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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 14:37
Is the call center that is approved by the BOD available to all members of Coastal Vacations regardless of your team? I have a great team and dont want to change, just interested in the call center. It is listed on the tools section of the website.
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 15:04 � Edited by: hsimpsonjr
The Call center is available to everyone but we are a team so to gain access you must join but you don't have to leave your other team. You will just have 2 teams. One you will work the traditional way and the other will be the call center. Any sales you make throught the call center will be through your call center team and likewise with your other team. We have great support and it seems that over the last week, my team members have been getting TONS of calls and emails of people who are already on other teams but they want to find out how to join the call center. I have 2 personal members who did just that with me. The good thing about the call center is that you can do the business both ways after you are qualified if you join with us first. So if you are already on a team, your members will have great choices and options to choose from plus you will have the call center to close your sales for you. And if you are already qualified you don't have to requalify. Let me know if I can help you in anyway. [email protected] .
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 15:10
Harold I just sent you an email.
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 15:17
Hey cgmom, you're in good hands with Harold! He'll answer all your questions for you.
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 16:09 � Edited by: screamingeagle
Quoting: cgmom Is the call center that is approved by the BOD available to all members of Coastal Vacations regardless of your team? I have a great team and dont want to change, just interested in the call center. It is listed on the tools section of the website. Thanks! Hello Cgmom: Here's another related thread:, it's titled "What does it cost to join a call center - Already Level II Qualified".
Take Care, Robert
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 16:16
Thanks Robert!
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 16:24
So even if you are level 2 qualified, you still have to buy the package again? I read somewhere on here that you just paid 700 plus the monthly fee. Which is correct? Also, how much is it per month to use the call center if you do not want to use their websites (I like the ones I am using)? Thanks everyone!!!
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 17:13 � Edited by: luvtravel
Wait, what are you all talking about? BOD now offer a call center?
" It is listed on the tools section of the website." What WEBSITE??
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 17:22 � Edited by: goldmills
There is not a BOD call center folks.
They have their bag with COA, we do ours completely different, different marketing info, different price points, etc..
The BOD does not Endorse ANY system, but their own.
They started it by many years ago, not making good sites and systems for people to use. But now, they do an alright job.
But you'll never see them outwardly or publically telling people to join the CSG, CWB or CSC (Coastal Sales Center).
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 17:34
What is different about COA and WCYS? Thanks!
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 20:01
Nicole, COA is a system you buy from the offical Coastal website-it's very high tech with phone system, autoresponders, 4 websites, all kinds of cool stuff- and it's "officially" approved by Coastal Vacations.
WCYS is our team, just as Coastal Synergy, Coastal Wealth Builders, etc. are teams.
WCYS is a team that has a call center to handle prospects. We also get a movie website, autoresponders and backoffice. (Only a few teams have call centers.)
If you visit an official Coastal website and check "tools" you will see a ton of info. about COA.
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# Posted: 13 Apr 2007 08:20
So than the BOD does not have a callcenter where they sell the packages for you??
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# Posted: 13 Apr 2007 08:43
No, bet we do! Hoyt, the owner of the call center, told me that the BOD recognizes us as a legitimate call center that sells Coastal Vacations but does not endorse us because they don't endorse any team. Hoyt and Al, the chariman of the BOD, are friends and communicate on a regular basis which is good for us as a team. Coastal is making a TON of money off of the Call Center so there is every reason for Al to be good friends with Hoyt.
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# Posted: 14 Apr 2007 05:01
Quoting: cgmom So even if you are level 2 qualified, you still have to buy the package again? I read somewhere on here that you just paid 700 plus the monthly fee. Which is correct? Also, how much is it per month to use the call center if you do not want to use their websites (I like the ones I am using)? Thanks everyone!!!
You definitely don't have to buy the package again. I believe the director you purchase the call center from will get a commission, but the price of the package is deducted from the price.
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# Posted: 16 Apr 2007 00:36
Right susan,
People already in Coastal who want a call center to close sales for them will join and pay again, but the package does not need to be bought again.
You keep your same coastal ID#, and if you are L1, then $295 gets deducted off your joining fee.
It's always better for people to join the Sales Center system first, so they can sell "both ways" rather than sell Traditional way and leter find out a sales center exists and have to re-join.
The Both ways is
Sell and close on your own Or Let someone else close for you.
You can do both with the sales center, so therfore you have the best of all the worlds. Depending on your marketing blueprint and style.
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# Posted: 16 Apr 2007 08:49
Quoting: goldmills The Both ways is Sell and close on your own Or Let someone else close for you.
And not only that - even if YOU only want to sell the 'traditional' way, you will want to have the ability to sell the 'call center' because there are so many people out there looking for it.
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# Posted: 16 Apr 2007 11:15
Jeff Mills Mr $$$Millionaire!! Congrats!
I want to know what WCYS announcement will be  Golly, to make us wait......
But seriously I will be watching my email for it. Hopefully it will be to make us all Millionaires.
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# Posted: 30 Apr 2007 19:36
Last I checked there are NO CALL CENTERS that are endorsed by the Board of Directors.
Jay NaPier Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer Coastal Vacations
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# Posted: 1 May 2007 08:42
Actually, there are no groups endorsed by the Board of Directors save for the "official" one.
That doesn't make any other group (CSG, We Close Your Sales, Coastal Wealth Builders, CW etc etc.) any less legitimate.

