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# Posted: 1 Feb 2007 23:03 � Edited by: roger
Hello everyone, My name is Roger Gurung, I am a qualified Level II Director with Coastal Vacations. I work this business full time and I love what I do!
Although it's very important to choose your Director wisely it's also very important to decide on a marketing strategy you're comfortable with before you join because not everyone wants to recruit, follow up and close people. As well, not everyone wants to run a "hands-free, no selling" business either if such a thing exists, although it should be noted if you use the Sales Center you won't have to ask people for money if you choose not to. Having a plan of attack while making modifications along the way will serve you well. You should be flexible in trying different strategies, some will work and some won't. And good Directors - and there are many helpful ones in this forum - will do their best to help get you where you want to go and be there whenever you need him or her. I've heard some sad stories of Director's going AWOL after getting paid and that's unfortunate, especially for those who get into Coastal without having much business experience which is another important point, you must treat this like a business not a pasttime.
I'll let you in on some little known facts about Coastal, and some widely known ones too:
1) Coastal Vacations is a people business first, a travel business second - treat it any other way and your paycheck will directly reflect that. In the end, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
2) Whichever system you choose to join (Sales Center or traditional method) you must expect to win. Have that attitude, believe in yourself and in the end, you will win.
3) That's not to say you won't have challenges. Be prepared for them too, just knowing you will have them should help push you forward.
4) If you truly want success, don't give up.
5) Be creative. There is more than one way to run your Coastal business. As noted in another post, I signed a deal with a major local radio station that will advertise my Coastal business, the 1st of 40 spots will start airing by the end of next week and I expect some good things to happen. Retailing this business-to-business is the best decision I made because it gives you another channel to generate income. While the big money is probably in building a team - although I'm not completely convinced of that! - there aren't too many individuals I know of that will buy four travel packages in one go!
6) Businesses need this product: a) people retire and should be rewarded for their service b) company sales targets are rarely met so for internal sales contests it works really well c) it entices new customers into a car dealership d) it's a great thank you gift e) makes a terrific anniversary gift and f) Travel is widely recognized as the #1 appreciation item employees want from their employer.
7) Fundraising: here's another way for you to build your empire. I recently donated, for free, a Level 1 package to a parent council in a Western Canadian High School (called a "drygrad" committee)because over the last 20 years a child has been killed or badly hurt almost every year due to drunken behaviour from reckless teens. We expect to raise over $30,000 this year from a raffle with Coastal's L1 Travel Package as the grand prize. What I get out of it is twofold: I'm helping kids in having a safe, indoor environment to party in without the fear of inebriated teenagers around and I'm able to expand my business by having other, larger non-profit organizations buy my product. How so you ask? Show them a signed letter from the committee saying how much money was raised and where the big prize came from. Think that would be a difficult sale?
There are other ways to grow your business and ultimately it's up to you how you run it. I encourage you to have an open mind as you investigate our opportunity but I also encourage you to make a decision because it's early in the year and I'm sure you want 2007 to be financially better than last year.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Expect to win, Roger
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# Posted: 2 Feb 2007 16:55
Hi Roger, you are correct when you say not to give up. Usually people think that if they don't make a sale in the first week they are failing. It took me 2 months to make my first sale. I was worried but I knew that coastal would work because of all of the people on my team making money so I listened to my training and applied what I learned and BAM!, I had 2 sales in 3 days. Everything has turned around for me and Coastal just because I listened to my director.
Joined: 2 Feb 2007
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# Posted: 3 Feb 2007 16:29
Great post! I agree, do not give up.
What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
- Napolean Hill
[email protected]
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# Posted: 6 Feb 2007 21:59
Thanks Jeff,
My strategies will work the same way for GRN, as you know it doesn't matter what the business is, just how you apply it.
Joined: 19 May 2006
Posts: 121
# Posted: 9 Feb 2007 04:21
Thanks Roger for your advice and methods. Let us know how the radio ads go.
Http:// Book your travel with the best rates:
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# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 01:25
Great post Roger!
Continued success to you!
Jay NaPier
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# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 14:50
Thanks Jay and the same to you!

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Posts: 96
# Posted: 5 Mar 2007 22:17
Hi Roger: Could you please elaborate on your fundraising? How much did you sell the tickets for? What is the time period that the tickets are sold, i.e. tickets sold for only 3 months? Do you make it well known that your business provided the travel package? If so, do you put up a banner or sign with your business name on it?
If anybody else has done fundraising, please provide any pointers. Thank You, Robert
Quoting: roger 7) Fundraising: here's another way for you to build your empire. I recently donated, for free, a Level 1 package to a parent council in a Western Canadian High School (called a "drygrad" committee)because over the last 20 years a child has been killed or badly hurt almost every year due to drunken behaviour from reckless teens. We expect to raise over $30,000 this year from a raffle with Coastal's L1 Travel Package as the grand prize. What I get out of it is twofold: I'm helping kids in having a safe, indoor environment to party in without the fear of inebriated teenagers around and I'm able to expand my business by having other, larger non-profit organizations buy my product. How so you ask? Show them a signed letter from the committee saying how much money was raised and where the big prize came from. Think that would be a difficult sale?
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# Posted: 6 Mar 2007 20:14
Hi Robert, The agreement we have is the committee is using our Level 1 travel package as the grand prize and the nice thing is the co-ordination of the raffle tickets and volunteers is all being handled by the Dry Grad Committee. We expect to sell the raffle tickets for $20 each with the L1 travel package listed as the grand prize. They tell me the campaign will probably go for a couple of weeks.....I don't plan on using any banners or signs. After the fundraiser is done, our agreement includes a signed letter on official Committee letterhead indicating how much was raised and where the prize came from.

