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Joined: 25 Feb 2007
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# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 10:51
Hi Friends: Is it possible to do team building AND lots of retailing at the same time?
Take Care, Robert
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# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 11:30
Yes Robert, emphatically it is. While it's not for everyone, retailing is an avenue I believe deserves serious consideration.
I'm doing both actually, in fact I employ different strategies in building my business and retailing makes up a large component of it. All my leads for retailing B2B are self-generated and I didn't spend any money on marketing materials.
All I used were my fingers to dial and my voice to talk....I'm now working on a presentation for a company that spent $30,000 on incentives last year. It's not a sure thing I get the deal but it's nice to be working toward a goal!

OnlineMoney24 7
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Posts: 85
# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 12:13
What are some of the biggest pros/cons for team building vs. retailing? From what I can see, I would like to focus on retailing, not just B2B but individuals as well.
And if those individuals/businesses like the product I sell them and they are happy, they in turn will recommend others to me. So I benefit from word of mouth advertising (which I feel is the best form of advertising) and my buyers get a wholesale vacation package in returned.
And another thing is that I see a lot of people talking about training people and building teams and being successful. However, I haven't heard too much about the product that everyone is doing this with. What I mean is, I would like to get more detailed information on the vacations. Not just a list of where you can go, but which hotels you can stay at in the 20 some vacations in L1, if there are any blackout periods, etc. Does anyone know where to get these details?
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# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 12:49
Jat, there is a very detailed product and retail presentation with the CSG pert team on Saturday afternoons at 1pm est. You can register and reserve your complimentary ticket by visiting [Link removed - Admin] You are also welcome to ask any questions you still have after learning about the product in detail after the main presentation there is open q&a.
YES, it is not only possible but enjoyable and great exposure for your business to take the product to the retail front.
The advantage is that most businesses really see the investment as rather small for long term advertising and promotions and tend to go platinum more frequently. The dis-advantage is that they already have a business and are not usually interested in running their own Coastal business. Usually but NOT always! So, if that is the case you will not be training them nor taking their 2 pass up sales.
I hope that you continue to have a lot of fun with it! I have not pursued retail intensively, but have made a few sales almost by accident just by helping people out. With a small child, I don't have the ability to be out on the town much. That too, will come in a few more years!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 13:39
Hi Jat,
About more detailed information, I would definitely take Jani's advice and pick up a ticket to the show, or there is a live Q&A call with the PERT at 7pm tomorrow, I can take you if you want...
The other advantage is of team building, is that you don't have to prospect all the time, you can focus a lot of your efforts on helping others get through the business, and earn from training them (getting their 2 training sales!).
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# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 16:12
Quoting: OnlineMoney24 7 I haven't heard too much about the product that everyone is doing this with. What I mean is, I would like to get more detailed information on the vacations. Not just a list of where you can go, but which hotels you can stay at in the 20 some vacations in L1, if there are any blackout periods, etc. Does anyone know where to get these details?
To answer your question I would encourage you to go to the official Coastal Product Call this Thursday at 7pm Mountain time. It is hosted by Coastal's Product Director, Stephanie Johnson. The number is:
(620) 294 3000 xt. 1103#

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Posts: 758
# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 16:19
I had a B2b client ask me IF the condo card and car rental cards can be used to say book a condo or rent a car for someone else and than be able to charge a client.
Okay let me break the question into 2 parts 1. Can a condo or car rental be booked by the person who owns the package for someone else in that persons name? 2. can the person , lets say a travel agent , who gets the discounted rate to book the condo in someone elses name than charge the client more ex: travelagent is able to book a condo in Florida for $200 a week can they than charge the client $300 week?
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 758
# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 16:51
Quoting: OnlineMoney24 7 However, I haven't heard too much about the product that everyone is doing this with. What I mean is, I would like to get more detailed information on the vacations. Not just a list of where you can go, but which hotels you can stay at in the 20 some vacations in L1, if there are any blackout periods, etc. Does anyone know where to get these details?
These are some of the vendors that are in the package:
Carnival Cruise Lines, 27 years in business Quest International, 19 years in business Alamo Car Rental, 28 years in business Adventure Outdoor Resorts, 11 years in business Pro Travel Solutions, 33 years in business Exchange Systems Plus, 13 years in business Transmedia Dining and Entertainment, 18 years in business Access Development Corporation, 18 years in business Hotel-At-Half Price (ITC-30), 27 years in business
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# Posted: 20 Mar 2007 21:06
The answer to the first question is YES, but you must be willing to give your cards to whomever you are booking for so that they may present them if asked to. Which is rare, but not unheard of.