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# Posted: 4 May 2007 23:09
EXCEPT.. that I was speaking personally with a member of the BOD last week, who told me an internatal review was being done, SPECIFICALLY targeted at the call centres (and YES, that was plural). I don't know why, but I found it interesting that obviously there seems to be complaints or some internal admin issue to trigger that.
So.. I don't know.. I'm well aware that some of the call centre directors around here are great people BUT, I would hate to see what might actually happen down the road. That, and as stated on other threads, the most successful call centre people ARE using "traditonal" methods. Which aren't really traditional at all, considering Coastals history prior to the internet revolution.
I don't actually know who to believe or what to think, but I do think that its only right and proper to stay within BOD guidlines etc etc. The integrity of this business does depend on it! At the end of the day, our job is to promote and uphold the values of the Coastal Vacations business, really. So, to ME, it doesn't really matter which group you are with. Honesty and integrity counts more then stats (easily skewed) and claims (easily mis-reported). I may be lambased for saying so, but I'm only stating what I know to be the truth.
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
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# Posted: 4 May 2007 23:13
and NO, the BOD doesn't endorse ANY groups save its own.. that is for both practical and marketing reasons...Never know when the wind might change, and why send business away? The BOD does their job, and very VERY well- I recognize that daily. Certainly, the BOD has proved themselves many times over. Why point the way towards another group that has improved upon the original wheel?
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
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Posts: 183
# Posted: 5 May 2007 10:38
if you talked with the BOD from Altlanta, that BOD always tells people that certain people and certain systems are always being investigated and makes it looks like there are problems with people and call centers in Coastal.
If it is who I think it is, I would not even worry about it. Al knows who we are, and loves the fact that Hoyt buys packages by the case load each week.
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# Posted: 5 May 2007 15:12
Hi Jeff..
So are you saying there is 2 BOD's?? That is something I had not heard of before. I thought they were all around the US?? What functions does each one have?
But I don't get it.. why would they say something like that then, exactly? If Al is happy with everything, why would the board be spreading rumours like that which would, in turn hurt the business in general and Al specifically?
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
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# Posted: 5 May 2007 15:54
Hi Jani,
There's only one BOD. Jeff is referring to one particular member of the BOD.
Why would that member do that? Because - as mentioned in several other posts by Jeff Mills and Maria Porter - the members of the BOD are human and are also Directors just like us, who want to gain sales.
So, if a member of the BOD is called by someone who is checking out one of the Centers, the temptation to make the Centers seem on shaky ground is too much to resist. After all, they're on the BOD, who wouldn't believe them?
Except that misleading a Coastal prospect is the wrong thing to do. Unfortunately, it does happen and quite frequently - not just with the centers, but by badmouthing other Directors as well.
In fact, I just had an individual call one of the members of the BOD to check out Coastal and that Board Member blatantly tried to recruit him away from me. This was despite the fact that he stated he was already working with someone and just wanted to check out Coastal's history.Not very ethical if you ask me.
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# Posted: 6 May 2007 08:20
Anyone here with CoastalClosers Group?
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# Posted: 6 May 2007 11:40 � Edited by: roger
Quoting: matiasmommy But I don't get it.. why would they say something like that then, exactly? If Al is happy with everything, why would the board be spreading rumours like that which would, in turn hurt the business in general and Al specifically?
It's no different from the rumored infighting and backstabbing going on at the CSG, this can also be destructive. You know as well as I Jani that sometimes, right or wrong, all is fair in love and war.
Quoting: CoastalToday that Board Member blatantly tried to recruit him away from me. This was despite the fact that he stated he was already working with someone and just wanted to check out Coastal's history.

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# Posted: 6 May 2007 12:37
Quoting: roger It's no different from the rumored infighting and backstabbing going on at the CSG, this can also be destructive. You know as well as I Jani that sometimes, right or wrong, all is fair in love and war.
Really? I hadn't heard, why am I always the last to know?
Roger do tell....
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# Posted: 7 May 2007 07:09
I know the subject has been brought up but I think it's wise to stay out of politics in this forum!

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# Posted: 7 May 2007 08:16
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# Posted: 7 May 2007 08:38
opps! Glad to hear there is only one Board. My head was spinning there for a bit!! haha! I was going through my notes trying to figure that out.
I haven't heard of backstabbing and infighting in the CSG either, to be honest. Doesn't seem to make much sense with the group model or philosophy. Then again, what can you do with other peoples children. Terri, you aren't always the last to know! I have no idea what Roger is talking about either!
I would think that perhaps as the call centre models are not exactly within the BOD guidelines might explain BOD members behavior. I wasn't there, so I can't comment as to what exactly was said and how. But it does make total sense to me that the BOD can't rightly promote other groups, call centres or not. As for lambasting other directors- well truth be told no directors are perfect and some are a bit more then questionable. Roger, you are right- stay out of the rumour mill and only talk about facts you can VERIFY or your personal experiences.
Each to his own, I suppose.. but as to "all is fair in love and war" I don't at all subscribe to that philosophy. Pleanty enough business to go round, I don't see that it is necessary to cheat or play games. Everyone brings something to the table, and if you have to steal away business, it makes me wonder how focused you really are on HELPING others and not just your bottom line. That, to me is the real point and beauty of this business. Bottom line is, not every director is right for everyone! If someone is already happy with a director they choose, really- it should not make a difference what ANYONE says, BOD member or not anyhow. Its that relationship that is the glue and the foundation of success- and trust, respect for and belief in your director is absolutely critical.
It still doesn't really make sense to me... and yes, I do believe what the BOD members are saying to me. Seems to me, they are ON the board because of their ability, commitment to the business and ethics. If one can't believe what they are saying, what is the point of having a board in the first place that regulates, supports, promotes and monitors our business?? If there are board members who are not holding up those values, me thinks they should be voted off pronto!
Keep it clean, take the high road. Otherwise we ALL will suffer at the day's end!
Just MHO...
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG