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Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 19 Aug 2007 10:23 · Edited by: linkmetro
lol, you have free websites...But no, not on free server. That is two different things.
Ok, just wanted to make sure that is NO misunderstanding we provide free content on new member's own domain. We set up website and upload this to they OWN server. That way they have a control over it always.
I hope that's clear this out. It's work much better then redirecting to domain to a 'capture' page that a whole group use...(what, 50-60 people...)
Splash or capture pages serve the same...different in the set up... (Adam, I hope you taking notes, lol)
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 272
# Posted: 19 Aug 2007 10:28
I agree leads and/or advertising to generate leads is a great thing to offer your new team members to help get them started but I have seen too many people give old beat up leads to their new people and wonder why they quit. ( I am not speaking about people I know of in Coastal doing that )
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 19 Aug 2007 11:59
Hiya Linkmetro
we offer free business and retails sites but not splash pages (it was the splash pages that were being spammed and on 2 occassions closed down everyones websites) you see I write from experience.
But that is the most ideal way, setting up websites on an individuals server. Once you have the main files they are easily uploaded to another server.
And Rhonda, you are so right, who wants thousands of old battered up leads? What everyone needs are fresh leads that have not been shared with others in coastal. Personally I think that advertising and generating your own leads should be what everyone should aim for, but that does take more effort and skill in the short term.
Hope this helps maria
Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 19 Aug 2007 14:53
maybe if inexperienced or untrained people doing it ) I don't recommend this to JUST anybody...
...Sorry to hear but I /we have nothing to do with it. Also for splash page?? Maybe for spamming but not for using splash pages. If it's done correctly it can do wonders for you.
Ouch..... I have 14 sites up...
Quoting: linkmetro Personally I think that advertising and generating your own leads should be what everyone should aim for, but that does take more effort and skill in the short term. That's easier said than done especially for a newcomer...Beside that need money to left over for advertise. 80% of don't have money left, they stuck with 3-4 websites, and ebooks and CD's...You know usual L3 Director's pitch. You need this and that.
Don't worry our leads, we don't share it with nobody. Yep and they just work fine. As for the website we provide the source code on CD.
Joined: 27 Jul 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 20 Aug 2007 12:43
Thank you and everyone else for the warm welcome....I am so exicted about this opportunity...I will keep you all posted!!
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 696
# Posted: 21 Aug 2007 14:03 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
Im so glad this conversation is going the way it is. The way I see it everyone needs to be educated on all of the various ways of advertising. My capture pages have been paying big dividends for me and my team. For a low price they have been able to truly advertise themselves to a wide range of people. As for the spamming issue I dont have a problem as I teach my team to advertise their pages in their signature lines as well as forums like this and other business forums. They arent just spamming anyone in emails or the like. This has worked well for me. So if you would like to learn what im doing you can contact me.
P.S. Everyone that has contacted me about the free page ill be in touch in the upcoming days.
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 21 Aug 2007 15:19
Hey Adam...just wanted to tell you that your site appears to be down....
One tip from me is to monitor your website traffic by downloading the Alexa toolbar from alexa dot com
Google updates your website ranking every Monday. The toolbar is a good way to monitor how your traffic and page ranking compares to other sites.
Hope this helps maria
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 696
# Posted: 21 Aug 2007 15:23
Thanks Maria,
I just had to update my signature line. I saw something about it in another post I read so all of you be sure to update your profiles. As I updated my I see the signature line had my stuff in it now. Thanks again Maria.
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 21 Aug 2007 15:57
Thanks Adam
Cheers Maria
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 272
# Posted: 21 Aug 2007 16:33
I got your phone message. I will be calling you back soon.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 696
# Posted: 22 Aug 2007 11:17
Not a problem Rhonda. I look forward to talking with you soon.
If you are a new prospect looking at Coastal Vacations this is the place to be. There are incredible leaders here that have a wealth of knowledge about Coastal. If I had know of this forum in the beginning my business would have taken off even faster than it did ( my wife and I made 10k in our first 7 weeks). We would have been better equipped to handle any obstacle that confronted us.
If you are a new teammate congratulations. Id suggest attending the various training calls out there so you can really learn your product. Test run vacations by going on them yourself or give them away to friends and family. Get there honest feedback and testimonials. This will really grow your business. Knowledge is power.
Adam P.S check out an article on our success in Coastal page 26-27
Joined: 27 Jul 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 23 Aug 2007 15:23
Can anyone tell me when we sell a Coastal Home Base Business are there any applicable taxes that apply on top to the purchaser i.e. GST or Goods and Service Tax or is this exempt?
Thanks for any information...
