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Joined: 11 Feb 2007
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# Posted: 11 Feb 2007 13:44
I am member of the Coastal Synergy Group. I signed up early Nov with one of the leaders as my director. Unfortunately it seems difficult to get any help from her ~because~ she is so successful and also does outside coaching. Don't get me wrong, she is not avoiding me, I just feel rushed when I speak with her and that does not help my mindset so I avoid speaking with her at all.
I have still not made even my first training sale and am becoming increasingly frustrated. I am going further and further in debt because of my monthly costs to run the business and the most frustrating part is that I know it is possible to do extremely well with this business. I have been buying relatively low quality leads simply because they are so expensive that the lowest quality lead is costing me over $3/ea and it eats up all my spare money from my JOB. I have recently started using free leads so that I at least have some slight possibility of making a sale.
I could really use some advice about what I may be doing wrong. I am following the system to a T and my director gives me heck for not doing the 3 way calls, the only thing I am not doing. The problem can I possibly book a 3 way call when I can't even get people to be home for our scheduled follow ups?
I do have experience with telephone customer service (not sales) so I am able to get info out of people and develop a rapport in a very short time and people I speak to seem very receptive to me so I really don't understand what the problem could be. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 08:58
Hi Hannah, Although I am not with the CSG, I know them to be a good group to work with and I know how daunting it can be at times. To reassure you, we've all been there.
My first piece of advice, and I know it may seem easier said than done, but quite frankly you must do this immediately:
Change the way you're speaking and thinking right now. As my friend Jeffrey Combs has said, "stop living in your head," he's a pretty direct fella. 
Also, you must stop saying how awful it is and how unreachable your director is etc. etc...that doesn't help you at all and you have to start fixing the issue from within first (start with taking a deep breath first).
Once you've done that, lets begin to attack the problem: You can advertise for free in the "small biz ads" in, start posting in a few cities, don't go over 7 cities to begin with because they'll boot you out. Next, there is, also free to advertise in. You will see a "biz opp" section. the next thing you can do is go to and write a story, about anything you know about and publish it. This is also free. It gets your name out there and brings credibility to you. You can also post in forums like this which creates more exposure for you, this is free too....I'm curious when you speak with your director what does she suggest you do?
The next thing is to spend a little money on either advertising or buying some leads. This is a business so you must be prepared to spend a little bit, this will give you more immediate results. The Craigslist ads should also produce quick response.
I'm not sure how much time you spend on the business which will also factor in your success but it should be for at least a couple of hours a day, everyday.
I hope this helps, and don't give up!
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# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 11:06
On top of what Roger has said, I would like to add on just one point regarding your mindset.
If you have shown that you want this badly enough by purchasing the program and have made efforts to get in touch with your director, know that you have the RIGHT to have access to your director.
Do not become timid now. Don't let what 'could be' or 'might be' get in your way. Success is not given. It is earned.
Yes, it's very hard to get started. It's true for everyone. Some people take longer than others to generate the first sale or even the second sale.
But you need to look at this long term. If you generate the first few sales quickly out of luck, without knowing how and why those happened, then you aren't really any better off.
With the slowing down of the sales, you'll get discouraged just the same and give up in the end.
What matters is that whether you are making sales or not, to learn what works and doesn't work and why. Remember that every 'thing' that doesn't work for you is another 'way' that you learn not to run the business.
Thomas Edison put it the best when he was asked how he kept himself going to invent the light bulb after thousands of failed attempts. His answer was that he saw every 'failure' as a narrowing down of list of things to try, helping him to better his chances next time.
I think it's very true that our perception shapes the world. That's what marketing is. It's a play on people's perception.
And in the case of your director, you need to perceive the situation as you being entitled to her time, and you are. As a member of her team and her having committed to you and your success, she 'owes' you her time and attention.
Go claim what is yours. Don't shy away from it. It's also possible that her seemingly rushing you is just how she is on a regular basis with everyone and everything. Don't add meaning to something, especially potentially negative ones, if they don't help you perceive the world to your advantage.
I hope you won't give up and take your time. There is no need to rush. Learn the business. It takes time. After all, it is a business.
What business can you think of that has little or no learning curve? Those are what we call scams. Every worthwhile business has a learning curve. But with the help of the right director, that learning curve can be reduced tremendously, but you still need to have some patience and the determination to propel yourself through.
Having committed to this business, made efforts in generating sales and getting help from your director, you'll succeed.
Don't wonder if you'll succeed. Know it.
