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Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 679
# Posted: 10 Nov 2008 11:13
Has the Coastal business model ever frustrated me? I have to say a resounding YES. For years many methods have been pushed with the focus being put on the systems that create wealth for those on the top while taking that wealth from those on the bottom. Talk about a redistribution of wealth.
For years we have had websites that cost anywhere from $30- $150 a month. We have been buying leads that cost upwards of $10 a piece. You have been told after you bought the websites and leads that you needed coaching that again took wealth from you. All this is truly frustrating to anyone. Well I have some uplifting news to share with you all.
Imagine creating a free or low cost ( one time payment in the range of $150 ) website. Then generating your own leads that are targeted for you only for practically nothing. Ive created ways to do exactly this. Ive even offered coaching at a fraction of the cost that many other coaches offer and am in the midst of putting together a free Youtube channel of all Coastal training.
I dont mention all of this to make you all want to sign up with me but more to open your minds that if you look in the internet and learn a few simple tricks of the trade and industry you can save yourself thousands by doing so. Now there will be those that dont want to take that time and I suggest that by talking to those with experience like myself you will get a ton of info on how to get started in Coastal with a much lower budget. My goal has always been to run my Coastal business for as close to free as I can and gain as much profit as I can. I will have to say that I can actually do that these days.
That means all my profit is exactly that...profit. I look forward to helping as many people get started as possible and saving them as much money as they can.
Adam Frederick Your Success Business Coach Teaching you how to minimize cost, maximize profits and free up time 302 613 4632
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 55
# Posted: 14 Nov 2008 16:48
Hello to The Readers of this Thread,
At first, this may not seem like much of a "tip" --- but as you really think it through, without this one, you could have a MAP and A PICTURE drawn for you and you will still remain frustrated and still be missing the boat, mark and time for your success.
Two people said it .... T. Harv Eker and Tony Robbins so don't blame me for the "tough love" it gives.
Tony was asked "What DON'T people have what they want and go where they want and do what they want?"
His answer: "People don't get what they want out of live mostly because of the STORIES THEY TELL THEMSELVES about why they don't have out of life what they want."
He continued, "If they want more out of life ... they need to be telling THEMSELVES a different story first!"
T. Harv weighs in with this thought, that really describes HOW YOU KNOW what story you have been TELLING YOURSELF.
He said, "How you do ANYTHING is how you do EVERYTHING."
"When you are shown a way to go that CLEARLY leads to where you want to be ... and YOU GO THE OTHER WAY ... pay attention to HOW YOU DID THAT and WHY."
"Because I guarantee you ... how you TURNED OFF that good thing for you .... is how you DO IT THE OTHER TIMES TOO."
"What did you say to yourself (the story you are telling yourself now!) ... to make yourself NOT GET THE GOOD THING? Was it I don't have the money? I don't have the TIME? I'm too far gone for this to work for me? ---- Whatever it is ... is what you use all the time."
"If you want to CHANGE THAT ... change the story."
That's your tip. Most likely --- you THINK you have been doing all that you can do ... and you didn't start with making sure YOU aren't the limiting factor FIRST.
Still not getting there and you know you really have cleared the way within?
Holler ....
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 55
# Posted: 7 Dec 2008 19:42
Hello Again Readers!
"Tips" ---- here's a few. And the obligatory disclaimer that nothing in this post is meant to be taken as "legal advice" or "accounting advice" or meant to "diagnose or treat any diseases" --- got it?
1. If you want to maximize the new Tax Plan coming --- you MUST have a business you do from HOME.
2. If you did happen to join Coastal Vacations --- that by itself MAY NOT QUALIFY as a Home Business. Why? Because if you're not working it to the degree that you can show "intent to profit" --- and because Coastal DOES in fact offer people the ability to simply make a Retail Purcahse --- then just joining Coastal isn't enough.
3. If you CAN prove intent to profit through continuous and sustained and verifiable activities with your business, then you have a whole list of what we call (keeping in mind my background includes 22 years as a financial planner and my wife the same number of years as the bookkeeper and office manager of various businesses) "A LIST" DEDUCTIONS.
What are those? Things you ALREADY HAVE TO PAY FOR, but until now have NOT been able (or simply haven't known how) to take these as a deduction.
Don't think it's worth it to figure this out?
How much do you spend on up to 1/4 of your square footage of the place you live if you rent? ANSWER: take your rent, divide by 4 and multiply by 12. Example: $800 rent / 4 = $200 X 12 = $2400 per YEAR that could be a write off.
How about that phone bill? The electricity? Garbage? Internet?
Do you have kids between the ages of 5 and 18?