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 23 Aug 2007 19:46
Hey Stacie, I am Canadian also and know that you have to sell $30000 in goods before you have to start charging G.S.T. I'm not sure about the P.S.T. -maybe Sean can let you know about that but I thought the product had to come from Canada and because you are probably drop shipping the product from the shipping centre in the States it would only go to Canada if it was a fellow Canadian ordering it. When I bought my package it came from the WCYS centre and they just charged a fee of $180 for shipping and handling which I guess included any taxes as I didnt' have any additional fees to pay (that was for a Level 2 package)
Good luck with your new business venture.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 696
# Posted: 26 Aug 2007 12:53
Are you new to Coastal or a prospect looking at Coastal Vacations? If so you have come to the right place. In this forum you will learn the real deal about how to run your business. There are many groups in Coastal Vacations and they are represented to the max in this forum. Let me introduce myself to those of you that don't know me as of yet. You will find I post often here. My name is Adam Frederick and for the past 2 years my wife April and I have lived the Coastal Lifestyle. In our first 7 weeks of business we generated more that 10k in income and were able to retire from full time employment. As I write this now im sitting in my private office which is my patio. As long as I have my laptop and my phone im in business. My work attire is usually shorts and a t-shirt. Yes I love my dress code. My boss is a beautiful lady ( my wife ) and I can talk to her and not worry about sexual harassment charges ever. This is the life. You can have this lifestyle if you do a few things.
The first thing you must do is get started with Coastal at the highest level possible. Now many say 11k is too expensive. Well I ask how serious you are about starting a real business. If you look at your traditional brick and mortar business 11k is a steal. You don't have employees and the challenges that come with them and you don't ever have a lease payment for your location. You might even be able to write off some of your home expenses but talk to your account or tax professional for the details.
The second thing you must do is become a student of travel. There is no way you can effectively sell anything if you don't know what it is. Learn the trends of the travel industry become an expert. But as you are learning about this 7 trillion dollar industry its important you begin sharing it with others. In the home based arena even if you don't know everything you can still earn as you learn. So share. Treat this new opportunity like you have the best new out there. And to be honest you do. You offer the ability to earn from $1000- $9705 on every transaction as well as giving them back the time freedom they deserve in life.
Third is you need to learn to advertise in all the formats available. Online , offline as well as face to face. Become good at it. Never put all of your eggs in one basket. Become well rounded and you will never see a down time in your business. Good business people learn to hedge their bets when it comes to advertising. Do the same.
Now if you are a new prospect to Coastal and don't have a director you are working with id like to open my office to you. Many here can offer you a variety of reasons to start with them. Here is mine. Ive been successful in Coastal and have a knowledge of each of the various groups. With that knowledge I can give you my honest opinion of what I have seen so you can make the best decision for you and your family. It might be with me or maybe with another director but you should get started ASAP. Looking forward to talking soon. Oh you can contact me by going to my website in the signature line. All my contact info is there.
Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 29 Aug 2007 08:17
Is anybody have a member from the Philippines? Would be interested to talk with that director. Pls PM. Thanks,
Joined: 15 Feb 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 2 Sep 2007 14:54 · Edited by: renae
[Post deleted - Admin]
Renae Heikkila
<a href=''>Choose Freedom!</a>.
Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 3 Sep 2007 00:17
I love that part:
" bible...." Your bible don't have anything in it regarding to 'DON'T SPAM '??
Joined: 5 Sep 2007
Posts: 8
# Posted: 5 Sep 2007 21:48
Hey whats going on Ryan Dunn the young gun just checking in to see what going on. If you don't know me! Im 21 years old and do coastal full time have for about 10 months now! This is so freaking possible its not even funny.... None of that matters though.. Just wanted to say iI was super impressed with this fourm everyone seems to be up beat and full of positive energy I LOVE IT!! Keep it up, [Link removed - Admin]
Ryan Dunn
[url=]Best home based business ideas[/url]
Joined: 13 Jun 2007
Posts: 272
# Posted: 6 Sep 2007 08:54
Welcome Ryan!
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 696
# Posted: 6 Sep 2007 10:09 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
Good to see you Ryan. Glad you stopped in the forum. It's been a while since we spoke but im glad you are doing Coastal full time. This is as we both know an incredible opportunity. I look forward to you adding your perspective to the forum and sharing the tips and strategies you are using with us all.
Adam Frederick 302 476 2753
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 11 Sep 2007 09:15 · Edited by: jnapier
What an incredible event is was in Nashville, Tennessee on Sept. 8.
We've got new vacations on Level 1, 2, and 3.
We've got the new video email product available through Networker Central.
We had over 45 minutes of Q and A for the product
We had an AWSOME Leadership Luncheon at BB Kings.
Pat Mesiti was an awsome speaker. He shared stories about how people like Mike Tyson can be $400 Million Dollars ahead...then, goto 0.
The next event will be in March and back in Orlando.
