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# Posted: 27 Feb 2007 11:35
Hey folks,
In case you haven't heard, though I'm guessing that everyone knows now cause I'm always the last to find out about these things, there is now an option to have your leads call you instead of you hunting them down.
I'm getting head of myself. The leads are from the well known lead company Cutting Edge Media. If you go to, on the right side, you'll see two types of leads that have the red words "New Feature" with them.
What happens is that after they do their stuff and become a lead, they'll get a call from CEM welcoming them. From there, they'll have the option to press a number (1, I think) and they'll be connected to you right away.
For those of us WCYS, this has tremendous benefits and possibilities. We can have them call the CC directly, instead of us calling them and trying to get them into the pipeline. The whole process can be automated.
To do it properly though, you'll need to sign up for a vmail account (voice mail account with your 1-800 number) and set it up so that when the lead presses 1 to connect with you, they'll go to your vmail message.
In that message, you give them very brief information for them to take down (your ID number for example) and then have them press a number to connect directly with a sales rep.
Once they've called your mailbox, I hear that roughly half will call the CC. And from there, roughly 40% will become members. Even if these estimates are a little on the high side, I think it's very promising. The reason I call these estimates are because I don't know for sure yet. It's just what I heard.
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# Posted: 27 Feb 2007 16:24
I know, I got the email yesterday it is awesome idea because it isn't easy to get the prospect to call.
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Posts: 121
# Posted: 27 Feb 2007 18:58
This will be interesting to see if this pans out like they say. Please keep us updated on your progress.
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# Posted: 27 Feb 2007 20:15
I will Susan.
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# Posted: 28 Feb 2007 17:59
The website you have indicated is actually the website that the CSG uses for leads. Most people within the CSG have grown their business solely with these leads. They are good quality, however, I have discovered through speaking with several of these leads, that they are incentivized so there is definitely the potential to have people who really are not interested in having a home business and just signed up to make 80 cents for filling out the form.
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# Posted: 3 Mar 2007 07:16
I know. I used the Cutting Edge leads myself for a while. They are recommended for us to use in the WCYS back office as well. I know that CSG uses them and the Responsive group (?) for the majority of the leads.
I found the leads from CDM a mix of good and terrible. Those who weren't interested were just tire kickers. One of the worst I found...even more than AdWords.
The only thing I wish they'd do, don't know if they do this already, is to money qualify them. I spent so much time talking to people and money qualifying them and finding out that they had $80 or $130 to invest in a home business really was a downer.
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 13:42
Quoting: daretodream They are good quality, however, I have discovered through speaking with several of these leads, that they are incentivized so there is definitely the potential to have people who really are not interested in having a home business and just signed up to make 80 cents for filling out the form
Is that right? Well that would explain a lot....I had good luck with these leads....but then not so much!!
Quoting: tomcha The only thing I wish they'd do, don't know if they do this already, is to money qualify them. I spent so much time talking to people and money qualifying them and finding out that they had $80 or $130 to invest in a home business really was a downer.
Thomas, I believe there are money qualified leads.....the ones from are pre-qualified, already knowing how much the investment is.....I haven't tried them, just heard.....
Joined: 24 Jan 2007
Posts: 24
# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 15:05
Hi there, How exciting to see other WCYS members here. I jsut joined not too long ago and am still in the process of setting things up. How has it gone for you guys? By the way, Thomas, where can I sign up for a voice mail like you mentioned? do you know?
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# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 16:59
I think I remember hearing something like that before. But if I remember correctly, I think they were qualified for maximum amount of $500 or so. I'm not sure of the figure, but I know it wasn't enough to money qualify them for the Level 1 package, which kind of rendered it 'pointless'.
Joined: 2 Apr 2007
Posts: 4
# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 00:05
Quoting: daretodream Thomas, The website you have indicated is actually the website that the CSG uses for leads. Most people within the CSG have grown their business solely with these leads. They are good quality, however, I have discovered through speaking with several of these leads, that they are incentivized so there is definitely the potential to have people who really are not interested in having a home business and just signed up to make 80 cents for filling out the form.
I had a prospect tell me the same thing so I called CEM and I was assured that they are not in a program like that & no one gets paid to fill out these forms, that's just what I was told.
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Posts: 183
# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 03:49
I tested the Christian CEM leads.
They were all broke, phone #'s good, people really looking for a biz opp, but no money.
Also, not one person connected to me live or tried out of 30 leads.
