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# Posted: 1 Jul 2007 12:03
The one thing I loved about finding my own personal coaches in the past. Is that most of them offer something in the way of a free intro to who they are and what they do. I have always found it better to find the one whose voice resonated with me before I purchased anything. Dont get me wrong I have quite a library of stuff in the way of personal development and market training that I did pay for but I think I can honestly say that every piece of it has given me something that I can use in my business or my personal life. I would suggest to everyone that you look around not only at the people you are being exposed to within your group( ie Dani , The Coombs, Firebaugh etc) BUt to people in other areas of network marketing/personal development. There are a ton of very successful people out there to choose from. Find that one thats"singing your song...or at the very least..singing something that you can dance to" And work with them.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
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# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 10:03
Quoting: ateamfuntimer Now the CSG has started alot of training, selling training materials and other programs. Training is important but in my opinion I am tired of being nickel and dimed for more and more training. As team members struggle to just pay their marketing expenses ($150 for a website and upwards of $400 a month on leads) I for one cant see how paying now for your own Global Theater or the marketing material of their "Lifestyle Coaches" helps.
Adam you make a great point.
I LOVE my Coastal business and have invested heavily in every area of my business. I have heard it time and again..."There's just so much"....which at some point requires help getting a new team members past day 7. ( There's a 7 day training with the csg system). I've overcome this challenge by working with each team member individually to get them past the confusion and onto profit.
I've coached alot of Coastal reps and I'm frequently sought out as I do enjoy helping people with their business. The approach I use is different than most. When I owned my restaurant franchise and my convience store I had ONLY one rule from the start. PROFIT is the name of the game. I bought my franchise for 1 years net profit and my convience store for 3 months net profit ( this was a HUGE bargain as the previous owner had already sold everything he owned to move to Hawaii....and this was his last asset).
Your Coastal business is all about "Making A Profit" yet I've talked to so many who have invested $40,000+ and all they've gotten was a nice write off for tax time. The CSG make it sound as if you CAN'T make a profit without the spirital theories they teach and I'm sorry....BUT THEY ARE WRONG!
You've got to put practical information to work for you. You see...A $1295-$11,000 investment should take no longer than 2-6 months to break even on...IF THAT!!! But the csg leadership changed their "Q and A" calls so you've GOT to have that system or you've only got a handful of Q and A calls....and BTW....they'll talk about their next Global Theatre, so your prospect will request that from you. Not to mention their regional events and their other activities ( Can you hear the cash register ringing now?)
The CSG kept me on mute for a long time. They didn't want me to tell people what I was doing to earn 6 figures a year with Coastal, but I've got to tell you. I became very upset. I saw ALOT of great people fall to the wayside because they were not able to use the CSG system to earn money. It's sad.
I had a meeting with a guy here in Nashville who's not on my team, but a very nice guy. He told me he was canceling his CSG MAC System because he could no longer afford the $89 per month. Yes, it's sad he didn't have the $89, but it's also sad that he's put over 12 months of $89 into something he was not able to pull a profit from.
So, where does the CSG go from here. I'm confident they've made a mistake in not supporting the official Coastal events and trainings. The Coastal BOD is not against the groups within Coastal, but they are lawing down the law and the CSG is choosing to not only ignore Coastal, but also keep their members from important information about the Coastal membership.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
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Posts: 647
# Posted: 2 Jul 2007 10:11
Quoting: asskusabouttrav I would suggest to everyone that you look around not only at the people you are being exposed to within your group( ie Dani , The Coombs, Firebaugh etc) BUt to people in other areas of network marketing/personal development. There are a ton of very successful people out there to choose from. Find that one thats"singing your song...or at the very least..singing something that you can dance to" And work with them.
Great point Sean,
There are "trainers and there are "TRAINERS". I've chosen to work with the best of the best who I felt offered what works NOW! There are trainers who teach based upon the egg shells that are put upon them by the industry and by companies. Cutting Edge Media has supported alot of top trainers in the MOST of them will suggest you use CEM leads.
Practical information that is quickly applyable is what works best. Todd Falcone, Doug Firebaugh, Dani Johnson teach methods that you can instantly apply to your business for profit.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 08:39
Quoting: luvtravel Why CSG is being singled out to badmouth I have no idea, there are other peole and groups who are just as bad, so what's the motivation to single out just one?