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# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 11:13
Hannah, Roger hit the nail on the head. If leads aren't working for you then, by all means, stop using the leads and refocus your marketing to another avenue. I have been doing very little paid advertising in the last 2 months( a total of about $50) and mainly focused on posting in forums. I have generated 5 sales worth $9,000 just from posting and answering questions on forums. That's totally free advertising and I'm just answering questions. I'm not "advertising" so to speak. You can go and make yourself look like an expert and you will be surprised how things change when you do. Go and find forums that focus on travel or homebased business and post like crazy. It's free and it's working great for me. The best point Roger made was to NOT GIVE UP! NEVER GIVE UP! That is the only way to lose in this business. If you stick it out and make some changes you will be successful!. If you feel your director isn't offering good advice then come here and we will all be glad to help you as much as we can. Good luck and DON'T GIVE UP!
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# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 11:27
Hannah, you are seeing a great example of team work right here in this thread of this forum. Roger and Thomas are both members of Coastal that I signed up. Roger was a member before he knew me but he saw the value of the call center through our website and joined the call center through my website and we speak several times a week on the phone. Same with Thomas. He was my first member sign up and he was also my final qualifying sale because he upgraded to level 2 so, technically, he isn't my member anymore but we still work together to find the best way to make money from this business. I have learned just as much or more from these guys than they have learned from me. I count them a great friends and value their input and suggestions. One other thing to point out about Roger and Thomas is they are both Canadian. Why do I point that out? Because I live in NC. That's a good little ways from Canada but they saw my ads and joined and we are working together as team members. This is what makes the differece. Remember, we are all one big Coastal family and we want you to be successful also. Even if you aren't on our team.
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Posts: 122
# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 12:46
Hi Hannah, I am with CSG, and have been doing it for about a month now....what leads are you using? Did you try the new ones? If you ever feel the need to talk and see how others are doing you are welcome to email me. There are a couple of us "newbies" who send each other emails once in a while to see how things are going.
I can't give you any advice on what you are doing wrong because I haven't got my training sales either.
If you are worried about the cost of the leads, you could talk to your director and see if anyone is interested in splitting a package with you.
If you would like, you can email me and join our little newbies group.
Lindsay Dunn [email protected]
PNL Travel
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# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 13:38
Hi Hannah,
I am not in the CGS, but I am in the WealthBuilders. I do not use a call center; I call all of my own leads. I have success with leads - but it took a while! It didn't happen overnight. I had absolutely no background in business or customer service (I taught algebra and geometry). I tell you this to say that this was a huge change, but one that I am VERY happy I made!
The best advice I could give you is to plug into Dani Johnson. She is the one person who made a big difference for me. If you are listening to her live and recorded calls that's great! To truly make a difference you need to attend a First Steps to Success seminar (the next one is in LA on March 17 & 18).
In my experience I have found that wherever you are getting stuck, the problem lies just before that step. So, if you are not having people answer your follow up calls then there may be a problem with your initial call. It could also be that you have LDS (lead deficiency syndrome). You should have more people to call than you have time.
It sounds like your funds are getting low and you are getting discouraged because of it. If you are in need of ideas for building you business that are low cost or free, check out the BOD call schedule. Steph has a great call on Thursday (I think) afternoon all about that. She does those calls in 6 week sessions; a new session starts next week. I love those calls, they are very helpful!
There are many options out there with Coastal. Like everyone else said, mindset has a lot to do with this. You will succeed as long as you don't give up and quit!
If you have any questions we would be happy to answer them for you. I wish you the best!
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Posts: 167
# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 16:41
Hi Hannah, if you have the time I would recommend posting consistantly on forums and free classified sites, like Craigslist. It's very difficult to watch your money being spent with no return, which can significantly increase your stress level.
I would spend the next few weeks doing a lot of free posting just to see if it works for you - that way all you are spending is your time. Hopefully, your stress level will drop a bit and you will be able to think more clearly and plan your next step.
Keep us posted and let us know if we can help in any way.
Good luck!
Joined: 11 Feb 2007
Posts: 30
# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 21:24
Wow, what alot of great advice! Thank you all. I have been posting free ads....classifieds, traffic exchanges, safe lists all to no avail but they work on autopilot after the initial work anyway so I still could see something from them. Never tried Craigslist but have heard good things so I will post there.
I have been working about 20 hours a week the last month ( taking weekends off ) but previous to that I was working a minimum 40 hours a week on top of my full time job, ouch, it started to get to me which is why I backed off a bit and started taking some more time for me and my family.
Lyndsay, I have tried CEM Live Leads, my director has given me some Movie Leads, some HBC leads, some of the new DMP leads, and I have tried the new leads on demand, those ones have been the most responsive out of all the leads but I am still having a rough time.
Obviously the only variable here is me, everyone else in the group has the same leads, systems, etc. but I am just having the most difficult time figuring out just what it is in me that is blocking me which is why I have decided to work a bit harder on myself than on my business for the next little bit.
Again, thank you all for your kind words and advice
JNS Travel
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Posts: 16
# Posted: 13 Feb 2007 09:08
I recently found out that my absent upline director is part of CSG. There name are James & kami Owen, their upline director is Luxmih Eve-Lyn Forbes.
