one of three reasons. They are not salespeople to begin with. They do not have the time needed. They did not have the marketing budget required to get the leads needed. (and with no sales skills � what would they do with them anyway???)
I am just a "vendor" supporting selected CV directors. I do however, feel strongly about how CV is marketed. I have seen many people that have paid hard earned money to buy into CV with the expectation of doing well financially based on what they were told � and have not had their dreams come to fruition. I will not be a part of that marketing ploy � even if I am only at the "vendor" level. You reap what you sow. I believe that.
If you search the net � look at "scam" boards etc. you cannot find one single person who is upset with the package/product they have received from Coastal Vacations. You will find people upset because of promises made to them and not kept by some directors.
I have had the pleasure of doing business with some of the people in CV that have a high "Google" search hit � if that is what you call it. I can say that having been in and around direct marketing for over 3 decades, that the percentage of "crooks" in CV is much less than as compared to other direct sales industries � but yes � CV has some. Any large organization will have its share of bad apples.
So, with all this being said, I have no problem telling people to have a look at Coastal Closers. Jim analyzed the market and created a system that solves the basic issues with marketing Coastal Vacations. No time? No sales skills? Not a huge budget or money to get started? Then take a hard look at Coastal Closers.
If you have people that owe you pass up sales and need help � for sure contact Jim � or one of the staff.
Well, I meant for this to be a quick follow up. I just got carried away.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 20 Mar 2008 21:46 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
You have been all over the internet and seen Coastal Vacations in many forms. You have seen the google ads saying its a scam. You have seen the various systems out there. So what do you do next? You are completely confused as to where to turn. So lets clear some things up.
1- Coastal is for real.
We market a great travel package that saves our clients thousands on travel. How about staying in a 5 bedroom home in Disney for $735 for the week. I did just that. Saved over $2800 off the regular rate. Thats more than it would cost to buy the level one package
2- We make great commissions.
Our commissions start at $1000 a pop. Not the usual $10 you make in alot of other companies.
3- We have systems in place to help your success.
This is where the the teams differ. Everyone team has a different system I recently joined a call center that makes outgoing calls and gives my team the support they need. It takes them having to be salespeople out of the equation. I've found most people don't like to sell. Many teams have group calls, training calls, websites and live presentations. You have everything in place to be successful.
4- You can do this.
All that stands in the way of you getting started here is you. The success is there for the taking. We have a great product at a great price with great support and even greater commissions. Like Tony the Tiger's Great!!!!!!
So if you are confused come on this forum and get your questions answered but be ready for action. I suggest looking at a few threads. I'm biased so im going to recommend Adam's Advantage ( I write it ) as I go over what I've used to become successful in Coastal Vacations. We welcome you and I look forward to you getting started. My door is open so drop me a line and lets chat.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Coach 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 267
# Posted: 24 Mar 2008 18:00 · Edited by: asebf
jsf: So, Bob, you wanna tell me about you? are you as reachable and open as some of the other posters? Regards, JSF ........... Email in the profile. And yes - I do enjoy stirring the pot at times.  If you want to contact me, I'll be happy to answer some of your questions privately.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 25 Mar 2008 16:18
To the new people and the people that have been in Coastal a bit there is a way to run your business and have the lifestyle that you want. I've been in Coastal for 3 years and seen so much change and growth in the business. My question is where do you see yourself? What do you want to accomplish? More importantly how are you going to get it and does Coastal fit into the plans?
Here is why I think it does.
1- The product we market is something people love 2- We make amazing commissions 3- There are systems in place to guide you through the process (be sure to ask me about an amazing webinar going over it) 4- It's fun to do 5- You can positively affect the lives of all that you touch doing this business
If you want to learn how then as a new prospect or an existing member then get back to the person that referred you to this opportunity or if you don't have anyone to talk to my door is open.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur and Coach 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 31 Jan 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 28 Mar 2008 13:18
Hey Bob,
Update your profile...
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 267
# Posted: 28 Mar 2008 15:24
I just looked at it - what is it I need to update?
Joined: 31 Jan 2007
Posts: 22
# Posted: 29 Mar 2008 17:06
When I looked for your e-mail, it wasn't there. And yes, I looked at several of your posts and in different dates, etc.