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Posts: 758
# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 09:48
Roger, so basically as a fundraiser you donate the package to the organization, they in turn sell raffle tickets to "win" the prize which is the vacation pkg?
Explain again how this gets you sales, I need another cup of coffee I guess cause I am not seeing it yet.
Thanks Terri
(PS thanks for sharing all these great ideas!!)
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 12:19
Hi Terri,
It works like this - he donates a package at the cost of $295 to him, for a great cause, raises the dry grad committee a couple thousand dollars, and gets free advertising out of it.
He can then turn around to other non profit organizations, and fundraising opportunities and say - Here, read this - it made them $30,000 or whatever.....and they go - well spend $1300 and get $30,000.....sounds pretty good.
Another one I heard of - it's lifetime, and you can reorder so a lot of people use them as yearly raffle - you know, spend $1295 and have a trip for a grand prize, year, after year, after year!
Word will spread....
I think that's the idea, Roger please correct me if I am wrong!
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# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 15:17 � Edited by: roger
You da man! 
That about sums it up Terri, the idea is to show the signed letter to larger non profits so they actually buy the package and raffle it off with the intent to potentially raise 10 - 20 X what they paid, so it's a win win.
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 8 Mar 2007 15:17
Here is another one for the fundraising idea....
What product do we offer? We offer 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes for your Event. The opportunity to realize 87% profit. 400 professionally designed Raffle Tickets. Unlimited Support�before, during and after the event
How does the program work? Minimal, to No Up-Front, Out-of-Pocket Expense.
The organization is responsible for the 1st Prize: Lifetime Vacation Membership Package. The cost is $1550 CDN ($1345 USD) This amount is due two (2) weeks prior to the drawing or event.
The 5 Day/4 Night Royal Caribbean Cruise*, and 4 Day/3 Night Disney Vacation* is our way of saying 'Thank-You', and are provided at no additional expense to your organization.
1st Prize - Lifetime Membership 2nd Prize - A Cruise from your package 3rd Prize - A trip from your package
Be sure to add that airfare, port fees, taxes, and processing fees associated with the prizes are not included.
Charge the $1340 - covres the L1 package, the shipping ($25) and the $20 to order a vacation. The only cost to you......Getting the tickets for them...
Just an idea, I haven't actually tried it yet!
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 8 Mar 2007 15:18
Roger, How are you actually approaching these non-profit org's, or fund-raising committees? Where are you getting their info?
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# Posted: 8 Mar 2007 15:26
Hey Lindsay, At the risk of revealing all my secrets I will share I am using some contacts I have, however, you really don't need any because as we all know the Internet is a powerful tool.....I have a 4:30pm est call so I'm going skating right now, am I expecting your phone call today?

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# Posted: 13 Mar 2007 02:09
Good point.. it never occured to me! Arent all the big groups now providing tools and resources to their members to do the things you mentioned?
I'm with the csg.. I know we have even got a Product and Retail Education Team now that hosts trainings and provides tools and ideas for us to promote b2b, fundraising etc etc. I'm also a member of the Coastal Success Team, and we have special trainings around those topics.
One thing I heard that I love on a CSG call (I was reminded when you mentioned people business!) is that Coastal Vacations is personal development disguised as a business. Does that resonate with you as well?
What a great thing you did with that fundraiser! I have been affected by drunk driving in my life, so that holds a very special place in my heart. Good ethics first, smart business second. GOOD ON YOU, ROGER!!!
So true.. develop and nurture that mindset and ALWAYS EXPECT MASSIVE SUCCESS!
Keep learning, stretching and growing and you will get there!
You should consider an upgrade and qualify as a L3! Really, the business tend to love that platinum package- all inclusive is very posh. I sold 2 nearly completely by accident- and got a really lovely luncheon to go along with that big cheque!
Jani Teeter L3 Director, CSG
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# Posted: 13 Mar 2007 09:38 � Edited by: roger
It's interesting, we correctly ask people who are looking into Coastal to visit our sites to learn more about us, yet by reading these posts we also learn about each other.
Thanks for the kind comments Jani. You're right in that most groups, if not all of them, suggest what I have but because there is soooo much information, I thought I'd break it down to bite size chunks. The other reason I suggested what I did is because that's what I've done.....I chose the dry grad committee as much as they chose me, my family have also been directly affected by drunk driving....agreed, this is a people business and it is about personal development. Whenever you are running a business it will show you who you are and also define you as a person ie. your intestinal fortitude, testing your mettle, seeing how much you can stretch yourself, growing into being a leader or being a better leader and much more....thanks for your insights on L3, I've thought about it but not seriously enough, I'm having too much fun