My question is if anyone in CSG knows them or who in CSG can I contact to locate them?
Thank You, Joe
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Posts: 69
# Posted: 13 Feb 2007 10:39
I see that has Coastal Specific, prescreened leads who already know that it is $1295 and are still interested. I like Enrique and there is training on the site. I think I will be trying those leads just to see.
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# Posted: 13 Feb 2007 13:44
How much are the leads, Beckie?
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# Posted: 13 Feb 2007 13:45
JNS Travel - you could try searching them or talk to a board member....
I have a couple of the board members emails if you would like, let me know.
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Posts: 122
# Posted: 13 Feb 2007 13:52
I was just looking and you can get 25 leads for $121 - 4.84 per lead or 50 leads for 219 - 4.38 per lead
They are from all over USA, and are 24-48 hours old when you get them.
You get all their contact info, and answers to a couple of questions Best time to contact When you can get started Monies to invest and reason for HBB
I didn't see, however if they were exclusive, or semi-exclusive.....meaning how many people the lead get shared with.
Joined: 15 Jan 2007
Posts: 69
# Posted: 13 Feb 2007 21:00
Coastal Leads, prescreened
25 for $121
50 for $219
The only company specific leads they do are AmeriPlan, Coastal, Xango, PPL and one other...forgot...
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# Posted: 15 Feb 2007 03:06
If you email [email protected] that email goes to the BOD members if you have specific questions or problems that you can't get help with your upline about. They can't provide you with training specifically other than the calls, but I have found them helpful when I needed direction. Hope that helps.
PS. Hey Lora! Good to see you! I will be in LA in March! You are absolutely right, plugging into Dani Johnson has caused duplication on my team that continues to blow me away! Not to mention what it has done for me personally. I am coaching 1:1 with her now and WOW, I feel like I just entered the big leagues and I just have a plastic bat. LOL
Renae Heikkila
<a href=''>Choose Freedom!</a>.
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# Posted: 15 Feb 2007 06:08
Thank you Renae for the Board of Director's email. This is good to keep on file.
Http:// Book your travel with the best rates:
PNL Travel
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# Posted: 15 Feb 2007 11:21
Quoting: renae PS. Hey Lora! Good to see you! I will be in LA in March!
Hi Renae! I can't wait to see you all again! I'm bringing my husband with me this time!

Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647
# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 00:37
Hi Hannah,
As a top leader with the Coastal Synergy Group I must first ask -
Have you been attending the training calls? Have you read all the training provided by your director? Are you doing what your director has asked?
I've seen alot of people make the business alot more challenging than it has to be.
Jeff Combs has some recorded trainings in your CSG Back Office - Goto those trainings and listen to them.
Are you attending the live dial trainings? Q and A calls?
I've used ALOT of different marketing and I can tell you that LEADS are the best way to go. Using leads allows you to take the marketing hat off and allow other companies to do the work for you.
We've got some great sources available to us. When using leads that are not Coastal specific it does require a totally different approach in what you say.
Call me for a Complimentary boost.
Jay NaPier
Joined: 11 Feb 2007
Posts: 30
# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 19:56
The only thing I have not been doing is using the forums....I still work full time so it is darn near impossible. I am juggling my schedule around to be able to attend the forums now. I have listened to almost every recorded training there is.
The only problem with our leads is that the really good ones don't come in small enough packages for me to afford. I have spent several hundred on leads with no results. My director does give leads to the associates to help get them started but those are few and far between.
I am actually at the point where I am going to have to give up my MAC system if I don't make my training sales and one personal sale within the next week and a half, I hate to do it but I don't have alot of choice with my CC's maxed out and no money to pay them down.
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 21:17
Have you thought of or tried buying the leads together with another person? You mentioned that for some reason the really good leads don't come in small packages.
So, you need to get the bigger packages, I assume. Also assuming from your post that you can't comfortably afford those.
Then what you might want to look into is partnering up with another person, and have the leads come to an email address that both of you setup together.
The email address would have to be mutually accessible to both of you, so a new one at yahoo or somewhere like that might do the trick.
Then it's up to you on how to divide the leads. Maybe every even ones or every odd ones. Or divided by the days, etc...
Just a thought.
It'd be a shame to stop now. I know things can be very tough. Believe me, I know. But you got to find a way to hang in there for just a little bit longer. If you want, you can take a little time away and gather yourself together before trying again. Remember that your mindset has a huge impact on how you conduct your business.
If you are coming from a place of lack, you'll give that feeling to the prospect on the other end of the phone line and you'll kill any chances of them wanting to join you. I know it's very hard, but you have to try to come from a place of power.
Just so you know, I don't mean power as in strong. Most people seem to have negative feelings associated with the word "power".
What I mean by it is this. Power's definition is the ability to do something. So for me, to come from a place of power simply means knowing that I can do something either for me or another person.