Now, I see it every where in your profile. If you did not put it there in the last couple of days, well...
You believe in ghosts, miracles, big brother?...
About quorum, maybe everybody is in Orlando. Hope to see lots of good news in the next 3-4 days!
Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 267
# Posted: 29 Mar 2008 22:45
jsf: You believe in ghosts, miracles, big brother?... ............ Betting I am old enough to be your father - as opposed to your brother hehe. My youngest son was born in 1982.
Have not dealt with or made changes to the profile in a VERY long time - so could be a ghost eh? Actually I do believe in ghosts - I believe I have seen couple. No joke. We actually performed some ghost ritual at a home we had/lived in - in the hills in NE. CA. It worked.
Once they were gone - then we were sorry - because we actually missed them. Guess it was good for them - but who really knows??
Yeah - it will be good to see what people come back with from Orlando!!! But, ya know what? Good salespeople - with recession proof products - always have a market. Examples - in history - even during the great depression of the 30's salespeople made a living. Travel? When money is tight - people need to look for ways to save bucks eh? Also, a long time ago I found out that I was about to go down big time business wise - was not in my control. So what was the first thing I did? Took my family to Mexico for a week. Liquor business is the same- good time=celebrate. bad times=drink for sorrow - recession proof.
All this and the FACT that we ARE NOT in a recession - just a slower growth than we are used to - period of time.
Anyway - feel free to E with any questions.
Sorry for the rant -
Just tired of the media reporting things that make headlines rather than the overall truth.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 13 Apr 2008 23:24
If you are new and looking at Coastal Vacations you are in the right spot. As you go through some of the post you might be confused so let me clear some things up. Many of the post you might read are from members that post frequently and that being said we are like a family and from time to time get a bit off subject. But yes you are in the right area. This is the place to learn about Coastal Vacations.
Why is Coastal the business for you?
1- The product
When you are looking at a business you must be sure that the product that is being marketed is something people want. Travel is something everyone loves. We market it at an amazing price.
2- The commissions
Why get into business if you can't make good money. So many opportunities while they might be good opportunities and market great products don't give you the chance to make enough money. Commissions in Coastal are life changing.
3- The system
I've been in Coastal for 3 years now and have seen how the various groups have made amazing systems for members to use to market their business. Recently I added a call center option to my arsenal. Now I have a free option, the traditional Coastal method as well as a call center that makes outgoing calls to my prospects for me. Each group has incredibly visual websites to do the selling and telling. So even if you aren't a good salesperson you have assistance.
4- Mentorship
Now the best part of this business is the opportunity to work with someone that got started before you. They can help guide you through the ups and downs of the business. Speaking of myself here I can show you how to market, how to generate your own leads, help with web design if you desire it as well as lending my credentials as proof to your business ( my wife and I were featured in the May 2006 HBC Magazine for our success in Coastal). This is what makes Coastal so special.
Maybe you have been looking at Coastal for some time now and have been trying to decide if this business is right for you. With options to get started ranging from free to upwards of $11000 as well as many groups and people to work with you are in the right place. Myself as well as the other members of the forum are more than willing to take your call and go over your questions. We look forward to you getting started with us.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Coach 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 20 Apr 2008 10:36 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
Many people look at the Coastal Opportunity and see the great potential but shy away for various reasons. For some its the higher start-up cost. Most home based businesses offer you an opportunity to get started for a few hundred dollars while at level one the start-up fee is anywhere from $1295 ( level one ) for traditional Coastal to $1995 ( level one ) with the Coastal Closing center. Another thing that deters many is that you don't make money right away. After making the investment for the package to get started, setting up websites, and advertising making money right away is a much needed factor.
So what to do? Id say join the Coastal Closing Center. Now when a statement like that made it needs to be backed up. So here are the reasons I believe you should.
1- Lower start-up cost
You can get started for as low as $69.95. At this price even those that want to "test" the waters can afford to get started. At this price you don't have the closers at the call center kick in until you make at least one sales but if you up your investment to $720 the call center starts making calls for you. In addition at the $720 mark you have no website fees ( at the $69.95 level your site is $49.95 a month). Most of the groups offer websites on average at about $50 a month ( some more than that). If you look at your yearly cost that amounts to $600 so getting started at the $720 is an attractive option especially when you factor in having a group making calls for you.
2- You make money right away
As a new associate most are concerned with making back the money that they have invested to get started. With the Coastal Closing Center you make commission on your first sales. Yes right from your first sale you can make money. What could be better than that? We are all in business to make money and this gives a new person the opportunity to do just that. In addition the system is a 1up so its more conducive to becoming profitable faster. I see this as a truly innovative system
3- This system maximizes your time
Duplication is the key in most MLM's , direct sales and home based business opportunities. For many creating this duplications is a challenge. With most people that are looking to get started having prior obligations such as families and multiple jobs finding the time to make calls can be a challenge. With a call center you have a staff dedicated to making calls for you as well as your teammates. Now of course you can still make calls yourself and close deals on your own. Its like creating multiple profit centers.
4- I believe in this system
For the past 3 years I have been working the Coastal business opportunity. I have seen many systems and tried a bunch of them. My experience as a leader in this industry and the interaction I have had with the various other leaders has given me a nice perspective on how this business works. In my opinion to be successful you need to have a good lead source ( prospects to talk to ), a good way to deliver the info to those prospects ( making calls or sending emails ) and a method to follow up. The call center option in conjunction with working the business on your own does all of this. For this reason I believe in this system.
So for new people looking at Coastal Vacations I encourage you to be at least open to investigating this option. Is it for everyone? Probably not. But it does create some amazing opportunities to become profitable faster, get started at less of an investment and create faster duplication. None of us can tell you what to do but I know that if I had known of this option when I first looked at Coastal it would have been a no-brainer to join it. You see in my first 7 weeks of starting in Coastal we made over 10k. Now this was the traditional way where we had to do two sales at level one then 2 at level two then 2 at level three to be level three qualified. I look back at the people we gave up on the way and understand if I had those people in my call center option it would be a windfall. So if you have questions you can air them here or contact me directly. But again I encourage you to take a look at this option.
Adam Frederick Internet Entrepreneur + Coach 302 613 4632 [email protected]
[Post edited - Admin]
Joined: 28 Aug 2007
Posts: 6
# Posted: 22 Apr 2008 23:24
ateamfuntimer: In addition the system is a 1up so its more conducive to becoming profitable faster
Hi Adam, I was under the impression that Coastal Vacations required 2up. Can you elaborate?
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1967
# Posted: 23 Apr 2008 00:34 · Edited by: mountainmom5
ateamfuntimer: In addition the system is a 1up so its more conducive to becoming profitable faster. I see this as a truly innovative system
Hey Adam - so how do you fill out their directors releases with only 1up? There are 2 spaces on the documents for the 2 training sales...
If a person gets started at Platinum or Level 3 do you still require them to pass up 2 training sales at each level, or do they only have to pass up 1 sale at Platinum?
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 27 Apr 2008 19:28
Thanks for the replies and I apologize for the slow response. For the past few weeks I have been involved in some great projects that will improve the way I can help anyone getting started in Coastal. So let me address a few questions.
For years many of the groups have created specials to get people qualified and profitable. I remember Nitsa Nakos running a promotion where she made I believe it was over 30k in a matter of days by waiving a training sale and letting people get qualified with one sale. Now im not saying this is how the 1up system works but saying that the precedent has been set by many groups that have been extremely profitable in the past. In the past I have seen directors get associates qualified by using retail sales they have made and basically giving those names to the associate to qualify them. Another issue that has arise is a privacy issue. I for one dont want my information on a form that is distributed around the world and people having access to that info. Identity theft is a real issue.
Now to address the other question. In the Coastal Closing Center when you get started at level 3 you are qualified at the lower levels ( level 2 + level 1). So its an incentive to come in higher. The same goes for coming in level 2. You start at level 2 and you are level 1 qualified.
The goal is to get profitable. How many of you have had people QUIT because after buying the package, paying for leads and websites and waiting to get their 2 sales they are broke. Make people profitable quicker and they stick around. You build a stronger larger team and everyone wins.
Adam Frederick Internet Coach and Entrepreneur 302 613 4632 [email protected]
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 1967
# Posted: 27 Apr 2008 20:24
Thanks Adam - I know we can basically work our business whichever way we prefer but wasn't sure how you could get by with only one name on the release.
