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Joined: 6 Apr 2007
Posts: 46
# Posted: 29 May 2007 13:25
here is some updated info . i spoke to al today and i asked why coastal directors havnt heard of the funtime coastal happenings and he said he hase been leading up to it on the coastal calls. he wants everything to be ready....the new cards and the new site.....he will be making national announcments when those things are ready. he is also announcing some new funtime coastal vouchers in vegas. he was very clear that everyone needs to know that this is going to be a great thing for everyone and coastal and funtime have partnered up to take both businesses to a new level. after talking to him i am even more excited and so is my group . mr dillon will be making some new announcements on the funtime call tonight at 1025286
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# Posted: 29 May 2007 13:48
Sportsnut, Do you promote Coastal as your main business or do you promote Funtime as your main business?
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# Posted: 29 May 2007 14:17
Sportsnut, Do you promote Coastal as your main business or do you promote Funtime as your main business?
Joined: 6 Apr 2007
Posts: 46
# Posted: 29 May 2007 15:26
that is a good question and i get asked it alot. my main focus is growing my coastal buisness. but i use fun time training and it realy works. i am in an area that alot of people dont have the money to join coastal. so i start them with funtime and work there way into a level 1 or level 2 package by starting them a savings account with the money they make from funtime. i earn around $4,000 dollars a month in residual income with funtime and i have been averaging 3 level 1 and 2 coastal packages a month. the training teaches you how to approach people through special events and makes it easy to talk to them. the important thing is that we now have an opportunity to get people involed and keep people in the business. with funtime when you bring people into the business you get a monthly residual which pays for your funtime business package. 3 and its free....hahaha. i have 11 people under me and i have no costs to run my business and i dont pay for leads how great is that.
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# Posted: 29 May 2007 15:47
Thank-you sportsnut (you should stick up your name and your link) for doing all that back and forth and information sharing with us.
Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. I'm really glad to see that you have found a way to help people get where they really want to go!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 758
# Posted: 29 May 2007 16:07
I second that Jani, Sportsnut was the FIRST to give us actual info like the url and now the phone number,
now we need to know what time to listen in on the call.
Thanks! Terri
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# Posted: 29 May 2007 16:23
I am a little confused here. I have been reading all these posts about Funtime and Coastal. I read in another thread that it costs $300/month for running Funtime and 40 000 leads per month. And now you, sportsnut, are saying the business is free?
I think I might of missed something here. Can someone clarify?
Joined: 11 May 2007
Posts: 16
# Posted: 29 May 2007 16:37
Until I hear it officially from the Coastal BOD, I am not going to worry too much about it. I haven't heard anything on the coastal calls about Funtime at all so I am just going to stick to my guns and Do what I need to do right now to be successful.
Joined: 30 Mar 2007
Posts: 147
# Posted: 30 May 2007 09:57
I think Daniel has the right idea! Congrats on your great attitude Daniel. You are going to be so successful with your business. I am with you!!!
Joined: 30 May 2007
Posts: 132
# Posted: 30 May 2007 23:45
Well, I just signed on with Coastal at the end of April and still waiting to receive my travel cards but what an interesting forum you have. I run a home daycare fulltime with 2 kids of my own so I am not able to get on the training calls yet (as it is their bedtime). I wa interested in the 7 night cruise and stay package so I had contacted Funtime with some additional questions and was e-mailed by Rusty to phone him instead. I haven't had a chance yet but not sure I want to now. I think I will wait for further announcements re merging of the companies.
One of the posts stated that 90% of Coastal members were unsuccessful -is this a true statement? I used money I didn't have because I believed in the product and thought that other people would to if they heard about it. I can't tell my husband that I bought a Level 2 membership as I have joined other things in the past which have not made money.
However I thought because I joined under wecloseyoursales that would avoid me not being good on the phone (or not having time to phone).
I am so glad I found a place where other Directors are able to discuss things.
Wish me luck and I'll check back here often for other suggestions to grow my Coastal business. -Judy
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# Posted: 31 May 2007 09:25
Judy, you are with the a great team so just make sure and dive into the training in your back office. Remember, you need to treat your Coastal business like it's your new child. You can't treat it like a hobby or it won't work. When the other kids go to bed, go get on the computer and listen to those recorded trainings. Get into everything in that back office and ask your director questions. If he is just starting come here and ask us questions. The call center made my first 5 sales for me without me speaking to any of them until after they joined so the call center does work. Just follow the system.
