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Giving away vacation vouchers

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Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69

# Posted: 16 Feb 2007 18:15

It's suggested that you give away vacations as rewards, etc. to help you gain credibility and get testimonials to share.

Do WE send in the $6.95 to activate it before giving it away, or

do we let the person who is receiving it activate it since we don't know when they will want to use it?

AND, we get to deduct gifts and rewards on our taxes but the vouchers have no cash value, so I would suppose they are only deductible if we activate them for the $6.95 a piece.

I guess I'd like to hear from someone who has given away the vouchers....we are having a contest within our email address books for domain names and we are giving away vouchers as prizes.

We are also holding an open house when we get our package and some tools, and would like to give away doorprizes, one being a voucher.

Thank you in advance!

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# Posted: 16 Feb 2007 23:06 � Edited by: hsimpsonjr

I would just let them activate it. Make sure and make a copy of it so you still have the original. You can get more of them for like a dollar but I would just make copies.

PNL Travel
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# Posted: 17 Feb 2007 10:18

Hi Beckie,

I would absolutely activate them myself for the $6.95. There are three reasons I say this. The first is you are going to have to put your member number on there in order to have them activated. That number is not something you want floating around out there! (Not that your friends would do anything with it, but you never know who will see it.) The second reason is you want to save a step for the people that you are giving the vouchers to, exact dates are not needed on that first step, so that will not be a problem. There is usually a customer service number on the activated voucher and the processing fees are on there so you know a little more about what you are giving away. The third reason is you can deduct the $6.95 from your taxes only if you activate it...

Hope this helps!


Lora Moore

Lora's Secret

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# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 00:28

I recommend using the glossy.

Activate the voucher - Then give them away.

There are several vouchers available, so DO take a vacation yourself with the voucher before giving them away.

I recommend the $10 and $20 vouchers over the $6.95.

Jay NaPier

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# Posted: 5 Aug 2007 16:48

What is the difference in the $10 and $20 vouchers compared to the others? Are there less restrictions, more upgrades or different travel agencies?

Could you tell us or just PM me with your 2 or 3 favorite vacations that you used with the certificates as I would love to give some away to family and friends to promote this great business.

Thanks and if anyone else has used a particular certificate or location feel free to respond as well.

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Posts: 19

# Posted: 5 Aug 2007 18:11

Judy I am also wondering what are the best certs to give away. So any responses would be appreciated.


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Posts: 647

# Posted: 6 Aug 2007 16:17

Quoting: Judy
What is the difference in the $10 and $20 vouchers compared to the others? Are there less restrictions, more upgrades or different travel agencies?

Could you tell us or just PM me with your 2 or 3 favorite vacations that you used with the certificates as I would love to give some away to family and friends to promote this great business.

Thanks and if anyone else has used a particular certificate or location feel free to respond as well

Hi Judy,

I keep a supply of glossy vacation certificates in my office. I prefer the Level 3 Certificates. 1000 Destination, Trip to Mexico and Orlando Vacations are the best options.

Jay NaPier
Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer
Coastal Vacations

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# Posted: 6 Aug 2007 22:27

Thanks Jay but what if you are only in Level 2 -what would you suggest other than asking our uplines for them?
Is the Orlando Vacation the one through Funtime where you have to pay a non refundable processing fee per person or is this a different travel agency?


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# Posted: 9 Aug 2007 16:58

Ive found that its good to enlist your associates in the research of your package. Ive told family members and associaties that im testing our a vendor in my package to see if I would like to use them anymore. I let my associate know that this is a trial run for the vendor so I apologize if any minor inconveniences come up. It raises their expectations of what could happen and they arent as apt to complain if things are a little challenging. The feedbabck you get back can be beneficial to you and your business. You also can get a bunch of great pictures as well to build a portfolio. If the trip goes great your have accomplished alot. First off you sent someone on vacation that can nw give you a testimonial. You have also learned how tht process is for a vendor so you can use it in the future for upcoming promotions. You might also get a client out of your family member. If the vacation is bad you are covered as you said it was a test to see if you wanted to use them. Id take the chance. Hope that helps a bit.



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