If they wanted to connect with me, I set up an 800 # which they would get into and hear a very short message, and then tell them to press zero to talk with me, and then I made it forward to my sales center.
No one did it... so I am kinda like.... "we'll taken to the cleaners by leads again"
I'll just start asking for phone #'s on my own opt in boxes and work those leads from now on, much more qualified, I suppose. One of my friends is doing this and I cannot believe I waited 3 years to put a phone # ask on my opt in form...
What a dummy I am. Now I think i'll triple my sales!
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Posts: 771
# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 07:04
Jeff, couple questions, what makes you think that whether you buy leads or ask for the phone number on your lead page the prospect will have any money?
And are you saying that CEM Christian leads are the only ones where the prospects are broke?
Jeff I would like for WCYS to triple my sales, any advice?
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# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 08:24 � Edited by: roger
I had CEM divert their Coasal leads directly into my WCYS squeeze page so if they opted-in, that meant a triple opt-in since we're told these are double opt-in worked with one deal coming from it but it was mostly a 'no money' issue as you've both noted - but I like the idea of tripling the sales!

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Posts: 183
# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 15:32
Well Terri...
Good question, I have no idea if those who go to my site have money or not, but here is the rub...
I paid $0.00 for a lead to opt in to my website, and $0.00 to get their phone # and my sites are pretty obvious about what my business is and who I am, so I think these people would be a little more qualified and know some things about Coastal, namely the price, which makes them more Q'd to me than paying and gambling $5.50 for a lead that has no relationship to me and is still "outside" my own personal follow up system.
My prob with the CEM connect to me feature is... no one connected to me... so using that as a ploy to get people to buy those leads is false advertising when none of them will do it.
I was told 30-40% will use that feature, but not the ones on my list.
in the last 3 days, since putting the phone # capture on my sites, I have collected 25 leads, that would have cost me about $300 with CEM, and my cost was nothing. So I was dumb for not asking for it all these years!
I am calling these leads today to let them know about my Special offer and my passage soon into the 7 figure club.
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# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 20:12
That makes sense Jeff. Thanks for sharing, saving about $300 generating your own leads is a great idea!!
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Posts: 121
# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 05:17
Quoting: goldmills I paid $0.00 for a lead to opt in to my website, and $0.00 to get their phone # and my sites are pretty obvious about what my business is and who I am, so I think these people would be a little more qualified and know some things about Coastal, namely the price, which makes them more Q'd to me than paying and gambling $5.50 for a lead that has no relationship to me and is still "outside" my own personal follow up system.
Hi Jeff,
How did you get these leads without paying for advertising?
Thanks, Susan
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# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 07:03
Quoting: jlDunn I believe there are money qualified leads.....the ones from are pre-qualified, already knowing how much the investment is.....I haven't tried them, just heard..... Lindsay
mllmleads money qualifies the leads?? That would be the biggest plus yet.
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# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 07:06 � Edited by: luvtravel
Quoting: roger I had CEM divert their Coasal leads directly into my WCYS squeeze page so if they opted-in, that meant a triple opt-in since we're told these are double opt-in worked with one deal coming from it but it was mostly a 'no money' issue as you've both noted - but I like the idea of t
Roger please explain. can CEM load the leads "into" your squeeze page?
Your WCYS lead page?? Terri
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# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 09:04
Hi Terri, I want to preface this by saying there are other good lead companies out there that don't charge you an arm and a leg for leads. From my experience alone, paying $10 per lead is outrageous and not necessary. I have yet to see a difference from a $1 lead to a $10 lead. Okay, I got that off my answer your question if you give CEM a call they'll set it up for you. Easy peasy.

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# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 10:05
easy peasy............
Thanks Roger.
I tried the cheaper leads from CEM and they were poor quality leads for Coastal.
My opinion is that the more expensive leads should be money qualified than they would be worth the higher price.
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Posts: 183
# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 11:45
Long long time ago... when people who joined coastal had no clue how to build optimized websites, a smart and hungry entrepeneur saw an opportunity and siezed it.
So, I get leads, everyday, who visit all my sites and spend hours and hours there, just reading, clicking, watching, and listening.
I saw an opportunity years ago and got my sites ranked #1 and in top 10 for many keywords, relating to this industry and have dominated ever since, and I paid upfront to get the sites done this way, lots of money... but that was two years ago.
Right now, my sites are ranking the highest ever.... many #1 listings, in many different search engines, and that is why leads cost me $0.00.
