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Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 9 Jun 2007 18:54
Those are my thoughts exactly. I used to leave all my eggs in one basket. Lets take for instance today. I used to make alot of calls early saturday and get great results with Coastal. But thats before the summer time. In the summer no one is home saturday morning. Everyone is at the park with the family. Whether its the kids and sports or just to get out in the nice weather. Today a fair was going on in the park I go to. Now I kicked myself as I should have been on top of this one and did some advertising. How about a vacation to everyone attending. Or for the vendors to give away as a bonus for buying the stuff they sell. They had a fundraising booth as well. I could have used that to auction off vacations. Now if I had been home with just my coastal business trying to call people today id have had no success. Everyone was out. But if I had gotten involved with my community I could have sold a bunch of vacations, give a bunch away, advertised myself, raised money for charity only because I had a well rounded business. Now if we are looking out for our teams in the best possible way we have to be open to having them learn there is all to know. Its like kids. You can teach them as much as you know but hey have to learn a bit too and what might have been the best way before might now work right now. Everything has its season. So I figured a well rounded business prepared all my team mates for all the challenges. How to cuts expenses , how to save for a rainy day and more importantly understanding how best to market to our customers effectively.
Joined: 12 Jun 2007
Posts: 24
# Posted: 12 Jun 2007 10:17
hey everyone.i am new to coastal. i have placed multiple ads,voice blasts and purchased leads.i have 2 web pages and i have a great director who has helped me so much. i am a salesperson by nature, and have called all my leads with the scripts i was taught to use. i just cant seem to close anyone. i use the wcys system and still no luck. i will never give up. i do this full time, but i am running out of $ and hope. i truly believe in this business and love to travel as there anyone who can give me any suggestions to be successful. i want one day to tell my sucess story and help others the way my director has helped me.
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 11:51
Hi Gary, You made a good choice with the call center! The best advice is first, NEVER GIVE UP. You seem to have that one so the next thing is to listen to the recorded trainings in the back office. There is TONS of info there that will fine tune your advertising efforts. Since you are doing Coastal fulltime you could also try some retail sales to local businesses. You have lots of options with your Coastal Package so don't be worried. Things will happen.
Joined: 2 Apr 2007
Posts: 150
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 11:57
Hi Gary,
Take a step back and breathe!
Then, relax for a bit and allow yourself to not think about Coastal for a day or so. You'll be amazed how many new ideas can flow your way by doing that...
But, from reading your post, it seems that you are focused exclusively on the biz opp, correct? How about another approach?
Here is my suggestion, if you're a natural at selling, give this a try: Take some business cards and retail brochures to the auto dealers in your area.
If you don't have any cards or brochures, try investing in the StreetSmart CEO package (there's a link around here somewhere) which has plenty for you to print - along with scripts, etc.
You can call first, and try to set an appointment, or you can go right in with the materials to introduce yourself and set an appointment that way. Be sure to dress professionally and put your best face forward.
Businesses in general have higher funds to invest and always have a need for advertising, so promoting your Coastal package this way should give you another chance at success.
Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
Joined: 30 Mar 2007
Posts: 147
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 16:05
Hey Gary!
First, Tonya and Harold are so right; step away from the computer and Coastal for a day or two. That is some great advice they have given you. Sounds like you need a break and will be ready to go once you have done this.
My second piece of advice, which I know some people are going to disagree with me on, but ditch the script!! I am actually a sales person, too (had been for four years prior to Coastal) and was using scripts in the beginning, as well. I am not with one of the call centers; I am with Coastal Families Worldwide, and my director told me after I made a few calls to lose the script and just be myself. It's magic! It is so much easier to connect with people when you are not using a script.You are able to listen and not think about the next thing you are going to say. Just enjoy talking to them and answer their questions. The thing I like about Coastal is that it isn't sales and it helps to lose that "sales" mindset, as well. Just my two cents.
I wish you much success!