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# Posted: 13 Mar 2007 12:52
That's amazing Roger! You have got my brain sizzling with all sorts of ideas on how I could market, advertise, and promote this business. I love the charity thing I know it will work well in my area.
I haven't offically joined Coastal yet. I just learned about this opportunity yesterday, reading through this forum. So currently I am researching/learning more about the company, how it works, what they have to offer, etc.
However, I plan on joining sometime in the near future. Roger, what group are you apart of?
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# Posted: 13 Mar 2007 13:16 � Edited by: roger
Hi Jat, I'm a part of the Call Center you've been hearing so much about in this forum. I see you're taking it for a test drive, good for you.
At the risk of sounding like Obi-wan Kenobi, your passion will propel you in this business and your enthusiasm will drive people towards you - don't let that enthusiasm wane, it will serve you well!

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Posts: 758
# Posted: 14 Mar 2007 07:07
Quoting: roger It's interesting, we correctly ask people who are looking into Coastal to visit our sites to learn more about us, yet by reading these posts we also learn about each other.
Lindsay, thank you for sharing about the Fundraisers!
Roger, "we learn ABOUT each other" and we learn FROM each other.
What does that say to new Coastal prospects?
That Directors in Coastal are not afraid to share marketing and advertising ideas and Coastal is da Place to be
I need two letters, one for a B2B letter to include in a packet to businesses AND a Fundraing letter to include in a packet to Churches and Non Profit organizations. Where can I find those kind of letters??
Thanks again!!
Joined: 5 Feb 2007
Posts: 122
# Posted: 14 Mar 2007 16:18
What kind of letters are you looking for?
Summary letters? Intro letters? Who are you directing them to? How specific do you want to be? How general?
b2b - I suggest telling them why they NEED this, how it will help with sales, employees, clientele, etc....
Include the multiple uses - personal, business, gifts, incentives, give aways, promotions, donations, etc.
Be sure to tell them it is a tax write-off.
Tell them facts such as "The number #1 thing employees want from their employers is a vacation, not money, not time off, but travel!" "Traveling is healthy, it makes people happy, happy employees are more efficient/productive employees"
If you are trying to be specific to a certain industry, try to include a marketing idea for them, it will help them to realize the value.
As for fundraising, I would include something about how it is better than most fundriasers - not fattening junk food (candy, cookies, popcorn), not time insensitive (dinners, auctions), not inefficient (no pick ups, money collection, deliveries)
Positive: Something everyone can use efficient, affordable, everyone can use.
Product with Mass appeal (everyone likes to travel), fun and exciting, high profit margine (profits up to 90%), simple, etc.
Tell them what you offer before you tell them what they need to do!
Hope that helps Lindsay
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2007 08:33
Hey Lindsay, It's good to see you're retailing it B2B now. I hope my sales presentation was helpful. I can say it absolutely works, it takes some time but it works!
Good luck!

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Posts: 122
# Posted: 26 Mar 2007 13:50
Hi Roger,
Yeah, we are retailing B2B, Jesse is handling a lot of it. We havent' gone full out yet, but are getting good responses!!
Your help has been wonderful.....
Thanks Lindsay
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2007 16:19
I was actually looking for intro letters to include in a package. And than I joined CSG and they have all of that.
But thanks for sharing Lindsay,Blessings on you and your business!!
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# Posted: 26 Mar 2007 22:18
You're welcome Lindsay, great to hear!

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# Posted: 3 Apr 2007 18:11
Hi guys,
I am about to try a couple of other advertising efforts other than leads, any ideas?
I am going to try flyers first and see how they work. Any good ideas of where to post them?
I am not into advertising so this is a major step out for me.....we are trying to do it with as little cost as possible.
Thanks in advance for any ideas!
By the way Roger, how did your radio ad go?
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# Posted: 4 Apr 2007 09:27
Hi Lindsay, The radio ads went well, I'm looking forward to the end of this week to close some deals.
In hindsight, if I were to do it again I would do it differently in terms of how the ads were structured.

Funky Monkey
Joined: 10 Apr 2007
Posts: 2
# Posted: 10 Apr 2007 21:48
Hi everyone, I'm looking at a couple of groups in Coastal I appreciate what I'm reading and look forward to joining soon. thank you!
Joined: 25 Feb 2007
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# Posted: 11 Apr 2007 02:11
Quoting: Funky Monkey Hi everyone, I'm looking at a couple of groups in Coastal I appreciate what I'm reading and look forward to joining soon. thank you! Len
Hi Len: Welcome! I'm pretty new around here, too. I've asked tons of question, with no shortage of people to answer them. So, ask away 
I signed up for the CSG MAC System Deluxe Edition on March 2nd, 2007. I purchased my Premier Package in late March, 2007. I'm VERY excited about the Coastal Vacations opportunity.
Take Care, Robert
"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race" - - Calvin Coolidge
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# Posted: 11 Apr 2007 12:56
Hi Len,
We are glad you came here to get to know everyone.....Ask lots of questions and you will find the group that works for you!
Make sure you find a director that you are comfortable with as well, and can offer the support you need.