That translates into 'a place of giving' as in 'giving help'. That is my place of power. It might not be much, but I spend a lot of my time and focus on continually learning. And what I learn, I try to give to others so that they can benefit.
I believe that when you get into this kind of mindset, you no longer sound desperate and you position yourself in the place of power, that is, a leader.
And that's the key.
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 22:34 � Edited by: roger
Hi Hannah, Further to Thomas' point you said you work full time yes?
1) Surely there are businesses close by that you can approach? There's some free leads.
2) You have the package so there's your marketing material.
3) Consider car dealerships. I've made a few deals with them and that was over the phone, if you go in person you increase your chances of a sale considerably. If you do this, ask for the Owner or GM ONLY. Anyone else and it's decision by committee. Why does a dealership or any company with a sales force need our product? They need to sell more vehicles and they need to motivate their sales force; it's a fact most companies don't meet their sales targets on a regular basis.
4) With the right attitude and outfit, you could bang out a couple of deals and you didn't pay a cent for it!

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# Posted: 23 Feb 2007 12:08
I would love to be able to do that, but I am a terrible salesperson.  But that's why I joined WCYS!
I'd be dumbfounded to go an try to retail a package. -shiver-
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# Posted: 23 Feb 2007 12:49 � Edited by: roger
I know it's not the easiest thing to do and I was the same way many years ago but sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone to grow. I believe if we're always in that safe place ultimately I don't think it serves us.......I add this part after posting - I know as a teacher you have stretched yourself so I'm sure you know where I'm coming from.
But you're right the advantage to We Close Your Sales is it eliminates one having to ask for money if they choose....getting back to Hannah for a moment, all you really need to do is get the big boss' phone number and three way your Director in the call when you follow up.

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# Posted: 23 Feb 2007 13:35
I agree with the comfort zone issue. I know that unless you step out of the comfort zone, you don't grow. And if you don't grow, then you die.
But some things are easier than others. Cold selling isn't one of them for me. 
Joined: 11 Feb 2007
Posts: 30
# Posted: 24 Feb 2007 18:26
As far as buying leads with another person, unfortunately, I think that would be extremely difficult as our leads are automatically loaded into our system after we buy them. It is a good idea though.
I have been seriously considering doing exactly what you have suggested only I had thought of approaching real estate agents. I never thought of car dealerships. Good idea in theory, but I live in an area where the darn places are only open while I am at work. I suppose though, that I could get email addresses and write up a really good sales pitch and take it from there.
On that point Thomas.....I understand your dislike of cold calling as I'm not too keen on it myself but at the same are offering something that can help them...all you really have to do is present the info and most will realize how great the package is on their own. I understand in a way why you would want to use the call center, I considered it myself when looking at Coastal, but I would prefer to choose my team mates rather than find out after they have bought in that I cannot possibly work with them.
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# Posted: 24 Feb 2007 18:57 � Edited by: roger
Real estate agents, great idea. You can also present the biz opp to them too without really pitching them; if you have a Coastal biz opp CD or something, give it to them because they spend most of their time in their car anyway and follow up in a few days. It'll be easy to get their cell number because they want people to have of my car dealership customers gave away 20 Vegas trips to people who bought higher end Toyotas. Don't forget all dealerships are open Saturdays.

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# Posted: 24 Feb 2007 20:10
Quoting: roger 3) Consider car dealerships. I've made a few deals with them and that was over the phone, if you go in person you increase your chances of a sale considerably. If you do this, ask for the Owner or GM ONLY. Anyone else and it's decision by committee. Why does a dealership or any company with a sales force need our product? They need to sell more vehicles and they need to motivate their sales force; it's a fact most companies don't meet their
Roger, are you telling them to purchase level one to give the freebies as incentives to their sales force or to the customers?
Thanks Terri
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# Posted: 25 Feb 2007 10:25
When I market this to businesses Level 1 doesn't exist, Premier only! Unless they specifically ask for L1 which rarely happens.
When I present the opportunity I suggest both, for customers who buy vehicles or to use as a sales contest to motivate the staff. Once I find out which way they are leaning I focus my superpowers on helping them decide with more 'bullet points' on why that's a great idea but I don't like to push too much. In the end, they decide what they want to use it for because they know their business best.
Hope that helps Terri

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# Posted: 25 Feb 2007 20:06
Quoting: roger Don't forget all dealerships are open Saturdays
Not where I live they aren't. Independent used car dealers may be but the majority are only open Mon - Fri til 5 pm. The ones I would really want to visit are the ones that are not open weekends. I know, I know, it makes no sense, most people want to car shop on a Saturday but we have a very old fashioned city council that does not seem to remember that we live in a city, not a small town. Most stores in my city of a couple hundred thousand close by 5 pm on Saturdays, very frustrating.