Nikki Carter
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 16:14
I would agree with that. I never really used a script but I did jot down some notes that kind of directed the overall conversation but the key is creating some kind of similarity with the person you are talking to at the moment.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 19:02
There have been some great post to your question Gary and to be honest that is what this forum is about. I wont repeat any of the great ideas ive seen stated already but id say what has worked alot for myself has been giving away vacations. I think of it this way. One of my favorite places to shop is Costco. They are always giving away free food samples. I do the same business principle in Coastal. I give away ( advertising ) vacations to people. I tell them to tell their friends and family and tell them if they tell "x" amount of people ill give them more. I always pick key people. People that can get the word out to the masses. After awhile people will be calling you and a natural salesman can always handle incoming calls. Its those outgoing calls that get hard from time to time. So try that out. I love telling new people that as well because they can say they are giving away incentives to promote their new business venture. Gets the convo flowing. Also lets you be able to give a card and say something like its really new and there is alot of info on it out. Go check out my website it explains it all. Now of course you still have to have a standard answer for when people ask you what you do but you can work on that with your director. This is just a way to get people to your website and advertise your website. Try it and see if it works.
Adam Frederick Coastal Level III Director Business Coach
Joined: 12 Jun 2007
Posts: 24
# Posted: 13 Jun 2007 22:10
Thanks everyone for your support.I will use all of it. this forum is the kick in the you know what i far as the scripts go. i dont just sit there and read them. i hate that. i can tell right away when someone is reading one to me and i tell them to just stop and talk normally. i use it as a guide to follow because i am new. once i have the rap down in my head i am fine.maybe im just an impatient new yorker. i will ride out the storm.i am going to go back to just concentrating on one method. placing news ads to generate some cash flow so i can try other methods.advice for those who have ppc on goggle adwords.i went into our back office as per hsimpsonjr suggested(thanks)and went to ppc goggle adwords and downloaded the free info on ppc.i changed one or two words around as they suggested and my clicks on my site nearly trippled in 1 day. amazing. and my cost per click went down to almost free as they said it would. but no sales.but more exposure.i will see how it goes.thanks again for your support garyd
Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603
# Posted: 14 Jun 2007 08:28
Gary, Keep in mind that Coastal is a fairly large investment for most people. It shouldn't be an impulse buy because if it is the chances of the person being disappointed with the package or the business is MUCH greater. Immediate or impulse buys are usually made by people who are very emotional and don't think through what they are about to do. It should take some time for a person to research the package and the business before they sign up and that means you might not make 10 sales your first month. You might not make any sales your first month but you are filling up the sales funnel with prospects and as that funnel weeds out the tirekickers, the real prospects will come out of the funnel well informed and ready to get started. Don't be discouraged, just be delligent. (did I spell that right?)
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 14 Jun 2007 10:25
All of these 3 businesses are in travel so its really easy. It actually in my opinion makes it easier. What if a client just wants one trip and is willing to spend $500 for it but doesnt want a package for $1295 if you just offer Coastal you leave money on the table. This client is still going to go on vacation anyway just not with your product if you dont have options. The leads I receive from one of the businesses and the vacation vouchers I also use as incentives to get someone to look at my site. I know on The COA nework the VM says that when you call the director back they are going to give the person a complimentary vacation so the practice is widely used. Why not get a commission when you give the person the vacation. That makes sense. Now the commission may only be $20 but if you are putting 5 people a day in your pipeline as they teach in the CSG that 5 becomes $100 dollars a day. Thats a nice extra stream of income for the week. In addition the client gets a great vacation and will always think of you for their travel needs. I could see if I focus on a variety of other opportunities then there might be a conflict ( actually I do business coaching for all types of business as well ) and it might for some make them loss focus on their goals. But in this case when all of the businesses are in travel it fits. The Coastal package I say is for the savvy traveler that spends more that $1295 a year they definitely see the value in the package. The vacation voucher and leads business I have is for the traveler looking for one good deal. And finally for the traveler that just wants to book on a website right now I have my travel agent program. I have something for everyone. I hope this helps some of you out.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 24 Jun 2007 10:42
To new Prospects looking into Coastal Vacations;
I've been with Coastal Vacations for over 4 years. I started as a member and when my soy candle business closed, I made Coastal my full time business.
When I got started with Coastal I had everthing required to be successful. I have 13 years of experience in the direct sales/ network marketing industry. This helped me as I didn't have a mentor to help me in the business.
Over the last 4 years, I've talked with ALOT of people who were sent their membership, given a pat on the back and had no support. As you've read in these posts, there character of each director is different and the way they run their business is different as well.