Hi Terri
The answer to that question is found with the source...
I too had a conversation with Al last week, and the information that I got was substantially different. I don't see that the CSG has signed a "death warrent" and nor do I see support, system or training being taken away- just more OPTIONS that people can CHOOSE to pursue or not. Multiple streams of income is what entrepreneurs have been doing since time beginning. I do not have a problem with the idea that I can have multiple streams managed in the same back office. CSG has not steered me wrong so far. I know I have made 6 figures with the CSG training and support in 10 months. I have ALSO not pursued "extra" CSG training- between my director, the many live calls and the back office I did not have to.
You DO NOT HAVE TO, far as I am concerned nobody should HAVE to! But, its an option and I see that the leaders are simply being time efficient. Eric Dye's products are like $20 each. While I actually COACH my team members, I don't feel that they should HAVE to go within the CSG for additional COASTAL training. But- I know there are directors out there who spend less time- and I am sure the additional optional products are a godsend to some. Others most likely simply want a library of helpful things. Never hurts to learn and grow...I DO however, tell people to go OUTSIDE the CSG for personal coaching if they enquire.
I'm all for options, and I love what I am seeing...I don't think the big 3 are getting ready to "steal" everyones team members or take the CV package out of the CSG. I know the BOD is not "kicking" the CSG out of Coastal either- we ARE the largest group. I for one sent Al and the BOD a very large cheque last week.
What I will agree on is that it is BRILLIANT business strategy and marketing. I just don't think that keeping all your eggs in one basket is ever a good idea.
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
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Posts: 647
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 11:09 � Edited by: jnapier
Quoting: matiasmommy I don't see that the CSG has signed a "death warrent" and nor do I see support, system or training being taken away- just more OPTIONS that people can CHOOSE to pursue or not.
I don't expect you to see it Jani. Your still drinking the CSG Kool Aide.
There are some very nice people with the CSG and there are some Drunks and there are some VERY GREEDY PEOPLE.
One thing I've noticed is that there seems to be a separation going on with CSG. MANY CSG leaders are leaving or doing something else. Most are also putting together their own group.
It IS the beginning of the end of CSG. GREED kills and that's what happening over there.
When you consider the cost of a regional event at $75 a ticket....100 people at that event is $7500. You can put together an event in MOST cities for way less, considering you ONLY need a room and chairs.
Other groups are around, BUT have chosen not to be greedy and focus their energies on supporting the entire group and not just their pocket book. You see that in the $49 websites that are around.
No Break Off Group has ever survived with Coastal and we are now seeing WHY! The best way to really have success with Coastal is to stay connected to the Board of Directors
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master trainer Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 11:59
$75 per ticket as opposed to $99 for BOD seminars?
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 13:46
Quoting: luvtravel $75 per ticket as opposed to $99 for BOD seminars?
HI Terri,
$75 is the early bird special. It's $99 which is alot for what your getting.
Jay NaPier
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 17:59
Ok lets call a spade a spade. The CSG has ventured into mortgages and now are selling individual certs but are still representing Coastal. As far as I knew selling certs individually is against Coastal policy so they must have a new vendor to do this. Do you know who this vendor is ? And if so where they ever part of the Coastal package at anytime?
The CSG while I applaud their marketing I must say that they have failed countless people. Now many of us like myself, Jay and Jani have done great with them. But on the flip side I see many that arent and I receive emails and phone calls on a constant basis backing up the failures of many members.
As I see it they have diversified too fast. Many that dont make it are then asked to pay "Lifestyle Coaches" to help them get up to speed. Now I know all of those coaches personally as I was on the CSG leadership for 16 months with them and we talked on a daily basis. To be honest many are great at Coastal but in my humble opinion leave alot to be desired as far as coaching. Now how can I say this you ask? Well with 20 years of home based business experience I also coach people from various home based business and have a very successful practice. This experience makes me versed in how the industry works. Many of the "Lifestyle Coaches" have coached some of the people I coach now. They all tell me that the things im teaching they never learned in the months and sometimes years of coaching the others are giving them.