But I did pay for it, when I first set it up and built it years ago but now it is all on auto pilot.
And the good news is.... anyone can come next to me in this crowded market and compete and get their fair share of leads too, there is plenty to go around for everyone.
We all have different personalities and looks about us, which attract or detract people from joining us.
These are the skills and systems I teach my teams.
Joined: 13 Mar 2007
Posts: 258
# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 12:18
Hello Jeff
well done on many of your number one listings, however things change rapidly with SEO. I had a number one listing in google under coastal vacations keyword for over 3 years and then one day it disappeared to page 100 due to google algorithm reshuffle and their need to increase adword revenue.
There are some good companies that will develop websites, create back links for you and get you listed for a period of time but they will start to slip if new content is not added.
For the new person starting out there if they want to get listed in google, it will take some time and the cost is sometimes too much for them, but there are plenty of ways of building links to your site like through forums, press releases, article writing, back links on high PR (page ranked) sites, free ad links etc which will have a natural way of increasing your sites popularity.
Plus you can add your site to the search engines yourself to be indexed without even needing a service.
To make sure that your tags and description are tweaked effectively you would need to have access to the coding in your pages, so for those with replicated sites, you will not have access to this.
Personally I have not purchased leads for my own use in over 4 years, I also like to develop my own leads thru advertising.
I noticed Jeff that the Websters who also use the same company as you for their websites, that their website is slipping in the search engines now. Also the press releases do not stay up on the first page like they used to. Which goes back to making sure you do not place all your eggs in one basket.
hope this helps Cheers maria Porter
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 12:41
Yes, search engines are always changing, gotta have a company that always has the latest knowledge to know what is changing and how they roll with it.
The company we use and that I recommend people use, is out of India, and they are smart.
Press releases do have long tail benefit, look what Dean Marino is doing, I taught him the power of press releases and he now does 2 or more a week.
He has created a giant news trap that many leads get into and then chose Dean because that is all they see.
Good PR creates 1000's of backlinks to your sites. The Websters do not have many backlinks, so their site is not treated as an "expert site" so it gets lower ranks.
If your site has many sites pointing back to it, then you become an instant celebrity to the search engines and they will rank you for it high.
That is the key.
Maria, Your sites did not have the high link backs from high ranking sites. That is why it was able to get pushed down.
This is also a lesson to you all why if you want to dominate the search engines, you cannot use replicated sites, and it must be a custom job, or who is page system you use.
Things always change and come up, 1.5 years ago, video online was a joke, now, it's everywhere and I am now getting lots of traffic from videos ranking in search engines and have plans to dominate video search for Coastal too.
I am relentless, creative and non stop in my promotion ideas, why? Cause my drive is to be simply the best there is. It is my desire and will to pursure ultimate success, so that is why I do what I do.
Do people have to do what I do to have success? nope, they gotta find their blueprint for how it must work for them, like I did for me, because there is enough room for all of us to become millionaires in this business and still have plenty of leftovers. Gotta have a prosperity mindset, not a poverty mindset.
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Posts: 258
# Posted: 6 Apr 2007 20:25
Hello Jeff
I agree there is so much space for everyone to do well in Coastal, it is a matter of sticking to it and keeping open to what is working.
Thank you but I do not use replicated sites, I design them myself, and actually do my own advertising and promoting. I know which company you use in India, your testimonial is on their site 
I still feel that press releases are no longer staying up in the search engines like they were doing, that is why Dean needs to write 2-3 every week to get the exposure he once had.
The web 2.0 systems are managing to get listed in the search engines but not as fast as perhaps people were hoping. I wrote a blog article and it got listed in 2 days on the first page under keywords coastal vacations business opportunity, currently in the 4th position. These things fluctuate but the point is, it did not cost me $120 for a press release to get this exposure.
I think the current title of king of coastal videos must go to Britt Phillips albeit they are all on the same theme.
But these are very interesting times...I am loving it.
As always all the best
Maria Porter
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 6 Apr 2007 23:29
Press releases are still very good. Dean does them all the time and since he is consistent, the last 4 months, he has had a consistent $10,000 or more a month payday.
And it does not cost hom $120, I think it's $10 or so.
with all the Web 2.o stuff, some of it is faddy stuff which will be gone ina month or so, pushed out by the next web 2.0 gimmick. It is still the ole faithful that is making it work for people, online, doing it consistently.
It remains to be seen how long the latest web 2.0 trick will work, smart people can get into them, make some quick bucks, but the SEO sites have been pulling in leads now for over 2 years for me.
People just need to become students of the internet advertising systems, learn them, fail their way through them or hit the jackpot first time out.
Dean did not know how to cut and paste when he started 2 years ago, and now has websites, autoresponders, and press releases doing all the work for him. Like many others, we don't buy leads anymore. They come to us, find us, bump into us, search us out and we welcome them with open arms.
anyone can learn how to do this, as long as they take the time to get what they want.
PS - or they can buy andchase leads.
I cannot wait til the contact mate software comes out. It's gonna be great.
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Posts: 258
# Posted: 7 Apr 2007 00:04
Hiya Jeff
Dean has done well...there are many in Coastal we should admire. It is through everyones efforts that coastal has become so strong.
Absolutely, I am so looking forward to the contactmate system. Do you know whether we will be paying per minute for the calls or will it work thru voip?
For those who have not pre-registered, it would be a good idea to do it now and get the $200 off coupon.
Have a good Easter Jeff
Cheers maria Porter
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 183
# Posted: 7 Apr 2007 00:29
Steve, owner of contact mate, showed me the system over a year ago, when coastal was not really paying much attention to it, until his director Scot finally got on board, smart move.
It uses VOIP like through Vonage or Skype. So the calls are all free, not per call charges. with Skype, you can buy an outbound call account for $29 a year! Wow, that's cheap, make as many calls to US, Canada for a YEARLY price.
I bought it when it was on sale for $14.99.
Now, the question is, how many calls will it do simultaneouly? with a voiceshot, you can call 1000 people in 30 minutes, since they use many lines to call out, but with voip... will it be one at a time? if so, that could take forever to call out many people....
Imagine this senario for when people get contact mate....
You buy a lead and it gets emailed to your contact mate email address.
Contact mate receives email, parses out the contact info and sorts it, manages it all automatically and puts it into your database for you.
Then while doing this, it instantly sends out a personal email from you, customized, with their name, and attaches an mp3 audio welcome using their name in the audio, all computer generated. and next...
It calls them, thanking them for visiting your site, and asks them to come to the nightly q and a call, using their name, and all personal, not generic, and imagine this only costing you a ONE TIME FEE to just buy the software!
Now that is a great tool
Now imagine ANY industry or business wanting a tool like this tool, it is amazing for ANY company, MLM or brick and mortar.
Steve is going to be a wealthy and popular person in the MLM world this year. 2007 is gonna be his millionaire year.
If you have not signed up for contact mate, I believe there will be a special promotion when it gets released later this month.
It's so cool it comes with voices, so you can sound like Maria, with a cool accent!
Or you can sound like Pablo with a hispanic accent, but it is not you talking, it is a computer and it will sound like a human.
You can type a sentence and tell Pablo Computer to talk it out for you in the voicemail, and he will and he'll never get tired.
You can ask Pablo to call your leads for them and tell them, "Hi Sue, this is Pablo, Jeff Mills' personal phone assistant, he aske me to call you with this special message, so here is Jeff... please listen closely..." then it plays an mp3 from me.
From some one who love technology which helps create and build relationships and trust with people without having to be physically involved, this is a great tool
I cannot thank Steve enough.
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Posts: 258
# Posted: 7 Apr 2007 01:24
very cool. I spoke to Hoyt at wecloseyoursales and he said he was going to record some messages we can upload into the contactmate system.
The series of messages would be about coastal and how it works together with the call center's automated closing service. The user would be prompted ie to press one... and the call would be redirected over to a live telecloser waiting to take the call.
Totally automating the calling, prospecting and follow up using the call center.
And all we would need to do is to load the system up with good quality leads.... and then go on a cruise - all of us together.
Yes Steve will be one popular guy.
great job, thanks for the prompt reply.
cheers maria 
Oh and thank you, but I don't have the accent, you do
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# Posted: 7 Apr 2007 08:56
LOL.....good thread from 2 of the marketing guru's...
I will definitely have a Maria accent when I get Contactmate  I loved hearing the British speak when I was in London in Nov.
Hey guys.....know of any webdesigners using Web2.0?
Thanks Terri
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# Posted: 7 Apr 2007 09:23
Quoting: goldmills The company we use and that I recommend people use, is out of India, and they are smart.
And that would be.....??
Thanks Terri