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 31 May 2007 11:06
Good luck! With the tools we offer at the Call Center, you definately can be successful. I don't know about the 90% stat - but what I do know is that this is a proven system and it DOES work. I think people tend to give up on things if there is not instant gratification. I also I think it does no favors to advertise that "I made xxx in so many days and you can too". Because everyone has a different learning curve, different time available and different resources available. Do as Harold says, listen to every minute of the training - it will take a long time! But do at least one session a day. There are a ton of resources at your disposal so go to your director and make sure you are learning all you can.
Of course you can always ask things here!
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 31 May 2007 16:47
My Ears where itching.. then I see why.. People were taking about me in this forum! 
Anyways... ya, I don't remember starting anything about FUNTIME and Coastal, but I am a part of the conversation.
I missed Rusty's call this week, as I had to host our Q and A call at the same time.
So... the real question is...
1. Is funtime merging? Or is it just an optional "upgrade offer" like a travel agent card? 2. if yes, will it be an additional Card? Optional to members for an additional fee? 3. or will it be just merged into the package, and we are all gifted in?
I guess the discussion will continue.
I am going to Las Vegas, hope they address it there.
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 758
# Posted: 31 May 2007 17:36
Quoting: goldmills So... the real question is... 1. Is funtime merging? Or is it just an optional "upgrade offer" like a travel agent card? 2. if yes, will it be an additional Card? Optional to members for an additional fee? 3. or will it be just merged into the package, and we are all gifted in? I guess the discussion will continue. I am going to Las Vegas, hope they address it there. Jeff
Jeff, inquiring minds want to know the answer to that as well 
Please visit us more often here on this thread and when you get back from Vegas please stop by and give us the scoop.
(I'll be checking your Podcast from there.)
Joined: 12 Sep 2007
Posts: 1
# Posted: 12 Sep 2007 12:37
Harold, You seem to know all about FUNTIME vacations. I was doing a search online for them and becasue I saw MY NAME (NOREEN) in reference to FUNTIME vacations and having trouble, I stopped and read. It was NOT me, but another NOreen (how weird is that?) Anyway, I've been int he process since JUNE 2007 of booking a trip with FUNTIME, and I'm at the point of cancelling it all now, I just talked to ANGIE of SPIRIT TRAVEL 954-525-1777, who informed me NOW after I am already into this thing MEGABUCKS...that they need MORE money inorder to use the certificates as planned. initially I was told through the provider of the certificate as well as FUN TIME TRAVEL that each certificate was for 2 adults, 2 children. Then Funtime says no, only 2 adults, EXTRA for children, so I paid the extra, then they pass it off to Spirit Travel who then tells me, oh the certificates are for 2 adults, any more and you have to pay full brochure rate for the additional people PLUS to use 2 certificates together, it's an ADDITIONAL $100. PER now I'm into this cruise thing for over $3000. and I STILL have gotten NO WHERE. I think I'm done. Do you know where I can go get help to get my money back from FUNTIME??? THEY LIED TO ME. HELP! THanks
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
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# Posted: 12 Sep 2007 13:05
?? Noreen, what happened?
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 12 Sep 2007 13:18
This is not me!!!!! Same name different person!! I hope this is not a bunch of spam.
the real noreen........
Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222
# Posted: 13 Sep 2007 09:19
This is the other Noreen...
Hi, where did you get the certificates and what kind of certificates were they?
BTW, our relationship with Funtime is with their autoresponder system and lead source. We don't specifically book travel so we are not the experts on that part of their business. I don't know much about their travel booking services so I cannot really comment on that.
vernon dillon
Joined: 23 Jul 2007
Posts: 61
# Posted: 13 Sep 2007 12:19
this post is for the noreen that is having an issue with her travel plans. if you are noreen lions please give me a call my name is rusty and i am one of the owners of funtime. i researched your travel request with my company and called spirit to find out the details so i can take care of them. after my research was done i determaned that what you are saying is different that what my staff and spirit are saying. we have no problem with a refund but i always like to monitor any travel issues. ....301-916-9840
Joined: 3 Nov 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 3 Nov 2007 11:11
I need to tell people the truth behind Coastal Vacations. It is a rip off! Use your logic when analyzing what I am about to say about Coastal Vacations. They are a pure rip-off, and I was a former 'business owner,' so its not like I am getting paid to say this. I want to say this to give people a fair warning about the business, and if I can inform you, that I feel I have added value to your decision making process with the business opportunity or the product itself.
I quit the business because I have more integrity than to falsely mislead people, and to stretch the truth. That is why I have quit- plain and simple. Even if I was making $40,000 a month like some of the reps, I would quit because I would not feel good about conducting business in this manner.