The answer to the second question, I don't really know! I think it would actually go against the ethical guidelines? EG that bit about not breaking up the package and selling it individually? I've never heard that scenario being posed though, so maybe someone else has?
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 758
# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 06:26
Jani, I don't mean reselling the vouchers or the cards what I mean is if a travel agent can get a good deal on renting a condo for a client using the condo card can she than sell that booking to a client.
Hard to explain because the pkg really isnt a consolidator to agent relationship.
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# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 06:27
Where's Harold? Haven't seen him around here in a few days.
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# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 09:42
Quoting: luvtravel Jani, I don't mean reselling the vouchers or the cards what I mean is if a travel agent can get a good deal on renting a condo for a client using the condo card can she than sell that booking to a client.
Sorry, Terri. I did think that is what you meant but I don't think I used my words clearly. I think the agent must be able to lend the card to the client should it need to be presented. I'm not really clear on whether there can be a mark up on the price. Thing is, the card run through the booking system and in my experience I know the price I paid at check out time. I don't know that the providers would tak on an extra fee?
The way around it might be for the agent to charge through the agency a separate administration fee, rather like a finders fee? I think they are in buisness and deserve to be paid for their work too.
I just don't know how it would work on the admin end at the providers and I'm not really sure if that constitutes a violation of BOD guidelines or not? I know you certainly can't resell the cards or certs individually or at a mark up. But fuzzy though on can you book someone a holiday with a card and attach a commission to it. My gut tells me no- but it may be a BOD question. I have never had someone ask me that before!
I would be most interested to find out the answer!
I don't know if that helps you or not? Maybe get on a BOD product call or zip them off an email.
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
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# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 10:48 � Edited by: roger
Quoting: luvtravel what I mean is if a travel agent can get a good deal on renting a condo for a client using the condo card can she than sell that booking to a client.
I asked our Product Director, Stephanie Johnson, a similar question to yours but not exactly. Why not call Stephanie and ask her directly? She's usually reachable live and quite helpful. I emailed you her phone number can tell her I sent you 

Roger ps - I spoke with Harold yesterday, he's alive and kicking!
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 11:58
Quoting: screamingeagle Is it possible to do team building AND lots of retailing at the same time?
Robert, you should get on a call with Lisa Moore with PERT, she could definitely answer this, cuz this is what she does!!
My husband and I have just started doing it.....If you are looking into retailing I would definitely suggest getting on as many product calls and theatres as possible. My husband is handling the retailing part right now, and you definitely need to get your training in!!!
Business people don't often want to go to learn about the product on a call or online, they want you to be able to tell them about it, and show them about it!
Joined: 25 Feb 2007
Posts: 96
# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 13:10
Quoting: jlDunn Robert, you should get on a call with Lisa Moore with PERT, she could definitely answer this, cuz this is what she does!!
I'v resisted getting on any of the training calls, for some reason. I guess I've just enjoyed listening to the recorded trainings and the global theater presentations.
I will do it this week.
Take Care, Robert
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# Posted: 21 Mar 2007 14:09
Robert, if you enjoy the recordings you shall LOVE the live calls (they are where the recordings come from!). In some ways a much better resource as there is questions and answers at the end. So that way when the information and questions are fresh in your head and the particular expert is right there you can get it straight right away!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 758
# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 15:25
Quoting: roger I emailed you her phone number can tell her I sent you
Roger, please pm where you emailed the phone number cause I didn't get it.
Thank you very much!!!
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 15:56
Hey Terri, I emailed you her number at: [email protected] I send it to another address?

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# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 16:12
No that will work, just haven't gone there yet.
Thanks again!
I will call her and let you all know what I find out. Best to get it straight from the top 
Joined: 19 Feb 2007
Posts: 8
# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 16:15
Quoting: luvtravel CSG is being put down by the wealth builders group and!
No one from Wealth Builders was putting down any other group in that thread. Nothing disparaging was said (that I read) about CSG. Can people PLEASE stop bashing other groups you are not a part of?