Ok ... here is the "catch" to it all. If you just joined Coastal .. you may or may NOT be able to PROVE that Intent we talked about.
Why? Because a Call Center is NOT A RETAIL PURCHASE. It is 100% a business expense and 100% makes you eligible to call your Coastal business ---- A BUSINESS with intent to profit.
Just one tip to work on.
What's that worth to you today?
If you have a "Day Job" where they are taking out taxes (and by the way ... if you think you're not paying taxes because you get a "refund" at the end of the year .. THINK AGAIN! Look at how much they take out for the year. DID YOU GET IT ALL BACK or just the part they say you over paid ie: the refund) --- you can go to the person who does Payroll and change your EXEMPTIONS.
What if instead of them taking $200 or $300 or $500 per week out of your check --- it was ZERO? Or 1/2 of what they have been taking?
How can you do that? Because you're going to TAKE THE "A LIST" deductions from now on!
But you have to be able to prove your business has the INTENT to profit. Notice ... that doesn't mean you MUST PROFIT. People think "you have to SHOW a profit in X years out of 5" --- and you don't.
That is a myth. Look how long the car makers have LOST MONEY!
There is no "law" that you have to make or show a profit. Just that you TRIED to make one and can PROVE YOU TRIED.
That's where a Call Center comes in. They SHOW that intent.
And naturally ... if you are in the right one, you will make money.
And that's the ultimate name of the game!
I have spoken to people who have actually said, "It's ok ... if I made more money it would just put me in a HIGHER TAX BRACKET so it's ok that I'm not making money."
If you are used to making $50,000 now and you end up making $150,000 and have to pay "Uncle" $35,000 of that (almost as much as you used to make!) --- do you really expect us to believe you are feeling bad about the $115,000 YOU GOT TO KEEP?
So ... let's talk and see if you can end some of the frustration by getting some TAX BREAKS coming your way.
NOW if the time to start because ....
A. You can actually do a "look back" and recover some of the money spent THIS YEAR for the tax year 2008.
B. You can be READY AND PREPARED FOR 2009!
Have a great week .....
Joined: 9 Oct 2008
Posts: 9
# Posted: 8 Dec 2008 11:37
When I started Coastal we were taught to buy leads and then 'smiling and dialing'. It was really hard and not for the thin skinned. I like the Direct Mail approach. Everyone understands a postcard and it gets noticed. The only thing is that you would want to follow the leaders in your group and learn to personalize your website. This way when prospects visit your website they will Want To opt in. Most of the time people who are doing well are not using the generic company website. They have a personalized landing page that sells themselves. Look at a guy like Jeff Mills--he has done it really well.
Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 184
# Posted: 12 Dec 2008 01:06
Charlene, you got the branding going on big time on your gifting site, way cool.
Video marketing big time.
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 55
# Posted: 12 Dec 2008 01:36
The Year Is Ending!
Looking back on 2008, have you achieved your goals?
If you're in Coastal, there is plenty of "room" in the sale process to have achieved your goals. Meaning with a profit margin of a thousand dollars to SEVERAL thousand dollars --- why didn't you make the mark, if you didn't?
Unlike some "programs" where there is NO product or service and just money is being passed from person to person (so, yes there can be resistance to that both morally, ethically and legally), no such issues exist with Coastal Vacations.
So, what would be the thing stopping someone from achieving the financial objectives here?
Selling. Marketing. Follow up. Service. Time. Money. Leads. Websites. Expenses.
Take your pick.
What if NONE of those were issues? Or at least none were an issue that had to stop you.
Isn't what you want, worth exploring the options?
Have a great weekend.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 679
# Posted: 13 Dec 2008 03:59 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer
The holidays approach and many begin to look back at the previous year and reflect. Did you accomplish what you desired for the year? If not what can you do to ensure the next year is better. These are questions many of us ask ourselves. Here is my tips for the new year.
This business is simple. It works like this. Get the opportunity in front of as many people as possible to create a large pool of potential partners. Follow up , follow up, follow up. Did I mention follow up. Then ABC. Always be closing. By this I mean that you should always be asking closing questions.
Create websites that give all the information. Use as many WEB 2.0 features such as video as possible. If a picture is worth 1000 words then how much is a video worth? As we all strive to open up more time in our schedules its important to have websites that do alot of the telling and selling for us. Most of the prospects that go through my sites have more than enough info to make a decision on getting started way before I even talk to them. My expertise is in sales and Ive been told I could sell ice to an eskimo but I cant do this 24/7. My websites fortunately can.