Here is how Coastal Vacations really works. When you become a member, whether its for the business opportunity or to purchase the product itself, you are not allowed to return the products without even having it in your physical hands. So how is that fair to the person buying it?
Think about it for a second. Do you buy groceries at the store without looking at them or do you buy clothes at a department store without looking at them? Obviously not!
It seems that 'every rep has their own return policy' as one person explained to me....and even if that were true, what kind of a travel company doesn't have ONE set return policy for it's potential new members?!!!!
I am sure the board of directors and the owners are laughing all the way to the bank when more people sign up. Good for them.
To tell you about these travel packages, the product has no real value, and is being offered for $1,295 to $11,000. Once you become a member, Coastal Vacations gives you websites to login to find travel deals and many of these websites are already accessible by the public. So how is this a value?
That is like a company saying...'I know where you can buy cars for cheap, just look on eBay, Craigslist, and Auto Trader'. Is that not just sickening? I do not need to spend $1,295 or $3,995 or $11,000 to find out about websites that are already free to view!
As I said before, you do not actually see the product until the return period has expired. No one is able to return the memberships without even seeing what it looks like. So in other words, you are trusting that these deals exist. Remember they claim free unlimited complimentary vacations that only you can get if you are a member of Coastal Vacations. Isn't that just so clever of them?
So, how do they get around the return policy? Here is what the company does. They give you a 3 business day return period. This form is right here, as I can document it:
You do not have to be an attorney to see it says at the bottom, '3 business days from today.'�
Why such a short time frame? So you will not have time to return the package. Its that simple. You see, when you buy the travel package it takes 7-10 days for you to get your membership 'approved.'� There is no approval process, you just send them money and sign the papers. The paperwork states you cannot get a refund, and that you are OK with that, and then you sign. Awesome!
So, because most people are fooled as far as its real value and they will just fill out the application, and then not have time to return it because the return period has expired. This makes sense that they are hiding the facts, because if Coastal Vacations believed there was value, they would give you the membership right away, or at least extend the return date on the disclosures you sign from longer than just 3 days. (And most people are not even given any disclosures).
Also, they give you 20+ membership cards when you join and many or most of the cards have contact numbers you can call even if you are not a member. So how is that a value?
Again, I am sure the board of directors and the owners are laughing all the way to the bank when more people sign up. Good for them.
Also, there are several false promises and much misleading information about 'Coastal Vacations' giving you a complimentary vacation. I am sorry: this does not exist!
When I redeemed my 2 Vacation vouchers for the Bahamas (and I paid a $53 processing fee for 2 people), Coastal Vacations mailed me a form to fill in to 'Fun Time Vacations'� to pay them about $300 for one week to the Bahamas. Again, how is this a complimentary vacation?
I have already been with this cruise line 2 times. The cruise is great and the best deal you can find from what I know of, but again, by being a Coastal Vacations member, you are not getting a discount, and these deals are available to anyone in the public.
Again another example, the board of directors claim that for most of their vacations, you need to pay just taxes and a small processing fee. This is not true! You are not paying Coastal Vacations directly anyway. In my example, the $300 cost just goes to a company that has all of the deals. Because I was a member, they give you access to this webpage:
As you can see, this website has killer deals on travel, such as $300 per week, but again you do not need to be a Coastal Vacations member to get these deals. Why? Click that link and anyone can use it, even call up the company and ask if they have heard of Coastal Vacations. I understand that a phone sale's rep job is not to know 3rd parties, all he/she does is sell the package. But you'd think they would at least HEAR of Coastal from all the business Coastal supposedly brings them! Guess what? They haven't....and that's wonderful!
So here are the facts. I paid $53 for 2 vouchers and all I was given was a piece of paper saying I can go to the Bahamas a week and I need to mail in about $300. Again, I already have been on that cruise (so I knew I could go for about $300), and I am not getting any discount by being a Coastal Vacations member.
The bottom line is this, Coastal Vacations does not give you access to unlimited COMPLIMENTARY vacations. They give you phone numbers and websites of where to get the best deals, but if you look online, you can find that out anyway. Not only that, if Coastal Vacations really did give people real value� and all of these complimentary vacations, then why is it a fact that most people do not know about them, and they claim they have been around for 25+ years.
If this company gave unlimited vacations, then probably at least 10% of America would sign and they would have 30 million members just in the USA alone. Also, they would be advertising on TV, radio, online, and in print and they would be making billions if they really were able to give complimentary vacations and cruises. This clearly is not the case, because the reality is, you have to pay for these, and if you didn't, then everyone would be buying them.