I know Dawn (WCYS) would never say anything bad about anyone - she's one of the nicest people on the planet. And the only Wealth Builder that I saw post on the thread was Mark, who always comes across as professional and all he posted was:
"Hello Everyone! Not to be biased but the Coastal Wealth Builders Back office is pretty comprehensive and pretty easy to navigate as well. It could use some tweaking but for newbies it works well. Share The Wealth Mark Vidales"
Does anyone see any indication of Wealth Builders "Putting down" CSG?
Jen (CWB)
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 16:35
Okay I stand corrected, CWB did not say anything "against" CSG.
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 16:37
For those who wondered about whether a TA could offer a Condo from the Condo card, I spoke with Stephanie, and yes a TA could get the rate on a condo and sell it for more if they want to a client.
However they would probably be better off selling the entire package to the client.
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 18:47
Oh that is VERY COOL to know Terri! Hmm.. though I wonder how the administration bit would work then? Did you happen to find that bit out? I think the agent would like kinda bad if the client found out what their commission was?
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 19:15
Hello all! Question: when a person buys Coastal from me retail to use as business incentives, that is a tax deductible purchase, correct?
It's part of their advertising buget if they use it for clients, and there is probably a line item in tax software for incentives for employees? I'd hate to tell them it's' a deduction if it's not, although they'd probably already know. I'd just like to be sure. Thanks in advance for any help here.
Also, retailers, any script (or just notes even) that you use when calling for the retail appt. would be greatly appreciated. Or if you use a letter of intro. I'm in virgin Coastal territory here in my state and want to take advantage of it!!
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2007 19:18
Yes, it is a tax deductable purchase for the business! I don't know what the forms look like though. I would have them talk to their accountant in their specific state /province.
Lots of resources from scripts to brochures in the CSG's Street Smart CEO!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
Joined: 2 Apr 2007
Posts: 150
# Posted: 10 Apr 2007 18:37
That is an interesting response about reselling the condo week. From my experience (and it is with only one vendor - Spirit Incentives) I had to mail in the voucher to get the glossy, which was then activated under my name specifically with an identifying code.
So, when I called to book the vacation, they verified both the code and my name before they would move forward. This leads me to believe that reselling that condo vacation would not be possible.
The half-price stays are also from the same vendor, and you are required to call in with a credit card and your Coastal number.
On another note, I'd be curious to know the reason for the mandatory travel insurance on some of the burn weeks? Does anyone (Jeff Mills?) know if this is protection in case the trip is cancelled by the vendor because they found someone willing to pay more?
Joined: 30 Mar 2007
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# Posted: 10 Apr 2007 21:32
What are the global theater presentations?
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 10 Apr 2007 21:49
Never heard of Mandatory insurance from the condo weeks.
What is the spirit incentive website we can look at burn weeks? PM me the URL and PW please?
Also... is the CSG's street smart CEO package free to CSG people or does it cost money/copyrighted?
I have a retail sales kit which is free to anyone, it rocks, just PM me.
Joined: 25 Feb 2007
Posts: 96
# Posted: 11 Apr 2007 01:56
Quoting: cgmom What are the global theater presentations?
As quoted from my CSG Global Online website: "Our "Live" Global Theater is an interactive presentation brought to you, right over the Internet, in the comfort of your home or where ever your daily schedule may take you. When you attend one of our "Live" Global Theater Presentations, it�s like being in an auditorium or theater with ten, a hundred, or even thousands of others from all over the world, ALL experiencing an informative and visually stunning presentation at the same time. By attending a Live" Global Theater Presentation you can experience some of THE MOST effective ways to learn about new, exciting and proven ways to create an exciting balanced life."
"When you attend one of our "Live" Global Theater Presentations, you get REAL information in a highly compelling, visually interactive way while you sit at home, dressed as you wish and with those who matter most by your side. The only 2 actions you have to take is to accept your complimentary ticket and sit back and watch the presentation. That�s it. AND any additional questions that you may have can be answered at the conclusion of each of our presentations."
Take Care, Robert
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 11 Apr 2007 07:31
Jeff, I am sponsored by Harold and am interested in the retail sales kit you mentioned above. I am a teacher and will have the whole summer to retail to businesses. You would think being a teacher I could come up with a good letter but while I'm ok with words, sales is new to me so if you're offering why reinvent the wheel?
My problem is I can't see how to pm someone on this forum?
My email is [email protected] , I think that is allowed!
Thank you!