When I coach someone its for 8 sessions and it should be a "ONE AND DONE TRAINING". Not something they need to keep coming back for. That to me stinks of trying to get more money out of people that really dont have it to give. That may or may not be the case. But cmon now if in 3 months (90 days) they arent getting it then maybe the coaching methods need to be changed. All of my clients start making money after about 3 sessions as I teach them what they need to know to be successful. The practical stuff not the theory.
In my opinion the CSG has spread itself too thin. They have a great philosphy as well as great websites and marketing ( overpriced as far as the market goes I think though) but fail too many members. I know the cream always rises to the top and thats why some us have done well in CSG but MLM , network marketing and home based business is supposed to be for the underdog. Remember the motto All of us need each of us? I think that doesnt hold true in the CSG.
These are just my opinions and everyone is entitled their own but again I state that the CSG doesnt help enough people succeed and that needs to really be something any new member looks at.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 18:06
I do agree the marketing system is WAAAAAAY overpriced. I am also not a fan of the theatre presentation. 
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 18:11
Hey Rhonda,
I love the page where Renae and Jackie walk out. That is so cool. I have to get one of those. Anytime I see myself in pictures or hear my own voice it freaks me out ( my article in the HBC still is weird to me). Im so happy for them they are great people and you are definitely in a good group. Hope to talk soon.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 18:21
"The CSG has ventured into mortgages and now are selling individual certs but are still representing Coastal. As far as I knew selling certs individually is against Coastal policy so they must have a new vendor to do this. "
Adam you sell individual certs with FT so what are you saying?
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 18:26
Yes and thats why I joined FTV. Its not against their policies to sell certs. It is against Coastal policy and when you advertise yourself as the "COASTAL" Synergy Group well thats something I wouldnt touch with a ten foot poll. Its just a matter of time before someone makes a msitake and sells a Coastal cert and then what? As far as ive seen FTV is not a part of Coastal so im ok. If I wanted to sell vitamins which I also do I wouldnt do it under the umbrella of Coastal. What sense would that make. I hope that answers your question as im not sure what you are trying to say.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 18:36
Thanks Adam, my point is that you say selling individual certs are against COASTAL POLICY so why are FT certs ok to sell individually?
See what I mean?
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 18:44
Quoting: ateamfuntimer Hey Rhonda, I love the page where Renae and Jackie walk out. That is so cool. I have to get one of those. Anytime I see myself in pictures or hear my own voice it freaks me out ( my article in the HBC still is weird to me). Im so happy for them they are great people and you are definitely in a good group. Hope to talk soon. Adam
They are awesome. Thank you so much.
When you guys come back to Williamsburg let me know that's where I live.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 18:54
Im confused. It states in Coastal policy you cannot sell the certs from the COASTAL PACKAGE. If im involved with another company/opportunity and not selling Coastal certs I dont see the problem. That is why many of us have a wide array of travel product so you can be all things to all customers. Sort of like what Walmart does. They have everything a customer wants. I ask this question to you. Have you ever prospected a person that couldnt afford a Coastal package? I bet they still would like a vacation even if they couldnt afford $1295. Why leave commission on the table and more importantly why not have something to help the customer. Just because they cant afford the Coastal package in its entirety doesnt mean they wont spend money on vacation.
My goal is to be a travel expert and market what the customer needs. By being part of a few opportunities that same person you contact that cant afford your coastal package can still afford say my CONDO CARD . This card is just like the ACCESS CARD so they can get condos for $249 a week and up but they can buy that card from me. My cost on the card is $15 and I market them for over $300. I know its a good deal as ive used the ACCESS CARD to save about 7 or 8k on my travel in my 2 years with Coastal. In my scenario you make nothing as they didnt buy the Coastal Package but I make my $300+. Its the same reasoning behind why most of us become travel agents to give our clients more options.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 18:56
The CSG has ventured into mortgages and now are selling individual certs but are still representing Coastal. As far as I knew selling certs individually is against Coastal policy so they must have a new vendor to do this. Do you know who this vendor is ? And if so where they ever part of the Coastal package at anytime?
Let's look at WHY people don't just goto the source and buy certificates anyway. You've got to buy too many to really make it worth the time to do it. CSG has "packages" of certificates...why do you need CSG if your going to do this anyway. FunTime, Premier, Get up N Go will all sell you "quantity" if your willing to invest.
The CSG while I applaud their marketing I must say that they have failed countless people.
Yes, from day 1 they've said "I've built my whole business on Cutting Edge Media Leads", yet now there's another lead provider...Hmm....Did the other leads provider give them a bigger cut of the sales? Maybe it was all about bulling CEM to do more for them? Either way, it Smells Fishy! What they DON'T tell you is how many have bought leads til they were broke!
As I see it they have diversified too fast. Many that dont make it are then asked to pay "Lifestyle Coaches" to help them get up to speed. Now I know all of those coaches personally as I was on the CSG leadership for 16 months with them and we talked on a daily basis. To be honest many are great at Coastal but in my humble opinion leave alot to be desired as far as coaching.
I know alot of those "Lifestyle Coaches" as well and I was NEVER impressed with what they had to share. I was at a big event in LA (mlm training event) and had a long lunch discussion with a guy and when I asked him who his director was one of those "Lifestyle Coaches" and what was REALLY interesting was that his director, she was there!!! And, having lunch a few tables over. What I asked about her....He said "I wouldn't pay her to coach my dog!"
When it comes to being successful with Coastal or any direct sales business there's a point where you know EVERYTHING required to be successful. At that's all about Applying What You've learned.
This business is a VERY SIMPLE business and making it complicated ONLY takes peoples money.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
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Posts: 269
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 19:08
Quoting: jnapier Yes, from day 1 they've said "I've built my whole business on Cutting Edge Media Leads", yet now there's another lead provider...Hmm....Did the other leads provider give them a bigger cut of the sales? Maybe it was all about bulling CEM to do more for them? Either way, it Smells Fishy! What they DON'T tell you is how many have bought leads til they were broke!
I did not know they now use another lead provider care to share?
Using CEM leads will break the bank, IMO they are not all that.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 19:17
Hey Rhonda one of the CSG Leaders Dave Heidel brought another provider Responsive Data to the table for the CSG. They at my last knowledge were the two preferred vendors for leads in CSG. There are many lead providers out there but again I say a lead is a lead is a lead. So get as many as you can for your money.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 19:25
Quoting: ateamfuntimer Hey Rhonda one of the CSG Leaders Dave Heidel brought another provider Responsive Data to the table for the CSG. They at my last knowledge were the two preferred vendors for leads in CSG. There are many lead providers out there but again I say a lead is a lead is a lead. So get as many as you can for your money. Adam
I totally agree....I have never been impressed with CEM leads and as Dani Johnson teaches you do NOT want to be in LDD (Lead Deficit Disorder) You need more than enough leads to call through so that you don't get attached to anyone lead.
I do however want to work leads that are responsive, want to hear and take a look at what I have to offer and at least have 2 nickels to rub together or know where to get them if needed. Granted all of them don't have to be that way but more than half should be.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 19:31
Responsive Date leads are about the same price as CEM. And the last time I used them they were about the same quality.
Jay NaPier
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Posts: 765
# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 19:34
Rhonda have you tried any of the leads from DFI yet? I haven't BUT will be on the call tonight to hear Catherine.
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2007 19:58
Quoting: luvtravel Rhonda have you tried any of the leads from DFI yet? I haven't BUT will be on the call tonight to hear Catherine. Terri
Catherine is very good!
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# Posted: 6 Jul 2007 09:13
Quoting: rhondap do however want to work leads that are responsive, want to hear and take a look at what I have to offer and at least have 2 nickels to rub together or know where to get them if needed. Granted all of them don't have to be that way but more than half should be.
Hi Rhonda,
Take a look at coastal budget leads dot com. I've been using them for 5 years and they offer a great value for the money. They are true wholesale leads. You'll find they are of the same quality as a CEM lead, but without the high price.
Jay NaPier
Alex Reynolds
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# Posted: 28 Jul 2007 13:31
Quoting: jnapier The training event they are having in Las Vegas is $299 per person and does not include lodging or meals. The Event included 3 full days of training from the best in the industry. Our feedback survey indicated that 100% of attendees felt they received a value equal to, or greater than the $300 ticket price. What makes this worse is that FEW realize that they are making 50% of all the products sold at the event. So, if you went and bought a program from Mark Victor Hansen for $500 - They get $250.