I just ordered food for 30 people for a funeral. I do this every time someone I know passes on. I ALWAYS do it the same way I did it the last time. I make a phone call to a wonderful company in Nashville who delivers the food to my home. WHY?? Because I'm looking for a specific result and I'm confident I can get it done through this catering company.
KNOW that no matter what direction you go - SOMEONE will be available to assist you in moving your Coastal business to the next level. Each person in Coastal has had a "Just Getting Started" process and each of us had grown to different levels in the business.
As a 7 figure lifetime income earner with Coastal I can tell you that it's a pleasure to be a part of this very elite club. One key to this business is that IT'S ALL YOURS...and YOU decide what you do with it. Your director is available to HELP you, but YOU make the final decision about how you run your business. Hands ON of Hands OFF...the only thing that differes is YOU and the RESULT.
Last year for me was a REAL learning experience about people. I began to trust people who didn't deserve my trust as they were not in it for "the group" but for's was ALL about the $$$. And it became more and more obvious as I got to know that group better. Every opportunity to make a buck was taken and embraced.
Use caution when you associate with groups as "some" only see you as $. Some directors are the same way. One of the things I've committed to is being an active part of my teams business, staying available to them and NOT making this business all about $.
You know, the difference between a "family" get together and a financial get together is that a Family Gets Together to share and no one profits. A Financial Get Together....someone pays and someone makes $
Don't make your business all about $ Remember - You were blessed with the financial well being to help others and do so when you can.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 24 Jun 2007 21:55
Frustration can be a way of life. Not just if you are a Coastal Director. Heck I get furstrated at the supermarket it seems everytime I go back food is more expensive. So frustration is a way of life. But Coastal has a myriad of joys associated with it.
1- You get to be your own boss 2- You make your own schedule 3- You give yourself a raise when you want one 4- You travel for pennies on the dollar 5- You get to help good people better their lives 6- You meet the darnest people when you prospect 7- You make the greatest friends 8- You meet weird people in forums lol (just wanted to see if you were still listening) 9- No day is ever the same. 10- Life becomes what you make it.
Now yes there are frustrations but nothing beats getting that platinum sale and profitting $9705. Its the best. So dont get frustrated just smile and remember that next call could be worth a fortune.
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 24 Jun 2007 23:47
Thanks Adam, that was a nice post.
One of the many reasons I tune in every day.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 30 Jun 2007 13:13
I want to say to stay tuned in the next week about some newsbreaking things happening with groups in Coastal. I have gotten word of some changes and will update everyone as I can. As details get confirmed I will make it my business to inform you all. I will say this will be a mindblowing announcement. So stay tuned. I apologize for all the cloak and dagger it seems about this but you all need to have all the confirmed facts and as I post here all the time I will be sure to let everyone know.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 807
# Posted: 30 Jun 2007 14:33
Adam, so this pertains to the groups in Coastal as opposed to our Coastal package, right? (could it, might it possibly be CSG 
Thanks for keeping us up to date about "the groups" in Coastal.
Jani, where are you, you were a big proponent of CSG, why no comments?
This is getting interesting.
Thanks again Adam!
Joined: 4 Jul 2007
Posts: 9
# Posted: 4 Jul 2007 23:50
Hello, to all you coastal people who have been doing this for a while. I got in as a level 1-- May 12, 2007 and have only made 1 sale which my director got and will get the next one. I knew that coming in but I did not know that this was going to be so difficult, I get the $90. CSG $219. for 38 leads and $300 for 30 leads from leading edge which are suppose to be coastal premium and specifc leads, I follow what the director says and follow the program. I have even purchased motivational materials, tell myself I deserve to have the best everyday and change/remove negative words from my vocabulary. I am a single parent with little income and the whole reason for doing coastal was to improve the lifestyle for my family. I wrote out my goals, got a dream board and turned my kitchen table and corner of the room into a coastal office. I have questions and concerns. My director is a level 3 and I don't like her personality but I thought I could learn since she was so "business focused." I feel her negativity and it is appauling. There is no personalism coming from her at all. She got angry and sent out an e-mail saying she didn't want any of the TMP reports because nobody did anything on her team, then she goes to Vegas and now our team forum is now moving to a new type of team call utilizing the CSG directors, I was on 2 calls this week and the directors do things different and had happier sounding voices but I am uncomfortable starting over with new directors and their teams getting all the time on the calls and a couple of those calls were very long winded, I did learn from the enthusasim and putting more heart into it making the prospect feel important. I felt like a robot reading the script and this shows a whole new way of using the script but adding personality to it.
I really desire to make the money back that I paid for my package, get my director her other sale and start making money, so far I have invested $2500. in 8 weeks. I am still working 35 hours a week at JOB that I do not like for $8.50 an hour which just barely pays the living expenses and have to travel 30 miles one way to get there.
I am hanging in there and I might add I am having thoughts that this internet marketing isn't how they make it sound, My friend who got me into this, went into it at the same time, in fact I waited for her to sign up so she would get her first sale to make it easier, now that I look back, we should have went in as partners and started at level 2,, she hasn't made a sale and is feeling like quiting.
Would somebody please assist me in learning this business..
Joined: 12 Mar 2007
Posts: 346
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 08:45
Quoting: ateamfuntimer I want to say to stay tuned in the next week about some newsbreaking things happening with groups in Coastal. I have gotten word of some changes and will update everyone as I can. As details get confirmed I will make it my business to inform you all. I will say this will be a mindblowing announcement. So stay tuned.
Is this the same kind of news that implied a FT and CV merger? Last I heard (from AL!) was that FT business was in NO WAY associated or endorsed by the BOD, but only that the FT products were and continue to be in our package.
So... I'm really curious to know what the newest "breaking news" is.. and then find out what it really is all about.
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 09:51
Hello Leadervisions,
My name is Adam Frederick and ive been part of Coastal for 2 years now and had the honor of being on the CSG leadership. Let me say that Coastal is a great business and can be challenging in the beginning. My first thought is for you to have a sit down with your director to air out your concerns. This should be your first step. If at that time you dont get the satisfaction you need id say then it would be time for you to take the business in your own hands. That might sound difficult but it really isnt. This forum is a wealth of info so you cna get alot of answers here. I for one do not promote switching directors but I have to say that if you arent getting the help you need you should cut ties with them. I am open to a conversation with you to see if I can offer any assistance. If you click on the website in my signature line you will find all my contact info. You can call or email me so I might help.
Joined: 4 Jul 2007
Posts: 9
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 10:19
Thanks Adam.
You have a nice web site, may I ask what it cost you and do you get traffic or do you use google, yahoo, ad words,
Leadervisions Barb
Joined: 4 Jan 2007
Posts: 190
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 10:40
Jani, what is really confusing to me is why Al got on the FT training call spouting about big announcements at the seminar re: FT and CV - which never transpired. Not to bring this up again, but I wish I understood what was going on.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 11:49
Hey Barb,
The site you saw is something I created. It is very affordable but I also use the BOD website for my Coastal business. I use leads from a leads provider ( there are a bunch out there). In addition I am starting my own internet marketing but im still pretty green at it. Send me an email from my contact stuff on my site so we can talk further and I can go over all the details. Talks oon.
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 14:13
Hi Barb!
When I saw post like that I'm always just speechless. If you looking for a new group check our my sig line. Our group's monthly outlay cost is, are you read for it???.....$19.95. CB-United supplying us with leads, good quality leads. Until you will be released as L3 director. If interested PM for details. But main thing is -- never, ever depend on NOBODY!! Even on your L3 Director. But it's good that you started at L1. Learn MARKETING and how you can promote online or off-line your business. Good luck to you.
Edit Coastal/CB-United L2 Director
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 17:36
Hey Edit,
For the $19.95 how many leads are you getting. I might just get the site to have more leads. Also can you explain what you mean by quality leads. Not to knock you at all but ive heard the term "quality leads" alot, esp when I dealt with CEM. They charged $10 for "premium leads" and to be honest they were worst than the 40,000 leads im getting for $299 now. We have spoke before so you can either call me or email me with details or post them here. Im interested. You cant go wrong with $19.95 I spent more than that on a case of beer for the 4th yesterday lol.
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 22:34
Hello Adam,
What site?? Sorry, those leads for CB-United members only. Looks like you misunderstand me, we supply leads for FREE to our group members only, until they reach L3. By then they can have what?? 20-40 sales... After that can afford to buy leads...and not books and cd's or 'platinum training programs' for several 100's bucks or so. lol
The $19.95/month is for the auto responder...U see member need support when he/she's starting out, not when in L3...Naturally you can afford to shell out $300-$400/month for leads by then. Right??