Eric Boynton Beach, Florida U.S.A.
Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 4 Nov 2007 09:41
Your just wrong about this. Coastal works with over 60 companies. Personally, I don't like ALL the companies. I DO like 75% of them though. People have TONS of options for travel and what Coastal does is make it possible for people to travel at wholesale prices. We went to Orlando a few weeks ago $355 for the week. 2 Bed Room Condo.
We've made trips to Cincinnati and paid $49 per night for a $119 per night room at the Candlewood Suites.
Rental Cards....Herts gives me SUPER SERVICE and I love the discounted rates I get there.
Your entitled to your opinion, but there are way more POSITIVE ones than there are negative ones.
Jay NaPier
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# Posted: 4 Nov 2007 10:20
Coastal Vacations is like having a BJ's or a Costco membership. You buy those membership as in the long run you will save money on your shopping. Can you find better deal at your local supermarket on the same things from time to time? Of course. Every week the supermarkets have dollar sales and buy one get one free deals. Does this mean you should have a BJ's or Costco membership? Of course not.
Many people have different experiences with Coastal. Im not here to downplay anyones experience as it is their experience and not mine. I can only be an authority on what ive seen.
My wife was an avid traveler well b4 we saw Coastal. As a matter of fact b4 we joined she went on a 7 day Carnival Cruise with her girlfriends that cost us about $1000. I didnt go as we didnt have a second $1000 for me to go. Well when I saw the level one package for $1295 and it had a Carnival Cruise as well as all the other goodies I saw the great value. For me Coastal made sense. In addition it has marketing value thus making it something we could sell and make money.
If you are looking at Coastal Vacations I say dig deep and do so with an open mind. In this day and time with so many scams and so many things that people have been burned with I understand being skeptical. But I will say that ive been on the vacations , ive met the people, ive made great money and ive helped so many others do the same. When I look at something I look at the fruit it bares. The fruit ive seen Coastal bare is very sweet and tasty.
Good luck to everyone getting started in this great business.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
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# Posted: 4 Nov 2007 23:25
Eric, sorry for you bad experience. I used the Coastal package and saved about $700 on my condo in Myrtle Beach this past summer. It works. For proof with actual examples just go to coastalproof dot com. There are ALWAYS bad experiences with ALL companies homebased or not. Go to the BBB and look up McDonalds. Lot's of complaints there, for sure. You can see THE ENTIRE PACKAGE that you will receive on the Internet. You will get a description of each card and the trips and vouchers available in the package. If you didn't look at it before you ordered then that is your fault and the fault of the director selling you the package. The main reason people don't want to do refunds is because you can copy the package and use it if you wanted to even after you sent the package back. It's not fair to the person selling you the product. I had one guy do a charge back on me after receiving the package. He had been chasing me down and researching the product for almost AN ENTIRE YEAR! He had been to my site many many times but he didn't tell his wife. He knew EXACTLY what the package consisted of when he ordered it. When I talked to him he said "my wife freaked out and did a charge back. I guess I need to send you the $295 for the package since the charge back went through." I laughed at him and said "NO! You will send the package back in perfect condition. ONLY QUALIFIED DIRECTORS can purchase this package at the wholesale price" He wanted to screw me out of the package and my profit! The point is He could be using the package right now and I wouldn't know it and neither would the Coastal shipping center. This is a good reason to have a contract that is signed to say you won't ask for a refund which will make sure you know the package before you actually buy it.
Eric, there are thousands upon thousands of people using and making thousands, even millions of dollars selling this package. It works! This is just another example of how you need to do your research before you send money.
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# Posted: 9 Nov 2007 01:55
The only warning you ever need to heed about Coastal is that its a real business. If you want to make from $1000 - $9705 in a real business that takes real work then this is it. You can live out all of your dreams in this business.
Ive been able to live mine. So let me warn you that if you want to retire early , live on your own terms and go on great vacations then you are in the right place.
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753
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# Posted: 29 Nov 2007 23:45
Dont read this post unless you want to make $1000 - $9705 on every transaction. Yes thats right with Coastal thats the type of money we make. Coastal has made 100's of 6 figures earners as well as by no probably a few dozen 7 figure ones. All for getting started at the even at the level one price of $1295.
If you want to make great money then get back to the person who referred you here or if you dont have anyone you are talking to about Coastal and happened here by chance then feel free to call me.
This opportunity is life changing and the next best time to get started is right now!!!!
Adam Frederick Platinum Coastal Director 302 476 2753