Another way to help them is by helping them work their leads for awhile. You can do that in various ways as well.
There are so many ways to run a Coastal business. That is just one of the beautiful things about it!
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 62
# Posted: 29 Apr 2008 18:08
Hi All,
Here is the answer to a couple of questions about the "Up Sales" and the Directors Release.
When someone joins us at any Director Level, you are empowered through the Center immediately to receive your Release with the simple purchase of your Director Level Entry with us.
That is with our without the package by the way. So you could use the wholesale cost of the package(s) for marketing, etc. unless you really needed the package now.
Your release says "Call For Details" on both the training sale lines on the release. Why? Because it did not take long for people to realize they did NOT want their name plastered all over the world as a "training sale" with their phone number on releases.
So .. that works just fine.
Then, in the Center, we no longer require "Pass Up" sales without pay. That just doesn't work today, when people need to make money and be earning NOW.
So, we implemented an instant income system where sales are now split between the Director and new person.
You can attend one of our web casts to have it all explained.
Have a great week, all!
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 807
# Posted: 19 May 2008 06:24
Wow this Coastal vacations forum sure has changed since I was posting here last year.
The obvious hype and sales pitches that are seen in this thread was never allowed before.
Jim, yes I tried to sell Coastal packages, I used WCYS (NOTHING, NADA,ZERO!) to "close my sales" I paid a fee plus a monthly fee and they would not call my hot prospects the prospects had to call them, no one ever called them.
I HAD my own site plus joined a few of the groups. Joining a group will not really sell more packages for you.
With all the closing centers and groups the monthly fee is what made me quit. AND to have to pay a substantial fee up front is also unacceptable!
I am also with GRN and now WCYS people are pitching GRN to "close their sales" huge setup fee and again huge monthly... again UNACCEPTABLE!
So whats your speel Jim? Do you charge the exhorbitant setup fee plus a monthly? (anything over commission only is a exhorbitant fee!!!)
And my friend Adam, see you are still hanging in there.
Used to be if you offered the packages for less including and not limited to a 1up you were all but thrown out as a "traitor  hmmmmm things they are a'changin....
So the BOD is what MIA??
Very interesting guys.... good to see you all again 
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 807
# Posted: 19 May 2008 06:27 · Edited by: luvtravel
closerjim: GRN as well as a couple other "we really sell travel like it should be and we're hot because of it" companies have had major major (did I say Major?) issues with their marketing approach .. meaning they have had trouble staying in business because of the legal issues they face.
Hey Jim, I am with GRN what exactly do you mean by "legal issues we face" When making a claim like that I demand explanation of exactly what you mean!!
Be extremely specific about the "legal issues GRN is facing.
GRN is a travel membership and none of us (unless we really are travel agents) represent ourselves as a travel agent, unless they are also selling YTB or traverus, PLUS Coastal gives you the opp to be a "TA" !
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 62
# Posted: 22 May 2008 15:21
Hi Terri,
It's not unusual for the Distributors of a company to be unaware of issues going on with a company. It's not on their agenda to broadcast any issues like that to anyone.
A source that was supplying leads to them told me of their issues and that's as far as I'm taking it.
I appreciate your "demand" to know more. This is as "specific" as I will be as I'm not here to spend time talking about them beyond what I already said.
WCYS ... of course they would not call your hot prospects. They don't do outbound calls. We do.
No, we don't charge a monthly fee for the sites we give and tools.
Yes, we charge a 1 time Sign Up Fee to pay the staff. Since we don't take commissions from Member Sales .. the staff have refused to work for free ... so there had to be a fee to pay them. Go figure.
You're invited to attend one of our weekly Webcasts tues through thursday if you care to learn more. You can get set up by going to where you will see the dates times and how to download the web interface for the conf. room.
The big focus is that we do not require the "Pass Up Sale with no Pay" any longer. There is a better way and in today's economy, putting money in your pocket FASTER (get paid on your first sale not third) is a great way to do that.
Have a super weekend everyone ...
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 22 May 2008 22:22
Just for clarification, WCYS will call leads if you ask them to and they have been qualified which means they have said they do have start-up funds. I have also had them call opt ins just out of the blue without me asking them to do so.
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 22 May 2008 22:35
closerjim: It's not unusual for the Distributors of a company to be unaware of issues going on with a company. It's not on their agenda to broadcast any issues like that to anyone. A source that was supplying leads to them told me of their issues and that's as far as I'm taking it. I appreciate your "demand" to know more. This is as "specific" as I will be as I'm not here to spend time talking about them beyond what I already said.
Jim, I too am a member of GRN and would really like to know what you are talking about. I would think it was strange for a person selling leads to have inside info on a company they are doing business with and noone else actually in the company knows about it. I do know that GRN has lawyers that have to approve EVERY MOVE they make as far as promotion, pay plan, and systems and anything else they do. They are above board on ALL counts. The WCYS team had to go through a MAJOR pain-staking process to get their version of the call center up and running for GRN. It had to be approved by GRN cooporate and their lawyers and that was not an easy process. They are very particular about what happens with their company and strive to make sure that it is legal and fair to all.
Some may ask why a staunch Coastal person like me is also in GRN. It's because I want to offer my people options. Coastal is VERY different than GRN. GRN is completely online and has NO voucher system. I personally like the vouchers in CV and have used them before. They are great for fundraising and promoting your CV business or any other business. But for people who just want to go online and book a stay, GRN is great. Both companies are totally different and should be promoted that way. I was reluctan to even post anything about GRN in here since this is the Coastal area but since it was brought up in this negative way I felt I needed to post this. Jim, please produce your evidence if you actually have any.
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 62
# Posted: 23 May 2008 05:30
Hi Harold,
I appreciate your post and questions.
First, with GRN, the lead provider shared with me that GRN hit a "snag" (layman's term for legal issues) over Distributors representing themselves as "Travel Agents" to the vendors of the vacations GRN offers.
How he came to be informed, was because of direct dealings with the affected individuals.
What many people are not aware of, is "sharing" or being a "sub- agent" is NOT viewed as a bona fide Travel Agent by many providers of vacation destinations. And ... they aren't. They didn't go through the training, have not booked the travel required to earn the min. amount of travel commissions and those providers got their back up about it, causing actions against GRN.
Clearly, that's not what GRN wanted and they have since taken measures to clear it up. Which would include educating their Distributor force as carefully as possible, without causing issues over it.
I own a company (The Coastal Closers) and I've been with companies holding leadership positions... and no, they do NOT make announcements of this sort of thing to their distributor force.
I do appreciate the "just go online and book it" approach. We have had that available through The Coastal Closers FREE OF CHARGE through our own online Travel Agency and those that want to be in the pay stream, can do so for $400 and $49 a month.
You share in the travel commissions, people get awesome deals and it goes well with our Coastal sales.
Our product expert pointed out GRN is basically using one of the Level III Coastal Package components ... ie: the travel agency that does the online booking for the L3 package and are simply reselling that under the GRN Marketing name. That's fine too. We just chose to use a different booking house for that service as it was easier and less expensive.
Coastal has a huge advantage and is one of the last of their type in this one regard. By maintaining their way of doing business, as a supplier of product to Directors, rather than having the "Distributor" relationship with people ... they remain insulated from issues that a Distributor can bring on a company.
Meaning, if you have been around for awhile, all it takes is one person saying or acting the wrong way and they can cause an entire company to be shut down while it's "sorted out" and fixed.
Coastal doesn't have that problem because we are not Distributors with a contract with a company. I appreciate that myself.
If you have had WCYS call leads for you on an outbound basis, you can count yourself as fortunate. We have many former WCYS people who have not enjoyed such treatment and they don't post that they will do this in any text I've seen.
With that ... let's have a super weekend!
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 23 May 2008 10:12
closerjim: First, with GRN, the lead provider shared with me that GRN hit a "snag" (layman's term for legal issues) over Distributors representing themselves as "Travel Agents" to the vendors of the vacations GRN offers. How he came to be informed, was because of direct dealings with the affected individuals. What many people are not aware of, is "sharing" or being a "sub- agent" is NOT viewed as a bona fide Travel Agent by many providers of vacation destinations. And ... they aren't. They didn't go through the training, have not booked the travel required to earn the min. amount of travel commissions and those providers got their back up about it, causing actions against GRN.
Jim, GRN makes it VERY CLEAR that any of their affiliates are NOT travel agents. The membership we sell is associated with a travel agency who does all of the booking for us and has the website that we do online booking with.