Leads are the lifeblood of your business. Learn to create free and low cost leads for your business. In the past I have posted all through the Coastal thread as well as the thread Adam's Advantage on this subject. There are many options on doing this. There are traffic exchanges, forums, social networks and various other ways to do this online. In addition you can create leads offline very easily. I suggest cusomer appreciation days with local businesses. They are easy to conduct and in the past I have done very well with them. Again leads are your bread and butter so treat it as such.
The internet is a wealth of info. In the past years I have learned to create websites , generate free leads, partner with companies and barter my service and diversify my operations. I also had the opportunity to be trained by some of the best industry leaders. Ive done this through my associations with some of the top Coastal organizations as well as many free trainings ive gotten online. I encourage everyone to get trained. I even offer free trainings on my YOUTUBE channel ( currently being updated with loads of training) as well as my low cost one on one training. The more you know the better.
I hope that something I have said helps you in your Coastal journey. As always my door is open to anyone needing guidance. I look forward to working with anyone that needs that little extra to jumpstart their business.
Adam Frederick Your Success Business Coach Teaching you how to minimize cost, maximize profits and free up time 302 613 4632
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 55
# Posted: 27 Dec 2008 12:37
Here We Are .....
The last weekend of 2008.
What will 2009 bring? Will be be "more of the same" for those of you who are in Coastal and "frustrated" that your Coastal business isn't going like you hoped?
Not if you take the steps to find out what can be different!
All the things you've read ... "Get Trained" and "Simplify" and use "Automation" are great ideas. My first suggestion would be, if you haven't looked into those things, do so.
Then ask yourself, "And apply these things to WHAT?"
Ever heard the old saying, "No matter where you go ... YOU will be there too."
What does that mean?
Simply this. Maybe it isn't the "system" or "simplification" or even "training" that is the entire issue. Maybe it's YOU!
There are other alternatives to having it all be on YOU.
Maybe 2009 is the time to learn what is available.
You already know there is "no free lunch" so if that is what you have been searching for (the FREE way into Coastal and the FREE way to have sales made for you) .... stop looking. FREE doesn't pay the bills for you or "them" (the people offering FREE).
But if you're looking for REASONABLE, FAIR, BETTER than FAIR and a way that can work --- you can find that too. And that works.
Here's to a MASSIVE 2009!
Joined: 31 Jan 2009
Posts: 12
# Posted: 31 Jan 2009 23:40
I have heard about some reps moving from Coastal to Global Resorts Network. Anyone know a reason? The pay plan? The service? I'm not sure why but I looked into GRN and it is paying off already. All the best!
Joined: 26 Feb 2008
Posts: 55
# Posted: 3 Feb 2009 03:51
Good question as to "why" --- there is no level in GRN that will pay you any where near what Coastal can and with new options in Coastal to start with as little as $259.95 now, how could someone not be able to work it?
There are some folks addicted to "change" or "new" and there are people who simply have the "P.O.O.R." syndrome ... passing over opportunity repeatedly.
Others simply lack the discipline to keep from the "greener pastures" thinking.
But if someone is after real success ... the most powerful statement that can be made when it comes to recruiting is when someone asks you "So ... you still doing that thing you joined???"
And your answer is, "Yes."
Have a great week!
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 679
# Posted: 23 Feb 2009 12:22
The thing I love about free enterprise is that competition is good for the consumer as well as the business owner. In the past Coastal Vacations used to be the only kid on the block. This has changed. There are many travel opportunities on the market these days. For that reason many entrepreneurs learn one opt and become successful and then branch out a bit.
This is what has happened with all the opportunities in travel that have popped up. I encourage all entrepreneurs to branch out. Diversifying is a good thing. I do discourage the ones that just jump from opt to opt without learning the skills that can make you successful. You can be successful at any of the opportunities on the market. Ive done just that. Its because I understand a few simple points.
1- Offer a good product 2- Be honest and knowledgeable 3- Learn to adapt as the times do
I would encourage anyone that is involved in Coastal to learn as much as you can and apply it to any business you become involved in.
[Post edited - Admin]
Joined: 20 Feb 2008
Posts: 4
# Posted: 25 Feb 2009 15:16
Is it possible to sell my package, I've not activate it and I don't want to continue with coastal.
Joined: 22 May 2007
Posts: 679
# Posted: 26 Feb 2009 14:06
I would suggest getting in touch with the person you bought your package from and see if they have a return policy. But id like to ask you a question as well. Why not use the package and enjoy the travel deal. If you are in another home based business why not use the vacations in this package as incentives to promote your other business. The investment you made in the Coastal Package has tons of advantages so use them if you can.
Id love to go over how you can use your package and if you read many of the threads in this Coastal area you will see ideas on how to use your package. I hope this helps.