This is ridiculous and completely false. Mark Victor Hansen spoke at our event for free. He is then given the green light to sell his products to our members. This is the industry standard. Please refrain from making false accusations unless you have some proof. I have been reading this forum and actually laughing out loud at some of the claims being made by former CSG members who found a great deal of success in our system.
Alexandra Reynolds CSG Director of Communications
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# Posted: 29 Jul 2007 13:30 � Edited by: jnapier
Perhaps this may shed some light on this:
$$$$ $20,001 - $40,000
Mark Victor Hansen Co-Creator of the Best-Selling Series Chicken Soup For The Soul
Topics Chicken Soup For The Soul The One Minute Millionaire Choosing Your Own Greatness How to Become a No-Limit Person Self-Motivation and Beyond
Travels From CA
Fee Range $$$$
Speakers Fee Ranges: A - $3,500 & Less, B - $3,501 - $7,000, C - $7,001 - $10,000, D - $10,001 - $20,000, E - $20,001 & More Ranges Mark Victor Hansen is in the D - $10,001 - $20,000 fee range.
No matter what the contract said, I've heard Mark speek twice this year - Both were basically the same speech. Paid $99 the first time at Jeffery Combs More Heart Than Talent and he spoke at his "Mega Book Marketing" event in Las Angles as well. Jay NaPier
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# Posted: 29 Jul 2007 15:16
Many people myself being one of them found great success with the CSG. I have never denied that. What I have said is that there are other more affordable options out there. Forums like this enlighten members and potential clients on the other options. I have stated and will continue to state that the CSG in my opinion has missed the mark and has begun to focus on what I think is a bad trend. That is of pushing training over the product. Again this is my opinion. You can make up your own mind. I will continue to be a beacon of truth as I have had been in the past. With the same vigor that I promoted the CSG in the past I will promote to other options in the future. This is not a knock on Coastal Vacations at all. I know that Coastal Vacation Rocks!!!
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# Posted: 30 Jul 2007 21:45
Jay, you are touting the BOD, however they are not charging $150 for a ONE DAY EVENT. They have gone from $99 for three days to $150 for ONE DAY.
Jay, it seems to me you have a bit of a problem with math analysis!
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# Posted: 31 Jul 2007 10:21
Sorrry rsbrhino,
Let's really get to the meat of the issue. The Official Coastal Event here in Nashville on September 8th is $150. There has been a bit of an increase in the price - primarily because the Board of Directors have eliminated all the "fluff" that many would skip and invested more in the training offered.
While I did enjoy the 3 day events in Orlando - let's face it, there are other places we all should see.
Pat Mesiti will be presenting his Millionaire Training on Saturday Night, which in itself with worth over $150.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 31 Jul 2007 11:11
$150 is not a bad price for a company sponsored training event. I've seen some for over $200 with other companies.
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# Posted: 2 Aug 2007 14:06
Just recently the CSG made an announcement that they circulated to their members. It talked about negative comments in forums and members that at one time used their service and are now knocking it. Isnt this something that happens in business all the time. People use a product but then the product changes and they dont like it anymore and then voice their opinion on it. CSG was a different entity when I had my success with it. I am not at all knocking their program just saying it doesnt work for enough people for me. Here are the reasons.
1- The focus is too much on training and not enough on the product itself.
2- Their systems are overpriced when compared to the rest of the market. Their basic system while its a good one is more expensive than most others upgraded system.
3- Their vendors for leads are overpriced as well. Even in this forum many have talked about inexpensive lead providers that are better in price than CEM and Responsive Data.
So as I speak about the CSG it is not out of negative feelings ( which by the way I do have ) but rather from facts. The CSG is a more expensive option for most people. If you could buy a brand new Porshe and in one lot it was $50,000 and the other lot the same model, color and year Porshe was $40,000 where would you buy it?
For that reason I say if you are looking at Coastal then the CSG is the overpriced lot.
BTW - Dont we promote in our Coastal business that we are getting things wholesale? So why would I pay retail to run that business!!!
Adam Frederick "FORMER CSG BOARD OF DIRECTOR" Coastal Vacations Level 3 Director Business entrepreneur Speaker + Motivational Coach