You mentioned "vendors of the vacations GRN offers." GRN doesn't offer "Vacations" so to speak like Coastal does. We do not have "Vendors" of vacations. We have the one travel agency that we use for everything. You choose an area of the world you want to go to and then look at the resorts that are available in that location. If you want it you book it or you let them book it for you.
The travel agent requirements don't apply to us simply because we aren't travel agents and don't pretend to be. At least not the people I'm associated with. There is no reason to be because we are not booking trips for others. It sounds like you are getting your info from an unreliable source that doesn't know what he or she is talking about. It's always good practice to verify rumors before posting them in a public forum.
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 23 May 2008 11:54
closerjim: Our product expert pointed out GRN is basically using one of the Level III Coastal Package components ... ie: the travel agency that does the online booking for the L3 package and are simply reselling that under the GRN Marketing name. Jim, I know for a fact that Coastal does not use the same "Booking agent" for the level 3 package. GRN has EXCLUSIVE rights to this company in the USA so your info is wrong there, too. If anyone has any questions to the validity of this statement please message me or email me and I will gladly tell you who GRN represents. It's always best to get your info from someone in the program and I am in both Coastal and GRN and can tell you about both. Both have GREAT points and i like to exploit those points for my members.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 807
# Posted: 27 May 2008 09:55 · Edited by: luvtravel
closerjim: Our product expert pointed out GRN is basically using one of the Level III Coastal Package components ... ie: the travel agency that does the online booking for the L3 package and are simply reselling that under the GRN Marketing name. That's fine too. We just chose to use a different booking house for that service as it was easier and less expensive.
WHO is using a "booking agent" and reselling it under GRN? .
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 807
# Posted: 27 May 2008 10:03
ateamfuntimer: Lower start-up cost You can get started for as low as $69.95. At this price even those that want to "test" the waters can afford to get started. At this price you don't have the closers at the call center kick in until you make at least one sales but if you up your investment to $720 the call center starts making calls for you. In addition at the $720 mark you have no website fees ( at the $69.95 level your site is $49.95 a month). Most of the groups offer websites on average at about $50 a month ( some more than that). If you look at your yearly cost that amounts to $600 so getting started at the $720 is an attractive option especially when you factor in having a group making calls for you.
The $720 version is NOT COASTAL vacations!
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 62
# Posted: 27 May 2008 10:45
Good Morning To All Readers,
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend.
$720 is NOT Coastal Vacations ... that's very true. What it is, is the lowest entry level for The Coastal Closers.
At that level, a person can start who doesn't have the funds to start with the Level 1 Package and wants to get the wheels of commerce turning ... with their own built in Sales Team.
We make it as easy as possible to get going and start earning.
Since this isn't the GRN board, I won't respond further to the chatter on it here. The source I heard my info from was reliable. GRN has handled the issues that had come up from what I can see (since you are still in business) and that's a good thing, as it doesn't help the industry at all when "bad things happen to good companies" as the say.
There's a lot of ways to go. The best way is the one that works for you and that's what we're all about here.
Success is a journey ... with the destination bringing a moment of reflection before we realize, we miss the journey.
Joined: 2 Jun 2008
Posts: 1
# Posted: 2 Jun 2008 14:31
Hi Adam,
I have been trying to contact you for awhile. I will be joining at the middle of this month and signed up for info on your website. Please email me any info in relation to getting started with Coastal Closers. Thank you.
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 62
# Posted: 9 Jun 2008 18:15
Hello "Nestea"....
When you're ready, please holler at me via the private message or send me a message so I know who you actually are and see that you're helped.
Adam has had family issues come up (moved, etc) and has been out of pocket for a bit.
The great news? That's why we are here!
BIG BIG NEWS ... we have just adapted Funtime Vacations (who is a major part of the Coastal Vacations Level I Package) as our primary lead provider (they specialize in a great lead program) for our Member.
More on that when we visit.
Thanks ... looking forward to working with you!
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 62
# Posted: 9 Jun 2008 18:18
Hi Again Nestea,
I just found your Profile here, Vanessa ... will post a note in your record on our end to have you contacted late this week.
They will be able to walk you through getting started.
Thanks ..