If I'm hungry for leads like you, I can purchase extra leads-- if I wanted...even better quality leads. Again, CB-United members only. I think running this Coastal business you don't need more then comman sense. All I can say is I did my 'homework' before I decided to which group I go with. Oh, I have couple of FT domain for sale if your interested..
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 756
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 23:52
Well thanks but no thanks Edit. Why would I buy a FT domain? And who isnt hungry for leads. Leads feed your business. Im here to exchange info and show people an opportunity. From your post it seems CB-United is group just like the other groups but it seems to be very closed. Now maybe im just seeing it wrong but hey its my opinion on things. I for one made my own way in Coastal but as well all see that only allows me to be successful. By sharing ideas, websites, tip and strategies with EVERYONE all of us prosper. Please tell us more about your group and what it has to offer as I run across people all the time from this forum and many others looking for other solutions to build their business. With this knowledge I can continue on my mission to not let others go thru all the trials and tribulations I went thru. I appreciate you looking to gain more members to your organization but again it seems like you guys at CB-United are a closed group and that to much reminds me of how the CSG was and that isnt what im looking for anymore. Lets share the welath and make all of us successful. And again why are you selling FT domains instead of using the FT program to enhance your already prosperous business?
Joined: 2 Apr 2007
Posts: 150
# Posted: 6 Jul 2007 11:10
Hey Adam,
Did you get any more information to share regarding the breaking news?
I sent you my email, but never received any response...
Tonya Kopp Platinum Director Coastal Vacations
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 6 Jul 2007 23:20
Hi Leadervisions, Welcome to the forum. I am sort of in the same boat as you -got my package in mid May but have yet to make a sale. I am with the WCYS so as long as I advertise correctly and direct people to call in to the call centre than their job is to close the sales for me. This is how it was for my Level 3 director and she was doing well. However she does not know half of what I know about Coastal as she has 6 other internet businesses she runs believing in multiple streams of income. She has been in the business for over two years now and I am learning more than her. I know what it is like working full-time and trying to get this business running however I have the luxury of working from home (daycare-50 hrs a week) I borrowed the money to come in at Level 2 so I am training every night -I just started looking into the official Coastal websites and they have lots of good info on them. The directors on here are a wealth of information so take the time to read some of the past threads. Don't give up-it sounds like you are preparing for your great success and then you can take that other job and say adios!
There is a lady named Nicole who posts on here CG something (sorry) and she just quit her full-time job to do Coastal and she hasn't been in the business that long. Feel free to call other directors and for sure check out their websites for ideas and info -most of them are very nice and will help out us stranded souls.
Joined: 19 Jul 2007
Posts: 6
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 01:39
I was a former Coastal Rep...selling the package was not a problem but using it was.
Didn't feel right to sell something to families then when it came to peak season, have a hard time booking...not right!!!
Mom of 3
Joined: 19 Jul 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 14:33
I am doing my homework in becoming a new coastal Rep and found some good information on here. I am curious though this post on July 19 by Bolade kind of concerns me. I want to sell product that is good I do not want people to purchase a package and be unhappy because they want to travel in the summer but they cannot book anything. Has anyone else run into this problem?. I am very scared about investing so much money into this business and not having it work for me or at least make my money back. My husband does not know yet about me looking into this business. I have done business's in the past so he does not like these homebased business at all. The cost to get started is definatly not going to help when it comes time to share with my husband about this. I am just praying that god will give me direction in all this. God Bless all of you in your journey .
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 19 Jul 2007 15:03 · Edited by: decker2006
It is not polite to come to a Coastal forum where Coastal professionals come to share ideas and promote your business. As a former disgruntled Coastal rep, I suggest you spend more time focusing on the positive of your own business than your perceived negative of Coastal.
I have found that black out dates are not a big deal. Even airlines have blackout dates for cheaper fares so I think the savvy traveller has learned to get around these restrictions. Not everyone NEEDS to travel during the typical blackout dates. You are making much too big a deal out of blackout dates considering they are a tiny fraction of the entire year. This is all fully disclosed anyway so you are not telling any coastal "secrets". My team also offers an entry level package where blackout dates do not apply. So we have all bases covered for those concerned about blackout dates.