If your not staying plugged into the Official Coastal Vacations calls and training...your missing the boat on Coastal Vacations
Jay NaPier Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
Joined: 30 Aug 2007
Posts: 80
# Posted: 11 Sep 2007 10:56
I am glad to see the Coastal business is doing good! I purchased a level 1 package about two years ago when youngest child was just born. I really enjoyed working it, but only worked it around a month and then time became very pressed! I had to give it up before I could make my first two sales. I can't tell you how hard it is to make phone calls with kids shouting in the background and maintain a certain level of professionalism! LOL
I have a question, my director is 74 and had a triple bypass. He had to close down shop. I was wondering how to get things going again since I was supposed to give him the commission off of my first 2 sales? Can I go under someone else? He has lost track of his upline. It is a "dead in the water" team. I was so ready to do the opportunity that I didn't take the time to seek out a good mentor. My fault.
Any suggestions?
Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 187
# Posted: 13 Sep 2007 12:44
Jennifer Do you still have your copy of your application? This should have the director's number you signed up with on it. The BOD should have your upline information.
Not wanting to pass up your sales to someone that isn't training you is understandable. Explain the situtation to the BOD and ask if you can transfer your membership to under someone who is still active w/Coastal and who you believe will spend the time giving you the training you need.
There is a Director's call this Monday at 9:00 p.m. EST. 620-294-3000 pin 1103# get on and ask questions
hope I have helped Cindy
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 696
# Posted: 17 Sep 2007 21:33
If you are a new prospect looking into the Coastal Vacations business opportunity then you are in the right place. My name is Adam Frederick and im a Level III director having made my living the last 2 years full time in Coastal. Here is my advice. Go to Check out the deals our clients as well as we enjoy. Then listen to our recorded business call at 800 628 8015. After which you need to contact myself or one of the other great directors that frequent this forum. I look forward to showing how Coastal Vacations can answer all of your prayers.
Adam Frederick 302 476 2753
Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 13:28
Is any prospects here from Europe??
Would you like to meet with me in Vienna, Prague, Budapest or in Tarvizio (Austrian& Italian boarder) next month ? I will be in Europe until November 1st. Most of the time in Austria and Hungary.
If you live in those areas and would like to meet with me face to face to discuss Coastal Vacations and how you can benefit from it just PM. Thanks.
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 13:34
Hello LM
wow sounds like a fabulous trip you have planned. Take lots of photo's.
We are going to Poland (Krakow and Zakopane) next summer, followed by Prague, Berlin, then the UK.
I hear that Prague is simply beautiful.
cheers maria
Joined: 9 Jul 2007
Posts: 70
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 14:41 · Edited by: linkmetro
Hello Maria,
Yes Prague is nice but Budapest IS beautiful! I traveled all over in Europe in my young age, lived in London also (W.Croydon) We loved it! But now Hungary, Austria and Italy w/a touch of Swiss Alp's ... I have photos oh yes...I can go on and on about my trips... Poland is lovely also, we traveled through to our trip to Denmark and Sweden...cross over on Baltic Sea...
I will have my hotel card with me but we already have our own places set from previous trips.
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 270
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 14:59
I went to college in London....lived in Chiswick. I think my most favorite places in Europe are Oslo, Davos, Lake Locarno (can you believe it palm trees in Switzerland) and absolutely anywhere down on the Italian riviera. But the nice thing about Europe is that you can literally go 100 miles and see such varied scenery. Europe is so compact, but then again I live in TX where it's all so huge.
America has it's own beauty....I have got used to the space over here. When I visit my family every year in England everything seems small and cramped. As you know, 100 miles in the UK, esp in the south and you have driven thru at least 5 huge metropolitan cities.
Well I know you will have a great time. Are you going with family?
Cheers maria
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 15:24
Hey guys, You are making me want to go back to Europe! The last time I was there was in 1993 after I graduated University I did a CONTIKI tour by myself with 40 women and 4 guys -40 days and 12 countried and then another tour around Scotland England and Wales for 12 days. No eastern countries although my mother and her family were from Budapest and fled during the occupation. My father's side is from Germany so I have visited there on 3 occasions and love it. My favorite places in Europe -Scotland, Austria and Switzerland
However my husband has no interest to go there so I told my girls when they graduate I will take them on a tour of Europe -only 15-20 more years!
I saw on one of our condo sites some great places to stay in Hungary for only $189 a person per week. Now the airfare is a different story.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 696
# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 16:32
You are not here by mistake. Coastal Vacations is in my 20 years of home based business experience the best opportunity on the market. It combines two of the biggest industries in the world:
1- Travel 2- Internet
If you are a new to the Coastal Vacations business opportunity then you are in the right place. My name is Adam Frederick and im a Level III director having made my living the last 2 years full time in Coastal. Here is my advice.
1- Go to
Check out the deals our clients as well as we enjoy.
2- Then listen to our recorded business call at 800 628 8015.
After which you need to contact myself or one of the other great directors that frequent this forum. I look forward to showing how Coastal Vacations can answer all of your prayers.
Adam Frederick 302 476 2753
Check out our feature article in the HBC. A successful coastal director has been featured every month for the past 3 years.
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